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The Matrix and God
The Matrix and God
The Matrix and God
Ebook249 pages3 hours

The Matrix and God

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Join God and Sarah on a journey of wonder and action; there is a lot of adventure and Satan makes an appearance as well. You will see what evil plan Satan has in store for them. God and Sarah form a romantic relationship with lots of twists and turns. God is a cheerful quirky sort of fellow that loves love and gardening. He has many escapades with Sarah. They are both spies and you can travel with them to their many destinations along the way.
Release dateFeb 28, 2022
The Matrix and God

Sarah Hope Markov

Sarah Hope Markov was born in Ingham, North Queensland, in Australia near a beautiful rainforest on the 18th August 1989. She moved to the South Burnett in the lower part of Queensland in a little town called Blackbutt when she was just under three years of age. Sarah grew up in the country where her father built the house that she lived in until she was eight. In the country, she played in the bush, building cubby houses and bridges and playing hide-and-seek with her two younger siblings. Sarah played tennis professionally for the following 10–11 years until the age of 17. She continued to do home-schooling and graduated with a good GPA and then proceeded to enter university at the age of 16. At the age of 30, with a few deferments during the course due to other personal commitments, she graduated. During her studies at university, she wrote this book, The Matrix and God.

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    The Matrix and God - Sarah Hope Markov

    About the Author

    Sarah Hope Markov was born in Ingham, North Queensland, in Australia near a beautiful rainforest on the 18th August 1989. She moved to the South Burnett in the lower part of Queensland in a little town called Blackbutt when she was just under three years of age. Sarah grew up in the country where her father built the house that she lived in until she was eight. In the country, she played in the bush, building cubby houses and bridges and playing hide-and-seek with her two younger siblings.

    Sarah played tennis professionally for the following 10–11 years until the age of 17. She continued to do home-schooling and graduated with a good GPA and then proceeded to enter university at the age of 16. At the age of 30, with a few deferments during the course due to other personal commitments, she graduated. During her studies at university, she wrote this book, The Matrix and God.


    I dedicate this book to God, the one who is always there, the spectacular beauty in the room. With his love and support, I know where I am. With God’s grace, I dedicate this book to him, of stature and wisdom he is, a God-given blessing to us all.

    Copyright Information ©

    Sarah Hope Markov 2022

    The right of Sarah Hope Markov to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781528950695 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781528972772 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2022

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    Inspired by God who is also my muse, a lovely inspiration to one’s life, like jasmine flowers, there scent is beautiful in every way.

    My mother, Mary, and daughter, Rose, who are lovely and have been there for me from the beginning.

    Chapter 1

    The Matrix

    The Matrix is one of the oldest standing worlds there is today. It had survived desolation and famine through creating what they needed to survive. The Matrix world was a far advanced technological world that was heavily populated. There were a few sections: the Black Matrix, a Green Matrix, a White Matrix and a Yellow Matrix.

    The Black Matrix man, Andrew, got his reputation as God himself walking but without confirmation in society being the dilemma. The Green Matrix man, Antony, got his reputation as one of the most advanced places as he created grass. The White Matrix man, Michael, got his reputation as the one that walks with God and that one day God would arise from the Matrix world as they respected and kept the ways of God with their creations and tried to respect God’s life. The Yellow Matrix man, George, was amazing as he had preserved all the old world stuff such as plants and the regular wonders of the world. The God Matrix got his reputation as someone who could create life just as God had made it. His world truly was a marvel to see filled with rainforests and flowing rivers of true beauty.

    Together these matrices were connected via portals that would let people and others pass through to the other worlds, where there was one land containing them all. The worlds were kept in order by the secret agents that some say there is a myth of the greatest agent anyone has ever saw. They are still trying to find this person with the uttermost greatest reputation second to God and the Matrix men’s reputation. Everyone in these worlds is looking for God and keep trying whilst preserving their worlds.

    Then there is a girl, who loves God dearly and honestly as her partner but to her knowledge never met him. She yearns to meet God. This girl built the entire secret agent defence system. She can travel herself through time and her reputation gets mixed easily with the greatest agent anyone ever saw. She designed the machines and the machine worlds that function to support life. She spends time in there herself and comes out rarely. This girl also runs the secret agent machine worlds that are in life but are hard to see. In the machine worlds, she takes on the profile of a man. When she goes to the Matrix worlds, she has her own private base which she lives in. In the Black Matrix world, she takes on the profile Gerald. Gerald is heavily associated with the Black Matrix. As with the other matrix worlds, they are all called the same ‘Matrix’, due to the heavy connection of life preserving that they contribute to in the worlds. The Matrix leaders work close with the secret agents of the world and their scientist to keep the world running and alive.

    The secret agents of the world have their lead scientist who is the secret agent girl Sarah. Sarah is amazing as she saved the whole world from destruction and desolation by scientifically creating life. She also runs the machine worlds herself and only when in public does, she takes the profile of a man, for e.g. Gerald with the Black Matrix, Kaleb with the Green Matrix, Jason with the White Matrix and Klison with the Yellow matrix. She supports the worlds without anyone knowing, she is a secret. Everyone is searching for her as she has built up quite a reputation in her field work in the world over the years, and no one knows where to find her.

    During the desolation and famine that nearly destroyed the world, she spent a thousand years in a room, slowly watching a plant die, the last plant she had saved from the harsh outside environment. She laid there and waited until she decided to do something about it. This girl Sarah as well as the Matrix leaders were eternal and lived forever, so time was not an issue to these people. She started doing science and through trial and error succeeded in creating life through science. This science did not use other molecules and convert them like synthesis. This science literally created life from nothing, hence the word creation.

    When Sarah was locked in a room, as she slowly created life and the Matrix machine worlds, she made some friends that she found along the way. There were four girls and four boys trapped in a room; they lived forever too. They became her friends during these lonely times. They carried a secret that Sarah would later find out. Sarah was close friends with Andrew and his wife Cheryl, Antony and his wife Alysa, Michael and his wife Lisa, and George and his wife Tania. At first, Sarah thought they could be the Matrix leaders but was unsure and she did not want to bring it up in conversation, so she set up a security defence system to keep her a secret no matter what. She built and designed the machines herself. These computers were kept on all the time.

    Sarah had fun with her friends. Though they were always with their partners, they would play sometimes by running up and down the hall and playing tag as it were. They would have a lot of fun hiding in the rooms and finding each other. The only thing is they really missed drinking coffee, so Sarah made it her duty to one day travel back in time and find some coffee. Once they had a sample, they could replicate the coffee and make more of it. They also craved something sweet.

    As far as her friends knew, Sarah was just another scientist like their wives Cheryl, Alysa, Lisa and Tania. These four Scientists helped Sarah to create the worlds. Sarah kept creating, and rebuilt the Black Matrix and kept the people alive by making oxygen to keep everyone alive and houses and buildings, whilst taking of course the profile of Gerald. She did the same for the White Matrix world as Jason and the Yellow Matrix world as Klison. She did not know what her friends did when they didn’t see each other, so she just kept at her work and didn’t interfere. What she didn’t know was they were actually the matrix leaders. They had taken refuge in a secure room where they were to survive the desolation. Lucky for them, Sarah had saved the worlds by rebuilding everything and teleporting through her built gates people from the past to the present day. She then, when had spare time, teleported herself back into the past and got the coffee and lollies that her friends had craved. They were overjoyed and thanked her very much. They celebrated for days.

    The new matrix worlds were beautiful. The Black matrix world was built on a black stone floor. She built a building black, tall and large. This was the Black Matrix base. The Black Matrix had quite a reputation over the years. During the build there were some young people from the clubs that were waiting to hear the drums beat from this matrix, and every time there was a sound they would cheer. This club was very famous and for some reason during hard times it survived and thrived. Some say that it’s because the young folk keep on going and moving, unlike a vast majority of the population had slowly stopped moving and died. This new Black Matrix world was filled with colour and lights that contrasted well with the black scenery.

    In the Green Matrix world, Sarah had rebuilt the vast green grass that was in the city and the rare few trees that lined this beautiful city with the large white building that she placed there. The people were overjoyed and couldn’t believe it. With the White Matrix she rebuilt the cities and placed a large white building amid the place, this is where her bases would be in the world. With the Yellow Matrix she built the houses among the nature that she had recreated and the big yellow building that stood large in the midst of the nature.

    She did all this whilst taking on the profiles of the secret agent bosses, Gerald, Kaleb, Jason, and Klison. The Black and Green Matrix worlds were the largest followed by the White and Yellow. However, the Matrix worlds with the most influence were the Black and White matrix. In another dimension where all the worlds are in one place, the Black Matrix building sits opposite to the White Matrix building. All Sarah had to do now was find the Matrix leaders and their wives. The Matrix worlds were very beautiful in their own uniqueness.

    Now that Sarah had used the portal gates to teleport all the people to their new worlds in what was to them their future, though to Sarah it was her present day, the only thing Sarah had to worry about was the disease that took many of the people’s lives would not reoccur. She drew her theory that it was due to the desolation that was creeping upon the world. However, she, with the help of the machines, rebuilt their world and teleported them to their new world and the people were very happy indeed. They all cheered for their matrix machine world leaders who were also the secret agent bosses, all the profiles of Sarah who also had the ability to morph. Sarah just had to find the Matrix leaders so that they could take their place in the buildings as the leaders of their world.

    Chapter 2

    Finding the Matrix Leaders

    Sarah got to work to find the matrix leaders and their wives. She searched her computers for any information that would lead her to them. She knew they had the same names as her friends but still had no idea who they were. She typed into the computer their names and did a search. Unfortunately the search came back negative which did Sarah no good. Sarah tirelessly searched and searched with no prevail. It was not until she had the idea to go to their favourite locations to look at where they would spend time with their wives.

    She went to look at the Black Matrix’s favourite location. It was a quaint garden with a beautiful house. There were trees of different colours and a water feature which was beautiful. Sarah searched the entire place and set her computers to monitor this place. She also did this with the other Matrix leaders’ places. The Green Matrix leader’s place was a beautiful green pasture with a few simple trees. There was a lake with a beautiful simple building made of white and yellow stone. To no prevail did she find them. She then searched the White Matrix’s place. It was a beautiful garden with many flowers and a river, with a building made of white timber, yet still she could not find them. She went back to her computers and waited on her monitors if her surveillance came back with any confirmations, but still after a long time, she still could not find them.

    In the new worlds, there was a rise of a people’s leader Johanson. He was causing a lot of trouble in the world, rising to power whilst claiming that he could save the world, yet he could not do anything. The overpopulation had grown too big and a reoccurrence of the deaths and desolation were a worry to Sarah. Sarah got wind of a document that Johanson might have on the location and whereabouts of the Matrix leaders, whilst they were away the people were up in an uproar about where the world leaders were. They were fearful that if they could not find them that the same thing that happened to them in the past might happen again. Sarah took the profiles of Gerald, Caleb, Jason and Klison and reassured the world that it shouldn’t happen again and that they were working on the matter as fast as they could in the labs. Johanson tried to scare the world, once Sarah took her profile back, she tried to understand why Johanson was doing what he was doing when she had just rebuilt it. If anything, there should be support for the Matrix, not to go against it.

    Anyway, Sarah set out to find this document. She heard it was hidden in the safe of Johanson’s private office. She went into her private base and got her surveillance tapes of the building and printed out schematics of it. She went over it to study it so that when she went in to get it, she would be successful at finding it. Once she went over the schematics, she then armed herself with a gun. The gun was a kind of ray gun that she had made. She then teleported to the building and went quietly up the stairs. She used a fake ID card to swipe her way past the security doors. She was finally on the level of Johanson’s office, when she was suddenly met with his henchmen. She fought bravely and knocked them out one by one. She got into the next room and saw that there was a guard guarding the door. She snuck up behind him and knocked him out. She got into Johanson’s office where she quietly moved in.

    Suddenly the lights turned on and she was met with Johanson. Johanson was carrying a gun; he had it pointed at her. He then said, Drop the gun.

    Sarah dropped her weapon. She then said, Why are you doing this, Johanson? We need support and comfort in these hard times, not ridicule.

    He replied, There’s no sense in giving the people false hope. If there really is a disease out there, it will come back and destroy everyone.

    Sarah replied, The Matrix is working on the disease as fast as they can, and they’ll probably find a cure or another way to live.

    He replied, Anyway, what are you doing here?

    She replied, I’m here for a document that could lead to the Matrix leaders. I heard you have it. You must give it to me.

    He replied, Why would I give it to you?

    She replied, Fine, I’ll get it myself, and she spun in the air and kicked the gun out of his hand. She used his gun and pointed it at him. She said once again, Give it to me.

    Johanson pointed at a photograph and said, The safe is behind there.

    She asked him, Move and open the safe.

    Johanson moved to where the safe was and opened the safe. Sure enough, there was a document in the safe. Sarah was very happy to have obtained this document which she hoped would lead to the Matrix leader’s whereabouts. She teleported back to her base and had a look at the document. It was a handwritten letter by the Matrix leaders. It said that they were in a safe place, in a locked room.

    Sarah thought this couldn’t be the room that she found all by itself in the desert all that time ago.

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