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The Dark Wolf Chronicles: Volume One
The Dark Wolf Chronicles: Volume One
The Dark Wolf Chronicles: Volume One
Ebook609 pages9 hours

The Dark Wolf Chronicles: Volume One

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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The infamous Alpha Leonidas Thorn - known across the world as the dark wolf, he could have anyone and anything he liked. Until he met his mate, Nelda. Fiercely independent, strong-willed and hugely unafraid, she was was unique. And she was everything he hated.

With light in her soul, she is determined to change him. But he is stubborn to change and unwilling to listen to a mere girl, furious that she even dares to question him. So he forces her into his pack and tries to crush her spirit. Twisted games, clever manipulation, dangerous seduction. No tactic is off the table for Leonidas.

But Nelda soon discovers she is no ordinary girl. Can her secret help her destroy the darkness in his heart? Or will she crumble under those shadowy, handsome eyes like every wolf before her?

PublisherElle A.H.
Release dateApr 30, 2022
The Dark Wolf Chronicles: Volume One

Elle A.H.

Hi, I'm Elle. I've been writing werewolf books for five years. Read my latest exciting series, Alpha Loren, on Smashwords now!Leonardo Loren was the most powerful man in the world. He was the Alpha of a colossal Italian-American pack, he was wealthy and he could have anything and anyone he liked. That was until he met Ella. Fiercely independent, strong-willed and hugely unafraid.She was unique. And she was everything he hated.Their personalities clash and their relationship is left as a multitudinous sea of turbulent resentment and hostility. But can their undeniable love rise above?

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Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Loved the story but how do we find the follow on. Would be good if you could put next book up
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good story, some errors involved. But over all good read.

Book preview

The Dark Wolf Chronicles - Elle A.H.


Three years ago…

The air was bitterly cold that night. As we trekked through the forest, my breath billowed ghoulishly in front of me, but the excited nerves in my stomach kept me warm. I strode eagerly through the shadows, my parents trailing either side of me. They hadn’t spoken a word since we left our house, but their paled faces showed through the darkness and my father’s eyes flickered constantly over the tree trunks.

We’ve gone far enough, my mother said eventually.

My father nodded hesitantly.

Now what? I asked, rocking on my feet as I gazed through the treetops at the moon.

It was cowering behind a thick cloud. Just a patch of dull white light in a sky of deepest black.

We wait, my father said, … and pray.

I glanced down at my watch.


It’s nearly time, I said.

I clutched my hands together as I grinned to myself, but my mother entwined her fingers with mine and pulled them apart.

We love you, Nelda, she said, kissing the top of my hand with her soft, warm lips, No matter what.

I smiled and nodded.

Of course they loved me. That had always been clear.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, my father took my other hand. He clutched it tight and stood close as he set his eyes on my mother’s.

The forest stayed deathly silent even as the hands of my watch ticked past midnight.


My watch must be running late, I said.

My mother closed her eyes, a deep shaky breath seizing her.

Or maybe you got my birthday wrong? Or maybe-

We didn’t get your birthday wrong, Nelda, My father said gravely.

Then what’s happening? Why can’t I feel my wolf? I’ve just turned sixteen and I can’t feel anything?

My parents only looked at each other. My mother’s lips quivered as her forehead puckered while my father stayed disconcertingly still.

Mom? Dad? I said, shaking my hands out of theirs as I looked between them desperately.

My mother seized my wrists and pulled me closer, her face suddenly straightening.

Nelda, listen to me, she said, Nobody can know about this outside our family. Not a soul.


When they ask you what happened on your sixteenth birthday, you will say you went into the forest and shifted just like every other werewolf kid does. Your wolf is chestnut brown with vibrant green eyes. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

I glanced over her shoulder at my father. He gave a nod of agreement and with both of their eyes on me, sincerer than I had ever seen them, I nodded too.


Okay, my mother repeated, Let’s go home and we will never speak about this again.

But as we turned away from the moon to begin the long journey out of the forest, a shout shattered the silence. Deep and distant, yet it pierced powerfully through the air. My parents froze, all remaining colour draining from their faces.

Run, my father said, Now.

I didn’t have a second to question before my mother bolted and dragged me with her. Whipping branches and the icy air turned our skin pink as we battled through the trees. My father stayed close behind us, his tight lips ready to twist into a reassuring smile every time I glanced behind. But with the ground uneven and my young body so much smaller than my parents, I struggled and stumbled and the shouts grew nearer.

Stop, my father said with the shouts of dozens of men were strong in the air.

My mother ground to a halt, her arms around me as she held me close.

They’re after me, he continued, Go ahead.

Niko no- my mother started, her voice pricked with panic.

Liliana, I need you to get Nelda to safety. She is more important.

My mother nodded, a sob bursting free. He hugged her tightly, pressing her head against his chest as he kissed her head.

Burn everything, he whispered, I don’t want Nelda and Conall to ever get involved in this.

She nodded, clutching his sweater.

I love you, he said, before kissing her once more and turning to me.

I flung myself into his arms, What’s happening Dad?

I love you so much, he said, Never forget that.

I nodded, I love you too, Dad.

He gave a sad smile before unravelling my arms from him.

Go, he said, placing my hand into my mothers, I’ll meet you back at home.

My mother looked back as we ran on without him. Her eyes glossed over and she was never the same again.

Chapter 1

October 10th three years later…

The diner was nearly empty and the shift had been quiet. I rested my elbows on the sticky counter, watching a couple sitting in the booth by the window with their little boy and girl.

Both children had a milkshake the size of their heads as they swung their short legs and held fries in their sticky fingers. The mother wiped their faces with a napkin as they giggled at their father puffing his cheeks and crossing his eyes.

Nelda, I’m paying you to work, my boss, Andy, said as he strode out of the kitchen, So work.

He threw a wet cloth into my hand as I dragged my eyes off the family. The cloth was cold and as I wiped the surfaces, it left streaks of grease behind. I wasn’t being paid enough to care, so I carried on until the bell above the door chimed.

Hello Rivers, a familiar deep voice said.

I turned around and smiled as a met a pair of cool grey eyes.

Blaise Sycamore. He came in every day at the same time to see me. Always at 4 o’clock.

Come for a run with me, he said, tapping his fingers on the counter.

I sighed as I gazed into his glinting eyes. He was the Alpha of a nearby pack. Devilishly handsome and artfully charming but a total ass. I’m not entirely sure why he had taken a liking for me, but he was unrelenting with it.

I’m working, Blaise, I said, Like I always am.

Sack it off, he said with a shrug, You know you want to.

I glanced into the kitchen where my brother, Conall, stood flipping burgers, watching us intently. He raised a thick brown eyebrow and shook his head.

Turning back to Blaise, I sighed.

I need this job and I need this money. Why don’t you find some other girl to pester today?

Because I want you, he said.

Andy stepped out of the kitchens, his apron still tied tight around his podgy belly.

What do you want, Blaise? Andy asked, his voice gruff.

Blaise gave Andy his usual charming smile.

I want to borrow your waitress, he said.

Andy let out a short laugh, She’s working. As always.

Blaise kept his eyes on Andy as he pulled out his wallet and held out a wad of cash.

Can I borrow her now?

Andy’s small eyes fell on the cash before he glanced around the restaurant.

I suppose it’s quiet this afternoon, he said, taking the cash in his greasy fingers, But you better be back here for the dinner time rush.

I flashed a grin and reached for the tie of my apron. As I fumbled with the knot, I caught Conall’s stern stare. His mouth set into a hard line and he shook his head, but I only flung my apron down and ran out of the diner hand in hand with Blaise.

Fresh air at last.

Chapter 2

October 10th

I raced through the forest, the pine needles absorbing my weight as I weaved around the trees, ducking under branches and leaping over streams. The wind brushed my skin as the leaves dappled the evening sun rays into flickering bursts of glorious light.

After a long day of work, this is what I craved. Freedom.

Blaise’s enormous wolf ran behind me. It was deep brown with bulging shoulders and canines as long as fingers – the wolf of an Alpha. But despite those long legs, he stayed at my pace until we reached the edge of the Cedar pack and slowed to a stop.

I turned back to Blaise to find him already in human form, slipping back into the shorts tied around his wrist. A smirk slipped onto his lips as he shamelessly stood in front of me naked.

Turn around while you shift next time, I said, darting my eyes up to the treetops, How many times do I have to say this?

Why? he said.

I don’t need to see you naked!

He held his hands up in surrender and turned as he buttoned his shorts up.

But his bare chest was soon pressed against my back as his hands slipped to my waist.

Why do you hide your wolf from me? Aren’t we friends, Nelda Rivers?

I swallowed as he spun me around.

I don’t like shifting, I said, my heart skipping with the lie.

You really never shift?

I nodded, Never.

He lifted his lip, Strange.

But he soon shrugged before lowering his head. My cheeks blushed as he paused, his lips inches from mine. I held my breath, my heart racing as his hands slipped from my waist to my hips.

He grinned before finally pressing his lips against mine.

Blaise was a handsome boy and the way he would push his tongue into my mouth sent my stomach into butterflies. I liked his wolf too. When we ran together, even in my human form we escaped the human world and satisfied my wild side.

Come back to mine, he whispered in my ear.

I looked into his grey eyes as his fingers slipped under my dress.

He’d never invited me into his territory before. I was a rogue wolf and unwelcome in wolf packs. That’s why my brother and I had been forced to settle in a human town named Pinemere. It was a little pocket of no-man's-land sandwiched between pack territories where we could live peacefully without treading on any Alphas’ toes.

I should get back to the diner, I said, my breath shaky.

You’re not human, Nelda. Forget about work, he urged, his hands on my hips.

But what about your pack?

He shrugged, What about it?

I’m a rogue, I laughed, You can’t bring a rogue onto your territory.

A grin appeared on his face as he pinched my cheek.

As Alpha, I can bring whoever I like home, he said.

I nodded and let him take my hand as we crossed the border onto the Cedar pack.

The soil felt just the same between my toes. The leaves crunched the same and the breeze blew the same. But I couldn’t hide my smile as Blaise led me further into the pack.

A mile later, we reached a cluster of small houses littered through the trees. People milled around them, basking in the afternoon sun and enjoying each other’s company in the mild autumn air. But as we passed through, they all stopped what they were doing to stare. Not at their Alpha, but at me trailing behind him and clutching his hand.

In the centre of the village, a house stood taller than the others. The Alpha house. Blaise bustled me through the large oak door, straight upstairs and to a bedroom at the end of the hall where the sheets were charcoal, and the air was filled with his scent.

I stepped slowly as I gazed around the room, running my finger along his bookshelf, reading the spines of each one before my eyes fell on the Cedar pack code.

Come here, Blaise said as I lifted the book off his desk to hold its leather jacket between my fingers.

Just a second…

As I was about to open it, he reached over me and seized it from my hands before pulling me towards the bed. He sat in front of me, positioning me between his legs as he guided my head to his lips.

I let him kiss me, but when he tugged at my dress, I smiled and turned back to the bookshelf.

Are you teasing me? he asked.

I crouched down to the books and shrugged.

He let out a heavy breath, You know I don’t keep you around as a buddy, right?

My finger paused halfway down the spine of a book called ‘The History of Cedar Pack’.

Then what do you keep me around for? I asked.

Because I like you and I want you to come over here and kiss me, little rogue.

In a second… I said, pulling out the huge, leather binding book.

Before I could open it, Blaise had wrapped his arms around my waist and bundled me onto his bed. I giggled as he climbed over me, pressing our chests together as he ran a hand up my side.

Come on, he said, Let’s share a beautiful night together.

This was an idea Blaise posed regularly. My answer was always the same, yet he persisted thinking eventually I would change my mind. I let him think that, but truthfully there wasn’t a chance under the sun I would ever become another notch on his belt.

You know the answer is no.

Then why are you here skipping work to hang out with me in my bedroom? he asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I enjoy spending time with you, I said, glancing around his room, And I like being here. In your pack with all the other wolves. However much they stared … it’s nice. It makes me feel less lonely.

Oh yeah? I could make you feel even less lonely, he said as his eyes drifted from my face to my chest.

If you’re horny, I’m sure there are plenty of women in your pack that would leap at the chance, I said.

Yes. If I called, a hundred Cedar girls would come unbuttoning their blouses and dropping to their knees. They’d do anything I tell them to because I am their Alpha. But not you. You’re different and that’s exciting.

As he pushed his crotch against mine, I rolled my eyes and slipped out from under him.

I have to get home, Blaise. I’ve already missed the rest of my shift and Conall will be worried. I’ll see you tomorrow at 4pm?

Hold on, he said, I have something to tell you first.

I turned from the door, What?

I’m claiming Pinemere as part of my territory.

My brow creased. Pinemere was nothing but a small soulless town. The population was only four thousand and bar a greasy diner and a couple of dive bars, it had nothing going for it. There was a reason no Alpha had ever bothered to claim it.


He shrugged, Because it has become a haven for your kind and Cedar is being used an access corridor. I don’t want rogues on my territory with my people so I’m tackling the problem at the source. As soon as Pinemere is no longer a free zone, they will leave.

I froze, You mean-

Rogues will not be welcome in the town anymore.

My lips parted as I grabbed the door frame to steady myself.

So… you’re evicting me?

A smirk played at the corner of his mouth as he laid back on his bed.

I could never do that to my favourite girl, he said, I want you to give up your status as a rogue and join my pack. Your brother can too if he wants.

My heart leapt.


He nodded.

This could solve all our problems. We would have no rent, no bills, no insurance, no tax. We’d have a place to call home and we would live amongst our kind out here in the wilderness. Maybe I’d even connect with my wolf. That’s all I want.

There’s a price though.

Anything, I said, I’ll pay anything.

A glint grew in his eye.

I want you to be my girlfriend, he said.

Done, I replied without hesitation.

His lips cracked into a smile as his eyes flashed with excitement.

Marvellous, he said, I’ll be throwing a welcome party tonight. 8 o'clocko'clock?

I nodded as I clutched my hands together, unable to contain my smile as visions of being a part of Cedar filled my mind.

Bring your brother.

Before leaving, I strode over to him and cupped his face. After planting an ecstatic kiss on his lips, I brought my lips to his ear.

You’ll never know how thankful I am, I said.

I’m sure you can show me later, he said, squeezing my ass.

With one final eye roll, I turned for the door and excitedly all the way back into the town to my two-bedroom house.

Where’ve you been, Nelda? A voice said from the kitchen as I came through the front door, Do you know how much grovelling I had to do to stop Andy from firing you when you didn’t come back?

With Blaise, I said, my smile still wide.

I came into the kitchen where Conall, was sitting, eating cereal. He scrunched up his nose.

This whole time? Are you dating him now or something?

So what if I am? I said, kicking off my shoes in the doorway of the kitchen.

I don’t like the way he looks at you, Nel. You know he only wants one thing, right?

I placed my hands on Conall’s shoulders and smiled, Then why has he invited us to join his pack?

Conall choked on the mouthful of cereal he had just shovelled in, spluttering milk all over the table.

What? he said, through the half-chewed mess in his mouth.

Because I’m his girlfriend, he’s asked us to join Cedar.

After gulping down his cereal, he took a sip of water and looked at me, his face pleated with concern.

What’s the catch, Nelda?

There is no catch, Conall.

He raised an eyebrow as he pressed tongue against the inside of his cheek.

There’s always a catch. Nothing is ever as easy as that.


That wasn’t a word we could use to describe any aspect of our lives.

It was three years since our father’s death but it still hurt like it was yesterday. I missed the wrinkles around his eyes when he smiled and his homemade apple pie but most of all, I missed the fire in his soul.

He had courage. Not a fear in the world. He was a good man too. He used his courage to put wrong right no matter the consequences. Only death could stop him and whilst I never knew the details of that night, I can only assume eventually it did.

I missed Mom too. After losing her mate, she was never the same. But two years ago, she couldn’t face living in the house any longer. Sleeping in the bed they shared, seeing his photos, smelling the lingering scent on his clothes. It was all too much.

So she left for the wild. Conall and I stayed. We had a home and a life here. So we got jobs in a little diner on the edge of town and paid the bills ourselves.

As I said, nothing was ‘easy’.

But all that was about to change. There was hope.

There’s no way we are accepting his invite. No Alpha just lets rogues into his pack without motivation. I don’t trust him.

I bit my lip, There’s one little problem…

Conall sighed and leant back into his chair, What?

I gritted my teeth.

He’s claiming Pinemere. If we don’t join his pack, we have to leave.

He paused for a moment, staring up at me as my words sank in. His face crumpled and he dropped his head into his hands, letting out a monstrous groan.

For fuck’s sake, he grumbled, dropping his head into his hands, We don’t have any savings. We can’t afford to move. But he knows that, doesn’t he? Blaise fucking Sycamore. He knows we don’t have a choice.

I smiled to myself, Then it’s settled. We’re joining Sycamore. This is a good thing, Conall. We’ll get to escape this human life and act like wolves. We can quit our jobs and-

If you want to live like wolves, we could live in the wild. Just the two of us. Or better still, we can find mom and be a family again.

I shook my head, We need a pack, Conall. We need to be amongst our kind.

After pulling his head from his hands, he took a deep breath.

We will never fit in with our kind. Not after being rogues for so long, he said, You don’t even have a wolf, Nel.

I swallowed and darted my eyes away.

I do, I said quietly, I just need to find her.

I’m sorry, Conall said quickly, I shouldn’t have said that.

Forcing a smile I muttered, It’s fine.

With a deep sigh he took my hand.

Living in the wild isn’t an option anymore anyway. Not with the Alphas snatching up the few remaining free zones. We’ll be dead before we even find Mom.

I squeezed his hand back.

Blaise is already planning a welcome party for us tonight.

Of course, he fucking is… do I have to go?

They’ll be alcohol, I said.

In that case, what time?

I laughed and ruffled his thick dark hair, 8 o'clock.

I took his empty bowl to this sink. My lip lifted in disgust as I stared down at the murky water with unidentifiable chunks floating in it.

It’s your turn to do these damn dishes. They’ve been festering for three days now. There’s fur on that one.

He threw his head back and groaned, We can do housework in the morning.

I turned around and folded my arms.

As if you’re going to be functioning any time before 3pm tomorrow.

The corner of his mouth lifted as his eyes sparkled.

Conall was blessed with our mother’s genes. With soft brown curls and warm hazel eyes, he was the spitting image of her.

I’ll do it in the evening. Whatever. Just go upstairs and get ready. Party starts in half an hour.

I rolled my eyes.

If those dishes aren’t done by this time tomorrow, I’ll skin you.

He held his hands up in surrender, but I didn’t take my glare off him.

I’ll do it, I promise!

I jabbed my index finger toward him, You better.

He sighed and slunk into his chair.

I’ll do it faster if you break up with, Blaise. He isn’t going to treat you right.

I kissed his cheek and grinned, He’s going to fix all of our problems. Just trust me, Conall.

Chapter 3

October 10th

Nelda! Conall called up the stairs at 7:45pm, Are we going to this party or what?

My eyes streamed with tears. Eyeliner smudged all over my face, my skin was pale, my hair greyish blonde and my eyes soulless and colourless. I’d been staring in the mirror, attempting to make myself look less like death for an hour now, but eyeliner was near impossible. I kept jabbing myself in the eye and I couldn’t for the life of me get the wing straight.

Moon goddess, please help me, I mumbled, splashing water on my face before viscously rubbing my face with the towel.

Once my face was bare again, I looked back into the mirror. My day had started at 6am and the lack of sleep was evident underneath my eyes. Tonight, was too important to look this bad.

I shoved my hand into my make-up bag full of expired and crusty cheap products before pulling out the bright red lipstick a customer had left behind at the diner once. After painting my lips, I smiled.

With the elegant dress I had found in my mother’s closet and the crimson lipstick, I looked nothing like a filthy rogue.


I grabbed my jacket from the toilet seat and hurried downstairs to where my brother waited in the cramped hallway, impatiently tapping his foot.

Wow, he said.

Is it too much? I asked, I just really want to make a good impression.

"You look beautiful, Nelda. But please hurry. I’m getting bored.

I grabbed my battered, dirty converse from by the door.

Despite working six shifts at the diner each a week, Conall and I could scarcely cover bills. New shoes were certainly not on the cards.

You look dapper, I said as I shoved my shoes on.

He wore a clean shirt and with his glowing tanned skin and shiny dark hair, was handsome and presentable. It came naturally to him. Meanwhile, I had spent hours to not look like a homeless swamp monster.

Just get your ass out the door.

At first, we walked in silence toward the Cedar territory. Conall chewed his lip as he stared at the floor, like something was eating away at him.

"I don’t know if I’m ready to live under an Alpha’s rule. That bastard is in charge of us now, you know? That means following orders, sticking to the rules and kissing his feet.

I grimaced, I’m sure we’ll get used to it. Just think of the positives.

Remind me what they are again? he grumbled.

We’ll have a pack. Finally. After all these years! I exclaimed.


When we reached the Cedar village, the lights in Blaise’s house shone brightly.

Okay, I said as we approached door, Conall, for the love of the Goddess, we have to make a good impression. Try not to black out.

It’s adorable how lowly you think of me, Nel, he said, chubbing my cheeks, Now stop worrying and try to enjoy the night. This is what you’ve always wanted.

As I brought my fist to the door, it opened before I had chance to knock.

Blaise stood before us, a wide smile on his face.

Ah, our guests have arrived, he said.

Behind him the chatter and laughter hushed as Blaise stepped aside, revealing the mass of people in the house.

As we stepped through the door, he kissed my cheek before holding his hand out to Conall.

Conall returned a scathing smile as his hands stayed fastened in his pocket. With a nudge from me, he slowly withdrew one and reluctantly took Blaise’s hand.

Welcome to the pack, Mr Rivers, he said, I’m delighted you have accepted my invitation.

You didn’t give us much choice, he replied, But I’m happy so long as Nelda is.

Blaise slipped his hand into mine, not taking his eyes off Conall.

I’ll keep her happy. You have my word.

Conall forced a smile, Sure.

Come on through. My pack awaits you.

Blaise led us through the hallway to a large room where the people of the Cedar pack all silently set their eyes on us.

The fine people of Cedar, Blaise announced, I present to you our two new members: Nelda and Conall Rivers. I ask you to warmly welcome them and assist them as they adjust to their new lives here in Cedar.

I couldn’t contain my smile any longer as the people cheered and applauded. I beamed up to Blaise as he squeezed my hands before cupping my chin and pushing his lips against mine. My cheeks flushed pink as the cheers turned to gasps and whispering.

Disgusting, Conall muttered as a man with a tray of champagne approached.

He took one and down it before grabbing another.

I’ll be somewhere else drinking until my vision blurs.

He sauntered off into the party with slouched shoulders and a look of pure misery on his face.

What’s up with him? Blaise asked as the chatter and laughter around us resumed.

He might take some time to get used to this. We’ve been rogues for so long, I replied, But he will be happy here eventually. I promise.

In the meantime, make sure he doesn’t become a problem, Blaise said, Or I will intervene.

I nodded, He won’t.

Blaise gave a satisfied smile, Good. Now let’s get you a drink.

We began weaving through the crowd, Blaise leading the way. With people leaping out of his way, we were soon at the drinks table where he poured me a cup of vodka with a splash of lemonade.

I spluttered after taking a sip.

Goddess, Blaise. Are you trying to kill me?

He grinned, No I’m trying to loosen you up. Take your jacket off. It’s boiling in here.

He pulled my jacket off my shoulders before slipping his hands to my waist.

You look sexy tonight, he said, That red lip was made for you.

I brought my fingers to his lips to wipe the red smudge off the corner of his mouth.

I’m not sure about it on you though, I said.

And this dress… he said, his eyes fluttering all over me, Would be perfect on my bedroom floor.

He kissed my neck, leaving me to glance around the room, catching the eye of at least five onlookers.

Stop. Your pack are going to think I’m a slut, I whispered.

You are, he said, his hands playing at the zip of my dress, My slut.

I brought my drink back to my lips and took large gulps. I had to force it down as it burnt my throat, but I didn’t stop.

That’s the spirit, Blaise said, taking the cup off me when I was finished.

He filled it up again and handed it back to me before pushing his tongue into my mouth as his hands gripped my hips. I kissed him back, but held my hands on his shoulders, keeping an inch between our chests.

Let’s go upstairs and properly celebrate, he said.

The taste of the vodka in my mouth had suddenly become overwhelming and my stomach lurched.

Actually, I think I need some fresh air, I said, pulling away as I clutched my drink close to my chest.

Blaise’s eyes were all over me, but he nodded and guided me to the door.

Let’s find a quiet place in the forest.

As we came to the back door, a refreshing breeze hit my flushed cheeks. Blaise’s hand had dropped to my ass, so I took a gulp of my drink and let him take me out of the village and into the dark forest. We stopped beneath a cedar tree where a fallen branch provided a perfect seat.

He pulled me onto his lap and entangled his arms around me once again.

Feeling better?

I nodded, Yes.

I leant my head back and took a deep breath of the sweet air. This entire territory smelt subtly of the cedar trees – a little like pencil shavings only richer and warmer.

I’m so happy to call this place my home, Blaise, I said, There are so many wolves at the party and they’ll be my friends soon.

Not so fast, Nelda. You haven’t properly thanked me yet. Or committed to being my girlfriend.

I lowered my chin to meet his eye.

I said yes, remember?

Then show me some love.

Is this all you ever think about?

His hands rested on my thighs as he leant back in the branch. Still straddling him, I cupped his face in one hand and pecked his lips.

Thank you, I said, I’m very grateful for this.

He let out a short breath.

You’re my girlfriend and that’s all you’re going to give me?

Blaise I-

What? No? You’re still going to say no to me?

My face fell.

I am your Alpha now. You can’t say no to me.

Is that what this is about? I asked, A scheme to get me to sleep with you?

He rolled his eyes, Of course it is Nelda. You think I’ve invited two rogues into my pack out of the kindness of my heart?

I stuttered, my eyes filling with tears.

Oh, don’t act surprised and innocent now. You knew what I wanted and you played along because you were using me as much as I am using you. But I gave you what you wanted and now it’s your turn. I suggest you tie your hair back and let me do whatever I want to you. Then we will both be happy, okay?

I froze, my heart sinking in my chest. My head had started spinning with the vodka and his arms gripped me so tight.

Or what?

He leant forward and planted a kiss on my neck.

Let’s not get to that, he said as his hands delved into my bra.

His hands pressed against my back, holding me still as his kisses trailed to my chest.


Ssssh, he hushed, as his other hand slipped up the inside of my leg, You want this. You’ve lost yourself in the human world. You want me to mend your little rogue heart, don’t you?

He was painfully right as he pushed his fingers into my hair and tugged my head back to his lips.

By now, I was incredibly drunk. All that vodka was hitting me like a train, and I swayed as he kissed me.

Do you even have a condom? I said, my words slurring.

He smiled, Of course. Let’s get your dress off.

As he unzipped my dress, his warm fingers on my cold back were enough to drag me close enough to sobriety to realise what I was about to do. I stumbled off his lap, pulling my dress back down.

Nelda, don’t be stupid, he said, walking towards me, You don’t want to back out of this.

His hands came for my body again, but with my vision spinning and my balance unsteady, I swung for his face and slapped him as hard as I could. His face hardened as I took a heavy breath and staggered backwards.

I just hit an Alpha. He’s my Alpha and I just hit him.

I looked up as he slowly got to his feet, towering over me as my balance took another blow from the vodka. I wobbled on my feet as my shoulders hitched to my chin, but I still dared to look into his furious eyes.

He delved his pocket and pulled out a golden envelope with a cedar tree shaped wax seal.

You are going to regret that, he growled, But I anticipated it so this envelope outlines your two options now. When you have sobered up, I suggest you read them carefully and choose wisely.

As my mouth dried, I swallowed. I stared at his face - stone cold as he thrust the envelope into my chest.

I am an Alpha. I get what I want, and I don’t give out free handouts.

I clenched my jaw and spun on my heel to face the dark woods as I help up my middle finger.

No, Blaise, I said, You’re just an asshole.

You’re going to storm off into the forest alone, little rogue?

Better than going anywhere with you, I snapped.

That was the first stupid thing I did.

It was late, I was drunk and this was area was bursting at the seams with wolf territories. As a rogue stuck in human form, I wasn’t welcome on any of them.

But I was still steaming with rage and as I marched through the trees, that’s not what I was thinking about.

The second I was far enough from the party, I kicked off my shoes and ran at full speed. It was that or fall onto my knees, have a complete breakdown and scream so loud every soul in this forest would hear me.

The wind through my hair and the forest under my bare feet was the perfect remedy. The anger dissipated and endorphins took its place.

It was hours before I grew tired and had to stop. I sighed and leant my back against a tree, still catching my breath as my sticky clothes clung to me. Conall would be wondering where the hell I had got to so I pulled out my phone intending to call him.

No service.

1% battery.

Oh, one bar of service!

0% battery.


After groaning, I threw my head back.

The trees were tall here. They loomed over me as their menacing branches twisted into the blackened sky. In the air, an eerie gloom hung. The sort that clung to your clothes and seeped into your skin, sending a cool trickle down your spine.

I wasn’t in the woods of Cedar anymore. After allowing my mind to run wild, I had no idea where I was. I had been running for hours and I could have covered hundreds of miles.

I should leave. Figure out how to get home. Let Conall know I’m fine.

But something about the shadows and darkness intrigued me and I allowed the forest ahead to lure me on.

It was still. Only the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet broke the silence. Too still. No breeze, no animals, no sign of anyone.

Just dark, dark forest.

It had been a mild fall day, but now I clasped my arms around me, the bitter cold bringing bumps to my skin. My breath turned the air cloudy and I braced my teeth, but I carried on.

There was something strange here and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

Chapter 4

October 11th


A jolt of shock seized me.

Shit, I cursed, spinning around.

The figure of a man stood before me.

I gazed up. His height was immense, regardless of the breadth of his shoulders and the strength of his build. His black hood covered his eyes but the rest of his face was menacing enough. With defined cheekbones casting shadows on his chin, outlining his sharp jawline, and his lips sitting perfectly straight and still, I stepped back.

He was exceedingly beautiful but he chilled me to the core.

What do we have here? He said, his words dripping with amusement.

I stayed silent and stumbled back a few more steps.

You appear to be on my territory, little wolf.

An accent enchanted his voice, elongating each word. I cowered back.

Leaving already? You haven’t told me your name... or why you dared cross my border?

I didn’t know, I said. I’ll go now.

The coolness of his stare flickered over my body as I recoiled.

No… you can stay.

It was a command rather than an invitation.

What kind of man would leave a pretty girl like you alone in the woods? It’s late and cold. Let me take you somewhere warm.

I shook my head. Suddenly, Blaise’s company didn’t seem so bad.

I’ll be fine.

He had stepped close enough to reach forward and run a long finger along my cheek.

His soft touch paused at my chin, just below my lips, but I refused to look at him. Even with his stare burning into me, I kept my eyes fixated on a tree ahead.

There’s something intriguing about you, he said.

I bit the inside of my cheek, my hands sticky with sweat.

You’re different.

I forced a smile, I’ve got to go.

He brought his fingers to my hair and down to my neck again.

You’ll go when I say you can. Now would you please look at me?

He pulled his hood, revealing his entire face. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of tousled chestnut hair and a well-sculpted, broad forehead appendaged with dark, thick eyebrows and an expertly carved nose. But I couldn’t bring myself to look into his eyes.

Look me in the eye.

No, I said, keeping my gaze on the tree. I can’t.

He grabbed my face in one of his huge hands and forced me to face him.

I scrunched my eyes shut.

Open your eyes. Do not make me say it twice.

I swallowed and slowly looked up at him, only to meet the most beautiful eyes. They were a brilliant shade of blue with a dark outer rim and gold flecks streaked through them like intricately woven threads.

But underneath the mask of colour was a pit of darkness that churned me deep inside.

A shiver crept up my spine as he stood tall and dangerous in front of me, but a grin twitched at his lip as he held his hand out to me.

My eyebrows twitched as I looked down at it.

It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, he said, his voice pillowy and mellow, Mate.

My eyes snapped up to him.

He was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. The way his face creased, indenting dimples in his cheeks, made his eyes glint even bright as the darkness burrowed deep.

But however much I could admire him, my mind clung to his last word.


I reached out for his hand. Although warm and soft, it was no different to all the hands I had held before.

I knew there was something special about you, he said.


I brought my hand to his cheek, passing his impeccable jawline and lips. He rested his hand on mine and a few moments later, our fingers entwined.

But there was nothing. I felt nothing.

I watched blankly as he kissed my hand and pulled me closer. Even as his arm wrapped around my waist, no butterflies spun my stomach and no sparks tickled my skin.

In fact, only one thought was in my mind as his scent hit me again. It was so rich and authoritative and his eyes so blue and mesmerising and his build so powerful and strong.

He was just like they described him.

Just how they describe the man every wolf feared.

Alpha Leonidas Thorn, I whispered.

His eyebrow raised.

Clearing my throat, I darted my eyes from his.

I mean... you remind me of him.

I do? he replied, amusement creeping onto his lips.

I nodded.

Why, thank you. I hear he’s very handsome.

My cheeks flushed with blood.

But you can’t be, or I wouldn’t be standing here alive.

He cocked his head.

What makes you say that?

Because of the stories. The evil, the suffering, the death that he brings to everyone in his path. They used to terrify me. They still do.

Then we should get out of this dark forest, he said, taking my hand. We wouldn’t want to come across anybody like that tonight.

He entwined his fingers with mine and pulled me onwards.

Where are you from, sweetheart? he asked.

I live in Pinemere.

He frowned and glanced down at me.

Pinemere? What are you doing so far from home this late at night? And alone? Do you know how dangerous it is out here?

I swallowed. We didn’t need to get into my wreck of a life and how I’d run miles from all my problems just yet.

Oh... I was on a run.

In human form? Why not shift?

I looked down at my bare feet and clothed body before swallowing with an unconvincing shrug.

I didn’t feel like it, I said, my mother’s words all those years ago ringing clearly in my mind.

He let out a low hum and tugged my hand again, You must be exhausted. Come with me.

Are you taking me home?

He shook his head with a smile.

To Pinemere? No. I’m taking you to my home.

A spike of panic gripped me.

I can’t go back with him. He’s just a strange man.

I retracted my hand from his. He smiled again with a brief twinge of frustration before grasping my hand.

Why are you resisting me? he asked.

I can’t come with you. I need to get back to Pinemere.


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