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His Mischievous Minx: Marsden Descendants, #6
His Mischievous Minx: Marsden Descendants, #6
His Mischievous Minx: Marsden Descendants, #6
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His Mischievous Minx: Marsden Descendants, #6

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Lady Emilia St. John has loved Alexander Marsden, the Earl of Devon, for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, he also doesn't seem to notice her. She's more than aware of his roguish behavior, and hopes to use that to her advantage. It's time for him to realize they are meant to be together, and she's willing to seduce him to achieve her goal.


Alex does notice Emilia, and he wishes he didn't. She grows lovelier each day and his desire for her grows, but he doesn't believe he's worthy of her. He's done a lot of dark and wicked things. Em deserves better than the likes of him, and he intends to keep her at arms length. Until the mischievous minx gives him no choice.


They're forced to share a car on a train to the countryside. The night they spend together changes everything...and nothing. Alex has a decision to make, and Emilia might not like what he chooses to do.


PublisherMG Press
Release dateMay 10, 2022
His Mischievous Minx: Marsden Descendants, #6

Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website:

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    Book preview

    His Mischievous Minx - Dawn Brower

    His Mischievous Minx

    His Mischievous Minx





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8


    Thank You


    About Dawn Brower

    Also by Dawn Brower

    Excerpt: Courting a Christmas Wallflower


    Excerpt: Loving My Wicked Rogue


    Chapter 1

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    His Mischievous Minx Copyright © 2022 by Dawn Brower

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    For all those that find strength when they need it most. Do not give up. You never know what you might discover in the middle of your journey.

    You must be the best judge of your own happiness.



    Christmas 1920

    Lady Emilia St. John sat by the tree and studied all the decorations. A crystal Angel sat at the top. A symbol of love that Thor, Viscount Torrington, had given his wife Pia decades earlier. The Marsdens put it on their tree every year now at Christmas.

    That was a love that Emilia envied. A tradition she desperately wanted to be a part of and she wanted to be a Marsden in every way. She wanted Alexander Marsden, the Earl of Devon, to actually see her, love her, want her. He didn’t treat her the way she hoped he would, though. Alex saw her as another kid sister—like his little sister, Angeline. He wouldn’t kiss her or touch her as a man did with a woman he adored, cherished…

    Nothing she did would change that. She should set her feelings aside and move on. That was far easier said than done. Her heart wanted one man. It didn’t matter that the man in question didn’t feel the same way.

    Emilia, a female said from behind her.

    She blinked back the tears that had started to form and turned her head. Hello, Angeline, she said. Angeline had married Emilia’s brother Lucian several years earlier. She had been like a sister to her before then, but now she was in truth. Emilia had always wanted a sister. I was admiring the tree.

    Angeline glanced up then and smiled. Grandma Pia’s Angel.

    Emilia smiled then. Its lovely, isn’t it?

    Indeed, she agreed. In some ways, I was named after that angel. It left an impression on my father."

    I can certainly understand why. Angeline’s nickname was Angel. Emilia had never realized that the crystal tree topper was where that had come from. We’ve been spending the Christmas season together all our lives. Do you ever wonder what our lives would have been like if we hadn’t had those close ties?

    Angeline tilted her head to the side. I suppose I may never have grown to love Lucian if that were the case. She faced Emilia. Are you suggesting that if our families were not close, we may have taken different paths? She shuddered. I would hate to think that Lucian and I would never have found each other. I have to believe that even if our families were strangers, Lucian and I were always destined for each other.

    Emilia nodded slowly. She could understand why Angeline had to believe that. Lucian adored her, and Angeline returned that sentiment. Sometimes Emilia was jealous of how much they loved each other. She had always wanted that with Alex. Some dreams were not meant to happen, though. It’s lovely to think so.

    Angeline frowned. You’re thinking about Alex, aren’t you?

    It was no secret how she felt about Alexander Marsden. She had tried to hide her feelings at first, but those that knew her could see the truth. Well, everyone it seemed, except Alex. Perhaps, she said noncommittally. I’ve begun to consider what my future should be. Now that we no longer have to worry about war, and are free to think about our futures again, I need to choose what path I am to take. It’s time to set my hopes and dreams aside and live in reality. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. My future does not include your brother. Perhaps my destiny was always meant to be spent alone.

    My brother is an idiot, Angeline told her. He will wake up one day and realize what he’s lost. It will be interesting to see what he does when that happens.

    I can’t wait for him anymore. I’ve been waiting longer than I should have. Emilia stood and looked one last time at the tree, at the hope it represented, and smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile, but one filled with sadness and resignation. Her heart hurt, had been bruised, but it would heal. In time, she could look back at this time for what it was. A possibility that never had a chance to grow into something beautiful. I’m going to retire for the evening. She was done ripping her own heart out. The healing had to begin sometime. Why not now?

    I’m here if you need to talk. Compassion filled Angeline’s gaze. At least she had the sister she’d always wanted.

    Thank you for that, Emilia told her. But right now I need to be alone.

    She left Angeline alone in the sitting room with the large decorated Christmas tree and the enchanting crystal angel topper. That wasn’t going to be a tradition she would embrace any longer. Emilia was not a Marsden and never would be. Her future would not include Alexander Marsden. He would never love her.

    Instead of going to her bedchamber, she walked toward the library. A book would help settle her mind, and maybe she would have a night of dreamless sleep. Somehow, she didn’t think she would be that lucky. Emilia may be ready to move on, but her unconscious state hadn’t agreed with her. Her dreams were plagued with images of Andrew Marsden, and the hope he loved her in return.

    Once she reached the library, Emilia went inside. She stopped short when she saw a fire blazing in the hearth, and a lone man standing nearby. He stared into the flames as if they held all the answers to life’s problems. His golden blond hair glowed as the firelight danced across the recently shorn locks. Emilia missed his long hair. She had always wanted to run her fingers through the golden locks. He held a glass with amber liquid in it. Alex lifted the glass and sipped the contents.

    Emilia was going to turn and leave, but he glanced in her direction at that moment. Have you come to torment me?

    He spoke clearly, but his eyes held a haze to them she was familiar with. Alex was foxed, and fast on his way to a drunken stupor. She had come upon him with his brother Drew several times in this state. Emilia had seen it enough to know she wanted no part of it. Though she couldn’t help wondering where his twin had gone. They were usually inseparable. I’m not the one that torments you. His heart didn’t ache with a loss it had never truly had.

    He lifted his glass to her.

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