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THE OKLAHOMA PREPPER - Your Ultimate Survival Guide
THE OKLAHOMA PREPPER - Your Ultimate Survival Guide
THE OKLAHOMA PREPPER - Your Ultimate Survival Guide
Ebook113 pages58 minutes

THE OKLAHOMA PREPPER - Your Ultimate Survival Guide

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About this ebook

The Oklahoma Prepper is meant to be a resource and a guidepost. The information in this book should assist you in preparing for surviving a major disaster such as worldwide economic collapse or war; anything which may occur.

We must always be ready for any situation which may arise. Prepping is truly about the gear and the mentality. That includes the equipment to get home, to get out, and the mental fortitude to handle any situation life, or the world, may throw at us.
Release dateMar 1, 2022
THE OKLAHOMA PREPPER - Your Ultimate Survival Guide

Matthew E. Sheets

Matthew E. Sheets has been a prepper and a survivalist his entire life. He has not just studied the information contained in this book but lived it since his childhood. Matthew has studied and lives the survivalist lifestyle to truly understand what it will take to survive any disaster, and to help teach others how to stay safe and alive in a disastrous situation.

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    Book preview

    THE OKLAHOMA PREPPER - Your Ultimate Survival Guide - Matthew E. Sheets


    This book has been written to consolidate an introduction of multiple subjects into one easy-to-read and carry source. It was my goal to make something which could be carried in your truck, car, or your back pocket so you could search through the table of contents and discover the equipment you would want and need in your journey to becoming prepared. You, Dear reader, will notice some subjects are not heavily explained, mostly the medical information. While I can do a lot of things, I am not a medical professional and I do not feel I should explain the best and worst ways to do those things.

    I have done my best to make this information straightforward to read, and I truly hope it helps to keep you and your family safe and secure in times of darkness and need. As I stated in my letter to you, this is just one piece of a larger picture. One thing I have found to be true over the years is everyone has a different idea on brand, style and how something should, or shouldn’t work. This book should assist you in getting started and making your bags and stocking your vehicle, but I do encourage you to find other sources of information and suggestions. We are all different in our needs as well as skill levels.

    Frederick Douglass taught that literacy is the path from slavery to freedom. There are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom, but reading is still the path.

    Carl Sagan

    Chapter 1

    Why Prepare

    Being a prepper is not as simple as it sounds. Most in today’s modern society have the idea they will be able to swing by the grocery store, or a general store and pick up whatever they need. They believe society will just keep on trucking along, and supplies will always be available for purchase no matter wind, rain, or snow. However, the simple truth is society is always ready to throw us a curveball. One thing most have learned from the Covid-19 pandemic is you cannot always get in to buy what you need, and having something delivered to your home can be a challenge when everyone else is trying to do the same thing.

    In some form or fashion, everyone is a prepper. Even if we do not think about it in these terms. When you buy toilet paper do you buy a single roll or a package? Do you buy milk by the meal, or by the gallon? When you get insurance on your vehicle, are you thinking about the possibility of an accident bankrupting you? It easily could depend on what happens. We all prepare for things which could happen - things we hope never happens. With this said, all we are doing is expanding it and bringing it to the front of our thoughts. Now instead of just thinking about the next week to ten days, we are thinking months ahead, or maybe even years.

    The US Federal Government has a website for citizens to get a start. Go to HTTP// and read their page, they have a lot of useful information for getting started. While their suggestions will last you a week or possibly a little longer, in most cases it would work. Throughout the history of the United States, no matter what comes at us, a week or possibly two later will get people coming in to assist the survivors and get things moving again. But ask yourself this, what if things change? What if it is so bad assistance is not possible? What will you do if Government assistance is not possible for whatever

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