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Can Homeopathy Work?: Spirit in Matter
Can Homeopathy Work?: Spirit in Matter
Can Homeopathy Work?: Spirit in Matter
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Can Homeopathy Work?: Spirit in Matter

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Many have been taught by experience that the answer to the question posed in the title of the present book is affirmative.

Yet strangely enough, the improvement experienced by those people is perceived by the scientific world either as being a matter of chance, or as being a delusion and therefore a figment of their imagination.

The approach of projective geometry allows the reader to view the potentization of homeopathic remedies not as pure nonsense, but on the contrary, as a practical experience supporting the reality of the new geometrical concepts and notions.

At the same time, we are given the occasion of ascertain, with all the mathematical rigour required, that our positive experiences regarding homeopathy are governed by the laws of nature rather than being due to chance and displaced imagination.

Release dateApr 17, 2022
Can Homeopathy Work?: Spirit in Matter

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    Can Homeopathy Work? - Péter Hassmann


    Many who know something about the mode of preparation of homeopathic remedies have, quite understandably, a dismissive notion of homeopathy. It would in fact be rather peculiar to see accepted, without further ado, that one’s state of health can be influenced, or even improved, by remedies diluted to a degree in which there remains not one traceable molecule of the substance from which they are made, for this is completely at odds with the generally accepted/prevalent world view and ideas about nature’s workings.

    However, many have experienced and testify that homeopathic remedies not only are effective, but that they can even bring about cures that are nothing short of miraculous.

    And this is where the exciting question comes in: is the reason why we think homeopathic remedies cannot be effective that homeopathy is in fact humbug (and the effect of homeopathy nothing else than placebo) or is it that our approach is not adequate and therefore in need of extension?

    This short treatise is meant for those who, while not deeming the effect of highly diluted homeopathic remedies on the state of health possible, are open to give this question more thought from a point of view that might be new to them. It is also meant for those who, while accepting the raison d’être of homeopathy (whether on the basis of personal experience or not), have no definite conception of how the effectiveness of the remedies might be explained.

    Let me first – and this might come as a surprize – call geometry to my rescue (immediately promising to remain within the bounds of lay understanding). The reason for doing so is firstly that if we apprehend something with the help of geometry – and thereby: mathematics – then we will no more call this understanding into question. Once we accept that the sum of the angles of a triangle amounts to 180 degrees, we can lean on that understanding as on a fact. Secondly a geometrical investigation doesn’t necessitate a laboratory with expensive material, instruments and experiences, nor a preliminary training in excess of average schooling, and doesn’t imply accepting unknown references. I shall not refer here to anything that cannot be checked or that is uncertain. Nothing else is needed for the type of investigation I propose than interest, candor and common sense.

    I am thoroughly confident that we will be able to elaborate conceptions based on mathematical rigour resulting in complete conviction. Which will enable us to give a positive answer to the question asked in the title of this essay.

    Differences between the Euclid’s and the projective approaches of geometry. Their possible relation to the realm of life

    Our world conception, the picture we have of the world is essentially based on our geometrical representation of space – even if we are not actually aware of it. What we consider possible – or impossible – is very closely related to this – acquired – geometrical conception. The present paper therefore endeavours to expand this geometrical conception so as to integrate possibilities that were so far deemed incompatible with it. For it seems that the question of how homeopathy works is just the same: personal experience confirms in many instances something that contradicts our world conception.

    According to the generally accepted approach, space can be compared to an infinitely large box with missing sides – the box being infinitely large. Any object (cluster of points) will be located within this box. We are also clusters of points located somewhere within infinite space. If we start moving in one given direction, we can keep moving indefinitely, and will thereby be continuously moving away from our point of departure.

    This conception of space is based on Euclidian geometry, which we studied in primary and secondary school. (And even though the modern approaches of both geometry and physics have proposed other conceptions of space, an average citizen will not yet be influenced by them in any significant way).

    If we remain within the framework of this conception of space, the dilution of a substance means that the points composing a cluster possessing a given set of properties (the particles of the given substance) will be brought to move away from each other. As the effect of the substance in question is carried and defined by the properties of the points composing it and the way they connect to each other, it clearly follows that if those points move away from each other, interaction between them will diminish proportionally to the increasing distance between them, and the effect which they initially possessed will diminish in intensity. So, according to the Euclidian conception of space, the intensity of the effect decreases as the distance between the points increases.

    Let us remember geometry exercises from primary and secondary school: they were typically depicting static objects, fixed situations, and examining the dimensions of the objects depicted.

    The meaning of the word geometry (it initially means « earth or land-measuring ») shows that it was principally meant to measure and describe space as it appears on the earth, and to help orientation within this space.

    The main weakness of Euclidian geometry is related to its conception of parallels. It is not possible to either decide or prove, on the basis of Euclides’ postulates, whether or not parallel lines intersect in the infinite¹. This question kept mathematicians busy for thousands of years. In the course of the 19th century, they elaborated a range of systems – reaching beyond

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