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Golden Retriever: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Golden Retriever
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Golden Retriever: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Golden Retriever

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About this ebook

Do you want a Golden Retriever and want to know everything about him before you take in this great animal? Or maybe you already have him and are now looking for information that will really help you?

This book gives you everything you need to know. There are no unanswered questions here, only answers. It leads into a wonderful friendship you've been waiting for.

What awaits you on the following pages? Get a brief history of the animal you love so much. Find out how breeding began. But also all the questions about diseases of the breed and general ailments of the dog will not remain unanswered in this book. Also, get to know the Golden Retrievers who were life savers and will always remain so in the minds of their owners.

The contents of the book are:
- Introduction to the subject
- Education and training of Golden Retriever
- Healthcare and nutrition
- Advantages of this breed
- With many pictures and other topics

This and much more will await you in the following pages. Open the book and dive into a world of the Golden Retriever, who may soon be at your side. You will be thrilled and fascinated. Have fun discovering and experiencing.
Release dateApr 25, 2022
Golden Retriever: Nutrition, character, training and much more about the Golden Retriever

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    Golden Retriever - Roland Berger



    ou are thinking about a new family member or have already decided? No matter what: Your decision is made and it will be a Golden Retriever. You are making a choice that many people have made before you. It is a good choice!

    But perhaps you are now also a little uncertain. You do not want to do anything wrong and offer your dog at home what he wants.

    In the first place, you should not worry too much. The best and greatest gift you can give your four-legged friend is love. You certainly have a lot of it and you don't have to worry about it not being enough. One look and everything is sealed. Your dog will take you to his heart as much as you take him.

    The first step is done! But it needs something more. In this book you will find everything you need for the care, keeping and general knowledge about your Golden Retriever. Are you interested in the origin and want to know more about the history of your dog? The following pages will answer all your questions about it. Find out if his nature suits you and where this wonderful dog has its origin.

    But it is just as important for you to learn more about training and education? This is a very good approach. Start as early as possible and go the right way. You will find many important tips on this. Which of them you end up applying, whether you want to try it alone or with help, is up to you.

    But one thing is also very high on the agenda: health. You love your dog and of course you want him to stay healthy and lively for a long time. Every animal is different. While one is a little more susceptible, the other doesn't mind at all. How it is with your Golden Retriever, you do not know immediately. However, there are a few things you can do to support the health and well-being of your fur friend. Diseases that can occur and simple tips that are important guideposts await you on the following pages and take away some of those health worries.

    What will probably be the most important thing in the everyday life of your dog, besides love and health? Surely you must be smiling now, but a dog is a dog after all and food is almost the top priority for him. But there are differences here. What is good and what should you avoid? You will soon know - if your dog does not already tell you his personal opinion by itself.

    This book is a support for an everyday life that now still seems strange and unfamiliar.

    Do not worry too much. Go into everyday life with calm and serenity and enjoy a wonderful time with your four-legged friend.

    You have the right support in your hands right now. Here's to a wonderful time with many adventures and experiences that you and your furry darling will never forget.

    The Golden Retriever

    Origin and history


    ne thing interests you immensely: where does the dog you and perhaps your family have chosen come from? Of course, you know exactly from whom you bought him, but that plays a minor role here.

    At some point, the course of the history of the Golden Retriever took its beginning. Not all owners of this breed know about it, but right now you are one of the lucky ones who do. Have you ever seriously thought about it and maybe even found an answer for yourself? Maybe you were right. Find out.

    Little is known about the real breeding beginnings. But a decisive role is played by the year 1959. Until here, people assumed that the Golden Retriever originated from the Russian circus dogs. Dudley Marjoribanks had bought such dogs in England in exactly this year and brought them further to Scotland.

    At this point, however, we have to go back a few years again and take a look at 1952. Exactly in this year the methodical breeding records of Mr. Marjoribanks were found. But it took ten years until they were submitted to the Kennel Club in Great Britain. Until today they are available there.

    Now let's take a look inside the records, at least the part that was transmitted by the story. According to the written down evidence, in 1864 a yellow retriever with a wavy coat (his name was Nous) was mated with a tweed water spaniel (Belle). If the second dog breed does not mean anything to you, there is nothing wrong with it. Unfortunately, this one has been extinct for many years.

    Breeding of this species continued until 1890, when two black retrievers and an Irish Red Setter were also included. However, in the year just mentioned, the record ends and there is no further evidence.

    The reasons for this are not known. The only thing that is clear is that Marjoribanks died four years later.

    The name yellow or gold was recognized by the Kennel Club in 1913 in connection with the retriever as a breed. It took a few more years, in the middle of the 1920s, when the Golden Retriever got its name as we know it today.

    If you have already heard of the Kennel Club, it is quite possible. Because to this day it is considered the leading breeding association of the dog you have chosen. 

    Especially quickly spread the popularity of the Golden Retriever in Canada, England and the United States. But also Germany joined the followers. In the 1990s, it was mainly TV shows and movies that made this wonderful dog so popular in our country.

    People's love for this animal has not changed to this day. On the contrary, it has grown steadily and today the Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. For breeding associations in Germany, the situation is no different.

    As a domestic dog, this breed is very popular and often seen in the Benelux countries and Scandinavia. France and Brazil also line up and cannot escape the gaze and love of this wonderful animal. As you can see, the Golden Retriever has had an exciting time and a great origin story. Even if not everything could be transmitted to the smallest detail, it is enough for a good overview.

    He has already seen so many countries and his thirst for discovery knows no bounds.

    The use

    One thing you surely already know: The Golden Retriever is a wonderful dog for every single person and family. Here he brings joy and happiness.

    But there is much more to him than that. In addition to his role as a good luck charm in the house, there are many areas of application that are ideally suited for him and optimally promote his skills.

    Very good work this dog breed does as a rescue dog. With care and calmness, he takes his task to help people. Even in wars he was used and could save lives that would have been lost without him.

    The Golden Retriever can also look back on a career as a drug and explosives detection dog. Whether at the customs or the police - here he is a faithful companion and has already solved many a case to full satisfaction.

    Equally welcome and indispensable for his owners, he is a companion dog for the disabled. Here he can be a support for the blind, but also for the deaf. It is amazing. The Goldie adapts wonderfully and can effortlessly replace eyes or even ears.

    People with psychological problems or even physical ailments, for example triggered by trauma of any kind, also find in him a great support. As a therapy dog, he leads people back to a normal everyday life and brings back the joy of life.

    With all these possible uses, however, it must be remembered that no Golden Retriever can do all this easily from the start. It needs a certain time of training. How much time this takes cannot be said. It varies from dog to dog, similar to humans: Everyone learns differently and at different rates. The important thing is that it starts early. A young dog learns significantly better and faster than an older one, although it must also be said here that a Golden Retriever must in no case be too old to start such a complex training.

    Despite all the possibilities, the Goldie is and remains a great family dog. It should never be forgotten that even a friend in daily use always wants to go back to the family and security.

    A good balance is required here. Only when everything is right can saving a life, replacing the senses and finding different dangers really work.

    A hero of history

    Now you have already learned quite a bit about the possible uses, but it does not always take such an environment to be a great hero.

    In the following you will find a few stories that really happened. Whether they have been handed down completely identically is not entirely clear, but on the whole they happened exactly the same.

    Once again, these reports show what lies dormant in a Golden Retriever. He is not just a dog, but can change every day of your life. He brings love, security and is a hero in all imaginable life situations.

    1st story: Toby and the apple

    This story is about the golden retriever Toby. His owner Debbie found herself in a very dramatic situation. She was eating an apple with relish, but choked on it during the meal. Since she could no longer speak, there was no way to make herself heard by calling out.

    Toby, however, immediately recognized the need and jumped on his mistress' chest. The piece that had been caught in Debbie's throat came loose and popped out of her mouth. Her dog saved her life. Without his help, Debbie might not be alive today.

    Due to his rescue and skill, Toby received the Dog of the year award in 2007.

    2nd story: Brutis and the snake

    Not quite as sweet as the apple is the story about Goldie Brutis. The name of the child who plays a role here is not known, but nevertheless this experience went into the story.

    Brutis did not seem to think about the consequences when he saw the poisonous snake. This incessantly approached a small boy, who apparently did not notice it or did not see the danger.

    Brutis, however, recognized it and, without thinking, lunged at the snake and stopped it from taking a fatal bite. The golden retriever, however, could not escape the fangs and was bitten by the animal.

    Fortunately, help was quickly on the scene and the great hero of the story could be saved. He survived the attack and in the end he certainly had a new friend for life.

    What became of the snake is not known.

    Brutis received the National Hero Dog Award for his heroic deed in 2004 and enjoyed excellent health.

    Story 3: Amber and the accident in the snow

    A very young dog (15 months) is the heroine of this last story. She was traveling in Alaska with her master Otis, whether vacation or not is not clear from the narrative.

    The only thing that is clear is that the two were traveling together on a snowmobile. However, on their trip they fell victim to an accident. It is not clear how this accident occurred. They were thrown far through the air and Amber's master was very seriously injured. He was immobilized, Amber, on the other hand, was fine and had suffered no injuries that limited her.

    But to leave her master did not occur to her. She stayed by his side all night and in the great cold, trying to warm him to the best of her ability. One thing is for sure: Amber was certainly cold that night too, although she is perhaps more accustomed to these temperatures than a dog in warm Europe.

    The dog did not seem to be afraid of other animals either. According to the story, crows must have also tried to harm her master. But Amber stood her ground and shooed them away again and again - until they made no further attempts.

    A whole day passed and miraculously two snowmobiles passed the way of the casualty and the brave dog. Amber barked as loudly and as long as she could to draw attention to herself and her master.

    It succeeded and the two were rescued.

    A story that goes to the heart and makes clear what a Golden Retriever can be capable of.

    Whether the stories have really happened exactly, certainly no one can say than the owners of the dogs mentioned here themselves.

    In the end, however, they happened in this way and make it clear that in a Golden Retriever there is a rescuer by nature. People he loves, he protects. There is no question of right or wrong here. He stands by your side and doesn't ask for much in return - only what you are sure to give him in spades anyway: Your love!

    The character traits of the new friend

    A dog is not just a dog. Surely, when you were considering this addition, you wondered if the Goldie would even fit you. This is quite normal. As already said, every person is different - just like every dog.

    So, you may like to surround yourself with a lively dog, while others may prefer the quiet part.

    Now, of course, not every Golden Retriever is like the other. There are always small differences in the characteristics. On the whole, however, the traits are the same.

    In the course

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