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Your Security Guide: Revised Edition
Your Security Guide: Revised Edition
Your Security Guide: Revised Edition
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Your Security Guide: Revised Edition

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About this ebook

The objective of this book is to acquaint you with the Security Field. It's purpose is to act as a quick reference.

The author has a diversified background of 40 years plus experience within the Security, Law Enforcement, & technical fields giving him competency in this material.

Release dateApr 9, 2022
Your Security Guide: Revised Edition

John Malaspina Sr.

The author has a diversified  background of 40 years plus experience within the Security, Law Enforcement, & technical fields giving him competency in this material.

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    Your Security Guide - John Malaspina Sr.




    Revised Edition

    John Malaspina Sr.


    Copyright © 2022 John Malaspina Sr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Stratton Press Publishing

    831 N Tatnall Street Suite M #188,

    Wilmington, DE 19801


    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in the work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Shutterstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-64895-837-3

    ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-64895-838-0

    Printed in the United States of America




    Chapter 1. Definitions

    Chapter 2. Areas of Concern

    Chapter 3. The Security Survey

    Chapter 4. Why Do Security Systems and Programs Fail?

    Chapter 5. Protecting the Crime Scene

    Chapter 6. Personal Protection

    Chapter 7. Fire Detection and Prevention

    Chapter 8. Accident/Disaster Prevention

    Chapter 9. Technical Services

    Chapter 10. Guide to Buying an Alarm System

    Chapter 11. Roadway Safety and Protection

    Chapter 12. Camping and Outdoor Safety

    Chapter 13. Ransomware and Cybersecurity Protection

    Chapter 14. School Security and Protection

    Chapter 15. Dealing with Terrorism

    Chapter 16. Mechanics of Espionage

    Chapter 17. Recommended Emergency Supply List

    Appendix A. Residential Security Survey

    Appendix B. Business Security Survey

    Appendix C. Ground-to-Air Emergency Signals

    Photo Displays

    Keypad designs

    Control panels

    Wireless Alarm Panels

    Zone Annunciators and Graphic Displays

    Door and window contacts

    Space Detectors


    About the Author


    The objective of this book is to acquaint you with the security field.

    The purpose of this material is to provide you with a reference offering a basic overview of the field without elaborating on specific areas and/or betraying confidential material. Regardless of whether you are an apprentice to the field, a homeowner, a business owner, or an administrator, I am hopeful that my book will provide you with a quick, easy-to-read reference that can aid you with your needs.


    In reviewing my material from my first publication of this book in August of 2007 to now, I am even more horrified and concerned with current events than I was at that time. It is incredible to see how many of my predictions and concerns are accurate and have gotten worse with the global one world order agenda so easily and aggressively prevailing.

    I recognize that world leaders have accepted and promoted this agenda in the desperate belief that it will ensure world peace and tranquility, but history has repeatedly proven it’s an unattainable desire.

    A review of history prior to WW2 will clearly show that the world was struggling with similar issues at that time with the United Nations (UN) [formerly the League of Nations] guiding and assisting world events in an attempt to ensure world peace. Instead, stupid and misguided politically correct solutions actually contributed to the beginning of WW2.

    People quickly forget that the world leaders at the end of WW2 recognized that the world came very close to annihilating itself and agreed for everyone to respect each other’s sovereignty.

    Simply put, those who were friends continued, and those with other beliefs and ideology stayed in their respected borders, leaving each other alone. The world, while not perfect, continued and prospered with society having many years of peace and prosperity. The world continued for over forty years, generally speaking, with globalism. Countries that were friends, as mentioned, traded economically and culturally for years, assisting each other for many reasons in times of need.

    The danger is simply human behavior.

    I personally believe we are currently reliving 1938 all over again with current events. The semantics and rebellious causes are different, but the methods and dangers are not.

    As mentioned above, there were countries at the end of WW2 with different ideology and beliefs, who were basically 180 degrees from ours whether it was political or religious.

    The primary was communism, which has firmly believed for generations that it cannot work properly unless it is global. Many countries had accepted socialism as an alternative between us and communism.

    Until now, it really doesn’t appear to be a concern or threat. What many are failing to recognize is that socialism is just one step below communism.

    Communism is alive and well despite what many people think. It is clearly behind many current events with China as its forerunner.

    It is very clear that the UN formulated this global order to serve its own interests as the world’s focal point and central government, giving communism and capitalism an agreed platform to operate from.

    We have all witnessed how the Global Machine has influenced and changed our way of doing business, celebrating our holidays, educating our children, and undermining our political and religious ideologies all in the name of progress.

    Our recent elections have nothing to do with Trump versus Clinton or Biden. It is clearly globalism versus Americanism and the free world.

    All that have occurred has not been by accident. Everything has clearly resulted from a well-designed agenda and obviously put in motion to come together so well with perfect timing, which clearly means it has been in the working for many years and well thought out by its players before now.

    I firmly believe that despite everyone’s intentions, our world is more unsafe and unpredictable now than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic provides the perfect platform, whether intentional or not, for the mechanics of the plan to fall into place.

    I, like many others, am fearful that our nation is on the verge of a civil war and possibly an international one.

    While possible but improbable, I don’t think we will have a third world war provided the Global Machine prevails with China dominating the situation, but if what little is left of the free world does offer substantial resistance and defiance to China, we could have WW3.

    I, unlike many other people, am not worried about nuclear war because all world leaders are smart enough to realize that would be a no-win situation for all of us.

    I am very concerned about conventional warfare and, as mentioned earlier, believe it to be in our near future. Simply put, our future is anyone’s guess and beyond the averages person control with future generations paying dearly for our ineptness.

    That is why personal security has now become of vital importance, more so than ever before.

    Chapter 1


    What Is Security?

    Security is a technical and behavioral science whose primary objective is the protection of human life and physical property. It is also known as crime prevention, loss prevention, protection management, and/or risks management.

    The overall objective of any security program is to prevent an incident from occurring in the first place and to minimize any losses incurred should something happen. Also, if the program is designed and used properly, another objective of the program should be to suppress and/or control criminal activity.

    What Is a Security Hazard?

    A security hazard is defined as any act, omission, or condition that could seriously breach the protective system and result in a compromise of client’s secrets, a loss of client’s property, or injury to client’s personnel, family, and/or visitors. Hazards can be generally divided into two classifications: human hazards and/or natural hazards.

    What Is a Security Survey?

    A security survey is a detailed analysis of an overall facility, its operating procedures, and any existing conditions that, if left unchecked, could develop into a serious problem.

    Specialized Classifications Within the Field

    Accident prevention

    Aerospace security

    Airport and aircraft security

    ATM security

    Apartment complex security

    Arson prevention

    Banking security

    Burglary prevention

    Casino security

    Child abduction prevention

    Construction site security

    Computer room security

    Document security

    Executive/celebrity protection

    Farm equipment security

    Fraud prevention

    Food and beverage security

    Fire prevention

    Hospital security

    Hostage prevention

    Handicap barrier–free design

    Industrial espionage

    Mall security

    Marine security

    Motel/hotel security

    Mailroom security

    Mobile home security

    Movie/film security

    Museum/art security

    Narcotic prevention

    Nuclear security

    Office building security

    Pharmaceutical security

    Public transit security

    Rape/sexual assault prevention

    Retail security

    Robbery prevention

    School/campus security

    Showcase security

    Terrorist prevention

    Traveling security


    (transport) security

    Underwater security

    Vehicle security

    Technical services

    Professionalism within the field has grown tremendously over the years as the above list clearly demonstrates.

    There are numerous men and women across the nation, as well as around the world, who have specialized within these areas.

    Chapter 2

    Areas of Concern

    Access control

    Visitor identification/control

    Employee identification/control

    Physical building layout and design

    Key control

    Perimeter protection

    Exterior detection

    Interior detection


    Intrusion detection program and alarms

    Fire detection programs and alarms

    Inventory control

    Trash disposal

    Shipping/receiving control

    Accident prevention





    Computer security

    Storage area/room security

    Vehicle parking

    Identification/control for the following:





    Company Vehicles

    Internal theft control

    External theft control

    Crisis prevention

    Hazardous material control

    Industrial espionage


    Personnel investigations

    Criminal investigations

    Disaster operations

    CCTV systems

    Public address system

    Intercom system

    Surveillance systems

    Trailer controls

    Security seals

    Bomb threats

    Terrorists prevention

    Information control

    Preemployment screening

    Fraud detection

    Return/exchange policies

    HVAC/environmental control

    Vehicle/bandit barriers

    Handicap facilities/accessibility

    Excessive shrubbery

    Price switching

    EAS devices (shoplifting)

    Strike/labor disputes

    Perimeter fencing

    Search and seizure policies

    Discharging employees

    Patrol operations

    Crime/loss prevention programs

    Public relations programs

    Employment discrimination

    Personnel training

    Record keeping

    Report writing

    First aid facility and program

    Lost and found program

    Swimming pool control

    Company phone usage

    Office equipment control

    Operation identification



    General housekeeping

    Employee package inspection

    Inner area security

    Perimeter gates

    Emergency exit control

    Identity theft

    When designing and preparing any security system and program, you must address each of these areas. An oversight and/or failure to even consider a vulnerability from one of these areas could prove very costly. Most people are victimized by people who know them or of them.

    Special Note

    There is a clear distinction between a security system and a security program.

    A security system naturally has to do with physical devices that create physical controls thus limiting access to a given area. These controls often help with establishing individual accountability.

    The security program is equally important and needs to work in combination with a security system to be effective but concentrates on the behavioral aspects.

    The program, if designed properly, tries to anticipate many behavioral movements and/or interactions of the various people coming in and out of your facility and actually defines the total overview and purpose of the security system.

    Chapter 3

    The Security Survey

    Remember when completing surveys, your objective is to identify exposures and reduce vulnerabilities.

    The best method is to think like an intruder and/or thief. You must get to know your people and your environment to be alert to the abnormal or a change in routines. Use good judgment, logical thinking, and your imagination. Do not underestimate any situation and/or individual.

    Know the different types of criminals and terrorists. Master information resources; remember, your enemy usually does!

    Lastly, be cautious to blind adherence and complete reliance on yes and no answers since most situations in today’s complex world are not simple yes and no answers anymore.

    When doing your survey, you are analyzing the following areas:

    Main entrance/door

    Lock (main entrance)

    Rear door

    Lock (rear door)

    Emergency exits and/or side doors

    Locks (side doors and/or emergency exits)

    Intrusion alarm

    Holdup/panic alarms

    Sprinkler systems

    Carbon monoxide detectors

    Smoke detectors

    Gas detectors

    Water detectors

    Freezer detectors

    Atmospheric detectors

    Door viewers

    Public address systems

    Interior lighting

    Exterior lighting

    Emergency lighting

    Emergency generator

    Emergency exit signs

    Display windows


    Locks (windows)

    Fire alarm

    Fire extinguishers

    Fire hoses, etc.

    Escape ladders

    Fire brigade

    Hazardous material identification

    Hazardous material storage

    Fire prevention program

    Accident prevention program

    Crime prevention program


    Telco boxes

    Secondary backup communication

    Emergency telephone list

    Key control

    Key cabinets

    First aid cabinets

    First aid equipment

    First aid supplies

    Visitor parking

    Employee parking

    Handicap parking

    Handicap facilities

    Receiving area

    Shipping area

    Visitor control

    Employee control

    Company vehicles

    Company vehicle control

    Trailer protection

    Trailer control

    Inventory control

    Storage areas

    Locks (storage areas)


    Deposits/cash drops

    Store layout

    Merchandise display

    Display counter

    Register locations

    Desk locks

    File cabinets

    Lock (file cabinets)

    Paper shredder

    Trash disposal

    Company seals


    Convex mirrors


    Battery reserves

    Employee identification

    Speed-reducing ramps

    Return policies

    Refund policies

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