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The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York
The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York
The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York
Ebook218 pages4 hours

The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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A graphic novel depicting the history of the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge and the family that made it happen.

In this extraordinary graphic novel, author Peter J. Tomasi and illustrator Sara DuVall bring to life the construction of one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and shine a light on the incredible triumphs and tragedies that went into building the Brooklyn Bridge. After the accidental death of John Augustus Roebling in 1869, it was up to Roebling’s son Washington to complete the massive project. Unfortunately, there was more pain to follow, as Washington developed caisson disease, leaving him bedridden. Washington’s wife, Emily, deftly assumed a key role in the bridge’s construction by becoming her husband’s eyes and ears at the work site. As Washington’s wisest council, Emily skillfully navigated work crews who now had to answer to a woman, contractors, a hostile press, and a greedy city politician—all looking to take credit for the magnificent bridge slowly making its way across the East River. Through it all, the Roeblings persisted, rising above every obstacle to build the great bridge that connects Brooklyn and New York. 

“Told by prolific superhero scribe Tomasi . . . with charmingly understated art by the Eisner-nominated Duvall . . . this historical graphic narrative presents dramatic events in a matter-of-fact, realistic way. . . . Rather than being a story of a singular genius overcoming adversity, the book is a paean to collaboration. Iconic structures often have fascinating stories behind them, but rarely do the tellings emphasize the human as this one does,” —Publishers Weekly

“[Tomasi] does a magnificent job of depicting the politics, the danger, and the tenacity of the Roebling family and the hundreds of workers who built the bridge,” —Good Comics for Kids
Release dateApr 17, 2018
The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York

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Rating: 3.2368420789473684 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    While my attention often strayed at the engineering details, I really liked the overall recounting of this historical endeavor. I became more invested as the story progressed and the stakes steadily rose. I liked DuVall's artwork as well and look forward to checking out more of her work as her career takes off.

    Thank you to Abrams ComicArts and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I’m an apt reviewer for this book because I live in Bristol, England where the most famous landmark is the Clifton Suspension Bridge designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the city’s favourite son. Well, almost. Pretending that a French cockney was really a Bristolian at heart is quite a stretch but we don’t seem to have anyone else, so he’ll do. His ship, the S.S. Great Britain is parked in the docks and he built our main railway station, Temple Meads, as well.

    To the book, then. ‘The Bridge: How the Roeblings Connected Brooklyn to New York’ is the story of an American landmark. The Brooklyn Bridge, a bigger suspension bridge than ours in Bristol but only 9metres higher, was designed by John Augustus Roebling. When he died in 1869, the job of building it fell to his 32-year-old son, Washington. Aptly, for this year of suffragette celebration, his wife played an important role, too. It’s a great story…and true!

    The tale of how the Roeblings connected Brooklyn to New York starts in New York City, 1852 at the Fulton Ferry, East River. The ferry can’t move because the river is frozen. Father and son, John August Roebling and Washington, make an icebreaker out of available materials so they can continue their journey.

    The next scene is in Trenton, New Jersey at the Roebling Wiremill Factory, where we see young Washington doing menial labour. That surname is German and they had a strong work ethic. Da Roebling was hot on efficiency, too. ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail,’ he tells young Washington, sending him off to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to study analytical geometry, mineralogy, civil mechanics, geology, structural engineering and design and construction. Education back then was not meant to be ‘fun’. Schools and parents prepared you for a hard life of toil and trouble with sparks flying upward, especially in engineering.

    Too soon, Washington goes off to the Civil War. On the bright side, he meets Emily Warren, a general’s daughter, and they fall in love. Post-war, it’s back to the family business and winning the contract to construct that bridge. Like all huge engineering projects, it took a lot longer and cost a lot more than planned but that was partly because the Roeblings built it ready for the future and for the heavier vehicles to come.

    It also cost quite a few lives and, although this necessarily simplified version makes the Roeblings heroes, let us not forget the thousands of men working for $2 a day who actually built the thing. Many died in the process and, as usual with these things, a lot of them were Irishmen. Whenever Brunel is glorified in Bristol conversations, my dad was always quick to point out that Irishmen did the work. I found out later that thousands of Englishmen laboured on these big projects, too, but don’t tell my dad.

    The Brooklyn Bridge construction story is a heart-warming tale of trials and tribulations overcome. Washington is a likeable character and a hands-on engineer, getting down and dirty with the men to the point where he makes himself ill. A few of the staff have strong cameo roles and the co-star is his wife. Their enemies are the penny-pinching political Board of Trustees who dog their heels all the way.

    Even if you’ve never been to Brooklyn and have no interest whatsoever in bridges, this is well worth reading as an inspiring human story. Peter Tomasi’s script is exciting and even funny in places. He clearly did tons of research. ‘The Bridge’ and others like it are proof that graphic storytelling can be used for serious subjects, not just long underwear characters shooting rays from their eyes. It’s clearly no substitute for a serious, adult engineering book on the subject but will suffice for the casual reader with a casual interest. The art of Sara Duvall is that modern sort with clean lines and bright colours. It’s attractive and tells the story without unnecessary ruffles, flourishes or distractions. There was only one thing that puzzled me. Why do cartoon beards always look better than mine?

    Eamonn Murphy

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The Bridge - Peter J. Tomasi

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