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The Geeky Nerd, His Sexy Bully and the Perfect Match Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #34
The Geeky Nerd, His Sexy Bully and the Perfect Match Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #34
The Geeky Nerd, His Sexy Bully and the Perfect Match Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #34
Ebook94 pages57 minutes

The Geeky Nerd, His Sexy Bully and the Perfect Match Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #34

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"It doesn't matter now," he said. "There's no way she'd ever be interested in me."

I thought about it while studying his face.

I mean, I could.

But would it be wise?

"I can help you," I finally said when I made up my mind.

And that's how I showed him the bot. He wasn't excited about the bot at first, not really understanding what was the big deal with it.

"This bot can predict who would be the perfect match for a person. I initially designed it for dating websites and matchmaking," I said.

"And how's that gonna help me?" He asked confused.
"If you can figure out what her perfect match is then you can..."

"Act like him," he said. "That's brilliant!"

"Yeah, I thought it might work."

"Okay? So how do I do it?"

"We're gonna need some information from her," I said. "But... I want you to know this doesn't change anything. I still don't like you."

"And I still hate your guts too," he said.

"You're an annoying asshole," I said.
"You're a creepy dork," he said.

I held out my hand.


He looked down at my hand then shook it.



REECE has been bullied his entire life for being smarter than the average kid at his school. But things are starting to look up for him now that he's created his secret bot program.


NOAH, the popular jock, has bullied Reece since he was younger and he wasn't planning on stopping any time soon. But things are a little tough for the jock when he keeps becoming a stuttering mess around his secret high school crush.


When Reece's bot program that can calculate the perfect match for a person finally works, his best friend's and his dream of becoming rich and important seem finally reachable.


But when Noah, his high school bully's mom goes out of town and his mother arranges for Noah to stay over at his house, Reece needs to keep the bot a secret.

Though after Noah desperately tries to get the girl to notice him and gets rejected badly Reece can't help but feel sorry for him.


On a whim he decides to share the bot with Noah and offers his help in getting Noah the girl of his dreams. But as the two spend more and more time together feelings start brewing between the two. But there's only one problem. Noah is straight.


Can the popular jock really catch feelings for his bully victim?

Release dateMay 5, 2022
The Geeky Nerd, His Sexy Bully and the Perfect Match Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #34

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Geeky Nerd, His Sexy Bully and the Perfect Match Makeover - Luna Moon


    I hated high school.

    Not because of the grumpy teachers, or the school’s obsession with sports, or the piles of homework, or my parents who always wanted me to excel so I could go to the same college they went to.

    No, there was only one reason.


    I had my fair share unfortunately. And there wasn’t anything wrong with me. I wasn’t grotesque or even looked nerdy for that matter, apart from my glasses.

    But I was smart.

    And that was my downfall.

    I’d just endured another fresh and early session with the football team emerging wet and a piece of toilet paper stuck on my shoe. I got the nicest looks for that by the way.

    I found my only friend, Jaden, at our lockers. We’d met that first day of high school at the very same lockers. Ever since then we were buds. And I guess it also helped that we shared the same bullies. He wasn’t wet today, but there was a huge hole in his pants.

    The football team? I asked pointing at the hole.

    Shamefully the cheerleaders.

    I winced.

    Ouch, I said. Sorry about that.

    Eh, he said. It’s alright. At least I’m not wet.

    Yeah, I feel sticky, I said.

    So how’s the bot going? He asked.

    It’s almost finished. Well, if I can figure out how to fix the bug I found.

    Hopefully the last bug, he said with a grin.

    The bot was my get rich project I was working on. Well, it was currently my Use All My Allowance on Computer Equipment project, but one day it was going to be worth millions.

    One day, Jaden said. We’re gonna sell the app and make tons of money.

    And then, I added. We’ll show all those jerks how cool we can be.

    He bumped my arm with his and wiggled his eyebrows.

    Don’t forget the boy of your dreams.

    I laughed but couldn’t help blush.

    That’s the most important part of the plan.

    After school I rushed home. After helping my mom with dinner and helping bathe my little sister, I finally got time alone in my room.

    I worked until three in the morning, my eyes feeling like it was going to burn up and turn into dust. I was so tired and aching everywhere but damn I was happy.

    It works! I said for the hundredth time since it finally started working.

    I still couldn’t believe it. After all that studying, all that programming, all the late nights losing sleep, all the planning and double checking...

    It was done.

    Wait until I show Jaden!


    I knew the kid would be in the boys’ room before we even walked through the door.

    Jackson and Chad pinned him down for me before he could run away.

    You’re trying to escape, huh? I said walking towards him. That’s not playing fair, is it?

    The kid gulped and said,


    Shut up! I said. Don’t tell me what to do.

    I kicked open the stall door closest to me.

    Get him inside, I said.

    No! No, please! He begged.

    No! No, please, I mocked his voice then laughed.

    One of them opened the toilet lid while the other one pushed him down on the ground so I could do the honours."

    And now for your daily baptism, I said.

    The kid held in his breath and I pulled the lever causing the water to flood his face.

    We laughed at his panic and Trey pulled him up after a while.

    He coughed loudly struggling for air.

    Well, wasn’t that fun? I said then pointed to his cheek. Ooh, you’re a little wet there.

    The others laughed and we left the bathroom. Before I walked out I shouted over my shoulder,

    Have fun cleaning up!

    Man, that never gets old, Chad said when we were outside walking in the hallway.

    That’s just the start of our day, I said with a grin. There’s so much other fish to fry.

    Too bad Louis couldn’t join us today, Jackson said.

    I can’t believe he’s running late again, I said and rolled my eyes.

    He was out with Jessica again, Trey said. It’s happening almost every night.

    Hey, I said. At least the guy’s scoring.

    We stopped at our lockers down the hall.

    Yeah, Chad said. It’s only us that are not scoring unfortunately.

    Speak for yourself, I said. I’ve already got one lined up.

    You’re not talking about Cher are you? He said and laughed.

    What is so funny about that? I said annoyed.

    Dude, Jackson said. You turn into a jelly whenever you see her.

    No, I don’t! I said. That’s ridiculous.

    Okay, well if you’re so sure of that why don’t you talk to her right now? Chad said and spun me around.

    Cher was walking

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