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Jinxing the Warlord
Jinxing the Warlord
Jinxing the Warlord
Ebook189 pages2 hours

Jinxing the Warlord

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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My name is Jinx Tuva. To say my early childhood was rough is putting it mildly. I grew up on the isolated mining world of Cygnus. The total population is a whopping three thousand. Loneliness was my constant companion. I dreamed of having friends, meeting new species and traveling the galaxy.

Turns out Fate is one twisted bitch. She granted me my wish. It’s hard to feel lonely while caring for the three feisty, alien children I had rescued. To make things even more fun, a bad-tempered Coletti War Commander has decided I’m his. As if. Okay, he does have a great ass and his kisses are pretty awesome, but bossy doesn’t even begin to describe him.

Mallox, the most hunted villain in the galaxy, is doing his level best to take the children from me. My psychic powers are unique, but are they enough to keep the kids safe? Maybe. The only way to guarantee their safety is to mate with Caleb Jones, the sexy War Commander.

PublisherGail Koger
Release dateApr 18, 2022
Jinxing the Warlord

Gail Koger

Howdy. My name is Gail Koger and once upon a time I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Too many years of wild requests, screwy questions, bizarre behavior and outrageous demands have left me with a permanent twitch and an uncontrollable craving for chocolate. I took up writing science fiction romance to keep from killing people. So far, it has worked.

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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I loved Jinx a nd her critter ability. A perfect mate for a Jones warrior.

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Jinxing the Warlord - Gail Koger


This book is dedicated to my parents.


How did I end up on the barren world of Cygnus? Fate and a promise made under duress. Turns out Fate is one sick, twisted bitch.

My father was a Jat combat warrior in the Alliance’s military. His team was assigned to Rayet to help them beef up planetary defenses. That help came a little too late. I was six years old and had lived in the Capitol city of An’an for only two months when the Tai-Kok came. These monstrous creatures literally live to eat. Children are considered a delicacy and ruthlessly hunted.

Even after twenty years, the horror of my mother’s death never lessens. My father’s ship was pursuing a Rodan battlecruiser when the Tai-Kok struck. As soon as the sirens sounded, all the kids in my classroom were ushered into an underground bunker. My mother wasn’t as lucky. She was captured and taken aboard a Tai-Kok slaughter ship. To my utter surprise, my severely injured mother was able to call me on her vid link. Her blood-covered face is forever etched into my mind and the screams of the dying still haunt my dreams.

I love you Jinx. Never. Forget. That.

I won’t Mom. I’m going to get Papi’s laser rifle and come rescue you.

No! You’re just a baby. I need you to stay in the bunker.

I’m not a baby. I’m six-years-old and I won’t let you die.

A beep sounded as my father joined our conversation. Stay in the bunker Jinx. Only trained warriors can defeat the Tai-Kok.

But the planetary defenses are down, if I don’t save her, who will?

A spasm of pain crossed my mother’s face. I’m dying Jinx… but before I do, I’m blowing this ship to hell and back.

No. Tears poured down my cheeks. She couldn’t die. She couldn’t.

The Tai-Kok sensors didn’t pick up your implanted Peekay? There was a note of sorrow in my father’s voice.

They were too busy eating… Another spasm twisted my mother’s features. To scan me. The timer… is set.

I will avenge you, Papi growled.

No! Promise… Me… You will… Keep Jinx safe. Promise me. My mother’s breath came in labored gasps.

You have my word.

I… Love… You… Kym Tuva.

And you, my Earth angel, hold my heart. My father’s harsh voice broke. Until we meet again in the afterlife.

The vid link went black. Thirty seconds later, a thunderous cracking boom sounded and the ground shook beneath my feet.

The merciless Tai-Kok attack turned the once bustling world into rubble and only three thousand men, women and children lived to tell the tale. I was one of those survivors. Some say they can still hear the wails of the dying. No one wanted to stay on a world that belonged to the dead, so Rayet was abandoned.

My father was never the same. It was like something inside him had been broken beyond repair. To honor my mother’s dying request, he retired from the military, cut off his warrior’s braid and bought a small spacecraft.

For eight months we wandered around the galaxy. Papi finally decided to move us to Cygnus, a desolate world on the fringes of Alliance space. The Tai-Kok didn’t raid planets with less than two thousand residents, but he forgot about the Rodan. Those bastards would attack even the smallest outposts…

Chapter One

Almost a year later we landed on Cygnus. A glittering gray hell with stacks of giant white boulders strewn across the sand. Red cactus-like trees dotted the landscape. A hot wind blew through the rocks creating an eerie melody. Adding to the spookiness were the ghostly mirages cavorting over the sand. In the far distance, stony mountains resembling waves of a petrified sea jutted from the gray dirt.

I pointed at the temperature gauge. It’s 120 degrees outside. It’s like being stranded in the Ninth Hell.

Your biosuit will keep you cool, Papi responded.

What about all the critters that will try to eat us?

Papi ran a hand through his thick black hair. Keep vigilant and use your laser pistol when necessary.

I don’t have a laser pistol, I countered.

Papi stared at me for a long moment. I will teach you how to use one.



And if the bandits try to rob us?

Papi rose to his immense height, pulled his sword, and smiled; a smile guaranteed to send lesser males running for their lives. The star tattoo on his left cheek that signified his elite status as a Jat warrior didn’t hurt either. I will kill them.

I narrowed my eyes at him. But you won’t find and execute the Tai-Kok that attacked Rayet?

Your mother destroyed all of them.

Tears welled in my eyes. Had she? When I’m old enough, I’m going to kill every Tai-Kok I can find, I yelled.

Papi let out an exasperated sigh and raised his eyes heavenward. Your daughter has turned into an ungrateful child, Beth.

With an outraged huff, I took refuge in my cabin. Once Papi gave his word, he never broke it. Ever. He wouldn’t even admit finding gold on this hellhole was harder than he thought.

Two months later, I found Papi staring at a picture of my mother with tears streaming down his face. The sadness in his gray eyes was almost too much for me to bear. Goddess, I had been such a brat, but that was going to change. It was my turn to care for him. I would become the daughter he needed. I logged into my computer and caught up on my schoolwork. After I finished, I scrubbed down the ship and fixed dinner.

Papi’s eyebrows rose in surprise when he noticed I had made his favorite meal. What is the occasion?

I’m sorry I was such a brat. I miss mom so much it makes me crazy.

He hugged me. Me too.

Papi was my only companion and not inclined to chat. I was confined to the ship when he was prospecting for gold and other metals. To say I was bored would be an understatement. I was desperate to talk with another female. I wanted to find out how they dealt with the bugs and the loneliness. How they kept the sand out of their hair and did they have any pets. There were females at the pleasure houses, and I bet they’d be happy to talk to me. Maybe they had kids I could play with.

Eight months into my captivity I had reached my breaking point. If I had to visit every pleasure house on this planet, I was going to find a friend. That day when Papi left to go prospecting I rode my skimmer to Asher’s Outpost, a hodge-podge of prefabricated buildings sagging under the unforgiving sun. Asher sold everything from food to weapons and bought gold from the prospectors. The tavern and small pleasure house had eight skimmers parked out front. The prospectors were probably lonely too.

Papi said drunken males were unpredictable fools. To avoid them, I’d go in the back way. Butterflies danced in my stomach. I couldn’t wait to meet the females.

Bugger. The door was locked, and holy Goddess, I could hear someone screaming. Hurrying over to the nearest window, I went up on my tippytoes and peeked inside. Huh? A naked female was screeching and hollering like crazy while a big male with a hairy butt bounced up and down on top of her. The female kept yelling, I want all of your gigantic cock. All of it.

I looked around the tiny room but didn’t see any roosters. As far as I knew, there weren’t any chickens on this world.

The male started grunting like an Earth pig as he bucked on top of her, and I caught a glimpse of a long, wormy-looking thing. Had a dirt dragon gotten into the room? Was it trying to eat the female? No. That nasty male was jamming it in her. Yuck.

A big hand grabbed the back of my biosuit and yanked me away from the window. "What in the nine hells do you think you are doing?"

I winced as Papi’s furious bellow reverberated around my head. "I wanted to talk with the female, but that male was bouncing on her. I think he’s sticking a dirt dragon inside her."

Papi blinked in surprise and seemed to be fighting back laughter. "It’s… It’s not a dirt dragon. It’s…"

"Some other kind of critter?"

"When you’re older, I’ll explain it to you."

I frowned. "Why can’t you tell me now?"

"Get on your skimmer before I put you over my knee and paddle your behind."

I quickly got on my skimmer. When Papi used his command voice, it was better to do as he asked.

"You are never to return to Asher’s Outpost. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Papi, but you come here all the time."

"I am a male and a warrior. A little female with your pretty yellow hair and green eyes would be put to work in the pleasure house. I will not allow that to happen."

Like I wanted some stinky male bouncing up and down on me. "Yes, Papi."

"You left the ship without a weapon or permission," Papi growled.

I studied the toes of Papi’s sand-covered boots. "I have a knife and you never actually said I couldn’t leave the ship."

"What would you have done if a dirt dragon had attacked?"

"I would have summoned my force field. Wait a minute. How did you know where I was?"

"I put a tracker on you."

"What? I squawked in outrage. I’m not a law breaker."

"You broke the rules, and this planet is filled with dangerous species. I will do what is necessary to protect you," Papi shot back.

"I just wanted a friend."

Papi handed me my helmet. "I will endeavor to be a better companion."

With a sigh, I started my skimmer and headed back to the ship.

That night Papi sat me down and started teaching me how to play an Earth game called chess. He also decided I needed warrior’s training. Since I was still a kid, I was surprised his classes included how to fly the ship, how to fight, how to use my mental gifts properly and how to prospect for gold.

I had inherited Papi’s rare psychic ability to form a force field around me that was strong enough to withstand laser bolts. I also had his gift to create illusions with my mind. To toughen me up, Papi would attack me mentally and physically. Usually without any warning. His motto was: Those who are not prepared, die.

Every day we climbed on our skimmers and hunted for gold and other valuable metals. If we came across any other miners, Papi told them I had Tungiasis, a disease that left the victim covered in horrific, oozing skin lesions. My illusion was very realistic, and the males couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

At night I did my schoolwork and Papi drilled me with different mental exercises to strengthen my shields. Soon they were almost unbreachable. Using a virtual reality simulator, Papi put me through battle scenarios against Tai-Kok and Rodan ships. By the time I hit puberty, I was an ace at shooting them down. In hand-to-hand combat against my father, I could hold my own, but for some reason shooting a living, breathing opponent with my laser pistol was beyond me. I missed every time.

Chapter Two

Six months before my twenty-fifth birthday, I started hearing things. At first it was like someone was whispering to me, but I couldn’t quite understand what they were saying. Did I have sun madness or was it something else? Whatever was causing it, the voices were getting louder and louder. I was afraid to tell Papi. He had enough to deal with. Someone was murdering prospectors and taking their gold. Because of Papi’s Jat warrior status, the miners hired him to find and eliminate the suspects. He jumped at the chance to use his warrior’s skills again. Which left me to do all the maintenance on the ship. Today, I got to repair the weapons systems.

I set the toolbox down and opened a panel on the fuselage. Cold prickles skittered up my spine. A predator was nearby. My hand dropped to the butt of my laser pistol.

"I wouldn’t do

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