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Kundalini Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics: Kess-Energetics
Kundalini Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics: Kess-Energetics
Kundalini Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics: Kess-Energetics
Ebook375 pages7 hours

Kundalini Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics: Kess-Energetics

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Kundalini is the evolving state of our soul, the pathway we all go through whether we are plants, animals or humanity, stillness or whatever form. All need to evolve, otherwise, there is no forwardness. This is the cycle of life, the wheel of fortune. Where we have to understand when we need to let go of the old to enter the new forwardness. Never be afraid of forwardness, this is how we evolve.
Release dateMay 3, 2022
Kundalini Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics: Kess-Energetics

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    Kundalini Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics - Kara Otel

    © 2022 KARA OTEL. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  04/28/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9814-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9815-6 (e)

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    Listen to: The Mamas- Move

    Thank you note

    4Th Dimensional Tip

    The Last information to man kind


    Pre word

    The Last time information is given to man kind

    Earth: Also, the largest soul of all

    Council of nine/ collective consciousness

    Positions of the races in continuance-

    Bio foods

    The Evolving of the brain.

    The Matrix of creation in sequence to all

    laws of nature


    How does the planet go into evolvic state and how does it collide?

    Individual energy lines and descriptions

    Changing into energy

    To know Polar

    How did all come to be?

    Sound of creation

    Basic binary code of the matrix of the evolvic state of soul.

    The zones explained in frequency void of space

    My Kundalini evolvic state journey into that what comes after you evolve out of the primal phase of humanity. You then understand all that is of the 3th dimension in large, the micro things are then to be filled in. I hope you can enjoy a part of the Prime Book that is still to come of the Kundalini Evolvic state of soul. The K.E.S.S books as I call them in short, give understanding in what I have learned in my amounting of 46 years with the council of nine and the 24 civilizations. I learned and now I give some back. Kundalini evolvic state of soul- Energetic is the first to be released. As Kundalini is a Part of my brand, I ask those who want to use the name to remove it, for it harms the writings and the teaching. Many of my work is stolen and so any form of the name Kundalini or K.E.S.S are of the brands Perfusion, POo. They hold the copy and authorial rights to the writings.

    This book contains:

    Omni explanation

    The Evolvic State of Soul- Energetics

    Thoth as I was in the old days and now as Kara Otel our Kundalini and explanation of the awakenings of Thot and all reveals at the end of the linear line. Written in method reality writings and the conscious speaking to self in the conscious of the council or the nine, out and inside herself to unfold all. In this me as a writer knows the teaching as I reveal, and show the real logic and connecting to all is written: all souls, to get understanding of higher teachings of dimensions and more. Let cure all diseases.

    For the upcoming book:

    Thot the Atlantean and

    Her Thoughts and Journal

    The last information to mankind.


    They were cheated out of a win, because they were a complete colored brown group, as of their previous entry John. All was coordinated. it was the racist move. This is our world. To me you have won, I hope you can have still a ride with this book as I will place you on it first to start the stories.

    Receiving’s from

    The Council of Nine. IX

    Thot the Atlantean


    The evolvic state of soul: Energetics

    OMEGA -Fe or Female energy


    Copyright Perfusion©

    ALPHA - Male energy


    Copyright Perfusion©

    Qi-Qui- Supreme Energy- Watch the movie- Chang -Chi

    Qi is male Energy and Female, together they form Prime.

    To all, thank you for your wonderful gift of talents that I was to add to myself. I will place of your country that what is needed. In this and follow-ups energetic books and so in the other books so all can take from the archives of the book of mankind.

    Soundtrack of this book, Kundalini evolvic state of soul created by Andres Romero Momentous - As the wonderful singer Marijke. To get this you have to wait till all is done in the prime book, then it will be available

    To honor of kundalini in soundtrack is yours we, the council of nine, look forward in many more, to promote the kundalini evolvic state of soul, for you will undergo the kundalini of music making. Thanks for your leaping of faith. We the nine reveal all theory of all.

    Listen to: One Republic- Secrets

    While I was writing this, my filles got stolen twice and, so there will be illegal versions in Dutch and other languages. The only one right is in English and some bad grammar of me, I have a brain injury. Non wants to Edit for they steal the manuscript from me. So, I have to do it on my own, but do not see all. The Book of mankind files named after the director I was supposed to contact. J. Leto, one can imagine, no police want me to file the stolen work, non, who steals from me. In this the Dutch want to move up the Ladder and be like star trek, no history of any Sci- fi and suddenly parts of my work. In this I though co work With the Roddenberry Fam would be in the best, for Star trek came from the nine, and so I would love to do so in continuance, to keep this alive and work together with my writer’s business and H.O.O.P & Development to provide the continuance of stories and help to those who need it., if they are interested. So, it stays where it began, very important to me and the nine. On family of transceivers.

    When you read this, please read in patience, for if you see I it is me, bet the we mean the council of nine, it sometimes can be difficult to read, but again it is of the content. During these writings, I as transceiver was interrupted 24/ to not write this, that is why all is I this way and a bit personal at some point. The other K.E.S.S books will be a bit more organized Please read with an open mind, I will state it many times in the book. No is to offend in writing, I was taking over or hack and some writings, I kept to personally apologize to those it concerned and make up for it.

    Kundalini - The evolvic sate of Soul of the 3th dimension in the 4th

    The end of the third dimension all reviewed by looking back what was, what caused the third dimension not evolved out. I left the dimension and evolved it out for myself and looked back and the lesson is share, as I share that I have learned in 46 years of kundalini teaching of the council of nine them self.

    So, I look back on certain points, as I when strait through it, but others need to understand the whole third dimension, I already know it from past, so I just go through it to refresh my memory. As you go into kundalini as I did as a 3th year old child, you start to remember the past life’s and collect them. All that was not right, will be set right by the kundalini, Bear with me, as I go through all, I have to evolve parts out and can repeat, that is the brain injury. As I write all must be clear and will improve. Please read with open mind. As I reveal some, I reveal, theory and machinery to compliment the eco system. I reveal how to evolve, if you follow the teaching of the 3 standards, as I write, I sometimes will explain in linear, or first or second dimension. Never beyond the capability of the readers. I ask of others to start revealing all, so that the keys start coming out, others hold of your profession. If we do this, we have an acceleration of growth with all. That is mass kundalini, to move into the 3th dimension of the 4th of the third. We are running behind and need to get asap to the 4th. In my books I will keep on revealing all, Evolving is not about money, it is about evolving that hat makes us inhuman, as you know from your own behavior towards others, without asked them the trued. It is easy to keep a gossip alive, for it is not of you. When such things happen. One would just say to those who want to gossip to you, that you rather hear it from the source itself. Those who hold the real information, are the source. Then the untrue stops. But to take it further, for it is sweet, it will cause harm on anyone. In the end, will not be of use, for your spectrum, is just one of a low. That is why you do not see it. And this book and others are just not the right for you. Stop, if you get to this point, and all you do is, have a not good feeling and the writing goes beyond comprehension, it is not for you.

    If you have a broader spectrum, then wait for the other books and evolve yourself out, with them, and I will see you in the 3th of the 4th of the 3th dimension books. For if you read them, you will know, more hen the current doctors, electricians, physician any other occupation, welcome to omni teaching, of the 3th dimension to evolve all occupations out. In all the books. this first one, opens your mind with energetics. The second: D.O.T.S, is about development of all species, meaning all forms, like the planet, pants, water, humanity, spores, cells and humanity. The third, is about the DNA spectrum, and how to read DNA, in D.O.T.S meaning development stages, and if you can understand, I will go into the linear forms and start learning the linear steps to take to read it on a higher level. This has to do with understanding linear and higher linear healing, for some deceases are of another linear line and even spectrums and so dimensional value. With all the technology, sone also digital diseases of what we already have and unknown. If doctors start understanding the basic, they can be decors and help those who suffer from it. if they do not get these changes many will die, while there is an answer.

    The goal is to accelerate and educate, the world for we are running behind in education, many factors and due to the covid and more, understanding of clear thinking. Oneness and so have logic, of the same in the world. In my reading you will find hidden machinery or systems to place in other systems, but also parts of systems explained that needs to be built to achieve another spectrum of living. One that can complement the eco system ad so the climate. If you develop enough, you will one day discover, the hidden keys placed in energetic code also.


    To all who had courage to stand and speak for me while writing this book, it is yours too. The changed lyric on the sky radio, really was ingenious and tipped the balance even more to the right balance.

    I present in this book the beginnings of the 3 standards the theory of the kundalini, that is a part also of my stories and so the Excado universe of Prime and in continuance of Prime 9 and higher up. All events that really happened are merge in the story to create the Universe of Excado and beyond. To create a real feeling the real happenings and names are not changed, for that is the power of the reality book of Excado and so the awakenings of the woman who wrote the Emerald tablet and so is Thot and many other stories. It is what I recall of my past lives, so I write them all. Sometimes what is not, seems to be more than one had ever hoped. The events can be traced, as they will lead you to discovery to a reveal that will change your life.

    As a writer, I struggled with all that happens to me, and my child and finished the kundalini from my 3th ear of birth, if now after 46 years, have seen all. The last once, that was the bottleneck, that is now clear, the planned murder of me and my daughter by family and the Dutch government and all who did not help. To finish the kundalini and start, all that is not good, need to be addressed. In this, I have to reveal, what is and that is the council of nine, those wonderful forms or beings, I have known for all of my life, who have taught me well and are now seeing through in guiding me to do what it is, they have in store for me and daughter and also for all. The creators. none is special. Remember all will be in this position I am in right now, for that is the kundalini. All will write in their own line of evolvic state a writing, with all their past life’s and what they have learned. In thin, please if you achieved something, help other to do also too, for then you evolve out and become the teacher and pass on your knowledge that got you were you are. It will also guide you to have other ideas and start a new evolvic state, to learn from and evolve you out. All you evolve now, is available for your soul, in the next life. You either go with a great akasha records or a small one, less possibilities, more studies work. Work hard now and get back in the next life. But never forget to have fun.

    So, the explanation of the kundalini, is in place. I will do this, in another K.E.S.S book, about the soul. As I now state, that when you have the kundalini, all that is wrong can be turned right. Only then the kundalini will rest. Who try to stop it? It will kill. For the goal, is to evolve and evolving, can never be stopped, not by any, for own purposes. Remember, if you use any force or hurt, this the kundalini will use, for your own kundalini moment, that is what you, have placed in it. Kundalini is one of thanks, as the kundalist, only gets a thanks from you, of the heart. The kundalist, does not carry your burden. If you try, death will come from it, for the whole root of the family, can even take friends with it. For, it despises, those who want to cheat and place their problems on others. If it must, will end the world, to stop the pollution to, so it does not go to other planets, and in the entire void.

    As I was writing this book that should have been finished in 2019, I was detained for it, the book fully written was not possible wit what was laced in my head. They really played a war dame with me to drive me crazy. Military.

    So, I printed out a few, to show what they had done to me. I was brutally interrupted with threats of violets, rape, court cases, hospitalizations in the psychiatric, due to many factors, but the for most. Noting was wrong with me. Power of the guilty, had me hospitalized. So, I could get a file of psychiatry to my name. This is how they put you down. All in The Dutch government function this way, man who think this is the way to shut a female down.

    I was constantly interrupted, so the trued could not be revealed; of the brain injury, that they had given me, and that I created a kundalini therapy to help heal the injured brain, The killings of the Srebrenica UN correctional, The financial frauds, the child traffic system all over the world. The organ trade, the hunt for rhesus factor children and grownups. The human testing and disappearance of colored people for hybrid testing. The slavery of females into their computer system and so drain them from their akasha record ancient information and place it into the mega data storage. The neuro link and so the chipping of all Dutch citizen, without them knowing it and so see all their information. In Dutch the Nah, injury of the brain caused not by birth.

    Please, as you read this, read with an open mind. Do not get angry. In kundalini, one thinks differently, and so I have another spectrum on many thinks. I do not tell you what to do, I just simply give another spectrum of how things are and lead you to your codes of discovery and implementation. From this understanding comes and the way it works. You will see how it can be placed in theory of the trued.

    Listen to Lauren Dangle

    Listen To Lauren Daigle- Rescue 1/19/2022 8:09:54 AM, Capelle Schollevaar.

    We have to understand, that as we are in the 3th dimension, not all are in it, some are behind and some walk just past the 3th in to the 3third of second in the third, but not even know this. These people need to be properly educated, to their place of being. It is not of ego, but setting the right frequency for us to all move forward as one but not on. Not all of our totality of system is in the working, parts are in the 3th dimension. This is causing all sorts of problems in the forming of humanity. If one is not formed right, non can form correctly all holds a correlation to each other. By realizing that you hold the puzzle of another and they of you, it is the right alignment to force all to listen and not hurt each other. As long as non-want’s another to have and to hold, so will none have and hold the promise of a better tomorrow. All as their code, so if you steal work from another, you present the code from doing its work, and so will your life be pulled in a way, you have no idea of. When you realize, that you are the cause of it, this is when it is too late. For what you formed, will be around you. Much more difficult to remove.

    This is why we all; see and hear, perceive, view, thinks and more from different sides. You cannot be as one because, the development of your totality of body needs to be equally developed. It is not, even when I am writing this, they are trying to disable me, write my work and translate it in Dutch. They do not understand the code of forming and so in their minds, they can do my job, by taping me and learn they think. No, you disform, my writing. It is the sole reason, for the delay of the work. For maybe before, I publish or maybe after, they will publish their work taken from my consciousness. Not ever knowing wat energetic code, it holds and places a form, in the world. Never taking responsibility for it. For they do not see it. It is out of their spectrum. But it will cause problems. What they see is words, they like and they think will give them their fantasy. No, kundalini is no fantasy, you have to do the works in aiding people all over the world. Writings, teaching and explanations, creating new technologies that go by the dimensions you speak of. Also give understanding of systems that destroy the eco and so the climate system of the world an give the upgrade to the right system

    If money comes from this, start helping and educating people to move all in equalness of each other. You do not get wealthy from it, for the goal is to make sure all on the earth have the same rights to live as one another, built homes and start up infrastructures, that do not harm the earth and are livable in finance to all.

    Once you see, that it happens, this movement of creating the world so all do not suffer no more, all is equal. Then you will find the work is on its way and so that is the hope for the book to be successful. But all the hurt needs to be out and revealed. For those who reveal, will get an upgrade. If we learn to share information, and not be afraid of others having the information of trades and knowledge. Stealing and abusing for it, will go. Now we are creating a society, that needs cameras to hold guard for us. Do we really want more in evolvic state, of not having any privacy at all? In this none had seen the danger of digital diseases, that are already there. For no doctors know why they do not heal even on linear or D.O.T.S spectrum. This is why a lot of people die. This needs to change ASAP

    But my name has been already placed in shame, as they created a personal file in the world of me, that is not the reality of me, but to ones who do not now me, think it I so. Very convincing even. It is of that writer their feelings in all, to prevent me from doing my work, so they could take my place. In this, I belief people were hurt, and I am sorry for those, they used to do their bidding. Others should really grow more brains, as I saw their reaction. If I hear any gossip, or even one who would place to much privacy on line, I would contact and see if I could help. If those, who claim to be, the real writers, why did they not help. That is kundalini. You need to then stop this feed. The medium that gives the chance to place it is them in own fault for normally it would be off less is purpose is of that content it serves. Then ask yourself how you came up with that feed and judged without knowing if it was true or false. Understand that face changing technology can do and what others can use it for. But also know, that all in life have stunts double, those who look like you and harm you.

    Never let anyone get hurt or try to hurt you, just to have a laugh, then reveal if they want to place anything of you online, they placed it not you. Stop, it for you never knows, what causes it. People now can be taken over and forced to do what those who have a hold of them want to. Know systems like the BBI, brain to brain transmissions and their properties to drain another person their knowledge and place it in another.

    The robing of consciousness is now, what rich do to those who they think do not deserve that knowledge or just for fun hinder relationships and break people up. I know, it is happening to me in physical form, that is why I write all I know, before they wipe my brain. In my case and so of my daughter, all our rights were taken to stop, this book and it’s revealed of the trued. To stop my company aiding others and to stop educating those in need. To stop the plan to educate Africa and others in the world, pore countries to evolve to the same state as the west and all others. Why, because they kill them with the frequency as they fled out. Why money, oil, stones.

    If we all do not get the right education, and the same, we cannot have the same spectral view and understanding of things and so it holds back development. It gives unclearness of theory, and what we all are. When this is clear, then all knows what to do. All can proceed from this point, and go further in development.

    What you now can do, as the system I prescribe to create, is that we use all of what we as humanity are and bring it together, in different lenses, as one coil, and then view all from a dimensional scope, that makes the binocular view. In this, if development of one or more lenses occur, you replace them to enhance them, to view more. This gives a view in so many spectrums, as you can change bands, but you see, so far into space, into own evolvic state, you, had no idea it was possible. So, this is on to recreate in multiple spectrums. This is creating our future by seeing what is Infront of us. To do so, we have to clear our past of all that keeps us busy in the present. For this is one that is holding us back.

    This is the first gift of the council: the binocular spectrum viewer, by Perfusion. We will start clearing all of our past, try a new approach, if we can talk and let go of what happened then we can start new path of growth. Some points are too heavy for the pain is too much, so judgement need to take place to let it go and be health. If the world gives each other this change, we can start with building our real future, one we do not have to be afraid of each other no more. One that gives us the assurance we are humanity and non can come between us to make us fight against one another again.



    Remember what you hear, see, view, understand and sense, it is your spectrum. Others hear more or less and see more or less, with their eyes. If you are developed, so will your system, so your ears, view etc. In this those who have the most less spectrums are those of the medical and psychological field. For all is in their spectrum make belief, but they themselves do not see, that diseases are a lack of hat the body needs, when you solve them on their level of creation, they turn their molecules and the system of the body will heal and recreate the right nutrience if you add them in your body to do the work needed.

    will view from their point of spectrum. It is, if you do not have the right spectrum, you cannot heal, one of a higher spectrum. If you are in court the judge cannot judge if he or she is of a lower spectrum, and he does not know and understand, all the spectrums to get a clear view of each in every situation. If the understanding in discovery is not there, so will the judgment of all be and this is wrong, for what those others know and see and you lack, is then judge wrongly just because the other one holds a title to their name. title is more important than logic and understanding. In this they do not even recolonize different views of spectrum and for this matter the development in total of the human body. What you state now is tomorrow the horror of ill knowledge. As in psychiatry, is that due to lack of building block nutrients, the psychoses occur and the products they hand to patience as medicine are no medicine even in registration with the FDA. People die and they continue to hold them hostage so they can turn their living, go home and these people are scared for life. Not even giving them the right foods, they need to recover.

    So, you review the height of the spectrums, a we all are governed within the 3ht of the 4h dimension of the higher 3th for of dimensions. A sneak peak of how things are perceived there.

    Listen to all 4 elements of bands when you can, see their video explanation and the words in the songs, documentaries, books and all mediums of displays. Their music does a lot and is the core of my writings, for when times were really unbearable, this was my core understanding and explanation to what I was dealing with and going through. In all those who are also apart are mentioned in the book. Many will not be, but in another way, they will have recolonizing of what they have meant.

    Introducing my 4 elements

    Imagine Dragon, Linken Park, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Script.




    In this I allow the collective consciousness, the council of nine to speak through me, as I sometimes, give my idea on matters. I will place what and whom said what. I have to separate the different conversations, that pass through, as they, and others give their knowledge to earth to accelerate, because we are in a hurry.

    I have noticed, that my book went unpublished around, as I was hindered in my writing, I placed it on line, so all could see how far people could go, to steal your work, make sure filing a criminal case was prohibited, in any way.

    So, everybody was against me and my daughter and, so we became victims of conscious theft of our akasha records and so the book of mankind, with includes many stories, theory, mechanics, discovery of theory and many more. A person to write, her first book. I have followed the discussions a bit, but with, what is being done to me it is hard. But I take it as a kundalist. I have a neuro link placed, not consented by Elon Musk and so the Dutch government. The hospitals they use a false signature of a computer signature, they get from the feed of me.

    In this they tried to kill me, take my daughter and spread lies. The judges helped and dishonored me in court as they press down on my brain so I could not react to wat was being done tome in court. The perfect way to shut a person down. For what I had to say, and so the council of nine, all law was revoked and the criminal behavior, they themselves punished others for, was done by themselves. Causing so much damage unrepairable. I was passed down as a specimen and so my daughter for all one can ever test and later paralyzed and then tested and be killed of natural cause, having a brain leakage of the veins cavernoma, caused by the neuro link and so my daughter to. In this the inheritance of my father they hold from me will them pass to the real killers, my family and much more. Add the oil bonds to the government. Etc. The label off the pharmaceutical of antipsychotics in the Netherlands will then continue and they will trap again many just to be paid.

    With their testing of the neuro link. And belief it or not the teaching of the kundalini, my path of kundalini. As one can only have one who gets the knowledge of the 3th dimension and higher up to teach to other. It is always female for they create. What has been done in the past is create males, who give advice as in the Dali lama, it was set to be female, from self comes the knowledge of incarnated pas and of connection with the council of nine. But now they teach and have taught, the lama from books of ancients and then he holds knowledge of old, not new. For it is of second dimension to 9-dimension knowledge, that does not under go evolvic state. One must have lived, all to be able to give understanding. If one is and always has been a monk, so will the reasoning be, from their point of humble approaches. I am not scaring, merely stating the trued. The council of nine, has therefor decided to end the lama his work in continues, for they gave it a chance, but ego comes from it, for they do not learn, they have to evolve and really live to be able to have forwardness in soul and higher ups. You stay only as incarnated monk, of wisdom and you have the chance now to do more, get the knowledge of living it, be it, for your next live. Become a person and start living experience love as you know friendship. But giving to others what you have not yet lived, is wrong energetics and keeps the imbalance at place.

    Through this understanding is given from the council. In this a yearly feast is given, by the monks and the council comes by to eat and have joy with them, for they do appreciate all good that is done, but the time for change is now. In this the Lama will understand that, in his own knowledge list the key in solving the Covid and so he has studied, but did not live the knowledge for it is of another one and so he was not able to give the understanding to bring forth the answer to a solution. This is the task of the lama, when Humanity in science does not have one, they are the last to state what is and how to solve. In this what was placed in speech of pointing and blaming others will lead to own disaster is a treat to the council and will be preserved as so in their action towards those who spoke it. The revel I this is that the reason the Lama is not accepted in Tibet, is pure of the right order in History, they are imposters and this has been done for generations, so none knows no more, and have accepted it. China comes from the yellow Emperor one that was from another world, and so also the one who was of Tibet. And the Chines know the history well, and hold the 3 standards high. What was done in the past, was wrong to create the lama. The outcome of deceit is now at its display and revealed, no continuance of these matters no more. For even if the Lama was asked to help in the matter of the abuse, he closed his doors and answered in media, in a manner that would place the blame on the one who asked for help. That can never be one who calls themselves Holy for none is more than the other. In Buddhism, that is even acknowledged. In this his answered was, to simple and because he does not know if one blames him, how to act, he claims, holy, so non blames him. Why the wisdom then, if he does not know and had undergone it, answering would be different. For it is not about words that are smooth, but of the knowledge passed on to help those undergrown it. That is not achieved by hem so he can only pas down old word of those in their evolvic state. Smooth talk, that soot’s the mind of those who do not know. If anger comes from reading this Dalai Lama, then the council has no know, that you have turned. The lama needs to understand, the path he has been placed on, for when time comes, he will have to face the council of nine and explain all he has done. All has a beginning and end, and never a freeze, for all flows and moves in many places. But the way of being holy, is never one. In kundalini an end comes, when the teaching is done, nothing special, just acceleration of all that grow above, that

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