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Prophetic Protocol
Prophetic Protocol
Prophetic Protocol
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Prophetic Protocol

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Prophetic Protocol is an instructional manual for training in prophetic ministry. It covers every major aspect of how to reach higher revelation from God and how to walk in the fullness of your prophetic call with excitement and sobriety. Welcome to the wonderful world of the prophet.
Release dateJan 31, 2020
Prophetic Protocol

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    Prophetic Protocol - Pamela Vinnett

    Prophetic Protocol

    A Practical Handbook on the Prophet’s Ministry and Leadership

    By: Pamela Vinnett


    Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are taken from

    The New King James Version of the Bible.

    Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers

    All scripture quotations or references marked KJV are taken from

    the King James Version of the Bible, electronic database.

    Copyright © 1988, by Biblesoft.

    Prophetic Protocol

    ISBN 978-1-67810-748-2

    Copyright 2020

    Pamela Vinnett

    P.O. Box 702160

    Tulsa, Oklahoma  74170


    P.O. Box 702160

    Tulsa, Oklahoma  74170

    Printed in the United States of America.  All rights reserved under International Copyright Law.  Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the Publisher.

    Table of Contents


    CHAPTER 1        Defining the Ministry of the Prophet

    CHAPTER 2        The Purpose of the Prophet

    CHAPTER 3        The Aptitudes of the Prophet

    CHAPTER 4        The Potter’s Wheel

    CHAPTER 5        False Prophets Before and Now

    CHAPTER 6        The Prophet as a Leader

    CHAPTER 7        Servant Leaders

    CHAPTER 8        The Elisha Code: Principles of Great Servitude

    CHAPTER 9        Does Culture Speak Louder Than Kingdom?

    CHAPTER 10      Prophetic Timing: Establishing a Prophetic Flow

    CHAPTER 11      The Premise for Women as Prophets and Apostles

    CHAPTER 12      The Controversy Concerning Women Explained

    CHAPTER 13      Prophets and Apostles in the Church Age


    There are many people who believe themselves to be prophets, or in the least, prophetic. Though many are in the church, there are more throughout the world. This book will help those individuals to know which side of the proverbial prophetic fence they are on.

    The call to the Prophetic office and the flow of prophetic gifts are two similar but very separate things. You may flow in-depth in the gifts of the Spirit of God, but not be called to the governmental office gift of a Prophet. This gift is a powerful agent of good when used by the knowledgeable in the kingdom of God but it is a terrible force in the hands of a person who is NOT functioning with it in or for God and His Kingdom. You are either with him or against him; there is no fence to straddle.

    New trends in society constantly expose us to stories about ghosts, supernatural occurrences, and powerful spiritual expressions through great men and women. Movie stars and sports figures love to show faith in their deity and are proud to represent their views, especially here in America. We support them because of fame and fall in love with them on the field, in the arena or on the screen, but we do not permit ourselves to look at their belief systems and how they arrived at them. We, as a blind society, too often are being led by blind people without salvation and a lack of understanding to what salvation truly means.

    Did Allah save the people who flew planes into the towers?

    Are all Islamic believer’s evil and incapable of being trusted ever?

    Is Scientology or Mormonism a form of Christian belief?

    Is there life after death? And if so, is there a hell and a heaven, or just a place where we will all find ourselves?

    All these questions can be answered by one book: The Bible.

    However, without the aid of true apostles and prophets in every generation, we would not have a Bible, and we surely would not know how to spiritually interpret the word of God.

    Let's examine the need for these officers from the scripture.

    Matthew 5:17-19 says: Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    The same viewpoint is echoed by Amos in Amos 3:7, which says, "Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless he reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets."

    This is the job of the prophets and apostles; and when they cannot fulfill their position, for any reason, chaos reigns in the universe and throughout the nations.

    Romans 3:21-22 is further confirmation- "But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe".

    If we believe, we must realize that God has a standard in the earth that is His testimony of how His laws work under the new and old covenants.  Therefore, it must be understood that the Almighty God would never be remiss in leaving such a testimony in both written form and living witness, that attests to how we should live and rule in the earth. He specifically says in the noted scripture that His Word is confirmed by the witness of the Law and the Prophets. We need prophets and apostles today more than ever before!

    And finally, Ephesians 2:19-22 tells us, "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit".

    The final revelation is, the apostles and prophets are the foundation upon which the Chief Cornerstone, Christ, balances His New Testament kingdom and authority.

    If you are a believer, these passages should be enough to cause you to become more than mildly curious as to whether something is missing in your world without these last two magnificent officers in their positions as generals to the Body of Christ. Without them, there would be no church; no future event would be known or affirmed as coming from the Father. Powerful moves of the Spirit would be inept or non-existent and nothing that we know now about the truth of God's word would be rightly interpreted.

    If you want a greater understanding of the scriptures, and of these ministries, taking this course is an essential. I don't boast that there are not others. I only say that the complex issues of how the prophetic and its companion ministry, the apostolic, operate in the modern world are an urgent, mandatory education that is needed by anyone who desires to serve the true and living God, fulfill destiny and purpose, and advance the kingdom of the Lord. This is absolutely defined as prophetic protocol.

    Protocol is defined as:

    The customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette;

    an original draft, minute, or record from which a document, especially a treaty, is prepared.

    A supplementary international agreement.

    An agreement between states; an annex to a treaty giving data relating to it.

    All of these definitions apply to the Kingdom of God and His agents, along with the governors, leaders and citizens. To deny the need for understanding this is to deny yourself the privilege of discovering your own kingship and authority on any level. It is key to making the buzzword Kingdom become a reality in your life.

    Once armed with this instruction, you will thoroughly understand where you stand, and how to function in the power, anointing and wealth connected to "Prophetic Protocol".


    Defining the Ministry of the Prophet

    The average dictionary defines a prophet as

    one who utters divinely inspired revelations; the writer of one of the prophetic books; one regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will.

    one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight;especially an inspired poet; 3. one who foretells future events: predictor.

    an effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group; 5. a spiritual seer.

    Now we will examine a few of the many Biblical definitions in Hebrew and Greek.

    Nabiy’, from "naaba ‘, means "to bubble forth as a fountain, as found in Psalms 45:1, My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

    It also means to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, as in 2 Peter 1:19-21, "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

    The prophets were considered Holy men of God in particular, and in many ways, greater authorities than the priests.

    Ro’eh, "seer," from raa’ah to see, was the term used in Samuel's time, commonly referred to as beforetime. Nabiy’ was the term as far back as the Pentateuch, while Ro’eh appeared as we said, in Samuel's time. In fact, of the ten times of its use, seven were applied to Samuel.

    The nabiy’ was a spokesman for God, and a mediator between God and man. Christ is the antitype, with the nabiy’ foreshadowing Him with striking similarities to Him and His commission. As God's delegated representative under His theocracy, the prophet spoke in the name of the Lord.

    Moses was of the highest order of this type of Old Testament prophet, mirroring the apostolic commission of the New Testament with sundry signs of the same legal dispensation as Christ did in the gospels (see Deuteronomy 18:15; 34:10-11; John 1:18,45; 3:34; 15:24). Each announced the agenda of God's redemption with specificity. One, did so under the law, while the other did so as the dispenser of grace.

    Chozeh "seer or gazer upon the Spirit realm," from the more poetic chazeh see, is first found in, 2 Sam 24:11, "Now when David arose in the morning, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Gad, David's seer", and is frequently used in the Chronicles. It came into use when ro’eh was becoming less used while the term nabi’ was being resumed. Nabi existed long before, and after, and alongside ro’eh and chozeh

    Chazownis used in the Pentateuch, Samuel, Chronicles, Job, and the writings of the Old Testament prophets. It’s the name used for prophetic revelation. It is suggested that this refers to a king’s seers, such as Gad, David's seer, Iddo and Jehu, the son of Hanani during Solomon’s kingship, and Asaph, under Jehoshaphat (1 Chr. 29:30; 35:15 and Amos 7:12). As the seers were given the vision of the Lord, the prophet announced the divine revelation as heaven’s official in an extensively directed fashion.

    God Himself speaks of the different devices and manners of Him revealing Himself and His truths to us. Numbers 12:6-8a, says, "Then He said, ‘Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. Not so with my servant Moses, he is faithful in all my house. I speak with him face to face; even plainly and not in dark sayings; and he sees the form of the Lord.’"

    Prophet, in the Greek, means the interpreter, from profeemi, which means "to speak forth" truths for another as in the case of Aaron being called a prophet to Moses (or his spokesman) expounding upon the will of God.

    In the scriptures, they spoke the divinely inspired truths of God beforehand unknown. Predicting is a leading function of the prophet, as in Deuteronomy 18:22; Jeremiah 28:9, Acts 2:30 and 1 Peter 1:10. Notwithstanding, the Word was not always attached to the prophet. In Numbers 11:24-25, this was applied to the 70 elders.

    "So Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord, and he gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and placed them around the tabernacle. 25 Then the Lord came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was upon him, and placed the same upon the seventy elders; and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them, that they prophesied, although they never did so again."

    Also both Asaph and Juduthun prophesied with harps. It is implied that the instruments themselves prophesied as well as acted as a catalyst for the prophetic to flow.

    The Greek word prophetesmeans a foreteller (prophet); by analogy, an inspired speaker; by extension, a poet. Many references are found to it in the New Testament. It defines for us the difference between an officer, the prophet, and one who has an intense gift of prophecy. There is also the word prophetikos which pertains to a foreteller or someone who is prophetic. Akin to these terms is the word prophetis (prophetess), which is a female foreteller or an inspired woman.

    We must also deal with the Greek word, prophetia, which means one having the gift of interpreting the will of God according to His declarations. This term is used to speak of the kind of prophet that has a profound gift of prophesy but unlike the prophetes prophet, is not always one of the governmental gifts to the Body.

    Prophets speak to the governmental aspects of entities, as well

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