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Pornography: Poems
Pornography: Poems
Pornography: Poems
Ebook547 pages4 hours

Pornography: Poems

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About this ebook

Wolf writes poetry straight from his guts. He throws all the art movements from ancient to contemporary in a blender along with three-and-a-half decades of living packed with more excitement and adventures than a hundred “normal” people will ever experience in a lifetime. The energy, the excitement, the rawness, the sexual liberty, and the roaring energy of these poems makes Pornography stand out from all the other poetry books. Pornography is exciting! It reads like an orgy on a roller coaster ride.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 23, 2005
Pornography: Poems

Wolf Larsen

Wolf Larsen is an adventurer, novelist, playwright, and poet. He has traveled through 45 countries in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. For nearly twelve years, Wolf Larsen worked as a seasonal laborer in Alaska. Wolf was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago. He left home at the age of eighteen and has lived in Wisconsin, New York City, Ecuador, Alaska, Honduras, Brazil, and Peru. Wolf Larsen has written three novels, four books of poetry, a play, and a screenplay. Wolf Larsen dreamed up the idea of writing a run-on sentence while sitting in a café in Amsterdam, Holland.

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    Pornography - Wolf Larsen

    Also by Wolf Larsen










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    Wolf Larsen

    Copyright © 2005 by Wolf Larsen.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Dedicated to Gloria Steinham and
    Jerry Falwell on their wedding night


    Also by Wolf Larsen

    The Earthquake Everywhere in the World

    Homicide is a Toilet Bowl Every Day

    Decompose . . .

    Falling Walls

    Mutilated Telephones

    A Poem that Raped the World

    Dutch Harbor

    Your Eyes that Jump Out of Your Head and Dance all over the Stars


    A Civil War Dancing Through Orchestra Hall

    The Color Red

    Billions of Grave Diggers


    All the Civil Wars Growing Out of Your Head

    The Human Race Laughing Through World War III

    The Nuclear Kiss

    Everyone is Eating Their Walls

    Broadway, Unalaska

    A Drip of Delicious Paint

    Jesus was a Schizophrenic Crossword Puzzle



    Touch a Word

    The Sky Kissing Your Body Over and Over Again

    Grapes and Wine and Chocolate and Bossanova

    The Earth Falls Up the Street

    I Eat Your Dog

    Sunshine Yellow

    A Decapitated Human Head in the Toilet Bowl

    Open Your Legs

    Yellow and Blue

    The Pussy with 50 Spaceships Inside

    Teaching Your Daughter Family Values

    My Spermatozoa Swimming Up into the Sky and Impregnating All the Planets

    A Container Crane and the Eiffel Tower Having Anal Sex Together

    A Pile of Aborted Fetuses on the Front Door of the Vatican

    Is that Why Pendericki is Like Smell?



    You Are a God

    Wolf Larsen, Creator of the Universe

    In My Poems Gravity Does Not Exist


    We Are Blue Collar Gods


    The Poets Created the Universe


    A Civil War Army of Beethovens and Stravinskys Beating and Beating on Your Door

    I Build a Poem on the Moon

    The Poem that Ate through God’s Testicles

    Asleep? Burning? Today?


    Wolf Larsen Strangling Zeus to Death


    Lake Michigan Swallowing Up Your Ashes

    —Running from Jack—Running to Jack—Running with Jack—Running from Jack—

    A War on Every Streetcorner

    Happy Orgies in All the Churches

    Her Body is a Grenade Happy with Our Thoughts

    A Building that Circled Around the Earth and Became a Spermatozoa


    The Lake that Loved a Highway


    Your face is Growing on the Side of Every Building in the City

    Romantic Poem

    A Poem that Shattered

    the Poet and the reader

    The Lake Smiling at the Sky

    A Barge Towing the Moon Past the Sun

    You Fall Off the Moon

    Beethoven drinking Jack Daniels

    Your Life is a Maggot, Your Brain is a Cockroach . . .

    Housing Projects Drifting Out of the Train

    Smiling Words

    I Want to Censored


    Clamoring! Clamoring! Clamoring!

    Millions of People Inside of a Mushroom Cloud

    Every Day I Ask Myself

    Millions of Dead Suns in the Sky

    Millions of Poems Growing Out of Every Molecule



    Thousands of Streets and Buildings and Trains All Falling Out of Your Face

    Happy Cockroaches

    Words to Say Everything?

    I want to KILL, We must KILL

    The Island of Jura

    Everyday Life

    The Mantra of Dog Shit

    The Music is a god Called New York City

    Millions and Billions of Poems Berserking with Electricity

    Mechanical Luscious

    Each Letter of the Alphabet is a Skyscraper Walking Away from Manhattan

    Millions of Eyes Crawling All Over You

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    Would You Like Some AIDS?

    Your House Flying Away


    We Are All Spartacus

    The American Inquisition

    Happy Orphanages




    Did you?



    Cooperative Committee— Central Park West— Dear Sirs and Madams:





      PART ONE

    Dancing With Mushroom Clouds

    A Dead Orangutan in My Jism

    cAr aLarMs—cAr alaRmS— caR alARms

    Your Wife is a Delicious Whore

    An Ant Getting Married to a Firetruck

    Liszt is a Car Dangling By a Rope a Hundred Stories Up


    Insomnia is a Beautiful Skyscraper

    A Wave of Thousands of Your Eyes

    I Paint with the Blood of 6 Billions

    should I destroy this poem?



    God’s Penis


    My Penis is the Father of My Readers


    there were thousands and thousands of helicopters conceiving and frolicking in your home

    The Title is Sitting in a Casket at the Funeral Parlor

    Come a Little Closer Young Man

    Wolf Larsen Creates the World Everyday at Dawn

    Beethoven Throwing the Cities and the Planets Around Trying to Find the Fifth Symphony

    Jumping in Lake Michigan and Swimming to the Edge of the Universe

    Understanding Progressive Politics

    Wolf Larsen is not from Quebec

    Your Womb is a Sweet Giggle

    God is Waiting in My Scrotum to Meet You

      PART TWO

    All the Roar Inside Your Head

    God Climbs Out of the Swamp and Gives You Gonorrhea or Your Corpse Staring at You in the Mirror

    Blood is Sunshine to the Words, the Poem is Eager . . .

    Your Brains Flowing Out of the Kitchen Faucet

    an Ocean of Syphilis

    Bartok Attacking Poems with a Hammer

    Schoenberg Dancing a Thousand Miles Up—a Million Miles Down

    Up the Planet and Into a Sun and Then Down and Down into a Poet


    You Are Everybody’s Brain

    A Knife Through Your Neighbor into Your Dog

    Paintings and Sculptures Clashing and Clashing

    I Kiss the Moon—I Kiss the Stars— I Kiss the Sun

    Penis Looking for Words on Busy Street

    Sitting on the Edge of the World Watching Your Own Brains Drip . . . Drip . . . Drip . . . down into the Bottom of the Universe

    A Smiling Laughing Drunk Laying in His Own Piss and Vomit and Having a Great Time

    Rape! Plunder! Invade!

    Jump from a Word to the Sun and Climb Up a Painting

    Every Euphoria of Cars Conducting a Symphony

    Let’s Make a Lovechild . . .

    A Caterpillar Weaving Medieval and Modern Art into Brass Knuckles

    Sometimes Killing is Not Murder

    Uncle Sam is the Biggest Terrorist in the World

    String an Invasion of Exclamation Points Together and Fly Them!

    A Piano Ate Black

    Will 3 Million People and an Avalanche of Streets and Buildings and Highways and Trains All Fit Inside Her Vagina?

    Handwriting on Midnight Sirens

    I’m Pregnant

    One day You Couldn’t Find Your Vagina Because it Was Hiding Behind A Supermarket Shelf


    an Ape Swallowed by a Minnow


    Maybe a Truck was Saying Hello to Your Penis

    This Piece is Untitled Because the Ships in the Ocean do Not Obey Poetry

    We Cut Off Parts of the Sun to Eat

    The Human Gods that Defeated fascism


    You Are Delicious



    On Every Cloud is a Love Hotel

    god is a tiny little dot Evaporating . . .

    4 Billion Years Ago You were an Amoeba Swimming in a Cesspool of Ooze

    Alfred Schnittke Flying Billions of Molecules Passed His Death

    Liszt, Van Gogh, Schnittke, Braque, Eliot Carter, Appel, and Stravinsky Are Stevedores Working on a Hatch Gang Together

    Sunlight and Cow



    Revolution in Happy Sauce

    A Sensual Crucifixion

    A City Laughing Through a Trumpet

    The City Falls into a Little Crack at the End of the Sky

    You’re My Favorite . . .

    I Lift the Sky Off the Earth and I Eat all the Stars

    A Poem I Wrote from One End of Your Mind to a Basket of Fish in Africa

    A Cake Stuffed With Human Brains

    A Dog Barking at God and the Devil and the Sun and the Moon and Eight Million People and Thousands and Thousands of Cars

    White Man, Black Night

    A Used-Up Language Chewing Your Brain Off

    You Are Melting Everywhere

    One Word After Another Crawling Through an Eternity of Nothing


    Two-thirds of a poem

    Your Voice is Spiraling Paintings Flying Thousands of Years Down

    When the Up?

    An Opera and a Poem Walk Through a Mass Grave Together

    God is Being Devoured by Millions and Millions of Hungry Hurrying Ants

    The Opera of Decapitated Heads Falling Through a Hole in the Poem

    I Stretch Language Across the Universe

    Mountains! Thrusting Up! Everywhere! Now!

    Trumpet is a Squirrel in the Asylum

    Thrash! Right! Straight! Speeeding!

    I Invite You to a Dinner of Up! Splash! Around!

    Each Dream is a Word Grabbing on to Your Life

    The Title is Hiding Under All the Words Running Around . . .

    Upside-down Street! Buildings Hanging Sideways and Up and Off!

    Words ScreEEeeching with Fire Trucks and Ambulances!


    A Baby Pushing Out of the Letter O

    A tiptoeing noise Ju!mps U!p

    Mirror Blasting You with Words

    The Poem YE!LLS—it fucks a Trumpet—it plays through a vowel and—

    We Strap You into a Poem and Turn on the Electricity

    A Poem Searching Everywhere for You

    Lao? Cambodia? The Poem?


    The End! The Beginning! Explode!

    Quick! The Verb! The Verb! What Happened?

    No City! Erase the Countryside! Collect the Hills and Find Schoenberg a Mountain of Squirming Words!

    Go Straight into the Word! A Billion Question Marks Floating Everywhere!

    A Schizophrenic Woman’s Smiling Sexy

    Incorrect! Grammar! Space Shuttle! Crashing!

    Build Zillions of Skyscrapers on Every Molecule of Noise!

    Millions and Millions of Telephones Ringing and Ringing in your Head

    One day . . .

    Millions of Planets Singing to You Everyday

    Salvador Dali Swimming Out of a Poem

    Take Off the Poem, Shake the Words Thousands of Miles Apart, Kiss a War

    Each Word is a Hungry Fire Searching . . .

    Thousands of Years Are Charging Out of Every Poem

    Anal Sex With the Audience! Shit on My Dick!

    Walk Through My Poem and Feel the Sunlight Holding You Forever

    Europe Falling Out of a Saxophone

    A Homeless Crack-Addicted Jesus Christ Painting and Screaming the Apocalypse on Every Streetcorner

    A Woman Giving Birth to a Poem

    The Remains of the Human Race in a Giant’s Soup

    A Chaos of Sledgehammers Writing a Symphony

    Penis, Jazz, Sky . . .

    The Black Forever of Nothing at the End of Your Life

    An Ecstasy of Children’s Brains

    One More Jail . . .

    Millions of Miles of Happiness . . .

    Angry Hot Sky

    No One? The Poem Went! Take a Bus Around Down and Up!

    Carl Orff Conducting an Orgy of Billions Across Six Continents

    No! Yes? When

    A Cairo Street Reaching into Your Mouth and Pulling Eight Million People Out of Your Guts

    A Woman Asking for a Forever of Heroin

    Dancing with the Alphabet on Top of the Sky

    Cairo in My Coffee

    Road Growing to the Ceiling . . .

    Kill Mozart! and Kill Mozart!! and Kill Mozart!!!

    En Cada Ventana un Cuento

    Thousands of Rioting Paintings in Every Poem

    Take Off Your Head—Throw a Word into It—Think a Cyclone of Imagery

    A Shotgun and then Your Brains Oozing and Dripping All Over a Canvas

    Collapsing Walls of Poetry

    Jackhammers Mangling and Clamoring and Gnawing Through Every Line of Poetry

    Each Poem is a Thousand Miles of Jazz a Minute

    A Hundred Generations of Humanity Walking into Every Poem

    An Envelope with Your Head Inside of It

    A Lightning Bolt at the End of a Thought

    Extremity . . . Open—Thrash!

    We Are a Tidal Wave of Billions

    A Poem Building Itself Across the Universe

    Everything Right Now is Not Enough!

    Every Poem is a Thumping—Roaring—Now!

    Thousands of Volts Running Through Your Body

    You Are a Poem


    A Basket of Words Spilling All Over You

    Driving Through the Language with a Sledgehammer

    When You Are in Ten Different Places at the Same Time

    Your Big Big Tummy in a White Wedding Dress

    A Poem that Smashes Four Continents Together

    An Elephant Looking for a Song

    Poems Are Hungry Animals, Why Are You Moaning?

    A New Poem Bleeding Out of Your Vagina Every Month

    Sol, Musica Allegre, y Pobreza

    Each Poem Soars Over a Mountain

    Tears and Laughter

    A Woman Having Sex with a Dog

    I Claw Noise, I Swim Through Your Scream, I Open the Sky and We Fall Up

    A Scream that Lasts Forever

    A Young Woman in the Veil

    Two Kids Tossing the Moon Back and Forth

    Every Breath is a Civil War

    A Saxophone Screeching a Poem Across the World

    Let the Poem Undress You . . .

    A Day of Happy Brains

    water asks the blue sky for a dream

    Barking Planets, Laughing Cat, Moaning Furniture

    Each Word Kisses the Reader

    Searching for a Title for this Poem is Like Breaking All the Planets into Pieces with a Battering Ram

    Man with Sword Slashing Through a Poem

    Riots at Poetry Readings

    Crunchy Automobile in Bean Dip

    Conversations with Sidewalks while Streetlamps Smoke the Sky on Crack

    A Vagina Bigger than the City

    Pleasant Storms in Everybody’s Brains

    A Triangle on Your Desk with Millions of People Inside

    Orgies and Piano Concertos

    A Man Searching the World for His Head

    Brass Knuckles Melting into Words

    Rotterdam Park Bench


    An Ocean of You and Me

    Writing Each Waterfall of Poetry that Falls into My Head

    My Spermatozoa Painting the Sky a Thousand faces of You

    A Riot of Now

    Walk Through Your Head and Find a Poem


    Poems Growing Out of All the Buildings

    A Restless Word Finds a Poem and Now the World is Dying

    Lift Humanity Up Past the Sun

    Making Love to Yourself

    Taxi Poem Quick!

    You Are Ten-Thousand Hills of Brains

    An Orgy of Sun and Sea and Sky

    The Entire World is on Fire

    Budapest on Another Planet

    Finding a Poem in Every Drip and Splash and Drop of My Semen

    Beethoven on the 90th Floor Holding Up the Sun and the Moon

    Our Naked Bodies Melting into Each Other

    Luxurious Living inside of a Sentence

    The Blue Sky that Ran Away to the Moon

    Because Everything is Impossible . . .


    Then a Poem Wiggled its Millions of Tongues into You . . .

    Your Voice is Ambulance Sirens at 3 A.M.

    Whack! Wham! Whack! Wham!

    A Poem Grows Out of Your Body and Becomes a Tree—You Are Now the Blue Sky . . .

    You Open a Phrase of Poetry and You Walk in

    A Dying Reader at the Edge of a Sentence . . .

    Hundreds of Decapitated Chickens Running After Your Car

    Wolf Larsen Will Create the Universe Tonight

    Isaac Newton Growing Out of a Skyscraper

    The Unthinkable is Coming . . .

    A Human Head in Your Soup

    Your Family Getting Shot Every Day

    Millions of Vaginas Singing to You in Your Sleep

    Chopping Off Heads as You Walk down the Street

    Chopin Having Sex with Your Wife as You Watch and Enjoy!

    Rampaging Streets Flying Past Your Head

    An Aborted Fetus in the Priest’s Soup

    Millions of People Sitting in Your Head and Writing a Poem

    Lifting the Planet Out of the Universe

    A Crackhead Giving Birth to the Sun

    Millions of Locusts in Your Head

    A Screwball Flying Up a Circle

    Building in Indiana Frying in a Pan in Alaska

    The Soft Mania of a Word

    A Line of Coke that Begins in Kansas and Ends in West Virginia

    Smoking a Bowl of New York City

    Thousands of Insane Rivers Rumbling and Thrashing Through Your Brains

    Caligula Marching to the End of a Sentence with the Roman Army

    Ancient Greece Riding the Space Shuttle to Your Closet

    Millions of Caribou Running Through Your Bed

    Anal Sex with God

    Blue Sky Inside Your Penis

    Fucking a Tangerine in an Outhouse on Pluto

    Rainshowers Upside Down in the Desert

    Everyone in Hell is Having a Great Time

    Streams of Wo!w as You Become Pink and Yellow and Blue

    Lightning Song at the Edge of Your Life

    Building a World Out of Blood

    Lines of a Poem Crawling Across the Earth

    Baroque Lice Painting the Universe into Existence

    Flying Off a Belly Button

    Thousands of Dead Men Dancing Inside of a Molecule that’s Running Around the World

    Heart Attack Jumping Out of Ice Cream

    My Sperm Swimming from Oklahoma to Canada

    A Big Three Story Pussy Throbbing and Throbbing Inside of a Run-On Sentence

    Drug Addicts Vacationing on a Street Corner

    An Old Toothless Hag in a Sexy Dress

    Run Off With All the Streets Falling into Your Hands

    An Ant Carrying a Car Down a Pipe

    Hallucinations Dripping Off the Sun

    Not Insane Enough to Be Normal

    A Sentence that was Born in Your Mother’s Climax

    The Only Answer is To Get Drunk and Stay that Way

    Twenty Orangutans Smoking Pictures and Writing a Poem Together

    Poem at the End of the Human Race

    Oranges on Fruit Stand Having Sex with Each Other

    Born-Again Christians in Hell

    Two Aborted Fetuses Swimming Through My Rooms

    Horn and Sugar Dizzy a Melody that Creates You

    All Your Wives Floating on Different Planets in a Dizzi Gillespie Song

    A Stream of Houses Flowing Down the Street

    The Sky Refuses to Understand the World

    Eating a Cat While Drinking a Street to Incest

    A Poem that Ate Stars into Your Living Room

    A Whorehouse Floating on the Wind

    A Claw that Tore a Poem into Your Body

    A Poem that Rocketed Off to a Star and Splattered Your Sperm Everywhere

    Tying the Sun to a Barge and Pulling it to a Different Sky

    Everything is Lightness

    A Scalpel Cutting and Weaving Through Your Brain

    An Orchestra that Erupts an Orgy

    12 Tone Scale on a Singing Rainbow of Crack

    Fires of Sensuality on the Moon that Fell into Your Coffee

    Singing the Sky to a Cockroach

    The Moon Relaxing While Listening to Your Screams

    Happy Sky Shining Over Woman Being Raped

    Playing Football With Your Severed Head

    The Lightning of Words Rioting from Your Mouth

    Every Poem is the Top of the World

    A Huge Orange Poem Eating a Cyclone

    Alcoholics Dancing with the Sky and the Planets

    Walking on a Heroin Needle from Planet to Planet

    Your Brain Floating on the Sky

    6 Million Jews Knocking on Your Door

    Your Brains Boiling and Boiling in a Pot on the Stove

    Every Line of Poetry is a Fire Running Through the City

    A Symphony that Swam from the Kitchen Counter to the Movie Theater

    Thousands of Buildings Making Love to a Glass of Wine

    A Revolution in Your Cup of Extinction

    Everyone is on Fire Every Day

    Everyone is Riding Giant Dragonflys to the Other Hemispheres

    Everything Collapses into a Word that Ran into a Poem

    You Tie All the Planets Together With a String and Drag Them into Somebody’s Head

    A Universe at the End of Every Line of Poetry

    Watching a Poem Fall Up the Moon

    Insane Corkscrews

    Why the When of Up and Sideways

    An Auto Factory Floating Around the Sky

    Your Eyes that Jump Out of Your Head and Dance all Over the Stars

    A Man Whose Urine Grew into a Painting 10,000 Years Ago When Adam Raped Eve

    Four Horns Trying to Find the Center of an Orgasm

    A Planet Growing at the End of Each of Your Fingers

    Poetry Oozing All Over the World

    A Fire that Leaps Off the Earth and Destroys the Universe

    The Tree that Grew to Twenty Different Planets and Punctured Holes in Them All

    Pour the Horn that Walks and Runs a Shipwreck

    Blood and Shotgun Dancing Together in a Bar

    A Lustful Storm that Ran and Dashed

    Thousands of Crickets that Can’t Find You

    Swagger is a Bomb that Flew Up

    Five Cars Smiling at an Ocean

    A Title of a Poem that Ran Out of Your Head and Invented the World

    Horn Swirling Around Like a Menacing River

    Three Tigers that Ate New Suns at the Sky

    Starving Words at the Edge of Everything

    Thousands of Skies Kissing Your Skin

    Dizzy Up and Through the Sky

    Fly the Soup Over the Star

    A Hole in the Sky that You Fall Up into

    A Stream of Kisses that Rearranges the World

    The Noisiest City in the World

    A Poem that Flooded Through Your Veins

    A Field of Missile Silos Waiting for a Poem

    A Baby is an Old Man in a Second

    A Car that Flew Up a Tree and Landed on a Star

    A Poem that Flew Around Schizophrenia and Landed in Paradise

    Riding a Poem to the Middle Ages

    A Poem that Drank the Planets Out of the Sky


    * Copyright © 2000 by Wolf Larsen

    For Spartacus and his army of free men and women

     The Earthquake Everywhere in the World

    What if fourteen thousand corpses are eating the rubble of a fallen city? do you sing dreaming alphabets? do you propose marriage to a chair? think red and blue and orange? do you strangle walls? are you lost in opposite cities of your mind? are the dead chairs and grinning table all disturbed with you? all the buildings disordered with families / and the music is buildings fa-L-l-I-i-ing down on millions of sleeping people because without unborn symphonies and sky paintings of urinals and an epidemic of chairs there is no living room floor,

    you are twenty different screaming laughing schizophrenic heads—and the mirror is a symphony of invasions and who else but Picasso can dismantle the air?, so everyone begins dismantling the air—the assassinated walls—touch strangled words—kiss diseased strangers and smile with their death pouring into you like a family dinner on this understanding window ledge

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