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The Road Back
The Road Back
The Road Back
Ebook221 pages3 hours

The Road Back

By Luva

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 7, 2022
The Road Back

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    The Road Back - Luva

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    Chapter 1 Innocent Children

    Chapter 2 Would you?

    Chapter 3 From a boy to a Young man

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6 If season’s change Why do the reason’s remain the same?

    Chapter 7 Nobody’s lost is their own

    Chapter 8 Lasalle school 1978"

    Chapter 9 The faces change

    Chapter 10 December 31, 1980" on the Westside of town

    Chapter 11 Back to the streets

    Chapter 12 Something for me"

    Chapter 13 BLUE

    Chapter 14 The Lady situation

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16 What do you want from me lord?

    Chapter 17 Sometime in April 1983

    Chapter 18 July 27, 1984

    Chapter 19 1985

    Chapter 20

    Harlem, New York. 112th & 5th.

    October 3, 2012 11:41 pm.

    And so.... as he eats the last nugget of chicken he calls his mother on the phone, it rings just once and the humbled voice on the other end says softly.. hello and he says hi mom.(He haven’t been to see her ever since he lost his cool in front of her with his sister.) She says.. I was just thinking about you. He says that he was doing the same and tried to call the day before but got no answer. I’ve been worrying about you lately she says,well don’t do that mom I’m ok, just trying to get myself back together. Things just haven’t been going well for the only son she has but just like her, he is strong and will make things happen in due time. They chat for a few about this and that but for the most part he just wanted her to know that he was alright and that he loved her. It’s been two months and two days since she had that brain injury (aneurysm) and now she’s in rehab. He feels a bit of relief as he knows the worst has come to pass and she’s doing better. Now he begins to think about his own life and how he got to this point in time. He checks his cigarette pack for smoke but it’s empty, damn! he says knowing he only has twenty dollars to his name and a quarter tank of gas in the coupe. He hopes things will work out for him with this new bitch he just came up with two days ago. Nice sexy 19 year old with a body that won’t quit. Sitting back in the passenger seat of his car he took off his boots, dropped the seat back and he closed his eyes and started to think back to when he could have done a few things differently. How he went from an innocent child to a nickel -n-dime drug dealer, (that spent several years of his life behind prison walls for $19 dollars in dust and crack sales..came home marrying one of the most beautiful women in the world and having two sons ..To being a certified New York Pimp that has checked over 6.2 million out the game in the last 15 years, (check 260 racks 2009 out one bitch alone) on the backs of just four bitches and only been served once in his career). From having some of the baddest bitches money can buy and being one of the most respected niggas to walk the blade. Having three or four top of the line 7 series BMWs and his bitch pushing Mercedes Benz to having only that G35 coupe and that funky twenty dollar bill to his name. The tenth year with Vanessa is when things started to go south, was this written too? Was he born with the gift and the curse? Was it all in God’s plan? Did he go right when he should’ve gone straight? If he were to try and pen a starting point he’d have to take it back 39 years.

    My life Our life...


    Innocent Children

    The year was 1973. Eddie Kendricks Keep on Truckin was playing in every bar, after hours joint and home and the streets were full of money. New York city was a fine place to be but Harlem "that was a whole-nother-world. In other words it was the shit to be from Harlem,112th street especially. He grew up around the best hustlers in the drug game and the most ruthless killers(for money or nothing) 112th & Saint Nicholas avenue was another world in itself. It was one big family. He and his friends never had to worry about anybody fuckin with them outside the hood once they mention 112th street. His circle of friends consist of the son of one of Harlem’s biggest player’s on the court and in the game

    And two brothers who were his best friends in the world.There were a few more in the crew but none as tight as Maykay, Rambo and his man little-Lamont. They did all kinds of shit together. At seven years old he was the youngest of the crew but not to be fucked with for he had more to prove then all of them,after all his father was Leo yeah just like that. Big dog in the hood and respected all over the place. Whenever they went out he seemed to know people everywhere they went and he’d call everyone Mike but they’d answer him. It must have been some secret society shit going on back then he thought. Now when you look at Leo you get a power vibe because he had a sun glow to him. He was tall, dark and very handsome. He had a salt-n-pepper fro with the pork-chop side burns. All the ladies loved to be around him .. after all he was a player and a Pimp. He could fill any room to say the least. He loved this man and he wanted to be just like him, a king amongst kings, a fountain of swagg .A man’s man. He commanded respect everywhere he went and got it. He wanted to walk like him, dress like him, even count his money like him ..keeping his bills tight as a worm’s asshole yet thick as a brick. His money game was the reason the son turned out. When the boy was just Six Leo came into the house with a very large amount of cash and tossed it on the bed and said count that boss" . Those three words would become the cornerstone of his life. He had depicted him the Boss and so he shall always be a Boss.

    The turnout.

    120 west 112st. Apt.24

    One day in the Summer of 73 While bagging up the heroin he sold, Leo suffered A stroke. It was just him and the boy at home. Drugs, cash and his infamous 38.Caliber revolver lie on the bed. Boom! Was the sound that he heard before he came running out of his room only to see his father laying on the floor foaming at the mouth and bleeding from his head’ daddy! he yelled to his Daddy what’s wrong with you’’ his dad could say nothing he was just shaking uncontrollably. The boy only knew one thing at that moment and that was the cops would be coming so his first instinct was to hide the money and the drugs. First thing he did was yell out their second story window at 120 west 112th street to the hustlers out by the sterling bar. Bobby, one of Leo’s partners, heard the call and came running toward the building. What should I do now, the boy thought.. The guitar case he thought fast, quickly grabbing everything in one sweep and ran to the den where he kept the case. He then took the gun and put it under the guitar and then the dope around the sides. the jars of cut he put in the refrigerator. He ran back to his father who was still shaking then heard the banging on the door Boom..Boom..boom open the door yelled a familiar voice, it was Bobby. Bobby was the father of Tyrone,one of the boy’s friends. Fat Ty is what they called him. He lived in the building too. The boy ran to the door, opened it and Bobby rushed in and snatched the phone and called 911.Bobby looked around,the boy had a sense of what he was looking for and knew he did the right thing. As the paramedic took his father away he looked around to be sure nothing was out of order in the house and went out behind them.Bobby got in the ambulance with Leo and the boy walked down the street to his grandmother’s house.


    The boy’s grandmother and best friend in the world. She was a strong black woman to say the least. He truly adored her,she was like the love of his life. He’d spent most of his young life living with her, his grandfather and his first cousin Lance. Lance was his mothers sister’s son. The two of them were only six months apart (Lance being the oldest)physically but the boy was very much ahead of his time mentally. They both went to the same school but had different friends in fact they had two different lives altogether because once he crossed Lenox Ave to get to grandma’s the world and friends changed. On the east side of 112 st was a set of peers that were slick but not as slick nor advanced as his westside peers. When he got to the house and told grandma what had happened she held him close and tight and said you did well son your mommy should be proud of you She always gave him praise when he did well. That’s part of the reason he loved her so much. He was her favorite as well.Evelyn was the backbone of the family and she didn’t take any shit from no one. She worked in a psychiatric ward For years so she knows how to handle any stupid mother fucker tyin to play crazy.. You dig. She always told him that if he wanted something it was best to get it yourself and not ask anyone for anything and that was always the plan. She’d teach him more about holding down a family in the years to come but just keep reading and you’ll see. When he was just a little younger the doctors at some bullshit hospital we won’t mention told her she had throat cancer and cut out her voice box and removed a breast only to find out she had no cancer. That was fucked up but why they weren’t sued I don’t know. This put a stain on the marriage with the grandfather..guess he couldn’t take sleeping with her after the surgery and for the next 25 or so years he slept in his lazy-boy chair.. Despite all that shit they stayed married she also kept a room on the grounds at the hospital where I’m sure she got her groove on when needed. She was still very beautiful and an active party thrower. He remembers staying at the room on some weekends and her friends would come by with food and drink for the card games she’d have till the wee hours of the night.playing on the grounds was lots of fun too. He would go by the windows and see the patients sitting around all drugged up and scare himself with the thought of being one. His grandma always said that if you want to act crazy I’ll put your ass in here. He didn’t want that at all although he was around her a lot more, it just wasn’t something you’d want to do. Well that night his mother came to pick him up. She was at work when she got the call that Leo was in the hospital.. She worked at a bar made at some joint on Lenox and 127st ..he had been there only once... it was for her 26th Birthday party and it was cool. The place was full of hustlers and players from throughout the city even a few pimps and hoes came through (most were Leo’s customers) to show their love for the Queen. A queen she was indeed. She stood six feet, coco brown complexion with flawless skin. Draped in a dress that was made by her mother who held back nothing to show off her daughter’s figure. It was black, long and showed a lot of cleavage down to the navel and the open back that showed her ass crack. That singer/actress Jennifer Lopez later wore that same design. Evelyn made it first and Pat killed it. He remembered getting upset seeing how all the guys and some ladies were checking out her ass in the dress And she had plenty to show. She just looked like Hollywood. Pat was born November, 1946 to Evelyn and Willie honey dip in Jacksonville Florida .

    The mother

    She was something to look at "..very sexy and smart too. She had done some modeling and a stint in the United States Army she was a well rounded woman that loved the glitz and glam of the New York Streets that’s how she met him..Leo.

    New York city 1968

    September 1968 was a good year for harlem. money flowed like never before. Heroin was the drug of choice for most and cocaine for others. Leo preferred the coke. Although he sold it (and one should never get high on their own supply) he kept his habit in check.

    She was walking along 117st street and 7th ave when she saw a man sitting in his car sniffing coke like he had a license to do it. She had on her blue mini showing off her long legs and that caught his attention. Climbing out of his baby blue Cadillac he shouted something she didn’t quite understand so she paused ..allowing him to approach her she could see the cocaine all in this man’s nose and mustache as he got closer she could feel her knees buckling..something told her to run but he had this force that held her there. She had been around all types of people but this man was different, he said hello darling don’t you look pretty in that Mini today she thought that to be a corny line but smiled and said thank you anyway. Now she could tell he was not your average nigga in the streets.. this man was cocky yet smooth., he asked her name and she almost couldn’t speak but answered with a whisper Pat ‘’ she said wondering where her legs went. He introduce himself saying the name’s Leo and your not too fine you can’t be mine. Another one of those lines and I’m going to slap him she thought to herself) where are you off to looking so good. She didn’t know if she should tell him where she was going but she did, to see my son she said. Her son was across town with her Mother. He was 2 years old and she hadn’t seen him in a few days since she started working at channel 5. He asked if they could meet later to talk and have drinks and she agreed so they exchanged phone numbers, he gave her a hug and she walked off. Leo couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her as she floated away saying to himself the one that’s the one.

    The boy.

    In March,1966 in New York City Pat gave birth to a baby boy. She had just gotten out of the United States Army where she had served stateside. The Child’s biological father was in the army also but he won’t be mentioned in this story for he played no role in the boy’s life.

    As she walked down 112th street to her mothers house she could see up in her mom’s kitchen window so she yelled "mommy ‘’ ‘’ and Evelyn waved back at her with a smile. That’s all she needed to see. Things were just starting to get better for her now she had a job. Her mothers husband (her sister’s father) had put her out of the house after she had the baby and that’s why he was there until she got herself together. Now all she can think about is seeing her boy.

    Pat was 21 years Old and still trying to find her way in life.

    She had her Son Terrence when she thought she and his face were going to be together but things didn’t work out that way. She found her way around Harlem and met a lot of different people. She would spend a lot of time around This guy named `` Louse" who introduced her to Heroin in her late teens.

    He also introduced her to the god father "and a few other celebrities backstage at the world famous Apollo Theater in the mid to late 60’s so she was getting in with the elite Harlem crowd and making future connections and didn’t even know it.

    Nonetheless this lifestyle didn’t sit well with George so she had to leave his house.

    He looks just like her. He had her smile and all. When she came into the house he ran to her jumping into her arms and she held

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