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The Wallflower Girl, Her Bully’s Dare and Seducing the Hot Jock: Short and Sweet Series, #35
The Wallflower Girl, Her Bully’s Dare and Seducing the Hot Jock: Short and Sweet Series, #35
The Wallflower Girl, Her Bully’s Dare and Seducing the Hot Jock: Short and Sweet Series, #35
Ebook64 pages36 minutes

The Wallflower Girl, Her Bully’s Dare and Seducing the Hot Jock: Short and Sweet Series, #35

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She smiled at her friends than looked back at me with an evil look on her face.

"I need you to seduce my ex," she said.

"What!" I spat out. "You want me to do what?"

She sighed.

"Do you honestly want me to repeat that again?" Then slowly said as if I wasn't all right in my head. "I need you to seduce him."

"Why?" I asked. "Why me?"
"Because if he falls for you," she said and gestured at me with a disapproving look. "Then it'll be even sweeter when you eventually break his heart."

"You want me to date him... And break up with him?"

"God, you're slow. Yes! I need you to break his heart. But you have ten days to do it."

"But... but I can't..."

"If you don't succeed unfortunately there'll be consequences."


SHARON has always been a wallflower in school. The only person that ever noticed her was her best friend Maria. And, well, her bully, Nina.


AIDEN has always been popular because of his looks even though he wishes he could just blend in instead. To make it worse his ex girlfriend, Nina, keeps making his life a living hell.


When Sharon gets cornered by her bully, Nina, to complete a dare for her she has no choice but to accept it. Seduce Aiden in 10 days or else she'll make the whole school hate her.


Even though Sharon's best friend, Maria warns her not to do it she has no choice and starts spending time with Aiden. But the more she gets to know him the more she realizes she was wrong about him. But as feelings bloom between the two things are bound to end badly.


Because sooner or later Aiden will find out about the dare.

Release dateMay 5, 2022
The Wallflower Girl, Her Bully’s Dare and Seducing the Hot Jock: Short and Sweet Series, #35

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Wallflower Girl, Her Bully’s Dare and Seducing the Hot Jock - Luna Moon


    I had another session with the career counsellor this morning.

    You have to enjoy the last few months of high school before real life begins, she said.

    She’d been hammering on about me having to relax almost every session. With the other kids she kept telling them to study harder. I guess because she didn’t really need to tell me to do that, since I did that a lot already, she probably thought the opposite approach was the best solution to fill these sessions with actual talking.

    I don’t have time to enjoy things, I said. And I don’t go to parties and stuff like that.

    Miss Helen still had that horribly sweet smile on her face but I could sense she was getting annoyed by me.

    You’re still a young girl and you have plenty of time to be all responsible after school.

    She handed me a popsicle as if I were a five year old. A little fun won't hurt you as long as you keep your grades up.

    I held the popsicle in my hand resenting the fact that this was taking up my lunch hour.

    Do you have a boyfriend? she asked me and I almost dropped the damn popsicle.

    Uh, personal much?

    I’ve never dated, I said firm.

    Do you have anyone in mind?

    God, please, not this conversation.

    The guys in my year are all stupid and immature.

    Maybe, she said. You should try to give them a chance and get to know them.

    I wasn’t planning on doing that. But I didn’t tell her that. I knew if I did she’d just go on again and my whole lunch would be gone. So instead I smiled and said,

    Maybe you’re right.

    She seemed to love that answer and wished me well as I bolted out of there.

    In the hallway on our way to the cafeteria, I was talking to Maria, my best friend.

    That whole conversation was weird, I said. I mean, asking me about boyfriends... Who does that?

    She shrugged her shoulders.

    She probably didn't realize girls like us don’t get dates, Maria said.  

    Then suddenly she turned into a ball of goo and started fangirling.

    I looked in front of us.

    Of course.

    We were about to walk passed one of the popular high school jock’s, Aiden Leighton’s locker. She had a horrible crush on him since the second year of high school when he transferred over here.

    I on the other hand never fangirled about him. Yeah, I guess he was stereotypically hot. But that wasn’t my type. Not that I had a type. But if I did he wouldn’t be it.

    Besides he was my next door neighbour. It would just be weird crushing on someone so close to home. Literally.

    Ugh, why can’t he just notice me? Maria said.

    Maybe because you run away every time you’re near him.

    She gasped.

    He just looked over here.

    He was probably wondering what a pile of goo was doing next to me.

    Something hard

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