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The Master's Return
The Master's Return
The Master's Return
Ebook23 pages21 minutes

The Master's Return

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Ellania loves her position as a servant to Lord Remont. He’s handsome, kind, generous, and despite the difficulties of overseeing his lands, he always treats his staff well. For Ellania, though, the best part is being able to use her body to tease him mercilessly as she goes about her duties, all the time knowing that he must stay composed and aloof in front of his other staff and guests. But Ellania is his special girl, and the two of them have an understanding. Once she decides it’s time to make the long trip upstairs to his private study, he's in charge. That’s when the real fun starts, and she can look forward to the master giving her some well-deserved punishment for her impudence.

In this episode, trouble is brewing throughout the kingdom. Some weeks ago, Lord Remont was called away to deal with an urgent matter in his lands, and he has now finally returned from his travels. But for all that time, he hasn’t been able to forget the teasing she gave him as she served dinner on the eve of his departure. As she makes her way to him tonight, she eagerly wonders what awaits. What punishment will the master have planned for his favourite girl?

Release dateApr 23, 2022
The Master's Return

Charlotte Robelle

Hello, I’m Charlotte, and I’m a writer of erotic romance from the UK.I like to add just a hint of romance to my erotica. I love writing sexy historical fantasy tales with a dominant man being driven wild by a sensual submissive. If you like your erotic fantasies to have some depth and development hiding just behind the curtain, then read on!My debut erotic short ‘The Master’s Return’ is the start of a long and complex journey for my characters. Join me as I explore this tale of teasing, lust and willing submission in a fantasy land. Could the servant girl Ellania’s pursuit of pleasure lead ultimately to love?Part two, 'The Master's Restraint', coming very soon!

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    Book preview

    The Master's Return - Charlotte Robelle

    The Master’s Return

    Part One of the Possessions Series

    Charlotte Robelle

    Copyright 2022 Charlotte Robelle

    Distributed by Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    ~ The Master’s Return ~

    Ellania sat on the bed, looking down at herself, and smoothed her hands over the starched apron that covered the rest of her clothing. She looked up at the clock on the wall with its little brass hands.

    Now it was finally time.

    She smiled to herself, feeling the excitement rise in her briefly, then reached over and turned down the oil lamp by her bedside until its glow barely lit the room. Getting up, she gradually made her way through the gloom to the door on the far side of the room, feeling the cold of the stone floor on her shoeless feet. She gripped hold of the door handle, turned it gingerly, and slowly inched the door open, pressing her face to the gap as it widened. A gentle cool draft brushed past her cheek as she peered out.

    Silence and stillness in the dark corridor.

    She quickly slipped through, closing the door behind her gently, and tiptoed into the hallway. Only a partial and

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