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Kick Butt! Quit Smoking in 30 Days or Less
Kick Butt! Quit Smoking in 30 Days or Less
Kick Butt! Quit Smoking in 30 Days or Less
Ebook46 pages33 minutes

Kick Butt! Quit Smoking in 30 Days or Less

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Salutations. Ridten Thautz here, and I'm back with something new for you. This book is particularly for cigarette smokers. If you know a cigarette smoker (most of us do) who wants to quit, but just doesn't know where to start, you can suggest or gift this book to them. It will change their lives. Most people who smoke, have been doing it so long they don't remember what it's like to breathe freely anymore. To have full capacity lungs, or any of the other benefits that comes with being nicotine free. If you want to get back what that feels like, buy this book. Follow it's direction. Free yourself from the chains of your nicotine addiction. Through my suggestions, you can accomplish this without the use of drugs, hypnosis or anything medicinal. Thank you for the continued support, stay healthy, enjoy.

PublisherRidten Thautz
Release dateDec 16, 2020
Kick Butt! Quit Smoking in 30 Days or Less

Ridten Thautz

Ridten Thautz was born in Brooklyn N.Y. and raised in Ocean Hill Brownsville. One of six children, Ridten became creative in graphic arts as a child. Ridten became an Author as an adult, but the writing actually started at the age of 10. He used it as a way to express himself, and take breaks from the mundane. In the beginning, it was just poems. Later, in his early teens, he began to write lyrics as a local rapper.The early adult years were spent working as a Waterproofing Mechanic. Then working as a civil servant for NYC, and then for NYS until retiring in 2011. During the '90s into the 2000's Ridten was affiliated, and periodically traveled with a world-renowned rap-group called The Wu-tang Clan. He was an A&R, and then VP for P.Y.N. Records in its infant stages. He will always be a "back door operative" for P.Y.N., it's a family business.Becoming a Dad, and other things took Ridten away from his desire to write for a long time. The wisdom he's acquired over a vast period has resulted in years of interesting information. Information that is now, being presented to you, in a useful and uniformed package. Ridtens goal is to share useful information about all aspects of life. Bringing you the facts, and at times his personal points of view.Ridten has seen, and experienced things that some may never (nor is it advisable to) experience. He's sharing those experiences through his books, helping others avoid identical pitfalls, or unwanted situations. Writing is also a good way to for him to give back some of what he's learned. While at the same time, enlightening some people.With that, I hope you will enjoy my work, and support the movement of spreading useful information. Sharing viable knowledge will expand minds globally. Through this, people will become more conscious. A conscious mind is a strong mind. A conscious world is a step closer to tranquility. Tranquility is a step closer to paradise. Respect and love to the people, and always love yourselves.Peace & BlessingsThank You,Ridten Thautz

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    Book preview

    Kick Butt! Quit Smoking in 30 Days or Less - Ridten Thautz


    This book really needs no introduction. I'll give you a short one though, and make the letters large to consume a lot of the page (smiley face). If you, or someone you love is a smoker, then you could not have landed in a better place. That is, if you have a desire or need to extinguish cigarettes from your life forever.

    I was able to do it in a very short time, and I am not a person with incredible will power. This is going to sound cliche, but if I can do it, you most certainly can. And I'm going to tell you how to do it, without sliding back into a cloud of smoke.

    I cannot guarantee you anything because we all handle addiction differently. But I can assure you, that if you follow my instructions, the probability of you never smoking again is very high. I can only take you so far though. The rest, will be up to you.

    Chapter One

    Coming To The reality

    Salutations. I am Ridten Thautz, a former smoker and nicotine addict. I'm that person who would never admit to myself, or anyone else that I was addicted and had no control over my use of tobacco. It took me a long time to come to that reality.

    I remember when I used to tell people I could quit smoking at will. That wasn't the truth. Though I did quit smoking twice prior to the last time. They say the third time's a charm right? I will not be relapsing this time though, because I've developed a repulsion for cigarettes.

    Smelling them doesn't bother me as much anymore, but I can't be in smoke filled rooms or anything like that. The smoke will get into your clothes and follow you around like a lost puppy. It'll make it difficult for me to breathe now, because my tolerance is low.

    As long as the area where the smoking is going on is well ventilated, I'm fine. For me, it's not hard to stop smoking. It's hard in the beginning to not go back. I'll elaborate on that more a little later.

    My aunts and uncles used to pay me to make runs to the store for them to pick up their smokes and beer. That was before the laws and the stickers at the register telling you No ID, No purchase. If your hand could reach the counter, you could buy it.

    My Dad smoked also. He never sent me to buy cigarettes for him. I never thought about that until now. He did smoke in front of us though. In the house, outside, riding in the car, in a restaurant eating, baseball games, it didn't matter. You could smoke everywhere back then.

    Which is probably why most

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