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The Assassin
The Assassin
The Assassin
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The Assassin

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It is a story of a five-year-old child who is molested for six years and fights back and his struggle to expel the demons of pedophilia. His fight to be a good person and his charge into a family life. Not a read for children as some experiences are intense.

Release dateMar 31, 2022
The Assassin

T M Nugent

My name is T M Nugent. I was born in Chicago Illinois in 1949. I had a normal childhood and served in the military. I work in the hospitality business for fifty some years and owned my own restaurants for fifteen years. I married a wonderful woman and we were together until her death of brain cancer. We were together for forty-two years. After her death I quit working and traveled the western United States writing poetry. I rode a full dress Harley and bought an I-pad to write my poetry and stories. I met a wonderful woman, Corina and we traveled the country together. We ended our travels in San Luis, Costa Rica where we live today. I have written ten poetry books and one short story book which I published with Xlibris Self-Publishing Inc. I have written six novels to this publishing. Two are published with Amelia Publishing and four with Stratton Press. I like to write and spend every day writing something in my I-Pad. I hope you enjoy my writing.

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    The Assassin - T M Nugent

    T M Nugent

    The Assassin

    Copyright © 2022 T M Nugent

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Stratton Press Publishing

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    ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-64895-807-6

    ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-64895-808-3

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    1. The Boy Scouts Murder

    2. The Trap

    3. Big Island of Hawaii

    4. The Greek Islands

    5. The Need for Secrecy

    6. Federal Bureau of Investigation

    7. The Thorn Man

    8. Justice, At What Cost?

    9. Italy

    10. The Wedding

    11. A Vicious Cycle

    12. Life Is Worth Living

    13. Back to Work

    14. A Missing Son

    16. The Colonel

    17. Italy Revisited

    18. Tyler

    19. The Minister

    20. Hawaii

    21. California

    22. Too Close to Home

    23. The Panther

    24. The Plan

    25. I Quit

    26. The Final Assault

    27. Farewell, My Friend

    28. Conclusion and Biography

    Chapter One

    The Boy Scouts Murder

    My name is Boots Randle. I am thirty-eight years old and an ex-Marine. I was a big teenager at sixteen and lied about my age. I was six foot three inches tall and an athlete. I weighed two hundred and thirty pounds of rock muscle with six-pack abs. My body matured early, and I was a typical teenager who loved rock and roll and country music. I remember very little bit about my father other than he was big and strong and wore marine green. He shaved his head bald, Marine short. I remember Dad picking me up at three years old and throwing me high in the air and catching me. He made me fearless because I knew he would catch me. My last memory of my father is a knock on our Texas home front door.

    A couple of Marines are standing at the door and my mom begins to cry. I was five years old; the Marine hands her a typed letter with a great sorry…President of the United States of America. My father was killed by a road bomb in Vietnam. He was thirty-eight years old. The year is 1970 and the first year of Cub Scouts. I liked Cub Scouts: camping, hiking, making things to use during camping. I was an eager beaver, winning merit badges and enjoying the outdoors until Mr. Jones became our scout leader. It is the year he began molesting a lonely fatherless boy of five years old, me.

    I remember the first time he sent everyone on a scavenger hunt. They would be gone for three hours. He brought me into his tent and took off my shorts and shirt and began to fondle my little penis which got excited quickly as moisture landed in my undershorts. He opened his fly and said, "Now it is my turn to

    feel good!"

    He pulls out his penis and demands I open my mouth and tells me I will enjoy this sex as he thrusts it in my mouth, thrusting deep into my throat, gagging me from time to time and telling me to relax and not cry. He shows me how to massage his male organ by sucking mine to ecstasy. He cleans me up and tells me not to tell anyone or he will kill my mother. We will have a ritual of sex at every camping adventure until I tell my mom I am tired of the Cub Scouts. I am eleven years old when I become a Boy Scout and thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie until Mr. Jones becomes a Boy Scout leader and calls me into his tent. Everyone else is on an excursions except me and Ralph, an eleven-year-old Boy Scout. Mr. Jones tells me to fondle the young Ralph. I step toward Ralph, hesitating for a minute; I notice a camping knife on the bed as Mr. Jones is impatient and rushes toward us boys. As he approaches, I pick up the knife and stab him through his heart and he falls down. I stand in one spot shaking as Ralph begins to run away and I stop him.

    He deserved to die! He has been molesting me for years. We will tell the truth and tell our story to Bill. He is our scout leader. I will say he got impatient and went to force us into sex and we fought back and I stabbed him. Okay? says Boots.

    Ralph does not hesitate to say yes as the boys wait for the troop leader Bill to arrive in camp after a day of hiking the wilderness. Boots shows Bill the dead Boy Scout leader.

    You will say nothing about this incident because it never happened. I will bury his body deep in the woods, and you can help me do it. I will say he left camp and never came back. Do you hear me? states Bill.

    We need to tell my mom! We protected ourselves, and the police need to be notified, cries the jittery Ralph.

    Listen, Ralph, calm down! I am trying to protect you from those human rights pedophile police. They will accuse you of wanting sex with Mr. Jones, says Bill.

    Boots is leery about Bill. He can feel the monster in their leader as Boots grabs Ralph and walks out of the tent to Ralph’s tent. Ralph brings out his phone and calls his mom who calls the police. The police arrive an hour later, as Bill is returning from the forest. Bill is dirty, carrying a shovel, and the police question him about Mr. Jones.

    I do not know where Mr. Jones is. He has been gone for hours, claims a nervous Bill.

    We know you buried him in the forest! You take us to him now! demands Sergeant O’Dell.

    Bill refuses as the sergeant arrests him and handcuffs him for interference in a murder scene. Bobby Boots Randle is questioned extensively as his mother arrives.

    Why are you questioning my son without his mother present? You show me the questions you have been asking him, says the angry mother as she holds Boots close.

    Reluctantly, Officer Mary Andrews discusses the questions with Charlotte Randle as Charlotte begins to cry, realizing the torture and pain her son went through. No wonder Boots acts up and has fights with his mother. She thought because she left him alone after school and came home late working two jobs, tired and not talking more with her son was the cause of his problems.

    Give me some time alone with my son. Let me take him home, talk to him, and tomorrow he and I will go to your station. I will come back to Angel’s View tomorrow. I will be at the sheriff’s office early to talk to you, pleads Charlotte.

    Sorry, Miss Randle, we have a psychologist who can talk to your son and—

    No, you cannot! You cannot talk to my son without me present and my attorney Bill Nye who is on his way here now. I knew you would pull this crap. He is a victim here, not a murderer. I would have killed the bastard! yells the irate woman.

    Boots looks up at his mom and smiles; he realizes his mother loves him, but he is still angry because he has been so lonely by himself. The police question more kids as Charlotte gathers the boys and stops the police from questioning them. Two more boys walk up to Charlotte and explain Bill Summers molested them, but are afraid to step forward because he threatened to kill their parents. Charlotte grabs their little hands, Tommy and Jack, ages eight and nine, and walk them to Officer Andrews and asked her to call the boys’ parents. There are twelve boys on this short camping trip for the Boy Scouts as more police arrive with a cadaver dog to find the body. A short hour after the police arrive, the body of Mr. Jones is found. The camping area is investigated for hours as the original police team and all the families leave for the police station. Television crews arrive as twilight begins and the sun is setting over the forest. The sky is darkening in an orange, gray to black in some areas of the sky. The noise from the many cameras and journalists is disturbing the natural environment as the birds fly away from the bright lights, and only a few curious creatures hidden in the forest peek to watch the dramatic scene as the campsite glows with bright lights on the trampled campsite. No more sounds are heard other than the police and reporters. No crickets chirping, birds singing, or animals rustling in between the trees. Suddenly there is a rustling in the forest as the cadaver team bring out Mr. Jones. Click! Click! Thousands of camera clicks and flashes as the blinking lights fill the skies of the Angel View Forest.

    Officer Andrews watches the boys’ faces as the body is put in the coroner’s van. The officer notices Boots smiling, Ralph is crying, and the other boys are nonchalant, except Tommy and Jack are angry looking as if the man was still breathing. Tommy runs up to the gurney and beats on the body furiously as his father Tom pulls him away. Tom is crying for his son, but maybe because he is furious the Boy Scouts allowed these pedophiles to touch his vulnerable son. The families push away the reporters as Officer Andrews guide the families to their cars and asks them to follow her to the police station. Angels View is a typical small mountain town of three thousand people. The police station is a large facility for a small town which works hand and hand with the forest rangers. Officer Andrews is confused because the rangers usually call them for assistance in this sort of thing.

    Boots is angry as the policewoman questions him over and over as if he is a murderer and planned this fiasco from the beginning as his mom is vehemently upset with Mister Nye for not interrupting the officer. Finally Mister Nye expresses his disapproval.

    Either charge an eleven-year-old for the crime of murder or we are leaving. Miss Randle and I will find a psychiatrist who works with children who has been molested. He has said he has been abused for five years. That means he was five or six when the abuse started.

    The officer says nothing as Miss Randle stands and takes Boots quickly out of the interview room. The officer stops her and reads Boots his rights. He is arrested for murder. Immediately Mister Nye files lawsuits against the county, state, and individual officer, and the suspect of molestation, Mister Jones and the Boy Scouts of America. Boots is in juvenile home for six months where he is molested, beaten, and abused. Boots is getting angrier and angrier. Finally, Mom picks him up after the police dropped the case. Boots is forced to see John Cutter, a psychiatrist. Boots hides his frustration well. Doctor Cutter believes he is making progress and decides to give Boots a potent drug to calm Boots down. Boots says no, and the doctor says he will put Boots back into juvenile hall if he does not comply.

    Boots says fine and his mother takes the prescription and the session is over. She buys the prescription and flushes it down the toilet.

    I heard that asshole threaten you, Boots. Fuck him! I know what that drug will do to you. I know you protected yourself, and I am sorry I feel helpless to help you. No more! cries Mom as Boots hugs his mother.

    Boots is finally free from Doctor Cutter. It has been two years of sessions. The doctor releases Boots from medication and tells Boots he does not need to see him anymore. Boots leaves thanking the doctor and walks up to the doctor’s Cadillac and uses a jimmy to open the door and climbs in the back seat. He waits an hour for the doctor. The doctor opens the door of the car and steps into the vehicle and Boots goes unnoticed. The doctor starts the car and Boots stabs him with a ten-inch kitchen knife he bought a year ago as he was planning this murder. He stabs the doctor through the seat and into his spine. Boots grabs his long hair and forces his chin up and cuts the doctor’s neck, severing the

    large artery.

    Surprise, Doctor! I guess your therapy did not work. Thanks for not having any cameras in this small parking lot. It made this easy to accomplish.

    Boots cleans his switchblade with a cloth he poured alcohol into and cleans the back seat and the kitchen knife handle and leaves it in the seat and in the back of the doctor who sits up straight in the driver’s seat. It is dark as the lights are not operational as Boots looks before he leaves through the alley. No one sees him leave as he sits at the bus stop and takes the bus home. Boots walked four miles to a bus station for his ride home. He picked Friday evening to kill the doctor, so the doctor’s body is not noticed for five days. The doctor was taking a long vacation weekend. His secretary Joan found the doctor in his car and called the police. The first piece of evidence is the doctor’s appointment book. The police call on each appointment on Friday as the doorbell at the Randle house rings.

    Miss Randle, is Boots Randle home? asks Detective Maze.

    Boots, we have company who wishes to speak to you. It is a Detective Maze.

    The thirteen-year-old is feeling cocky. He is polite and explains he was at the gaming showroom. He was nowhere near the doctor’s office after one in the afternoon.

    I took the bus at twelve-thirty in the afternoon to get home. I had fun playing pinball, says Boots.

    The detective is not satisfied; he keeps on questioning Boots and asks if he would come down to the station. Boots tells him no, because he has been in that position before.

    Arrest me or get the fuck away from me. I do not trust you cops because you railroad innocent people. Ma, call Mister Nye. He won two hundred thousand dollars for us the last time I was abused by the cops, says the crafty young boy.

    That will not be necessary, young man. I am leaving to check out your bus ride. I may be back to arrest your cocky ass! threatens the detective.

    The next day, the detective has a warrant to search the house, the garden, and the garage. It is Saturday morning, and the detective is looking for a knife. The night of the murder, it was raining, and Boots dropped the knife in a storm drain five miles from the murder. Another mile, he took the bus home at six in the evening. Boots left the rag soaked in alcohol and blood in the car. Wiping anything that would bring the crime back to Boots.

    How did you get to the arcade, Boots? asks the frustrated detective.

    I walk. I like walking five or ten miles. It keeps me in shape. I have to admit, I was a little tired when I left and took a bus home. Marcia, the bus driver on route 69 can tell you I was on the bus. Oh, I had a Big Mac at McDonalds at five-thirty in the evening. You can check the cameras if you would like, smiles Boots to aggravate the detective.

    Watch your step! I know you killed the doctor and I will prove it! Why? Tell me why you killed him. Did he threaten you? asks the detective.

    Does a bear shit in the woods, Detective? smiles a confident killer as he turns away and says, We are done here, Detective!

    The two officers and the detective leave empty-handed. Nothing to show for his efforts to follow his instincts. He knows the kid is a murderer, but he cannot prove his theory.

    Boots said, Does a bear shit in the woods, Detective? thinks the Detective. That proves he killed the doctor, but it is hearsay. It is my assumption that the doctor threatened him. That is how I will catch that little bastard, thinks the detective.

    The squad car speeds off down the road as Boots readies for bed. He is tired by the harassment. He talks to his lawyer who visits the chief of police.

    Your detective is to stay away from my client or I will file this lawsuit against your department and the detective. My client was mistreated once before, and his family received two hundred thousand dollars out of court settlement. Look at the amount I wish to sue your department.

    The chief tells him, Get the fuck out of my office. You high-price lawyers are a pain in my ass! I will handle this, says the chief as the detective strolls into the office.

    The chief lights up a cigar and takes a couple of drags on the cigar. He looks at the detective and pounds his right fist on the desk and throws the affidavits at the detective.

    Dammit, Sam, What kind of mess did you get me into? That kid is going to sue the department for ten million dollars. Do you have any proof he killed that asshole doctor. You know he is a scumbag and probably got what he deserved, claims the chief.

    Yeah, Chief, but my gut tells me the kid is a killer, and I am going to set up a trap and catch the son of a bitch. I do not have the knife used to kill the doctor. Who leaves another weapon used to kill the victim in the back? Cutting the throat was pure pleasure for the psychopath. I figured he wiped off the handle of the rusty machete so I could not find it in his home. He is a smart kid, boss, explains the detective.

    You are our best detective, hardworking, smart, and you solve crimes. Be careful on this case. I hate to see what happens if this kid snaps. Catch that kid killing someone, because we know he will, says the chief.

    Detective Maze leaves the chief’s office with a plan. He knows a pedophile who was released from jail last week. He will use him for bait to capture the kid in the act of killing the pedophile. Maze will have him kidnap a ten-year-old child. Detective Maze smiles as he makes his call.

    This is going to be fun. I hope Ceasar Cruz will do this trick for me, thinks the detective.

    Chapter Two

    The Trap

    Boots turns fourteen tomorrow and the detective knows it. His plan is to have Ceasar grab the child in front of Boots. Boots and his mom will be going to Harry’s Pizza Joint to celebrate his birthday. A paid actress and her actress mother will walk in front of the pizza joint as Ceasar pushes the mother down and grabs the child and carries her to a black van that is moving down the street slowly when the door opens and Ceasar lifts her to the van and jumps into the van. The sliding van door closes as Boots runs up to the side window and peers in to see the driver as the van speeds off into the neighborhood. Boots contacts the police 911 and gives them a license number to find. Boots gives the detective’s badge number that he memorized, number 83890. Quickly, emergency pops out a name of the person who owns the vehicle. It is a police vehicle and Boots says to himself, I thought I recognized the driver from the police station.

    Boots flashes on an idea; he calls the FBI and says, A child has been kidnapped in a black van, my name is Detective Maze, badge number 83890. We need help in this area to search for a kidnapped girl. A pedophile took her off the streets at Fifth and Elm. Any help would be appreciated.

    Boots calls an organization known to search for kidnapped children and gives them the license number and smiles. He walks home and throws away his phone and stops by a phone store and buys another throwaway. He is happy with himself because he knows the detective is desperate to catch him in the act of killing a pedophile.

    The next morning, Boots reads in the paper how a pedophile is found with a girl he took off the street. A police officer is with the pedophile. It is a sting operation gone bad. The chief is questioned about the sting because it looks like the officer was a pedophile and the papers go crazy with the poor judgment of wasting tax dollars with actors and a criminal. Boots smiles at the scheme gone bad.

    I was lucky that van took off slowly and saw that police officer.

    Boots has a good laugh as there is a knock on the front door. It is the detective.

    Boots home? he asks directly to Boots’s mom.

    Leave! No questions for my son, says Mom.

    It’s okay, Mom, I will listen to the detective. It looks like he is down in the dumps, smiles Boots, irritating the detective.

    How did you know my badge number? You had to be the one to call the FBI, says the Detective.

    C’mon, Detective! You set up a sting to catch me killing that pedophile, and he ends up going to jail for kidnapping a child with a police officer. Why would you use an undercover cop? I saw him in the driver’s seat and made a call. Why don’t you leave me alone and let me heal myself? says Boots.

    What? Detective, you were entrapping my Boots. I should—

    It is okay, Mom, he thinks he is just doing his job. I admire his tenacity and wish more cops were like him. He made a mistake and he’s paying for it, explains Boots.

    The detective stands to leave.

    Detective, careful with the reporters outside, they have been stalking me lately, laughs Boots as he walks the detective to the living room window.

    Damn, now I know how you feel, Boots!

    Dammit! How can I feel sympathy for this killer? thinks

    the detective.

    Follow me, Detective, says Boots.

    Boots leads him to an alley that takes the detective to the end of the block. As they walk together, Boots explains what has happened to him.

    I have a hard time understanding your righteousness. You see me as a killer. A monster that randomly kills for killing sake. I am not a vicious person. I love my mom and admire your determination. I was molested as a five-year-old for six years until I snapped and killed my pedophile Cub Scout leader. I lived in fear as that asshole visited me and my mom. She left me to work and this man would babysit me and stick his dick in my mouth, my ass, and have his pleasure with me. He would tell me he would kill my mother until I got that terrible urge to kill the man. I did not plan it! I snapped and an eight-year-old boy killed a grown man. A pedophile is the lowest animal on this earth. I was abused by your system and sent to juvenile hall where I was beaten by older boys and molested by four teenagers. No one came to my rescue, so I had to think for myself. Through the course of the last few years, those boys disappeared as I seek my demented revenge. I tell you this because I want you to know me better. I have not hurt anyone who is innocent. The doctor ruined young children’s lives and tried to destroy me. Get the picture? If you were me, what would you have done? I act out of preservation, says the teenager.

    I would have faith in the system, says the naive detective.

    I did. I got fucked for my faith in the system. Even you who sits high on your horse tried to entrap me. You can have your faith and I will stay resolute, says Boots.

    Resolute? What do you have planned?

    Boots has told me what he did, knowing there is nothing I can do to stop him. Someday, he will snap and I will kill him. No, that would make me like him, thinks the frustrated policeman.

    The detective leaves and walks behind the waiting reporters and drives away, thinking about his adversary. I misunderstood Boots and underestimated his abilities. He has an adult mind for a high school student. I will go back to the precinct and look up the juveniles that molested that boy, thinks the detective. Boots never answers the detective but believes the detective will leave him alone for a while.

    The detective searches for the juveniles and finds them in the missing teenager reports. The first boy missing two weeks after his release from the hall. A month later another and so forth until all four are missing.

    Damn, that kid is resourceful. How did they die? wonders the detective. Maybe he will tell me someday, thinks the detective. The detective walks to the chief’s office.

    "You got a minute sir?" asks the detective.

    Yes, what can I do for you, Detective?

    The detective explains to the chief that he underestimated Boots Randle. That the young man is an adult thinker and explains about the four missing individuals from juvenile hall. The detective believes Boots eliminated an evil from society.

    "Boots must have thought these young men were unredeemable, Chief. You look at the murders he committed. The Cub Scout leader he admitted he killed as Ralph looked on as he stabbed him in the heart. Self-defense at the age of eleven is unbelievable. Then he was processed to juvie where he was molested and beaten for six months and was treated like a criminal. His mind told him his murder is justified. Now the individuals slowly disappear. He is logical, methodical, and not insane. He has a purpose in life: extermination of evil at any cost. He

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