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The Cowboy's Second Chance: The Brothers of Thatcher Ranch, #4
The Cowboy's Second Chance: The Brothers of Thatcher Ranch, #4
The Cowboy's Second Chance: The Brothers of Thatcher Ranch, #4
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The Cowboy's Second Chance: The Brothers of Thatcher Ranch, #4

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A fresh start can sweep an unpleasant past away. Unless the past refuses to be forgotten…

Secretly carrying a torch for the woman of his dreams, Garrett Thatcher believes he's done the right thing. His brothers are happily paired and his mother has returned home. He's been instrumental in smoothing the discord his family had endured. Now it's his turn to settle down to make a life for himself.

Meredith Young has put her heart into her job as the local doctor in Sagebrush. She's sacrificed her happiness long enough and now it's time to start thinking about a husband. And maybe some kids. Time moves slowly in Sagebrush, Texas, and even slower over at the Blessed Ridge Ranch. Too slow for Meredith to wait for what she really wants.

Sensing that the moment is finally right, Garret pours his heart out to her. To his surprise, Meredith has chosen someone else over him. Normally stoic, he grapples with anger and betrayal as he faces the prospect of losing her.

Garrett's reaction initially puts her on the defensive, and Meredith keeps looking for ways to justify her choice to move away with her new love. As it gets harder to ignore the signs that her destiny might lie back in Sagebrush, she struggles with how to go back in time… or if that's even possible.

After so much water has rushed under the bridge, can the two who are meant to be together make a new start?

Release dateMay 31, 2022
The Cowboy's Second Chance: The Brothers of Thatcher Ranch, #4

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    Book preview

    The Cowboy's Second Chance - April Murdock

    Chapter 1

    Dinner’s ready, Frankie announced.

    Everyone stood and went to gather in the dining room as Frankie, Cora, and Kate served their meals.

    Garrett sat across from his brother, Chase, the youngest twin, and watched as Renata sat down beside him, a smile on her face. The young lady blushed when Chase winked at her.

    It still surprised Garrett that his brother had found an unlikely ally in the daughter of their mother’s boyfriend. Their united efforts to break up Cora and Marcello Ricci had somehow bound them in a loving relationship.

    Garrett was glad all three of his brothers had found happiness as he glanced at Logan, who leaned over and kissed Frankie’s cheek. They stared at one another for a long moment, joy etched on their faces as though they shared a secret.

    And Chance was whispering something in Kate’s ear that caused her to blush and bite down on her bottom lip to keep from smiling.

    Even his mother had found love again after mourning the loss of their father. Garrett was the only one who had not found anyone to settle down with.

    Garrett, did you invite Dr. Meredith? Cora asked as she placed a platter of fresh, homemade biscuits in the center of the table.

    Cora had decided to host a special dinner in Marcello’s honor because of his recovery after a minor heart attack and for his daughter, Renata, welcoming her into their fold.

    Yes, ma’am. I called her earlier, but I know that she had a full load of rounds to make. She said she’d try to stop by, but I’m not sure if she’s going to make it, Garrett said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

    Okay. That’s fine. I just wanted to make sure that you invited Dr. Meredith. She was critical in Marcello’s healing and recovery as well. But we might as well go ahead and dig in if everyone is okay with that, Cora said.

    That statement was met with a round of laughter. The family hastily moved around to begin filling their plates with food. Thanks were offered to those who had prepared the meal.

    Throughout the meal, Garrett continued to look for Dr. Meredith. Thanks to their open concept living area, he was able to glance out the front windows of the living room from the dining room.

    To his disappointment, not once did he see the headlights of her car pull up into the motor court. Sighing, he thought about the family again and how everyone had been fortunate to find love. For a brief while, he had hoped to develop a close relationship with Frankie’s sister, Adelaide, when she had been in town briefly.

    Although he had enjoyed her company, they soon discovered they had little in common. There had been no sorrow on either of their parts when Adelaide had returned home and said her goodbyes to the Thatcher family.

    But Dr. Meredith, on the other hand, had an uncanny ability to incite a spark in Garrett that he had never experienced before. And as a result, he always found reasons to be around her. But each time he gazed out the window and did not see her tonight, it only served to further his disappointment.

    Everyone chatted happily over their meals, but for the first time, Garrett remained silent and solemn.

    Halfway through the meal, Logan, sitting to his right, leaned closer to him.

    Hey, cheer up. I’m sure Dr. Meredith will be here. If you invited her and she said that she would come, she’s not going to let you down. She’s just probably running late, that’s all, Logan whispered.

    Garrett smiled at his youngest brother and said, Thanks, trying to force a smile to his lips that he did not quite feel. It was difficult to be cheerful when he looked around the table and saw everyone paired up and happy except for him.

    He had known Meredith for quite some time. They had always enjoyed an easy-going friendship. But over the last several months, they seemed to have grown closer and had a camaraderie that they didn’t share with anyone else. It surprised Garrett when he thought about how deep his feelings for her had grown.

    Garrett looked forward to her visits at Blessed Ridge and loved it when he ran into her in town. Conversation with her came easily, as well as the laughter they shared.

    Garrett decided that when he saw her again, he would share his feelings with her. He wanted to explore a relationship with Meredith, and there was no reason to hold out on asking her any longer. It seemed as if the feelings he had for her were mutual, and beating around the bush would get him nowhere.

    With that resolution made, Garrett sat back and enjoyed the rest of their meal in peace, with a hopeful heart.

    Anyone up for dessert? Cora asked.

    I’ve got plenty of room, Marcello said, patting his belly.

    I’m still starving, Chance said.

    When aren’t you hungry? Kate asked, causing everyone to laugh.

    That settles it. I’ll get the dessert if you can put on the coffee, Frankie, Cora suggested.

    Of course, Ma, Frankie said, pushing her chair back.

    Excuse us, Chase said as he stood and extended his hand toward Renata.

    Garrett watched as Logan helped Frankie and Cora clear the table. Chase and Renata made their way outside, while the others moved to the living room.

    Garrett followed Chance, Kate, and Marcello to the living room.

    I wish that Dr. Meredith had been able to make it to dinner tonight, Marcello said as he took a chair in the corner.

    I do, too, Garrett added.

    I have so much to thank her for. She’s made all the difference in my recovery, and I’d just like to let her know how grateful I am, Marcello explained.

    I’m sure that Renata would, too, Kate said.

    The three of them sat around, chatting a little longer until Frankie, Cora, and Logan joined them in the living room. They served the dessert and coffee, and Garrett’s spirits sank a little deeper.

    Maybe he would see her another time, he thought, resigning himself to the fact that she wouldn’t show this evening.

    The doorbell rang as he took a sip of his coffee. Looking up at the others’ faces gathered in the living room, he set his coffee down.

    His mother and Logan made a move to stand at the same time.

    Jumping up, Garrett said, You all can sit down, I’ll get it.

    Chapter 2

    Garrett hoped that it was Dr. Meredith at the door. They weren’t expecting any other company.

    Pulling the front door open, Garrett smiled at Meredith. Her windswept, reddish-brown hair was pulled back from her face, and her dark blue eyes sparkled with joy. A smile lifted her peach-tinted lips as she greeted Garrett.

    Hi, Garrett. I’m so sorry I was late for dinner. Is it too late to come in? Dr. Meredith asked.

    Opening the door wider, Garrett welcomed her.

    No, of course not. Come on in, Meredith. We were just sitting down for dessert. Mom baked an apple pie, and there’s vanilla bean ice cream and coffee if you’d like some, he said as she began to remove her jacket.

    I would love that, Meredith replied.

    Here, let me take that coat for you, he said, accepting it and moving to put it in the coat closet.

    I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to show up so late, but I got caught up with my patients, and things ran over the intended schedule, Meredith apologized again.

    That’s not a problem. Come on, we’re all in the living room, Garett said, placing a hand at the small of Meredith’s back and ushering her ahead of him.

    When they stepped into the living room, everyone was engaged in a full-blown conversation, laughing about something Kate had said.

    Look who I found, Garrett said with a smile as he looked around the room.

    Logan’s eyes sparkled knowingly with happiness as his gaze met Garrett’s.

    I’m so glad that you could make it! Marcello greeted Meredith as he stood up and welcomed her with a warm embrace. He pulled back and kissed her on both cheeks as was his way.

    Thanks, Marcello. I was just telling Garrett that I’m sorry that I was late. I didn’t expect it would take so long, but I ran over with a few of my patients, Meredith explained.

    It’s okay, Dr. Meredith. I know you were working your marvelous wonders with those patients the same way that you did with Renata and me, Marcello said, returning to take his seat.

    Meredith sat down on the couch where Garrett had been sitting before, and he took the seat beside her.

    Speaking of, where is Renata? Meredith asked.

    She’s out with Chase, walking off those calories we gorged on, Kate said, laughing.

    Well, I’m glad that you’re here. And now that you are, would you mind gorging on some more of those calories with us? Cora invited, laughing.

    I would love to, Meredith said, rubbing her hands together as she eyed the pie slices on everyone’s plates.

    Cora moved to the kitchen to prepare dessert for Meredith. Garrett waited for everyone to resume the conversation they were having before his and Meredith’s entrance.

    Meredith, if you don’t mind, can I have a word with you later?

    Sure, Garrett, are you feeling well? she asked as her forehead furrowed in a frown while her eyes searched his face for signs of illness. Her hand rested lightly on his wrist.

    Yeah, I’m fine. I’d just like to have a word with you in private. It’s an important matter, but it has nothing to do with my health, Garrett stated.

    Okay, sure, that won’t be a problem, Meredith said, looking relieved and curious at the same time.

    That is, if you don’t consider matters of the heart a health issue, Garrett thought to himself. Garrett didn’t feel as if he would be completely well again until he shared with Meredith what was in his heart. Just the brief closeness and her touch were enough to send Garrett’s heart into spasms whenever he was this close to her.

    Cora returned with Meredith’s dessert. The topic of conversation turned to vacation spots and a new wine that Marcello was producing. Later that evening, Renata and Chase returned, and Renata personally thanked Meredith for her services and kind bedside manner.

    When the family began to scatter to their individual quarters of the house, and Chase walked Kate to her car, Garrett led Meredith outside.

    It’s so beautiful out here tonight. And this crisp breeze is just perfect, Meredith said as they walked the property.

    Garrett glanced at her, noting the perfect angle of her neck and chin when she tilted her head back. Her dark blue eyes took in the night sky above them.

    It is beautiful. So is the night sky, Garrett said, joining her in watching the stars twinkle overhead.

    I love how well you can see everything out here away from the city, Meredith observed.

    Yeah, it helps that we have no light pollution thanks to the ordinance. It preserves the majesty of this place, Garrett said softly.

    His heart was beating wildly in his chest as he gathered the courage to broach the subject on his mind.

    So, what’s troubling you, Garrett? she asked as they picked up the pace of their steps once more.

    I’ve been really happy lately to see Chase settling down. He’s following in the footsteps that Logan set first, and then Chance followed in those same steps. He and Renata spend a lot of time together, and they’re developing a beautiful relationship as they get to know one another. That’s got me to thinking a lot… about settling down, too, Garrett shared.

    Meredith stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. Her eyes were wide with what appeared to be disbelief.

    What’s wrong? Garrett asked, turning to face her.

    Her lips parted in a hesitant smile as she shook her head. Shoving her hands into the pockets of her jacket, she replied, It’s just ironic that you said that. I’ve been having similar thoughts myself. As a matter of fact, that’s all that’s been on my mind, Garrett. Settling down and eventually starting a family of my own.

    Garrett’s smile spread wide as his heart rate spiked. He was glad that they were on the same page. That would make what he was about to say go that much smoother.

    Meredith, I’m glad that you said that. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about—

    Meredith held her hand up briefly. Garrett, I have something to share with you. And while I was driving over here this evening, it’s all that I’ve been thinking of.

    Garrett smiled and nodded, encouraging her to go on.

    Chapter 3

    She was uncertain why she was nervous. Why was it so difficult to confess what she needed to say? Guilt filled Meredith’s belly, tightening it and making her ill because of the lie she told earlier.

    That was another thing—Garrett was a good friend of hers. She had been friends with every member of the Thatcher household for the last few years. But lately, she had noticed a growing closeness between her and Garrett, a certain fondness they had for one another.

    Despite the way that she felt about him, Meredith had begun to question his feelings lately. Perhaps she had allowed herself to think he shared feelings for her, and maybe she had been wrong.

    After all, if a man were interested, surely they

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