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Chiori's powers have continued growing at an alarming rate, and her growing desire for her guys is only making it harder to control. Lord Makkai puts the decision of when to seal their bond into her hands, but before she can make that choice the hunters finally make their move. Her fox demon gives her his fire before their connection is dimmed, leaving Chiori with a new magic, and an overwhelming sense of panic.

Joined by their friends, Chiori and Gideon undertake a quest to take back what the hunters have stolen. Two new elements and two gorgeous new men enter their lives along the way, each bringing challenges of their own.

When the darkness of her past resurfaces, proving Chiori capable of cruel and horrific acts in the name of reclaiming her Lord, it’s up to Gideon to keep her sanity intact. Can he keep her broken pieces glued together long enough to bring Makkai home?

PublisherHickory Mack
Release dateMay 1, 2022

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    Witchling - Hickory Mack


    Chiori sat on the floor outside of her library, one leg dangling over the edge of the walkway into the garden. A writing desk filled with Demon Lore studies was settled on her lap, a pencil in her hand, poised and ready to underline the passages she found particularly interesting. It was a beautiful day, the summer sun warmed her, and one of the younger roosters had just settled near her knee when her men walked in.

    Makkai entered first, wearing low slung pants and a t-shirt instead of a kimono, his hip length hair hung loose, his tails relaxed. Gideon followed on his heels looking like he’d stepped out of a boho photoshoot, he wore a loose white button up shirt and comfortable green pants, adorned with several beaded hemp necklaces and bracelets. His bright red hair was pulled back in a bun with a few strands left loose to artfully frame his face. There was an almost guilty look on Makkai, and the eternally impish look Gideon wore so well twinkled in his emerald eyes.

    Chiori leaned back on the heels of her hands, watching them curiously. She hadn’t seen Makkai since her eighteenth birthday, nearly a week ago, and she wasn’t supposed to see him again until tomorrow. It wasn’t like him to make a surprise visit, he made plans and liked to stick to them. He was stubborn, sticking to his self-inflicted rules of visiting on Sundays and birthdays only.

    "I expect this kind of thing from you, Gid, she said, her voice warm with amusement, then arched a single brow at Makkai. But not you. What’s the special occasion?"

    We’ve been experimenting with something we thought would help you, but we’ve run into some roadblocks, so we thought we’d try something new, Gideon said, taking her lap desk away and setting it aside before plopping down next to her, their thighs pressed together. He tipped his head toward Makkai. It was his idea.

    The rooster pecked him irritably and stood, shaking the feathers of one wing and shuffling sideways at him threateningly. Gideon sighed wearily. The three younger alicanto roosters from the most recent hatch were as protective of Chiori as guard dogs, and full of attitude.

    Oh? Chiori said, leaning easily against him, placating the rooster with a few pats and scratches on the back of his head before sending him back to the gardens, hoping he wouldn’t get it into his mind to peck at Makkai. It was news to her that her fox and incubus had been spending any time together at all, save for a few visits with neighboring lords over the years. So… what kind of experiments have you been doing?

    "You’ve been working so hard lately and we noticed you’ve been increasingly exhausted. I wanted to see if we could figure out a way to feed my emotions to Gideon instead of yours. We’re both linked to you so it should work, if we can figure it out," Makkai said, an uncharacteristic grin on his face. Chiori looked from one of her men to the other, an answering smile slowly touching her lips when she imagined their interactions leading up to this.

    So, um… what kind of experiments have you done so far? she asked, barely containing the laughter behind her voice. Gideon hadn’t been able to feed from anyone but her since their mating bond had formed. He refused to even try it with anyone else, telling her that even the thought was repulsive. Yet here he was trying to feed from Makkai, of all people. Imagining their attempts in spite of Gideon’s feelings was sweet, but also so very amusing. Chiori snorted back laughter, covering her mouth in an attempt to hide it.

    Tinkering with our bonds, testing to see if any exist between Lord Makkai and I. Sorry Chiyo, but we had to use Yuuki for that. It wasn’t her fault so don’t get mad at her. We swore her to secrecy, Gideon took the blame quickly.

    How’d that go for you? she prompted, raising an eyebrow.

    She nearly killed Gideon. He shouldn’t have approached her alone. She wouldn’t have been so volatile had I been there, Makkai shrugged, like he’d already said it to Gideon several times. It’s a good thing he’s faster than he looks.

    There were rocks involved, Gideon said.

    Big ones, Makkai added and Gideon nodded, wrinkling his nose and rubbing the back of his head.

    Good for her. Stop making Yuuki keep secrets from me; she hates it. You obviously survived, so stop complaining, Chiori said, her voice lacking any force. Was she able to give you what you wanted?

    No, she sees bonds, but unfortunately she can’t manipulate them. There was nothing but a civil working relationship and mutual respect between the two of us. We came up with some ideas based off what she told us, though, Makkai said.

    Hmm. The link still requires physical contact. What was your plan to get around that? Chiori asked, the corners of her eyes crinkling, imagining them awkwardly holding hands in secret, hidden away in a dark hallway somewhere. Her shoulders shook with barely contained laughter.

    We tried everything we could think of, Makkai recalled, kneeling in front of Gideon, his fiery eyes on Chiori. She shifted to her knees, pulling away from Gideon, her heart thudding.

    Wait, this isn’t some ludicrous prank Gid dreamed up, is it? You guys are taking this seriously? she asked Makkai.

    Oh yes, anything for you, Chiyo. We tried everything, and got to know each other quite intimately. We managed to form a bond between us. Again, that took Yuuki’s eyes for confirmation, Gideon said, taking a piece of Lord Makkai’s hair between his fingers. It halfway works, but only the physical half. We’re still encountering a degree of separation when it comes to emotions. There’s one more thing we haven’t tried, but it will require your participation.

    Chiori swallowed hard, just how intimate had they been?! Lord Makkai reached out and took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers.

    If that’s okay with you? he asked. Chiori nodded, unable to form a real response, unsure of what she was agreeing to. Makkai ran his free hand down Gideon’s cheek and brushed his thumb across his lips. Gideon nipped him gently.

    What are you doing? she breathed, her throat tight. At some point without her knowing, they had become far too comfortable with each other. People didn’t casually touch Makkai. With the exception of Airi, she’d never seen anyone so much as brush past him accidentally. The scary fox was given a wide berth.

    Experimenting, Gideon commented cheerily.

    Maintaining contact with her, Makkai leaned forward and kissed Gideon, who was still close enough she could feel his body heat. Chiori gaped at them and considered pinching herself. She must have fallen asleep while studying for Moscow’s next lecture. There was no way this was actually happening, but her fox was definitely holding her hand. She squeezed his fingers, and he squeezed back, but otherwise ignored her.

    Makkai backed off leaving a hair’s breadth of space between them. Gideon opened his mouth in anticipation, inviting the fox to deepen his explorations. Chiori was liquid heat from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair, and she realized that she’d only ever scratched the surface of how deep her desire for them could go. For several seconds she stopped breathing altogether. The fox’s hand encircled the back of his neck, angling him into a submissive position, and Gideon took the experiment a little further. He touched Makkai’s face, and his fingers lightly grasped the fox’s shirt, pulling him closer.

    Chiori made an involuntary noise, a pathetic whimper. Makkai had never kissed her like that. Her cheek, her hand, her forehead, sure, but never her lips. In fact, he barely touched her at all anymore. She knew his reasoning, that he believed he was doing the right thing, but this was just cruel. Need grew in her belly, but they had not invited her to participate, neither of them touching her aside from Makkai who was still tightly holding her hand. Was this their experiment? Making her watch?

    Makkai nipped Gideon’s lower lip and stroked his back, leaning into the incubus, pressing them even closer together. The fox glanced over at Chiori, and just as suddenly as they’d started, everything stopped. They stayed where they were, hands and bodies entwined, but both men were looking at her, lips red, pupils dilated.

    Did it work? Makkai asked, running his thumb over the back of her hand once more. He sounded so casual, like he was asking about the weather or some other mundane thing. Gideon sighed, and Chiori finally closed her mouth.


    Nothing? Makkai asked, sitting back on his heels, a disappointed look on his face. How the Hell could he be so calm?!

    Oh, I’m getting plenty, but it’s not coming from you. Gideon grinned and scooted away from Chiori, as though she were the problem. I can’t touch her right now. Her restraint is barely hanging on.

    Makkai bit his lower lip and looked at her with unfathomable tenderness. Reaching out he gently stroked her flushed cheek.

    You shouldn’t touch her right now, either, Gideon chided seriously. Unless you want the rest of our day to go drastically different than you’d planned.

    I didn’t think ahead as to how this would affect you. We had to try, he said, shrugging. Sorry it didn’t work out, Little One. I really thought this would open the bond between us.

    What the-

    Language, Gideon scolded her sternly. Chiori glared at him and reached behind her back, grabbing the pillow she’d used for support while studying. Whipping it around, she smacked Gideon with it multiple times. Then she whacked Makkai for good measure. Twice.

    Ow! Hey! Chiyo, quit! We were trying to help you! Gideon laughed, and she smacked him again before throwing her makeshift weapon in his face. Makkai stood, frowning, uninterested in taking part in the abuse.

    Get out! Chiori yelled at them. Don’t ever do that to me again!

    She doesn’t mean that, Gideon discounted her words in a somber tone. "She’s definitely interested in seeing more. She’s just sexually frustrated and raging mad that I’ve kissed you and she hasn’t. You can kiss me anytime you want, Chiyo."

    Makkai, at least, had the sense to plaster a contrite look on his face. The walls began to shake, and Gideon glanced at the fox, a devilish grin playing on his lips.

    Time to go, he laughed, sprinting across the library and out the door. Makkai gave her an apologetic look, and he opened his mouth to say something, probably another apology she didn’t want to hear. Chiori snatched up another pillow, throwing it at him, too.

    Out! You expect me to deal with two more years of this?! she yelled at his back as he walked out, his ears pinned down miserably. Chiori flopped over in frustration.

    We love you! Gideon’s voice called from down the hall.

    Go away, you jerk! she called back, realizing half the house had likely heard her shouting at them. She’d find a way to make them pay, later.

    Chapter One


    3 Months Later

    C hiori, I’m going to wait right here until you come out! I can be every bit as stubborn as you, Gideon called, flopping back into the grass. He plucked a long strand from the ground and popped it into his mouth, chewing its crunchy parts. Can you even hear me in there?

    He sat outside of the cabin by the lake, or at least, what remained of it. Chiori had turned the little building into a living enclosure, trees of every sort twisting and knotting, forming an impenetrable barrier of magically fortified wood. Rising into the canopy, the impromptu fortress was impressive, but its lack of a serviceable door was frustrating. Gideon tossed a twig at it, but the projectile bounced harmlessly away.

    She’d done it again. Another landslide.

    Teenage hormones, unfinished mating bonds, and a mate that only visited once a week matched with the most absurd amount of power any of them had ever seen, all amounted to a recipe for disaster. The worst part was knowing her actions caused Lord Makkai pain. His connection with his territories meant that he felt the death or injury of every tree affected by the landslide. Chiori knew it hurt him; it was the guilt brought on by that knowledge that started the earthquakes. Then, to round her glorious morning off, she’d accidentally magnetized a twenty-foot circumference of the ground around her. Judging by the sharp objects firmly wedged into the earth surrounding the cabin, that hadn’t been pretty either.

    He could feel her annoyance at the cuts she’d sustained from that little accident. Thankfully it was only annoyance and not fear, letting him know that she wasn’t hurt too badly.

    Gideon regularly siphoned off as much of her power as he could handle, but it replenished itself faster than he could rid himself of the excess. They still hadn’t figured out where she was getting all that power from. There were no depletions in the surrounding lands and no demons complaining of mysterious siphoning.

    Makkai had made it clear he didn’t care where she was getting it from, nor did he care about her mistakes. So far as he was concerned, she could split the world in half and he would forgive her. However, struggling with her magic made her unhappy, and that he couldn’t abide. If she was going to contain that much power, he wanted Gideon to figure out how she could control it. It didn’t matter how much power she had if she couldn’t harness and use it. That lack of control made her one of the weakest people in the house. Her volatility leaving her vulnerable.

    Chiori couldn’t use her magic for small things anymore. She could hold it back when maintaining a calm control of her emotions, which meant time spent with Lord Makkai was incident free. Chiori was a pro at holding her emotions in check while with the fox, like she was personally responsible for making his life easier. Not a drop of errant power leaked on her one day with him each week. The rest of her days were hit or miss. She could somewhat direct her magic and use it to manipulate larger spells, but anything intricate went awry.

    Luckily, most of her classes were peaceful. Art, Languages, Demon Lore, physical training, all classes requiring concentration and no magic remained incident free. The only time she was able to remain focused while using magic was during the two days a week she was with Ichio. The forest spirit quietly absorbed large amounts of power while they worked on the gardens and discussed history.

    Magic classes with Gideon gave her the most trouble. Nakia’s theory was that Chiori was at her most comfortable with him, allowing herself to be vulnerable in his classes, trusting him to cushion her mistakes. The snake wanted him to take a stricter hand in her magical education, which he blatantly refused.

    Yuuki had a different theory. He sexually frustrated her so deeply she couldn’t separate her feelings for him from her magic. Yuuki was convinced her Earthy and red moon powers wouldn’t settle until their bond was sealed. Gideon tended to agree with the sprite, but even if she were right he would honor Chiori’s wishes, and her wishes were tied to Makkai’s.

    Winry had begun leaving the bruises she’d promised, right after Chiori had turned sixteen. Gideon didn’t like it, but Chiori had been more than ready. She practiced her forms constantly during her free time, learning the motions, instilling muscle memory, drilling and working up a sweat before actually fighting with her instructor.

    They sparred in the courtyard in front of the house, drawing crowds every time. Chiori was fast, but Winry had been doing this for years. So far, the otter was toying with her student, working her hard and strengthening her skills.

    It worked to distract Chiori, tiring her out enough to calm a small amount of her magical leakage. Until two weeks ago, when Winry had taken leave, going home to an ailing mother. Nobody else had volunteered to cross blades with her, and the magic built back up quickly. Gideon threw an arm over his eyes. He’d find her another sparring partner, Saya or Moscow would serve his purpose, or he’d do it himself if it helped.

    Chiori, you wanna come spar with me? I promise not to let you win, he offered, speaking to an unresponsive wall of living wood. Then the air shifted and he pointed at the source without looking over. I don’t know what you did, but I know this is your fault.

    Tch. Makkai approached Chiori’s make-shift fortress, his six tails swaying gently with each step. He touched the wood and sighed. There’s no use trying to convince her to come out. She can’t hear you.

    Don’t talk at me. I don’t want to hear your voice right now, Gideon complained. Today was Sunday, Chiori’s day off from studies, and the one day a week she spent with Lord Makkai. Gideon had noted she was more anxious than usual that morning, but she’d guarded her thoughts carefully and the anxiety had melted away when she’d left with him. A few hours later, she’d emotionally fallen apart. He’d come to find her only to encounter her little fortress. The fox sighed and sat at the root of Chiori’s creation, leaning against its wall.

    I didn’t mean for this to happen, Makkai said. Gideon flung his arm to the side and glared at him. Makkai’s signature frown was firmly in place.

    What did you do? he demanded. Makkai studiously examined a speck of moss on a nearby tree.

    I thwarted disaster, he claimed.

    Could you be any more cryptic? Gideon snorted.

    She tried to kiss me, Makkai said.

    She’s eighteen. She likes to be kissed. Often, and thoroughly, Gideon retorted, then narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean she tried?"

    I turned her away.

    You rejected her, Gideon echoed. "Chiori doesn’t deserve that. This isn’t something you can brush off as childish adoration. She doesn’t just love you, she’s legitimately in love with you. Do you have any idea how long she’s been working up the courage to try kissing you?"

    "It wasn’t a rejection. She knows we can’t share intimacy, and why. This isn’t forever. She told you she was going to try this?" Makkai growled.

    "Chiori tells me everything, Gideon growled right back. And yes, she knows your reasons logically, but that doesn’t mean she accepts it emotionally. She’s young and in love and you’ve been pulling away from her. You’re hurting her. Gods, Makkai. You had better be worth the patience she gives you."

    I do not have your talent for self-control, Makkai admitted, his fox ears pinned to his head.

    I know that. You know that. What you need to do is explain it to Chiori in a way that makes sense to her, or this is going to become a cycle of her pushing and you pulling away. Do you want to fracture your bond with her? Because you’re putting it in danger by behaving like this, Gideon snapped at him irritably.

    I shouldn’t be having this conversation with you, Makkai deflected.

    You’re right, you should be having it with her. Where have you been the past few hours? You rejected her and then what happened, you split? Left her in the forest alone? You’re lucky you’re so much stronger than I am, because if you weren’t, I’d be obligated to kick your ass, Gideon said, too riled up to be cautious with his words.

    Don’t be ridiculous, Gideon. I left her here, safely in the cabin. I needed time to think before we could have any sort of productive conversation. Then the landslide happened, which flattened enough trees to floor me. I was physically incapacitated, and I noticed something completely unrelated. Her demons are missing, Makkai said. Gideon’s retort died in his throat.

    Come again?

    The Earth and Metal affiliated demons that come to be near her. I don’t usually pay them any attention, but Chiori gave me the time today. At least a third of them, maybe more, they’re just, gone, Makkai answered. Gideon sat up, brow furrowed. I wanted answers, so I tracked down a dryad that owes us a favor. Have you ever hunted a dryad that doesn’t want to be found?

    No, I can’t say as I have. Usually they come hunting me, not the other way around. It’s pretty annoying, actually, Gideon said.

    I’ll keep that in mind the next time I’ve a need to speak with one.

    What did you find out?

    She was every bit as useless as I remembered. They’re missing, and she doesn’t know why. The only information she had that I didn’t is that these disappearances aren’t only from my territory, it’s the surrounding territories as well. I would have made it back sooner, but I came across a familiar scent. The scent of one long dead. I know because I killed him personally, and burned his body to ash, the same hunter that haunts Chiori’s nightmares, Makkai growled.

    Pax, Gideon muttered.

    Pax, Makkai agreed.

    How is that possible? Gideon asked.

    I don’t know. I’d meant to kill him all over again, this time spending more time getting to know exactly what it takes to make him scream. However, it was a false trail. Their trap was better than those they’ve laid before. Still a pathetic attempt, but better. The hunters may have been quiet these past few years, but the persistent bastards are back in full force, and I need to know why.

    On top of everything else she’s dealt with today, I don’t suppose that news will go over well with Chiori, Gideon sighed and lay back with a thud. She’ll want to hunt them in return, and soon enough you’ll run out of excuses to stop her. She’s learning fast with those blades. If those fail, she can always make the Earth swallow them whole.

    I’ve already planned for that eventuality.

    Of course you do. Let’s hear it.

    When she can outrun me, and best me in a match, she can hunt with me, Makkai supplied smugly.

    You’re cruel. You’d better not tell her that until she starts making demands, because she’ll challenge you then and there, Gideon said. "How frustrated do you think she’d have to be before she’d really fight you?"

    She won’t, and that’s the point. How long has she been in there?

    I’d imagine since the moment you left her.

    Has Ichio started on the slope? Makkai asked.

    I haven’t seen him this morning. Everyone but Yuuki, Saya, and I give her space on Sundays. She’s always an anxious bundle of nerves, waiting for you, Gideon answered, chewing his grass again. The flavor of her emotions was overwhelming, even with the barrier between them. She’s embarrassed and angry over what happened with you, and feeling guilty over the landslide. She knows she hurt you, and Ichio. Our girl is sporting a whole lot of self-loathing right now. I’ve never known her to be angry at you before. It has a terrible flavor.

    We need to figure out how to fix this, Makkai insisted.

    I did figure one thing out, not that it helps with this situation... at all. Chiyo isn’t pulling her power intentionally. She can be perfectly unconscious, and it still leaks into her, spilling into everything she touches. Playing with Winry helped exhaust her, which cut down on the number of accidents she had, although it didn’t stop her from collecting more power.

    Is she still refusing to see your aunt? Makkai asked.

    Gideon’s family had refused to come and meet Chiori in the first few years after their bond had formed. She was mentally and emotionally incapable of leaving Makkai to visit the coven and take part in their binding ceremony. The celebration and public announcement of their mating bond was not necessarily integral to their lives, but it was tradition. His family had taken her refusal to heart and chosen to be personally insulted, rarely answering any of Gideon’s messages and flat out ignoring his request for them to visit instead.

    His aunt in particular had stalled in helping Chiori learn more about her heritage, which was still a sore subject with their bonded. Gideon didn’t feel she was asking much; she simply wanted to know who, and what, she was. The only lead his family had given them had been a dead end, and they were still as in the dark as when they’d begun.

    When Gabija had awakened Chiori’s metal affinity, she’d started drawing the second power as heavily as the Earth, and his family had finally shown some interest, suddenly replying to his messages in less than a day. They were packing as his aunt wrote, planning their route and would be on their way the following morning. They’d finally wanted to meet the half-blood who’d bonded with their only incubus mixed witch.

    Chiori had been incensed that day, shouting that she wasn’t a freak in a side show act, merely existing for their amusement. She’d listened with growing impatience to Gideon’s recitation of their message, and that had been the end of it. As she and her powers had grown, Chiori had taken control of the barrier surrounding Lord Makkai’s inner sanctum. She could walk with ease through any barrier she came across, and the ones she constructed herself were impenetrable. If she didn’t want to see Gideon’s family, they wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near her. He’d quietly asked his family to wait for a formal invitation from their Lord, and hadn’t heard a word from them since.

    The last time I brought it up she asked me not to speak of it again. She said she’ll go to them when she’s ready. No indication of when that might be, Gideon winced.

    Makkai scrutinized the incubus. He wasn’t sorry that Chiori refused to leave him, only that it prevented her from possibly finding answers to her questions. He’d let her go if that’s what she wanted, but she unfailingly chose to stay at his side.

    Perhaps it’s time I take a more direct role in her education, Makkai conceded softly. Gideon raised an eyebrow at him.

    Only if you can commit to it, he said firmly. Can you even handle the extra contact with her? Don’t get Chiori’s hopes up before you figure out a better way to balance this. We have two more years, by the rules you created. You can’t show up for a day, teach her some things, and then decide it’s strengthening your bond too quickly. She’ll lose it.

    Makkai growled, low in his throat, then tilted his head back, leaning it against the tree with a heavy sigh.

    I’ll think it through before making a decision. It’s only two more years, he said.

    Only two more intensely stressful years after a relatively easy five. She’s a lot more demanding now, even my limits are being tested. Chiori wants to break those rules of yours, and her love for you is the only thing holding her back, Gideon warned.

    "It’s her love for you that may break her," Makkai sighed.

    I am very much in favor of giving her what she wants, Gideon confessed wistfully. Think of how much easier it’ll be for her to control her power once the bonds are settled.

    That’s only one among many theories. Think of how tumultuous her emotions will be when it happens, Makkai countered.

    We’ll be there to even her out, Gideon tossed back. He got up with a grunt and crossed the space between himself and the fox. Makkai opened one fiery eye, peering at him from beneath long lashes. Gideon sat next to him, their thighs and shoulders touching. Makkai flicked an ear at him, settled a palm on Gideon’s knee, and closed his eye again.

    Better? he asked.

    Yeah, thanks.

    They’d given up on further experimentation. Gideon could not get all he needed from Makkai as he still needed Chiori’s emotions and it was her touch he craved. Touch was vital to an incubus, without enough of it he would stop thriving and soon fade. Due to their efforts to form a bond between them, he could temporarily get by with Makkai as a substitution in moments like these, taking what he needed to ease the stress.

    Has she calmed any? Makkai asked.

    No, she’s still worked up. We’ll have to put the cabin back together after this, Gideon muttered, leaning his cheek against Makkai’s shoulder. "How are we going to help her? It’s been two years since Gabija, and she hasn’t found any of the promised mystery items that will help her."

    Maybe she hasn’t found anything because she hasn’t ventured beyond our territories. She’s crawled all over these lands, exploring, playing with her birds and those damned orisha. If they were here she’d have found them by now, Makkai answered quietly. He’d suspected as much from the very moment Gabija had spoken those words, but this was the first time he’d said it out loud.

    "It’ll take an act of God to release you from that tree. Literally. The Goddess we do have on hand isn’t powerful enough. Chiyo isn’t going anywhere without you. Dead end. Next idea," Gideon frowned. They were dangerously close to broaching a subject they left alone by unspoken solidarity. Chiori could free him in a single afternoon. Every time their bond strengthened, she robbed the tree of a piece of his soul, taking it into herself while simultaneously giving some of her own to Makkai.

    It wasn’t a typical mating bond between Chiori and Makkai, rare as it was in the first place among his kind. They were soulmates, the stuff of legends. Gideon could give her his mind, his body, his love, his very existence but he could never just give her his soul, it didn’t work like that. He worked hard on not hating the fox for it. Really hard.

    Maybe we can manufacture a reason for her to leave temporarily, even if only for a few hours, get her comfortable with the idea of exploring the surrounding lands, Makkai pondered thoughtfully.

    Gross, that’s manipulative. Stop it, Gideon sniped. I’d go get whatever it is myself if we knew what it was. Hmm, she’s exhausted herself and fallen asleep on the floor.

    She’s taking a nap?

    Emotional pain can be even more draining than physical pain. Our little Chiyo has some of that, too. Nothing serious, though, Gideon answered. He brushed his bright red hair out of his eyes and stood, stretching. It’ll be awhile. I’m going to go help Ichio. It’ll go easier on her if we can fix as much as possible to take away your pain. She’s angry enough already, it’ll be worse when she remembers she’s broken your mountain. You staying here?

    Yeah, fire isn’t going to help the situation any. There will be enough willing to do the manual work. I saw a few dozen or so of her Earthy demons on their way over while I was looking for the dryad. Ichio will pretend they don’t exist, so it’ll be up to you to organize them and put them to good use, Makkai remarked.

    They’re so unruly without a master. I’ll bribe them with promises of Chiori’s gratitude. Once she has her power under control, we’ll have to get her to take them in hand. Do you want me to come back when she wakes up? Play the mediator role? Gideon offered.

    I appreciate it, but no. You weren’t wrong, this is my fault. I shouldn’t have been so dismissive of her feelings. I’ll fix things with her myself. Makkai tilted his head against the tree.

    Don’t do anything impulsive, or stupid, Gideon counseled. An example of impulsive would be telling her you’re going to start teaching her before you’ve properly thought it over. Be honest, do you even have a subject in mind? An example of stupid would be shutting her down entirely. Compromise, idiot.


    Don’t get salty with me over it, I’m trying to help. Be smart about how you approach our girl. I’ll be paying attention, and I swear to the Gods if you mess it up, I’ll call Airi and get her involved, he threatened. The fox growled, and Gideon upped the ante. Or Ichio.

    I think it’s time for you to go.

    Don’t screw it up.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, Makkai retorted.


    Chapter Two

    The floor was copper, the walls a swirl of wood - birch, cedar, ash, pine, oak - all smooth and shiny and fine. Chiori imagined that this was how the inside of a massive acorn would look, if the acorn were grown by an oak with stylistic flair. The ceiling opened to a circle of treetops, a tiny skylight high above her with a shifting canopy screen, emitting a green glow throughout the cabin. It was pretty, and cold. And lonely.

    She lay in the center, her long waves of dark brown hair fanned around her head, the remnants of her grief and rage scattered about, torn to pieces. Her body hurt, her skin sliced open in more places than she could count, smears of blood marring the perfection of the floor, amplifying the coppery scent. Not only had she made a mess of the mountainside, but she’d need to clean up here, too. Chiori rolled onto her back and stared up at the clouds whisking past the little opening above.

    Her heart hurt. Makkai’s rejection cut so deep she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to stop the tears that flowed silently even now. She couldn’t get the look of anger and frustration on his face from her attempt to kiss him out of her mind. She kept seeing the irritated twitch of his tails as he’d walked away. He hadn’t been gone for long when the magic ripped its way out of her and the entire side of the mountain slipped away. She’d carried on, crying herself to sleep, closed up in her acorn of safety. Now, however, now she remembered and felt the guilt associated with her actions.

    Chiori stretched her hands high, turning them over to look at her palms. What was wrong with her that so much power could come out of these hands? Why could she cause so much destruction without meaning to, without even wanting to? Yet, when she bent to the task of using magic with intention, she had to work for every little victory.

    She called her power and watched it swirl around in a torrent of bronze and green. Waving her hands, she sent tendrils of it into the air, the metal reflecting the light and sending rainbow sparkles everywhere. Chiori watched the light for a little while then sat up with a groan. Sleeping on a metal floor hadn’t been the greatest idea she’d ever had.

    She stood and stretched, then set about the task of cleaning up her mess. First she righted the icebox and salvaged what she could of the foods from within. The stove wasn’t a total loss, the heating plate was shattered, but it could be repaired. Makkai’s wardrobe, however, was made from wood. Chiori pushed and shoved the pieces back into place, grunting and cursing. When it was as close as it would get to right she set both hands against it, healing the furnishing with fresh wood to repair the crack that had rent it in two.

    She put clothes and bedding that weren’t ruined back inside, folding them with care. All that was left was to give the place a good sweeping and scrubbing down. She hoped Makkai wouldn’t be too upset. The cabin was their special place, and they spent the majority of their Sundays under its eaves. Now she’d gone and irreversibly changed it.

    Fen. Heh, Chiori muttered to herself, looking around at what remained of her destruction. The boar demon had accused her of throwing tantrums once, and he’d certainly get validation if word of this got to him. She wiped her blood off the floor and wrapped her hand in a dry cloth, tying it off with her other hand and teeth.

    Okay, she said to herself, bolstering her own courage. Time to break some rules.

    Chiori lived with a lot of rules, the most infuriating among them regarding the boundaries she had to maintain with Gideon and Makkai. Specifically what she could and could not do during her private time with them. She was not to pressure Gideon into sealing their bond. She was not to intentionally do anything that might thicken her bond with Makkai and he held her to it. Which meant instead of growing closer to her demon over the past five years, they’d grown apart while their bond desperately tried pulling them together.

    He used to reach for her almost compulsively, like he couldn’t get enough of touching her. Innocent little brushes of his fingers against her cheek, kissing her forehead, holding her hand and snuggling her close. Now he rarely touched her at all. The older she got, the further he pushed her away. She wasn’t sure where they stood anymore. She wasn’t even sure he still wanted her around.

    Gideon was easier. He was far more comfortable pushing boundaries without losing grip on his iron self-control. His willingness to play to her desires meant their mating bond had grown as close to being sealed as possible, without actually completing the act that would finish it.

    The other rules were all to do with her safety. Chiori was not to leave the barrier without an armed chaperone or five. Preferably someone with power. Preferably multiple someones with power. She was always to stay aware of her surroundings and not speak with strangers, especially if they approached her outside of the barrier. Oh, and she had to keep her bell with her, so she could call on the girls whenever they were wanted, because heaven forbid she be inconvenienced with waiting.

    Another safety rule was to wait. If Makkai did not come to her, she was to sit tight and wait for him to return. Chiori set her bell on the counter and wiggled her toes against the cool copper floor. She was done with that rule. If he thought he could just reject her and set her aside after making her wait all that time, he was in for a rude awakening.

    Reaching into her Earthy power, she made herself a door. Silver scrolled around the edges, symbols of a language she didn’t yet know. That happened sometimes. The ancient magic had a language all its own, and even Sen, her language instructor, couldn’t translate it. Moscow had at least seen it before, but he couldn’t read it for her. She was waiting for them to appear when Ichio or Makkai or Airi were around. They were older than Moscow, so she hoped any one of them might know.

    Chiori traced one of the symbols with a fingertip, and the door opened easily, letting the warm afternoon air in. Already September, summer was over, the warm days giving way to crisp and cool. Days like this were to be savored, not spent inside weeping. Steps formed in the trees that had wrapped themselves around the cabin, lifting it several feet in the air. Chiori skipped down, taking two at a time, and looked up at her creation, frowning. The cabin was unrecognizable.

    Chiori bent her mind to the task of finding Makkai, but once her toes hit the dirt, her rebellion died out. There was no need for rule breaking this time, she felt him before she saw him.

    An interesting redecorating choice, Little One, Lord Makkai’s comforting voice filled the air. She turned to find him lounging comfortably among her creation’s roots. I think you can do better.

    What? Chiori asked, squinting at him.

    It looks rushed, unrefined. If you really wanted to make a statement, you could have put a bit more effort into it, he prodded.

    I didn’t make this on purpose, she shot back defensively.

    Imagine what you could have created if you had, Makkai said, the corners of his mouth tilted upward, but his ears were flat against his head miserably. Her demon was still upset.

    Stop criticizing the quality of my mental breakdown. Where have you been? Chiori demanded, crossing the grass to stand in front of him. Lord Makkai’s blazing eyes captured her stormy blues, and he rose to meet her. She’d grown considerably in the past five years, reaching all of four foot ten, but the top of her head still only met his collarbone.

    For the past two hours I’ve been right here, waiting to speak with you. Forgive me, Chiori. My behavior this morning was inexcusable. He reached out and she sniffed, taking a step away from him. Makkai’s furry ears clamped down tight, realizing he wouldn’t be forgiven with a simple apology this time.

    What about before that? she quizzed him.

    I was chasing down Creek, looking for answers. Various metal and earth affiliated demons are missing, he replied, giving her pause.

    Creek? I’d always assumed she’d run, or that you’d killed her. I haven’t seen her since that day. You don’t usually bother yourself with them, Chiori said of the lesser demons cautiously. It was true, they came to be nearer to her because of her constantly leaking powers, and Makkai made a study of ignoring their presence entirely. They were too weak to cause any serious trouble, and none were strong enough to invite into the fold of his household. To him, they were little more than a nuisance.

    I wouldn’t have bothered myself now, either, if it weren’t for the volume. At least a third of them are gone, he explained. Chiori’s brows furrowed and she looked into the forest fruitlessly. They wouldn’t be flitting around and pressing close to her in Makkai’s company. He was too scary.

    Was Creek helpful?

    Not at all. I don’t like it; there’s something wrong. Makkai admitted. It isn’t just my territories. Lords Pascal and Tamlin have noticed the same thing. I can’t speak to the little whelps myself; they run if I so much as glance in their direction.

    Chiori’s mouth twisted to one side in a half frown and she looked up at Makkai. There were a few annoying disadvantages to being a terrifying demon lord. He’d taught her to put the needs of her people before her own. She put her troubles aside for the moment and walked several paces away, waving a hand at him to get him to stay when he moved to follow. Gauging the distance between them she walked further, until she could barely see him through the trees and he’d have to raise his voice to be heard.

    She plopped down on the ground unceremoniously and thread her fingers into the moss, letting her power ooze into the Earth. It didn’t take long, they naturally gravitated to her, bathing in her power. Her Orisha came first. Little demons and spirits of various types, they took many forms, usually something small and fluffy, whatever they thought would be pleasing to her. A solid black squirrel crawled into her lap then onto her shoulder, depositing a tiny lump of copper into one of her pockets. They did that a lot lately, gave her small offerings in exchange for the power she brought to the land.

    A field mouse nestled on her knee, and an ermine flowed like water into the crook of her elbow. Before long, there was a small pile of offerings in front of her, and the tiny demons came and went, making brief contact with her skin. A fat raccoon came and lay in her lap, holding her finger with his little hands.

    Then came the one she was looking for, a kodama, a little tree spirit. He took the form of a flying squirrel, but when he landed on her knee, his form flowed into that of a small man. The first time she’d seen one of these spirits, Chiori had called them a pixie, much to their delighted amusement. In spite of their delicate wings, they were not, in fact, pixies. They were the children of the Matriarchs, the largest and oldest trees in the forest.

    Kodama liked to travel in groups, and as soon as the first one made himself known, Chiori looked around to find herself surrounded by a dozen of the forest folk. Men and women of all ages and skin tones, all dressed in greens and blues and purples to blend in with the foliage. In a soft voice, Chiori told them what Lord Makkai had told her. While she spoke, she fed small amounts of magic into the ground carefully, as Gideon had taught her.

    The man.

    Doesn’t belong.

    Bad man.

    Bad spirit.

    They spoke over each other as they always did. Chiori didn’t bother trying to calm them, it wouldn’t work. She’d listened to the cacophony of their voices enough times to be able to pick up the gist of their meaning. She glanced at Makkai. They weren’t talking about him, they called him the ‘scary fox’.

    Secret spirit.

    Bad man.

    Secret man.

    The hairs on the back of Chiori’s neck stood on end. Secret man wasn’t a term she’d heard them use before. Usually ‘bad’ was reserved for when Makkai took a swipe at them, she’d never heard them use it in reference to anyone else.

    Hunter secret.

    Where do you see the bad hunter man, doing secret things? Chiori coaxed, her heart in her throat. She saw Makkai go still, his ears perked.

    Everywhere, they all agreed.

    Is he taking the demons? she asked.

    Takes them.

    Bad man steals.

    He hurts.

    Hunter takes them.


    Thank you my friends, Chiori said gratefully, pushing more power into the earth as a parting gift. The little tree spirits moved out of her way when she stood then danced in circles where she’d sat. She watched them for a short time before crossing back to Makkai.

    That wasn’t helpful. All you’ve done is frighten yourself, the fox pointed out. Chiori sighed.

    All I’ve done is confirm that there’s a stranger in the forest, a scary hunter doing secret hunter things and stealing people. At a time when demons and spirits are going missing. In this case, correlation may equal causation, Chiori asserted, wrapping her arms around herself studying the ground. Her resolve to demand answers seemed silly now that he was actually there, but she needed to know.


    Do you not want me here anymore? she blurted out. Her heart forgot to beat a few rounds and she bit her lip, embarrassed. It had always been her biggest fear, that he’d grow tired of her and seek easier entertainment elsewhere. Her stomach twisted, waiting for his answer.

    Is that what you think? Makkai asked softly, his ears pinned back.

    Yes, actually.

    The problem is not that I don’t want you with me, Chiori. You are still the single most precious thing that has ever been a part of my life, he started. She fidgeted with her fingers, unable to look up at him.

    I’ve heard that before, many times. It doesn’t feel that way to me, not anymore, she breathed, her voice low. You won’t even come close to me.

    As you’ve gotten older the dynamics have changed between us, they needed to, but that doesn’t change how I feel. I haven’t properly explained myself. I’m sorry, this isn’t from any desire to hurt you. Makkai hesitated, then reached out and took her hand, frowning when she held her breath. He led her to the stairs and sat down, holding on to her when she tried to pull away until she sat next to him looking miserable. Makkai rubbed his thumb over her palm as he always used to do.

    This was easy when you were twelve. It was easy when you were fourteen. Hell, it was easy when you were sixteen. Our relationship was uncomplicated, straight forward. You needed protection and I was there, so willing to protect you. Touch was innocent, simple assurances that you were safe and near, and that you were holding it together. Loving you was risk free when you gave it with no expectations. All I needed to do was keep myself from devouring your every waking moment and allow you to grow, Makkai quipped, an ironic smile playing on his lips.

    You’ve grown harder, and stronger, and sharper, but at the same time, softer. I’m not all you have anymore. You have your girls, your birds, your orisha, your incubus. You need less of my protection and more physical affection. I’ll admit I’ve let you exhaust the frustrations that arise from our limitations on Gideon. It’s easier for him. He has a carefree, un-possessive nature.

    It’s only easier because we have each other every day. It doesn’t hurt as much to spend time apart when we know we’ll be together again soon, Chiori disagreed.

    I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective, Makkai faltered. Chiori I haven’t stopped touching you because I no longer want you near. It’s the complete opposite.

    That’s not how it feels, she reiterated.

    Truly, I am sorry that I haven’t made my feelings clear. It felt like speaking of it, admitting to it, would make it worse. My mind and my heart and our bond are all at war with one another, trying so hard to figure out where that line lays. I want to do what’s right for you. But at the same time, I want to touch you in ways I haven’t before. To be completely honest it’s driving me crazy, Makkai professed, cupping her cheek. Chiori’s eyes snapped to his in surprise.

    Chiori swallowed hard. His hands moved down her arms and rested on her waist, his thumbs pressed to her belly.

    You’ve grown these curves. Makkai’s palms slid down her body to her hips. I want to taste every inch of them.

    Chiori forgot to breathe. His fingers grazed her thighs then lifted to frame her face. He leaned in and nuzzled her neck with his nose, breathing in her scent as he hadn’t in so long. His thumb traced her lower lip, his cheek brushed her jaw, and then his mouth was a hair’s breadth from hers.

    I couldn’t let you kiss me because I am barely in control, he admitted, his words a whisper against her lips. Makkai sighed and pressed his forehead to hers. "I want you more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I want your mind, your time, your body, your very essence, absolutely everything. I want it all. I want you, Chiori."

    You weren’t rejecting me? The question was a whispered hope.

    How could I reject the bearer of my soul? He pulled back, stroking her hair gently. I love you too much to cross that line before you’re ready to give me everything. I will consume you. I will devour everything you have to give.

    Chiori wanted to give him everything, right now. She wanted to beg him to stop forcing their separation, but he wasn’t finished.

    So, I’m putting the responsibility on you. Twenty is an arbitrary number that we randomly agreed to without knowing where we would stand in the future. It was a shot at giving you enough time to grow into yourself.

    Are you ready to give up your classes? Your freedom, wandering through the woods alone? I’ll break that number for you, the moment our separation becomes too much for you to bear. When you have a full understanding of what crossing that line entails, what you’ll be giving up, and you’re completely okay with how drastically our lives will change, all you have to do is ask.

    Chiori’s mind raced at the possibilities. No more filling her days with activities to keep her mind off of how much she missed him. Makkai was giving her permission to change the rules, and that changed everything.

    You promise?

    I promise. When you’re absolutely certain, we’ll disappear for a while. Put up a barrier and get lost together, Makkai assured her. I suppose we’ll have to bring Gideon along, but everyone else will have to manage without us.

    Chiori bounced forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling against his throat. He stiffened for several seconds, then melted into her, hugging her back and resting his cheek on the top of her head.

    Thank you, Makkai.

    I’d do just about anything for you, Little One. I’m sorry I hurt you. My weakness is no excuse for causing pain, he lamented, squeezing her, then he cleared his throat and pulled away. Until the day arrives, premature or otherwise, we need to find another way to be a bit closer. In light of recent events, I have something a little different in mind for you, Sweetling.

    He tilted his head at what used to be the cabin.

    I can’t make it what it used to be, it’s ruined, Chiori emphasized, frowning.

    Different, unfinished, but certainly not ruined, Makkai disagreed. Gideon and I spoke a bit while you’d sequestered yourself in there. We couldn’t reach you. Structurally your little fortress is sound, though not quite fox proof. I would’ve had to tear it apart, but I could have gotten in there if you’d needed me. A good start, but you can do better.

    You want to distract me with building things? Chiori cocked a lopsided smile.

    How do you feel about giving up two of your Wednesdays with Milly each month? he questioned. Every Wednesday she split her time between studying, relaxing, and learning to cook from the Kitchen Goddess herself. Chiori grasped his arm, her eyes lighting up.

    To do what, exactly? she asked breathlessly.

    Come out here with me, to build upon your extraordinarily prodigious talents. We’ll give you a creative outlet for your magic that can be utilitarian, Makkai said. "This could be a beautiful building with a bit of practice. Also, somebody may have destroyed the slope our ambassador chalets were situated on today. We’re going to need something new to offer our guests."

    Two more days a month, Chiori whispered, scarcely daring to hope.

    Not the entirety of those days. It’ll be during whatever the time slot Milly would ordinarily fill. I don’t want to come between you and your regular routine, he explained and she wiggled in place.

    That’s four extra hours each of those days, Chiori beamed.

    I think we can handle that, yes? If we fill those hours with learning, it shouldn’t strain our bond overmuch, he said. It will give us a little extra time together going forward. Not this coming Wednesday, so you’ll have time to inform Milly and your girls of the changes. We’ll start the week after.

    Yes, I want this, she said quickly, then looked at the ridged walls of the cabin. What would you do to improve it? You should go inside before judging it too harshly. It’s pretty in there.

    I’d start with windows, Makkai suggested seriously and Chiori laughed.

    I didn’t want any windows when I made it, she told him. They’d kind of defeat the purpose of an impenetrable space.

    Well then, let’s figure out how to make it do both. Impenetrable windows, he said.

    It has a skylight, Chiori defended her creation, quirking an eyebrow at him. Makkai reached over and took her hand and they shared a long look filled with meaning.

    Fair enough. Show me what you’ve created.

    Chapter Three

    Moscow stood in front of Chiori, listening to her play the Transylvanian Lullaby on her violin. Mai had taught her the song over the past week and the swan stood in the back of the room, a big grin on her pretty face. He touched her elbow, reminding her yet again to keep her form correct. She made the adjustment, remembering to raise or drop her elbow with the flow of music, focusing on her memory of the notes.

    From the beginning of their time together, Makkai had encouraged her interest in music, carving her first instrument, a perfect little flute, himself. Since then, she’d branched out in multiple directions, her talents growing with each addition. He’d even found her a drum kit when she was sixteen and discovered an enjoyment of rock. He’d supported it all, but when she requested a violin a few months back, his fiery eyes had gone soft.

    He requested she play every Sunday, leaving the choice of songs and instrument up to her. Sometimes she convinced him to play, too. Next time, she was determined, it would be this song. She glanced at Moscow, read the look on his face and stopped. He nodded and motioned with his hand.

    Breathe, and start again, he instructed. "Keep working on the technical, soften your thumb on the bow, but don’t forget to feel it."

    Chiori took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then raised the violin, setting herself differently, trying to mimic the confidence she wanted to exude. Moscow grinned and she began. She wasn’t to the point of comfort with the instrument where she could close her eyes and lose herself, but she was determined to get there.

    The haunting notes filled the gardens where they practiced, and from somewhere in the house Yuuki’s voice floated on the wind, offering the vocal accompaniments. Chiori let Yuuki influence her playing, the song growing moodier, more eerie. The stiffness in her frame eased and the notes flowed. It ended sooner than she’d expected, and she met Moscow’s mismatched eyes, a broad smile on her face.

    Keep that energy, that’s the best you’ve done yet, Moscow praised.

    Again? Chiori asked, excited to repeat the performance.

    Not today, we’re out of time, but I expect you’ll be practicing in free moments, he said. Chiori looked up at the sky and frowned, he was right.


    Language, Nakia scolded from under the sakura tree where she’d been reading and listening to Chiori’s lessons.

    Sorry, she called to the head of her household, then turned back to her mentor. I wanted to run something by you.

    Oh? We can take a few minutes, so long as you get to Gideon on time, Moscow said, watching Chiori put her violin in its case. Her teachers tried to respect each other's schedules as best they could. She set the instrument on the ground next to Mai then scooped up a large cloth bag, fishing a portfolio out of it. Crossing back to him, she handed over the whole thing.

    I just started it last night, so it’s pretty rough, she gave her project a disclaimer before he even opened it. He looked at the first drawing, a look of confusion on his face. It’s a conceptual drawing. I want to make this.

    When did you develop an interest in architecture? he asked.

    Yesterday, Chiori shrugged, and flipped the page to a rough sketch of what she’d done to the cabin by accident, as well

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