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The Ice Queen Boss, the Heartbreaker, and the Love Dare: Short and Sweet Series, #32
The Ice Queen Boss, the Heartbreaker, and the Love Dare: Short and Sweet Series, #32
The Ice Queen Boss, the Heartbreaker, and the Love Dare: Short and Sweet Series, #32
Ebook57 pages31 minutes

The Ice Queen Boss, the Heartbreaker, and the Love Dare: Short and Sweet Series, #32

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"No," I said. "No way! I'm not doing it."

"Come on, Ryan," Andy said. "You have a girl almost every night. You're the only one of us that experienced."

"What are you talking about?" Kyle said. "I'm experienced!"

We looked at him and said,


"I think Andy's right," Rhett said. "If anyone can get her to fall head over heels in love, it's you."

"So I have to make the ice queen fall in love with me?" I said.

"That's the plan," Rhett said.

"You're actually serious?" I said.

"Dead serious."

The others nodded.

I sighed then cocked my head.

"You have yourself a deal."


RYAN is known around the office as a ladies' man and a serial heartbreaker. After coming out of a miserable relationship the only thing Ryan wants to do is play the field.


JULIA is the ice queen boss in the office that no one can stand and everyone, including Ryan, is afraid of her. What they don't know is that she wasn't always this way.


When Ryan gets dared by the guys in the office to make the ice queen boss, Julia, fall in love and sleep with him, keeping her busy as well as melting her heart, Ryan starts trying to woo Julia. But Julia is a tough nut to crack and it seems Ryan won't ever get through to her. To make it worse Ryan starts having feelings for her. But eventually even Julia can't keep her heart ice cold and both fall in deep into a whirlwind romance.


And it's not like Julia will find out about the dare that the whole office is betting money on.



Release dateMay 1, 2022
The Ice Queen Boss, the Heartbreaker, and the Love Dare: Short and Sweet Series, #32

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Ice Queen Boss, the Heartbreaker, and the Love Dare - Luna Moon


    She left a message this morning, I said.

    So are you going to respond? he asked.

    I pulled a face.

    Of course not, I said. I’m a one and done kind of guy.

    He laughed.

    You’re honestly the worst.

    I was talking to Rhett, one of my colleagues about how my date went last night.

    I gave him a cheeky grin.

    The ladies love it, though.

    But as if dark clouds formed above the office the happy carefree mood disappeared.

    Why, you ask?

    Because Julia Priestley came walking into the office like a woman ready to kill.

    And that was not an exaggeration.

    The woman was worse than a hungry lioness. Everyone started acting really busy, including me.

    As soon as she disappeared in her office everyone relaxed again, some rolling their eyes or looking relieved (particularly Brent because of his nefarious browsing activities), others chatting really softly.

    Why is she always so uptight? I said to Rhett.

    He shook his head.

    Probably that time of the month.

    Dude, I said. It’s always that time of the month for her. I wish she could just...


    My eyes quickly darted to the person calling my name.


    I hope she didn’t hear what I said. Julia was standing in the doorway of her office.

    Well, what are you waiting for? she said while I blinked and stared at her terrified. Come here!

    She closed the door with a bang and everyone gave me supportive sympathetic looks.

    Can I have your stapler if she kills you? Jonah, another colleague asked.

    Yeah, go ahead.

    Can I have your lunch? Karen, one of my female colleagues asked.

    Don’t you dare touch my salami, I said pointing a finger at her.

    When I finally entered her office it didn’t go well. Just as I suspected I was in trouble.

    She started yelling at me because I had work that was supposed to be done.

    ‘Yeah, because you set an impossible schedule,’ I wanted to say.

    But of course, I didn’t.

    I tried to joke it off.

    She didn’t like that.

    If you don’t get serious about this account and nail the presentation I’m gonna make your life a living hell, Donovan!

    I swallowed loudly.

    Yes, boss, I said.

    After a few seconds I asked,

    Anything else?

    She sighed and looked up at me.

    Just go work, she said.

    Right away! I said, got up and left her office.

    I grumbled about how horrible she was all the way back to my desk.


    What happened back there? Kyle, one of my co-workers asked. Are you in trouble with the boss lady?

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