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The Shy Chubby Guy, His Best Friend’s Hot Sister and the Big Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #36
The Shy Chubby Guy, His Best Friend’s Hot Sister and the Big Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #36
The Shy Chubby Guy, His Best Friend’s Hot Sister and the Big Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #36
Ebook54 pages30 minutes

The Shy Chubby Guy, His Best Friend’s Hot Sister and the Big Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #36

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"Please, Blaire," she said. "He really needs your help."

She gave me the puppy eyes that used to work on me once upon a time.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm gonna have to give him a makeover."

"We're fine with that," Sophie said quickly. "Right, Matt?"

He nodded without saying anything, looking like a kid that was in trouble with his teacher.

I crossed my arms.

"Fine," I said. "I'll do it."

"Yes!" My sister said and fist pumped. "Thank you, thank you, Blaire."

"Don't thank me yet," I said. "I'm not sure if I can really help that much."

I looked at him again and he looked down quickly.

"There's a lot to do," I said then snapped my fingers two times. "Matt. Look up."

He finally looked up and I noticed he actually had really nice eyes. I guess if he lost a little bit of weight he could actually be kinda cute.

Not that it mattered. The guy had the self esteem of a shrimp.

"We start tomorrow," I said to him.

He nodded again and said softly.


"Oh and burn that shirt."


MATT has always had self esteem issues particularly about his weight. He struggles to form a sentence around the girl he likes even though his best friend, Sophie encourages him every time to do so.


BLAIRE can't get any guy to take her serious because of her looks and she's tired of being used by guys for their reputation until they get bored of her. She just wants someone to see that she actually has a brain too.


When Sophie and Matt beg Blaire for her help in turning Matt into a confident, attractive guy so he can finally get the girl of his dreams, Blaire isn't interested. But feelings sorry for the guy she decides to help him after all. As she helps him grow in confidence Blaire sees a side of him that she didn't know she'd ever see.


And slowly they grow closer and she reveals to Matt the deepest secrets of who she really is. Finally she's found a guy that actually sees her for her and not for her looks. But Blaire's makeover is so good the girl of his dreams finally ends up wanting Matt.


But Blaire wants him too.

Release dateMay 6, 2022
The Shy Chubby Guy, His Best Friend’s Hot Sister and the Big Makeover: Short and Sweet Series, #36

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Shy Chubby Guy, His Best Friend’s Hot Sister and the Big Makeover - Luna Moon


    Just go up and talk to her, Sophie, my best friend said.

    No! I said. I can’t just go up to her.

    Yes you can, she said and pushed me.

    No, don’t! I said.

    Come on, she said. All you have to say is hi.

    But I don’t know what to say after that!

    Just do it! She said and pushed me again.

    Sophie, I swear if you don’t stop pushing I will...

    She groaned.

    Great. She left.

    I turned around to look and she was right.

    Ashley, my big crush had walked away with her friends.

    Sophie sighed.

    You really blew that.

    I didn’t blow it. You were forcing me!

    It’s only because I want to help you! She said. Matt, you can’t keep avoiding her all the time.

    Yes I can, I said stubbornly.

    Yeah, and then you talk about her with me every single night about how badly you want to talk to her.

    You talk to me about Dillon, though!

    I didn’t mean you can’t talk to me, I just mean you should do more than just talk about her with me.

    I can’t, I said my shoulders slumping.

    It’s not that hard, she said. Really. You’re too hard on yourself.

    I suck at talking to girls, I said. I get all nervous and mess up.

    So? Everyone does.

    No, I said shaking my head. Not everyone.

    Okay, maybe not everyone, she admitted. But you’re probably not that bad with talking to girls. I mean you talked to Lor in class this morning.

    Yeah, I said. But I don’t have a crush on Lor.

    Ouch, Lor said from behind us.

    I didn’t mean it like that! I said trying to damage control.

    It’s okay, she said with a grin. I was just teasing. Are you guys talking about Ashley again?

    He still doesn’t want to talk to her, Sophie said rolling her eyes.

    Why are you rolling your eyes? I said defensive.

    Because I find it ridiculous, Sophie said and crossed her arms.

    Soph is right, though, Lor said. You should just talk to her. She’s really nice. She’ll understand if you’re nervous.

    I shook my head.

    No! I said. I’m not gonna talk to her and that’s final.

    Both girls sighed.

    Fine, Lor said. Anyway, I’ll see you guys around.

    See ya, Sophie said.

    Bye, Lor, I said.

    We stood there for a second.

    Sophie raised a finger.

    You know...



    I can’t believe he did that to me! I said to Lindsay over the phone, tears streaming down

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