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Isa ibn Mariam A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends
Isa ibn Mariam A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends
Isa ibn Mariam A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends
Ebook45 pages38 minutes

Isa ibn Mariam A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends

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This booklet examines the contradictions between the Bible and the Quran, especially in relation to the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is written from a fundamental Christian perspective.

PublisherRichie Cooley
Release dateApr 22, 2022
Isa ibn Mariam A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends

Richie Cooley

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    Isa ibn Mariam A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends - Richie Cooley

    Isa ibn Mariam

    A Kindly Question to Muslim Friends

    by Richie Cooley

    Licensed by:

    Richie Cooley (2022)

    Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International

    Table of Contents

    I. Greetings in Abraham…

    II. A Simple, Honest Reading of the Quran

    III. Contradictions

    Works by Me

    Before getting started, let’s review a few notes…

    *Old Testament Scripture is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® (NASB), copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    *New Testament Scripture is taken from the English Majority Text Version. Translated by Paul Esposito. Copyright © 2011.

    *British spelling is often used, except for the quoted material, which normally employs U.S. spelling.

    *Divine pronouns are normally not capitalized, unless they appear that way in Bible versions or other quotes.

    *As a general rule, words that appear in brackets within quotes are not found in the original texts, and were added by the translators or are my personal comments, etc.

    * * *

    I. Greetings in Abraham…

    A. Nice to Meet You

    I never want to give anyone a wrong impression. Straight up: this is a fundamental Christian trying to dissuade you from Islam and encouraging you to join the ranks of born again believers. If such an argument doesn’t interest you in any way, I understand. However, if you can find the time, please read on, even if you just want to learn quickly what conservative Christians believe and/or what religious Europeans think about Islam.

    There are two great falsehoods/overstatements I’ve encountered on many occasions. The first is the MAGA-style garbage—i.e., where every Muslim wants to rape your wife and boil your bunny. The other common sentiment is that it just isn’t possible to engage with Muslims. They are too entrenched in their fierce rhetoric; their community is too tight-knit; it just isn’t worth the trouble. No one will listen, but will rather quickly become hostile, offended—and even aggressive.

    Maybe some of the warnings about Muslims from missiologists were more relevant a few decades ago. Massive migration is a great blessing; it is certainly changing things.

    Overall, religious obtuseness has more to do with the community rather than the individual. This is why actually most world cultures are very adverse to real evangelism (from Christians or Muslims). Authentic religious freedom is very, very rare. Even in places that are reputed to be kindly, full liberty of conscience is hard to come by. For example, Japan is generally considered to enjoy religious liberty; yet, so many of their people feel totally compelled to take part in Shinto rituals, despite the fact that they should be considered completely blasphemous to any Japanese Muslim or Christian.

    The same is true for most cultures.

    The world is a hostile place to religion which isn’t ancestral (and of course, the number of countries that have non-conversion laws is both shocking and revolting; is the global village really modern?). Therefore, Muslim migration to Europe and North America is a great thing, for it affords us an opportunity to speak to each other without local authorities and nosey neighbours persecuting and oppressing.

    Ergo, I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind

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