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Ebook108 pages57 minutes


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About this ebook

The word "queen" gets thrown around too lightly these days. It has been watered down to the point of almost completely losing its meaning. QueenAble uncovers what it means to be a queen by delving into the lives of real women from all walks of life who have experienced different hardships and persevered. Eac

PublisherQueenAble LLC
Release dateMay 8, 2022

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    Book preview

    QueenAble - Patricia Catrina Cortijo

    I am La Ammitai

    To me, who was always searching

    To me, who was always lost

    To the me who fit in but stood out

    To the me who was never enough

    To the me who did everything yet nothing

    You are loved

    You are found

    You are unique

    You have purpose

    You are enough

    Through the search for who I am

    Where I belong

    Numerology made sense

    Seeing the world through numbers

    I am found

    To the me, that was lost, Roaming the world

    With so much unknown

    To theme, that is reading this

    You are such a beautiful, warm-hearted mother

    La Ammitai

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