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The Wild Anemone
The Wild Anemone
The Wild Anemone
Ebook285 pages4 hours

The Wild Anemone

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Months after moving to Pagosa Cliffs, Milli started working towards her dream bakery with the help of her Great- Auntie Elizabeth. Still, with all the heartache and gossip surrounding her, she tried to move on and be better for little Emily. However, a letter from her late sister brings more heartache and

Release dateNov 17, 2021
The Wild Anemone

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    The Wild Anemone - M.M. Ward


    After her all-night drive from Pagosa Cliffs to Las Vegas, Milli took a small nap at the Harper’s house and prepared herself to see her sister, parents, and son again. The last two years and especially the last four months had been a tribulation unlike any she ever imagined. Her sister and husband were both dead. Milli grieved for them as much as she hated them for their betrayal. Everything—from rescuing her late ex-husband from carjackers outside of The Velvet Rope Strip Club to her divorce was a lie. A lie that Marni and her ex-husband created to stay with each other.

    She often prayed and asked for guidance in forgiving Marni and Edgar, but still struggled to overcome her bitterness. The only reason for her visit today was Marni’s birthday, and little Emily deserved to know her mother.

    Milli was not ready to visit the place where she buried her son and where she saw Edgar alive for the last time. The wounds were still raw, nonetheless she forced herself to get out of bed. She could not collapse back into despair as she had in the weeks after Charlie’s death. Emily needed her and her best friend was waiting to drive her to see Marnianne.


    Walking to the back of ‘Our Lady of Angels’, Milli held Emily close. The three-month-old looked around curiously at the large cathedral and made sweet noises. Jackson followed behind quietly; visiting Marni was just as hard for him as it was for Milli. He was in a relationship with Marni in high school, but it had turned out to be a disaster, proving Jackson was more gay than bisexual. Marni’s selfishness had hurt him and helped him too. He was very close after their breakup until he met Mitchell Abernathy. Both of them helped each other to overcome their problems and had been a couple for five years now. They would get married in a few months at Milli’s new bakery. Milli was finally going to take her aunt up on her offer to convert the Wild Anemone Bed and Breakfast into a bakery after the townspeople fell in love with her baked goods. Life was finally getting better for her.

    Marnianne Charlotte Haywood

    Beloved Daughter - Beloved Sister

    Hey sis, we made it. Happy Birthday. Milli put her fingertips gently on the crypt name plate. Emily, say hi to your mother. She brought the child’s tiny hand on the plate and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ in breathy whispers, holding the small hand over the plaque with Marni’s name as long as the baby allowed. Emily made cooing noises and patted the brass surface. As Marni’s birthday gift, Milli had decided to have the words ‘Beloved Mother’ added to it.

    Below Marni’s name engraved Milli's son’s name.

    Charles Haywood-Rowling

    Son of Milli Haywood-Rowling and Edgar Rowling

    My sweet Charlie boy,

    I only had a moment with you,

    My little angel gone to heaven too soon.

    Tears flooded out of her eyes. Hey, baby boy, Mommy brought your big sister to see you for Auntie Marni’s birthday. We miss you both so much.

    Jackson held out his arms and traded flowers for Emily. He nuzzled the little girl's hair, weeping silently as Milli placed the flowers in the vases for her family and said a rosary. The baby reached up and patted the wetness on his face, making a cooing sound as if she were trying to comfort him.

    After spending a little more time with her family, Milli moved over to a plaque, put two carnations below it, and lit a candle.

    In Memory of Roxanne Velvet and Duran Velvet

    Milli never knew what happened to her sister Roxanne after their mother killed her. Her adoptive mother, Dr. Emily Haywood, buried Duran and insisted on having Roxie’s name added to the memorial plaque, so Milli would have a place to mourn and remember her lost siblings. Milli missed the woman who had been her true mother, especially now that she was Emily’s mother.

    After spending an hour at ‘Our Lady of Angels’, they emerged out into the cold Vegas winter.

    Thanks for taking the day off, Jackson, Milli said as they walked towards the car.

    Anything for you and our princess. Now tell me more about Pagosa Cliffs. We didn’t get time to catch up from the time you arrived. Have you met anyone? Auntie said you had a weekend away. Jackson brought up the subject to avoid having to lie. He didn’t want to tell her he quit his job to spend this week with her and Emily. Life after she left the Famous Vegas Cakery had been hard. If it weren’t for Mitch, Jackson didn’t know if he would have the strength to keep going.

    I went away last weekend with that deputy I mentioned, but it won’t go anywhere because his ex-wife hates me like Mitch hates liver Dulet.

    You hate it more, Jackson reminded, joking, but Milli shook her head.

    Unable to laugh about their shared years-old shared dislike of Ethiopian food, Milli quietly revealed to her best friend about Lloyd. She felt happy and safe in his arms, but then he spent the week at his ex-wife’s taking care of his niece, blowing her off.  Milli tried not to feel bitter about their last conversation. She offered to date him and he… he rejected her offer.

    But he wouldn’t… He told me his whole family had given up on his niece because of Tonia’s beef with them. I don’t understand the situation, a lot of people think Tonia is a saint. She seems like a good person to everyone, but some people hate her… There is something about her. I don’t know… I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s weird. Milli shrugged nonchalantly.

    The events that occurred with Lloyd, especially the water incident, shocked Jackson. He knew Milli’s fear of water, but she tried to overcome it just for Lloyd, which showed how much she cared about him. The realization angered him more. She again tried to trust someone, and he crushed her heart like all the others, reinforcing her belief that she was not worth enough to be loved. His hands tighten on the steering wheel thinking about it.

    I can’t believe you jumped in a pool to make him change his ink. What were you thinking? Jackson blurted out, unable to hold his anger anymore.

    It worked in theory; he got his ink changed, but she found a new way to own him. Milli looked out the window. She didn't want to think about Lloyd anymore. It’s for the best. I’m not ready to start dating, anyway. Blinking back tears, she tried to ignore what she had begun to believe was true. No one would want her that way… ever.

    Jackson said nothing after that as he navigated through the busy Las Vegas streets, glancing at Milli now and then. She was playing with Emily, who made happy baby noises in her car seat at the back, making Milli smile in return. But he knew behind that smile she was hiding her pain.

    Sensing Jackson’s gaze, she gave him a small smile before returning to looking at the busy passing streets, which differed from their usual route. Instead of driving from the church to his house, they were going somewhere else.

    Where are we going? Milli glanced at Jackson, questioning, and he just grinned. Do you remember when the Betty Boob Club added the restaurant part with all the cool red enameled appliances a few years ago?

    Yaaashhh, I loved their décor! Milli gushed, clapping her hands together once.

    Betty sold the land to the Oasis. She can’t afford to keep both the club and the salon open, Jackson explained, his grin widening like a Cheshire cat. Would you like to go see it all before we meet Dad for an early dinner?

    Sure, but why?

    Because Mitch and I got Miss Betty to sell you the equipment at half price before they close down.

    Really?! Milli shrieked with happiness, her jade green eyes sparkled with excitement. Only her seatbelt kept her from hugging him. Omigawd! Omigawd!

    But calm down for a second, there’s a special request. Miss Betty wants you to make her final party cake in exchange for the discount. Since you don’t work for The Velvet Rope anymore, she isn’t afraid to hire you for her party.

    And in return, I’ll get all the kitchen equipment for half price? Milli drummed her fingers on her thighs. She wouldn’t have to buy 20-year-old used equipment from a restaurant supply reseller anymore. Instead, she would have four-year-old equipment exactly the color of red she most desired.

    Would it be worth risking the wrath of the Valtini family to bake for the club that had been their nemesis? She wondered for a minute, but decided to take a risk, thinking about how the opportunity would bring her dream closer. 

    What style of cake? And for how many? she found herself asking, trying to hold back her excitement.

    You will get all the details when we reach there. After that, the ride was more cheerful as Milli’s mood changed from sour to happy.


    Dinner with Jackson and his father, Bill was boisterous and full of laughter. After they returned to the Harper’s home, Emily fell asleep in Bill’s arms. Milli could see the old detective’s longing for grandchildren. Jackson had been with Mitch since Bill and Katy had worked on Mitchell’s sister’s murder five years ago. Jackson and Mitchell probably wouldn’t ever have children of their own because surrogates were too expensive, and they both worked so much that adoption would be a very long process. She watched as the detective, who saved her from her biological mother, rocked her niece, thinking he would be such a good grandfather. You know she’s as much yours as mine, Milli murmured softly, not to disturb Emily. You saved my life. That means everything I have is yours.

    Bill chuckled, You are too kind, Milli Vanilli Velveteen Bunny.

    Milli giggled at the old nickname, referring to her favorite childhood story.

    Bill carefully shifted Emily and took a sip of his bourbon. How are you holding up, kiddo? Jackson says you’re doing the Betty Boob Club’s Last Call party tomorrow?

    Yeah, Jackson convinced Betty to sell me the kitchen equipment at a cheaper rate before the club shuts down. She is even going to give me some of those cute red enameled patio sets that are on the roof. It will take the rest of my savings to get it all and the van Mitch found for me, but I’ll be ready to open my bakery in just a few months instead of years. I already have regular clients, and the owner of a dispensary chain is hiring me to bake twice a week. She held up her hand to his grimace. I know you don’t approve of the marijuana industry, but the money is too good. I have to think about Emily and make it until I’m twenty-five before I can be sure Emily and I are going to have everything we need.

    He sighed heavily before standing to place the sleeping baby in her bassinet. I just worry, Milli. I used to worry Donatello Valtini would recognize you every time you made a cake for parties at The Velvet Rope. That he would remember what he had done to Roxanne and hurt you because you knew. Bill ran his hand over Emily’s curls with a loving but worried look. He’s back to looking for underage girls, and since Marni’s death, he wants all blondes, no more redheads.

    Something in his voice made Milli worried. What are you saying, Bill? She asked, eyeing his back while he covered Emily with a baby blanket.

    Bill turned to face her with a concerned look. Milli, do you know when Marni met Mr. Valtini and why she was one of his special girls?

    She wasn't... Milli shook her head, fearful of the answer. Realization felt like being hit by a bolt of lightning because part of her knew the truth; Marni was special to the Valtinis. Oh no. You think she was like Roxie! No. Marni wouldn't do that. She knew… she knew about Roxie... Mom and Dad would have never allowed it. She raged at him in denial, whispering harshly.

    Milli, easy. He guided her out of the guestroom before she woke Emily. We can’t say for sure. Katy was on to something that might get the last Valtini in Vegas locked away where he belongs.

    What does Katy’s investigation have to do with Marni? Milli held herself tightly, shuddering involuntarily while thinking about CSI Katy Housan’s obsession with the Valtini Mafia.

    There was a gap in time where Donatello Valtini was looking for younger girls. It started the same year Marni turned sixteen and ended when she quit working at the Velvet Rope. Do you know if Marni was involved with him as more than just one of his dancers? Had you ever seen him with her before she started working for him?

    Uhh no, I mean, I don’t know. Milli didn’t want to think about Marni and Donnie Valtini as she shook her head. Marni was always sneaking out, then she started working for him after high school. But she had boyfriends in high school and at college, and he’s like twenty years older. Marni didn’t like older men except for their wallets.

    Why would you say that? Bill asked calmly.

    Milli realized she walked into telling Bill the truth she had just begun to accept herself. Because Marni told me so and said she could keep any guy on the hook. They would buy whatever she wanted, and she would be their perfect fantasy, the innocent girl next door with the slut underneath. Some even liked it when she pretended to be scared and innocent. She would even make herself bleed, so they could pretend she was a virgin with them. I thought it was sick. Marni’s need to describe every detail of those men and their ‘dates’ with her had always disgusted Milli.

    But she would never be with Donnie Valtini that way; she knew everything he did to Roxie, Milli insisted.

    Bill’s lips made a thin line. His eyes were sad and regretful. Milli, Katy has evidence of calls between them going back for years. Did Marni keep any records about her private clients? A book or file on her computer?

    Dad! You promised you weren’t going to pressure Milli about this. Katy got suspended because she’s obsessed after they killed her dad and wants revenge. Don’t you start just because you’re retiring next summer. Jackson turned to Milli. Go to bed, sweetie. My dad and I have to talk about stuff.

    Jackson, she needs to know the truth about her sister and Valtini. You need to tell her. Bill chastised him.

    You knew? Milli looked at Jackson angrily, making him feel guilty. Marni was Donnie’s favorite, or at least Katy thinks so, Jackson answered slowly. Don’t get mad, please.

    Bill scowled at his son. The man paid to rape underage girls. He did it before he hooked up with Marnianne, and he’s gone back to it. He’s a predator. To tell both of you the truth, right now he’s shopping, and he’s looking for Marni 2.0!

    Milli shook her head, defending her sister. No. No! Marni did not make him this way. It isn’t her fault he’s looking for blondes.

    Milli, do you want him to destroy some new teenage girl’s life the way he did Roxanne, or worse, do what his cousin Giovanni did to Mitch’s sister, Ramona? If you know anything, if Marni kept any records that could incriminate him, I need it. Katy needs it. Bill was persistent.

    Why? So, you can embarrass my mom and dad’s memory? So, you can drag Marni’s name through the mud? She wasn’t doing anything illegal. She had her sex worker card and danced. She filed all her income and got herself tested just like she was supposed to.

    Milli was livid, her voice squeaked up an octave. Or is this just so you can finish what you and Katy started when I was in high school and finally destroy the Valtini crime family? She gets a promotion for taking down the family who killed her dad, and you get to have a last big bust to prove you should have been captain of detectives?

    My dad did deserve to be a captain, Jackson snapped at Milli. However, before she could retort, he blurted out more. But that doesn’t matter now. Dad, it’s over. Marni’s dead. You gotta let it go until you have real evidence. Badgering Milli isn’t right, and you know it. Do you want to end up suspended like Katy?

    Milli looked at her tall friend. Katy’s suspended? Why? What is going on?

    A seventeen-year-old girl got drugged and raped in the back of one of Valtini’s nightclubs. There was no physical evidence of who did it, but Katy arrested Donnie Valtini, then she punched him while he was handcuffed to a chair in an interrogation room. He got her charged with false arrest, then his lawyers filed a motion to throw out Giovanni’s conviction based on police misconduct. The girl killed herself a month later, saying in a note she lied about who assaulted her. We all know Donnie raped that girl, same as Giovanni killed Mitch’s sister. Bill poured himself another drink, his shoulders which always seemed so broad and strong, slumped. And because we have to follow the letter of the law, they might both get away with it and be free to look for more victims. They are both serial rapists and killers, I know it, but I can’t prove it... yet.

    They all stood in silence, then Milli walked over to the bar and poured herself a half glass of bourbon over ice. She gulped it with tears running down her face.

    I don’t know anything more than you know. She announced ruefully, You probably know more than me. My sister is not the person I thought she was. I mean, I knew Marni was a party girl but thought... oh, I don’t know what I thought. Marni was trying to change herself, so she could be a good mom for Emily. That’s the sister I want to remember. The one who protected me from bullies and made me talk out my nightmares. The Marni who taught me to be brave or at least act like I was. She choked, trying to drink the burning, bitter liquid, but it just wouldn’t wash down the sobs, wanting to escape her chest.

    Me too. Taking the drink from Milli, Jackson wrapped his arms around her, handing his father the glass. Her tears wet his shirt over his heart.

    Over her head, he said to his father, If you want the Valtinis, find another way. The gambling, the money laundering, the identity thefts, something else. We’re done with this, Dad. Marni had her problems; she liked to drink and screw around and party hard. She was selfish and flaky, but loved her family and friends. Marni was a good person; let her rest in peace.


    Jackson guided Milli back to the guest room. She pulled him over to the bed and they curled up together as they had so often since he came out about his sexuality. As they lay there, he murmured soothing things to comfort her. Sometime later, Mitch came home to find Jackson asleep next to Milli. She patted the bed on the other side of her tall best friend.

    Long night? Milli whispered to Mitch as he sat down behind his lover on the bed. It was past 3 a.m.

    Too long. The Oasis had a big shindig. That Hightower guy sure knows how to have a party, but then he didn’t even show up. The food was terrible, and the cake was a garish disaster. They tried to make a fountain look like a waterfall in the center, but it overflowed, soaking the whole thing in champagne and blue Curacao. It was a mess and didn’t look nearly as good as one of yours. Mitch reached over and brushed her cheek where the tears had fallen and dried. They told you what’s going on?

    She nodded, How are you?

    Bad… But I can’t think about it. If I think about Giovanni Valtini getting out of prison, I’ll start drinking again. I can’t... I won’t let that hate eat me up again. I miss Mona, but I don’t want to screw up the good thing I have with Jacks. Mitch moved to spoon Jackson. I love my beanstalk.

    I heard you, I love you too, Jackson murmured and pulled Milli closer while he simultaneously scooted back against Mitch as they both laughed softly. Go to sleep Trollina, you and I have to be at the club by 5 a.m. to start baking and caking.


    Jackson put Emily in her car seat while Milli put the diaper bag on the other side. She was tired, but it wasn’t because they were up baking and decorating since early morning for the Club Betty Boob Last Call party. Baking at Marni’s favorite club made Milli’s heart ache because she was still struggling with Marni and Edgar’s betrayal. She was feeling conflicted; she loved Marni and hated her. Milli grieved Marni and missed her, but her bitterness made it all too much to bear. She knew she needed more time to forgive them.

    ‘It’s time for another session with my therapist,’ she thought, realizing again how much it scarred her as Jackson talked. "Mitch is driving the guests for the Last Call party, and we finished the cakes, so I am all yours for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I took the rest of the week off too, ya know, in case you need me. Jackson reached over and squeezed her hand, breaking into her thoughts. You are thinking about her too much."

    Milli smiled sadly at him through her tears, trying not to sob. "Thanks, Jacks, I... it’s hard. It’s like I have to forgive her every hour

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