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Beware: Teens, Criminals, & Psychics Lurk Here
Beware: Teens, Criminals, & Psychics Lurk Here
Beware: Teens, Criminals, & Psychics Lurk Here
Ebook30 pages20 minutes

Beware: Teens, Criminals, & Psychics Lurk Here

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BEWARE: TEENS, CRIMINALS, & PSYCHICS LURK HERE is a collection of flash fiction including four very different stories, different genres, and unique situations.

"Rembrandt" picks up in the middle of a heist of the Gardner Museum. A witty, quick on his feet thief, Paul, is partnered with a mobster thug, Dan, as the two bicker amongst each other during what could be the most infamous art heist in American history. However, can the two pull it off before the cops bust them or will their clash of styles end with someone being on the wrong end of a firearm?

It's business as usual for security specialist, Charlie, who's safeguarding a top-secret science experiment in an underground military facility. Do your job, keep your mouth shut, and mind your own business is the mantra every specialist lives by in this field of work. But what do you do when the experiment you're guarding establishes a telepathic link to your mind in hopes you'll free it from its captivity? In "Safeguard", one thing's for sure, that mantra is thrown straight out the window.

"The Mayor" focuses on the wife of a secretive and possibly corrupt Mayor as she meets with a Private Investigator in secret to discuss his findings. What did the P.I. uncover about the mysterious mayor? Better question. What scared the wife so much she felt the need to hire someone to uncover dirt on him?

Snowmageddon, a massively popular annual event involving teams snowball fighting for a large cash prize, is descending upon the small town of Tibun. "Misfits of Tibun" centers around a teenage outcast, Steve Coletti, who dreams of participating in the annual spectacle. Steve recruits three other social misfits to form their own team but must somehow overcome the obstacle that is his overbearing mother who would rather crush her son's dream than allow him to be involved in "such savagery". What is a young man to do?

Release dateMay 1, 2022
Beware: Teens, Criminals, & Psychics Lurk Here

Malik Henriques

Malik Henriques is a screenwriter of surrealism, comedy, drama, and thriller. He has earned his Bachelor of Science in Film and is currently earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Full Sail University where he is a member of the Creative Writing Club. Malik has led digital & social media marketing campaigns for short films and produced short documentary profiles for local businesses in Orlando. He is a US Air Force veteran who enjoys martial arts, photography and studying films.

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    Beware - Malik Henriques



    Malik Henriques

    Copyright Ⓒ Malik Henriques, 2022

    All Rights Reserved

    First Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents



    The Mayor

    Misfits of Tibun

    About the Author


    Wiping the sweat from his brow, Paul fumbles through the utility belt of his Boston PD uniform. Aha! Here she is, he says as he pulls out a utility knife standing before a grand painting beautifully framed in gold floral patterns. The Storm on the Sea of Galilee. The Rembrandt original worth over $40 million dollars. Compared to the other paintings the pair acquired so far, this was the pièce de resistance they were truly after.

    Would you hurry up already? The REAL pigs will be here any second, said Dan.

    You can’t rush perfection. Give me a light, will ya?, says Paul examining the edges of the painting. Dan shines the flashlight towards him.

    Paul carefully cuts into the edge of the painting, slicing down along the frame.

    Are you crazy?! We came to steal the damn thing, not ruin it!

    "Would you relax? This is how you steal a painting.

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