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Ebook253 pages42 minutes


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About this ebook

This journal is intended to help you become your ideal self. Small steps are progress. Many small steps help you to not get stuck or overwhelmed. Lessons learned in this journal are feedback to help guide you through the journey. The journey of life is meant to be explored. This journal will help you trail blaze a path to your ideal self by focusing on beliefs, values, and self-worth. This journal is a tool to reinforce the importance of establishing and maintaining boundaries that foster conditions where you can thrive. You start with a goal and end with victory. #Goals2Victory
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 8, 2022

Dr. Shayanna Mungo

Holding considerable expertise in relationship development, Dr. ShaYanna “Yanna” Mungo first embarked on her professional journey in sixth grade, when she was trained as a peer mediator at Kennedy Middle School. In high school, she completed two medical internships and developed significant interest in neuroscience and psychology, particularly in how people operate with one another. She has earned a few degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology; Masters of Business Administration, Technology Management; Masters of Business Administration, Project Management; Doctor of Management, Organizational Leadership. An accomplished author in her field, Dr. Mungo was published three times in 2018 — her dissertation, “Security Breach Threats of Bring Your Own Device: A Qualitative Case Study,” with the University of Phoenix; a co-authored book, “Pink Grenades: The Conflict & Victory in Communication with Business Women,” through WOM Enterprises; and a co-authored article in a scholarly journal. She also authored the chapter “Improving Student Classroom Behavior Through Nonviolent Classroom Management and the Implementation of Emotional Intelligence for Educators,” for the book “Cultivating a Culture of Nonviolence in Early Childhood Development Centers and Schools” through IGI Global in 2019. She has spoken at a number of summits, conferences and other events, including the Johnston County Early College Academy Leadership Day in 2020; the Greenville Chamber Virtual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit in 2020; and the KWB Annual Research Summit in 2021, where she spoke on best practices for the virtual learning work using situational leadership, emotional intelligence and contingency planning. Attributing much of her success to the influence of her mother, who always reminded her to be humble, Dr. Mungo also emphasizes the importance of understanding and forgiveness. Not only forgiving others, but forgiving yourself.

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    Book preview

    Goals2victory - Dr. Shayanna Mungo

    Copyright © 2022 Dr. Shayanna Mungo.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-2695-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-2696-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/04/2022


    Welcome Page

    Ideal Self

    Fun Facts

    Thinking Out Loud

    Current Reality


    Ideal Day

    Develop New Beliefs

    Importance of Values

    Core Values

    Values Challenge

    Goal-Setting Work


    Self-Esteem and Self-Worth Differences

    Ground Rules for Power



    Day 1     Curiosity

    Deepen Your Experience

    Day 2     Curiosity

    Day 3     Curiosity

    Day 4     Curiosity

    Day 5     Curiosity

    Day 6     Curiosity

    Day 7     Curiosity

    Day 8     Curiosity

    Day 9     Curiosity

    Day 10   Curiosity

    Day 11   Curiosity

    Day 12   Curiosity

    Day 13   Curiosity

    Day 14   Curiosity

    Day 15   Curiosity

    Day 16   Curiosity

    Day 17   Curiosity

    Day 18   Curiosity

    Day 19   Curiosity

    Day 20   Curiosity

    We’re Not Doing This

    This Serves Me Well

    Reset Your Mind

    Habit Development Reflections

    Day 21   Goal Pursuit

    Day 22   Goal Pursuit

    Day 23   Goal Pursuit

    Day 24   Goal Pursuit

    Day 25   Goal Pursuit

    Day 26   Goal Pursuit

    Day 27   Goal Pursuit

    Day 28   Goal Pursuit

    Day 29   Goal Pursuit

    Day 30   Goal Pursuit

    Day 31   Goal Pursuit

    Day 32   Goal Pursuit

    Day 33   Goal Pursuit

    Day 34   Goal Pursuit

    Day 35   Goal Pursuit

    Day 36   Goal Pursuit

    Day 37   Goal Pursuit

    Day 38   Goal Pursuit

    Day 39   Goal Pursuit

    Day 40   Goal Pursuit


    This Serves Me Well

    Think Out Loud

    Habit Development Reflections

    Day 41   Persistence

    Day 42   Persistence

    Day 43   Persistence

    Day 44   Persistence

    Day 45   Persistence

    Day 46   Persistence

    Day 47   Persistence

    Day 48   Persistence

    Day 49   Persistence

    Day 50   Persistence

    Day 51   Persistence

    Day 52   Persistence

    Day 53   Persistence

    Day 54   Persistence

    Day 55   Persistence

    Day 56   Persistence

    Day 57   Persistence


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