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Her Rebel Cowboy: Sagebrush Ranch, #4
Her Rebel Cowboy: Sagebrush Ranch, #4
Her Rebel Cowboy: Sagebrush Ranch, #4
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Her Rebel Cowboy: Sagebrush Ranch, #4

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She a city girl with no time for romance, he's a cowboy with a playboy reputation...
Can these two stubborn souls find love among the tumbleweeds?

Jazzlyn Mueller grew up in the city and quickly learned not to take guff from anybody. The only person who knows about the soft spot behind her exterior, is her best friend Scarlett, and she's sworn to secrecy. In fact, it's only Jazz's love for her best friend that brought her to Sagebrush Ranch, and keeps her from running away from the handsome but irritating cowboy who's playing guide during her visit.

Ranching wasn't Levi's first choice of careers. When a football scholarship fell through, he ended up coming back to his roots and hasn't regretted his choice. He enjoys his life and wasn't prepared for a feisty city dweller to pique his interest. But the visiting beauty is a challenge Levi can't ignore and he's never been one to back down from hard work.

As the two of them spend their days driving each other crazy, neither notices how thin the line from hate to love truly is. When they give into their attraction, will their kiss start a fire? Or will the explosion prove too much to handle?

Her Rebel Cowboy is the fourth standalone book in the 'Sagebrush Ranch' sweet contemporary romance series. If you like feisty heroines, sweet but flawed heroes and Happy Ever Afters, then you'll adore Laura Ann's delicious tale.

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Don't Miss the whole Sagebrush Ranch Series!

Her Dream Cowboy
Her Almost Cowboy
Her Pretend Cowboy Boyfriend
Her Cowboy Switch
Her Rebel Cowboy
Her Second Chance Cowboy

PublisherAngel Music
Release dateMay 9, 2022
Her Rebel Cowboy: Sagebrush Ranch, #4

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    Book preview

    Her Rebel Cowboy - Laura Ann


    To my Child of Joy.

    Your smile makes the world

    a brighter place.


    No author works alone. Thank you, Brenda..

    You make it Christmas every time

    I get a new cover. And thank you to my Beta Team.

    Truly, your help with my stories is immeasurable.


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    No wonder Scar left and never came back. Jazlyn Mueller, or Jaz as she preferred, had to clench her jaw to keep it from dropping open as she found herself being introduced to Levi Whittaker, one of the cowboys that Scar had befriended during her cowboy camp session last summer.

    Levi, Scarlett said, this is my best friend, Jaz. Scarlett grinned widely, her arm threaded through Jaz’s. She’s my maid of honor! And you’re the best man! Which means you two are going to be working together for the ceremony! Scarlett laughed lightly. Jaz, Levi is not only Noah’s best friend, but my friend as well. She patted Jaz’s hand. He’ll take good care of you while you’re here.

    Say what? Jaz’s head was still trying to get past the six-foot-plus tall man in front of her, with muscles that went on for days. His eyelashes, which were ridiculously long, surrounded dark, chocolate-toned eyes that Jaz knew a woman could sink into without a moment’s regret. And now this guy is mine for three days? I must have done something good as a baby, because how in the world do I deserve this bit of heaven?

    Levi stuck out his hand. I’ve heard a lot about you, Jazlyn, he drawled in a deep, honeyed tone.

    Ah, geez. Even his voice is delicious. Likewise, Jaz said, keeping her answer short and sweet. This guy seemed too perfect, and too much perfection was an automatic signal to her that somewhere, somehow, another shoe would drop. If she wasn’t on her guard, it would hit her on the head.

    He smiled, and his teeth, even and white, seemed to sparkle in the lights of the church they were currently standing in. Anything bad was an absolute lie and anything good... he shrugged, you can be assured they were telling the truth.

    Scar laughed while Jaz raised an eyebrow. So that’s how it is, huh? You think you’re Mr. Perfect?

    Of course not! Levi defended, putting his hands in his pockets in an easy stance. Then he winked. I know I am.

    His looks are enough to attract every woman in the country, but apparently his ego has just as big a span. I’ll keep that in mind, Jaz replied dryly, determined not to let his handsome looks and flirting get to her. She actually liked a man who was sure of himself, but believing that type of guy was willing to keep himself to only one woman had already been her downfall.

    Yes, Jaz had seen men like this before. They smiled, women swooned, and the men took what they wanted, then left. Unfortunately, she’d been one of those swooners when she was younger. But I’m not a teenager, and I’m not stupid anymore either. Jaz had learned her lesson the hard way, and she knew better than to fall for any of the sweet nothings that might come out of this man’s mouth.

    Don’t worry, Levi said with a grin. I’ll be sure to help you remember.

    Scar laughed again. Levi, you’re such a dork. She grinned up at Jaz. But don’t worry. Even though his mouth runs a mile a minute, he’s totally dependable.

    Yeah, right.

    Now...I have a few things I need to finish up before the wedding in...TWO! DAYS! Scarlett squealed. She bounced a little on her toes, then grabbed Jaz in a tight hug. I’m so glad you’re here, she whispered in her best friend’s ear.

    Jaz could hear the tears in Scar’s voice and it made her eyes water. Me too, Jaz reassured Scar. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

    Okay, okay. Scar leaned back and wiped her eyes. This whole thing has me so teary! I don’t even need a mother at the ceremony because I’ll do all the crying myself! She fanned her face and Jaz smiled and shook her head. I need to run. Scar looked to Levi. You’ll take care of her for me, right? Other than Noah, this woman is my top priority during this whole...thingamabobber, Scar said, waving her arms around as she searched for the right word.

    Levi put a hand on his heart. You can count on me. He winked again at Jaz.

    Jaz rolled her eyes, knowing Levi would see it. She didn’t want him to get the impression she would be an easy victim.

    Great. After one last quick hug, Scar hurried out the door in a flurry of mumbles as she reminded herself of all the errands she needed to run.

    After her best friend was gone, Jaz sighed and put her hands on her hips. So...what exactly are you and I supposed to do together?

    Levi’s firm lips pulled into a slow smile and Jaz felt herself blush. She hadn’t realized how those words would sound until it was too late.

    You better be careful what comes out of your mouth in answer to that question, Jaz warned. I’m a Black belt, and I’m not afraid to use it.

    Feisty! Levi teased. I like it.

    She shook her head, unimpressed. Look. I’m here to do a job. Now, can you tell me what all that entails or not?

    Levi’s teasing demeanor softened a little. Okay...well, we already took care of the bachelor and bachelorette parties last week. As for the ceremony, I think we’re mostly just in charge of keeping the groomsmen and bridesmaids in line.

    Jaz fumbled in the purse hanging over her shoulder. Yeah, I have their names here, she mumbled. Not all of them came over to Portland for the party, so I haven’t met a couple of them. Uh...Violet? Oh, yeah. Violet. Noah’s sister. Jaz looked up. I remember her. Nice woman.

    Levi nodded. She is.

    Jaz eyed him, not sure if he was being sarcastic or not, but she couldn’t get a read on his stoic face. The other one here is...Hannah Mathews?

    Levi nodded. She’s the other woman who works at the ranch. He squished his lips to the side and scratched his chin. She should be easy enough to find. She teaches during the school year, and lives about an hour away. I can get her number from Sam, one of the cowboys at the ranch.

    Jaz looked around the church. Is there anything we should be doing here first?

    Levi shrugged. Not that I know of. Between Scarlett and Mrs. MacMillan, they have this whole thing down to a science. He chuckled. I’m pretty sure we’re going to be told when to breathe and what angle to hold our heads at during the ceremony.

    Jaz tilted her head and gave him a look. Don’t be ragging on stuff like this. A girl only gets married once. She made a face. She hopes.

    Levi’s eyebrows shot up. Wow. That wasn’t pessimistic at all.

    Jaz shrugged. I’ve learned not to believe in fairy tales. She put up a hand. Although, I’ll admit that Noah seems great and those two are sickeningly in love. I hope with everything in me that their relationship is all it appears to be.

    Levi nodded slowly, then turned and held out his arm. Not only is it my duty to take you back to the ranch, but it appears I’m going to have to help you see that in this case, true love really did conquer all.

    Jaz held in another eye roll and turned to walk without taking his arm. Come on, Romeo, she said dryly. Let’s get this show on the road.

    FOR TWO DAYS, LEVI had been spending his time in the oh-so-delicious company of Jazlyn Mueller. He’d heard far too many stories of Scarlett’s best friend during Scarlett’s time on the ranch, so Levi had put together a fairly decent image in his mind as to how Jazlyn would look and behave.

    He’d never been so wrong in his life.

    Sweet little Scarlett, who loved everyone and everything, hadn’t done her best friend justice. When Levi had been introduced to Jazlyn, he thought his heart had stopped beating. Words, which usually flowed from his lips with ease, suddenly turned to ash on his tongue.

    Jazlyn’s dark, nearly black hair hung almost to her waist in long, luxurious waves. Her lips were full and the tilt of her eyes slightly exotic. Her skin was lightly-tanned  and when she actually graced someone with her smile, it was a bright flash against her dark features. Not to mention her soft, feminine curves that would drive any man wild.

    The only downside to Jazlyn seemed to be her ice-princess demeanor. She hadn’t been impressed with his flirting skills, though Levi had been pulling out all the stops. After I got my mouth working again, anyway. He’d been trying to break down her walls ever since she arrived, but Jazlyn had remained unmoved. Which is the exact opposite of Scarlett. I wonder how those two became friends?

    I now pronounce you man and wife! the pastor said with a wide smile, pulling Levi from his wandering thoughts. You may kiss the bride.

    Levi chuckled as Noah swept Scarlett into his arms and bent her over backward in a passionate, dramatic kiss that had the small congregation screaming for more. That’s how you do it! Levi shouted. His eyes drifted toward the bridesmaids for the thousandth time and he took in Jazlyn’s face at the kiss. All humor fled for a split second when a look of longing broke through her stoic expression, only to quickly disappear, replaced by a polite smile. If Levi had been looking anywhere else at that moment, he would have missed it. And he definitely wouldn’t have wanted to miss seeing that look.

    Because it was exactly what he needed to give him hope.

    Her chilliness to his advances was a fun challenge, but seeing that there was more to this woman than met the eye? Well, now life just got a lot more interesting, and Levi was going to see if he could find that soft center that Jazlyn Mueller seemed to be hiding.

    Several hours later, as they were all standing around the reception hall, Levi made his move. They weren’t having a traditional wedding line. Instead, the whole party mingled and the bride and groom wandered around chatting and talking to guests as they came in to offer them congratulations.

    Levi had been keeping an eye on Jazlyn, who had been nothing but polite, if slightly distant, to everyone who spoke to her. She looked beautiful in the sky blue dress that Scarlett had picked out, and the silver jewelry stood out in stark contrast to Jazlyn’s smooth skin.

    Grabbing two Italian sodas, Levi headed over to her side. Thirsty? he asked, offering her one of the glasses.

    Oh my goodness, thank you, Jazlyn gushed. She took a drink, then fanned herself. This hall is boiling! Too many bodies swarming around.

    I guess it could have been an outside reception, Levi said with a shrug.

    From one extreme to the other, huh? Jazlyn said with a soft laugh. In here, it’s too hot; out there, it’s still winter.

    Levi leaned in, tugging up one side of his mouth in a move he knew women loved. Don’t worry. I’d keep you warm.

    Jazlyn rolled her eyes. Don’t you ever stop?

    Does Wile E. Coyote ever stop going after the Road Runner?

    You do realize that he never actually catches him, right? Jazlyn said with a smirk over the top of her glass.

    Levi smirked back. You do realize I’m much smarter than a cartoon, right?

    She cleared her throat and dropped their staredown. Thanks for the drink and the chat. I should go see if Scar needs anything.

    Levi gently gripped her upper arm before she could leave. Scarlett’s fine. The whole town adores her and she’ll be busy talking for much longer than Noah will be happy with. He chuckled when Jazlyn’s skin turned slightly pink at his reference. Besides, I have something I wanted to show you.

    Jazlyn’s eyes narrowed. What?

    Levi tilted his head toward the far side of the building. You have to come with me to see it. It’s over there.

    Jazlyn stepped back, out of his hold. No thanks.

    I promise it’ll be worth it, he taunted. He leaned in closer. You won’t see anything like this in that city you keep yourself in. He knew he had her attention then. Scarlett had told Levi that Jazlyn had never been out of the city and all this space in their corner of western Washington was completely foreign to her.

    How do I know I can trust you? she asked.

    Levi put up two fingers. I was a Boy Scout.


    He chuckled. An Eagle, actually. But besides that, Scarlett trusts me. Isn’t that enough?

    Jazlyn seemed to consider his proposal for a moment before looking at him again. You won’t tell me what it is?

    Levi shook his head. Nope. This is worth being a surprise.

    She sighed. Fine. She pointed a finger at his face. But I meant it when I said I’m a black belt. You try anything and I’ll take you out without feeling bad about it.

    Levi laughed and set their drinks on a nearby table, then held out his elbow. He’d done that several times over the last few days, but she’d never taken him up on his offer. Still, he kept hoping she would. Feel free to try, he said with a grin.

    He just about had a heart attack when she slipped her hand into his arm. Don’t think too much of it, she whispered as they walked. People are staring and I didn’t want them to think you were kidnapping me.

    Levi smiled and nodded at a few acquaintances as they walked through the room to a far exit. Don’t worry. Almost everyone here knows me, and can tell you that kidnapping a beautiful woman is right up my alley. He felt her stiffen and couldn’t help but chuckle. Relax. I wouldn’t risk Scarlett’s wrath for the world.

    Famous last words, she muttered as they left the reception hall.


    Jazlyn wasn’t sure what had possessed her to take Levi up on his offer but, seriously, what woman could resist that grin of his for long? She’d been strong for two days and she was tired. In more ways than one.

    Helping Scar get the last-minute wedding details put together, organizing the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and dodging Levi’s come-ons would put any person into bed for a week.

    Now, however, the wedding was over, the reception was in full swing, and a handsome man wanted to show her a surprise. What was a girl to do? Continue to stay strong for twelve more hours, you dummy, her inner critic shouted. You don’t know this guy and he’s way too skilled with the ladies for you to spend time with him. Her girly side fought back. Maybe I don’t know him but Scar does, and she thinks he’s almost as wonderful as Noah, so it’s going to be okay...I hope.

    This way, Levi said, putting his

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