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Melting The Goth Girl’s Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #37
Melting The Goth Girl’s Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #37
Melting The Goth Girl’s Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #37
Ebook67 pages37 minutes

Melting The Goth Girl’s Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #37

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"I overheard Ethan talking in the lockers after practice with his stupid friends that he's planning on humiliating my sister on prom night."

"Woah, that's harsh."

"Yeah, so of course I want the asshole out of her life..."

"And you think I can do that?"

"I figured if you got her to like you than she'd dump him for you."

"But... Isn't that wrong?"

"I guess," he said thinking. "But it's the best way I can think of doing it."

"What if she finds out, though?"

"Oh, I doubt she'd find out. And there's something in return for you too."


CAM and his friend Mikey have been bullied by Ethan, the star basketball player of the school since the beginning of high school. All he wants is to fit in.


FRAN has a reputation as the scary Goth girl who you don't want to mess with. But inside she's pretty lonely especially with her boyfriend, Ethan becoming more and more of a jerk.


But when Cam is approached by Fran's brother, Aiden he offers him a deal. Get Fran to fall in love with him and break up with her boyfriend, Ethan, who's planning on breaking her heart and Aiden will get rid of his bully problem.


But getting Fran to fall in love with him is harder than he thought.

Release dateMay 9, 2022
Melting The Goth Girl’s Heart: Short and Sweet Series, #37

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Melting The Goth Girl’s Heart - Luna Moon


    This is our last chance to show everyone we’re not losers, Mikey said.

    That’s gonna be hard to prove unfortunately, I said. And I’m not sure getting girls to go to prom with us will change that.

    Yeah, he said. But what if they’re the two most popular girls in high school?

    There’s no way Larissa is gonna go to prom with me. She has a boyfriend, remember?

    Wait, didn’t you hear? They broke up!

    What! No way!

    Yeah, he said. I heard she dumped him really bad.

    Poor guy. His life must feel like it’s over.

    Imagine getting dumped by a beauty like her.

    I mean, I said. I’d probably still feel honoured if she dumped me.

    Nah, he said. That would only mean you weren’t good enough for her.

    Who is good enough for her, though?

    He laughed but then turned it into a gasp.

    What? I said. What’s wrong?

    They’re here, he said. Quick, let’s make a beeline out of...

    But it was too late. I already felt one of them place their hands on my shoulders., Mikey said but it came out like a whimper.

    Well, well, Ethan said. If it isn’t our entertainment for the day.

    The other guys laughed.

    Nice sandwich, nerd, Ethan said picking up my sandwich, opening it and rubbing it against my cheek.

    I knew I shouldn’t have taken peanut butter and jelly.

    The cafeteria grub not good enough for ya? He said throwing my now empty sandwich slices in my lap.

    What’s up pork chops? Jackson said on Mikey’s side. Care to share your table with us?

    Yeah, Kyle said. It’s only nice manners to let us sit with you.

    The basketball team slid into the seat with us squishing Mikey and I into the middle of each bench.

    Now you see, one of the guys said pointing to his food tray. This is what we call food.

    I swallowed hard. I knew what was coming.

    Do you want to try some? he asked.

    I shook my head quickly and Mikey did the same.

    Well that’s not nice, he said and frowned. I’ll have to repay you for your rudeness.

    With that he picked up his juice box and squished the liquid out on top of my head.

    I tried to take of my glasses to wipe my face but one of the other guys pulled my hands down to my sides.

    What about you? Jackson said on the other side to Mikey. Wanna try some?

    Mikey didn’t know what to do so only stared at him in terror.

    No answer? He said. I guess I should teach you a lesson too then.

    No, please, Mikey said.

    Quiet, turd! Kyle said squeezing Mikey’s shoulder.

    Mikey yelped but didn’t say anything.

    I think you should give him some of your spaghetti.

    Ah, yeah, Jackson said. Today’s specialty. I think you’ll love that, won’t you?

    Kyle squeezed Mikey’s shoulder again.

    Won’t you?

    Yes, yes, I’ll love it, Mikey said just wanting the pain to stop.

    Jackson picked up his plate with the spaghetti and with

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