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Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear
Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear
Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear
Ebook149 pages2 hours

Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear

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After the death of John Turley at the hands of Eternal Darkness, the Chicago underworld is left with a power vacuum. As many interested parties vie for control over his businesses, Chicago Detective Michael Steele gets offered a rather mundane case that turns deadly. Follow Detective Steele as he untangles a web fraught with danger at every turn. Episode 2 in the Blood City Chronicles series that will follow a dedicated private detective and his partner Derek Garvin as they deal with the aftermath of chaos brought on by masked vigilante Eternal Darkness.

PublisherJames Garvin
Release dateMay 23, 2022
Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear

James Garvin

James Garvin was born in Louisville, Kentucky. He has always been an avid reader and creator of strange stories since his youth. After moving to Texas, he got into playing AD&D and creating worlds and characters for his players to enjoy. His goal was to write fiction and make video games. The first story, Blood City Chronicles: The Black Petal, was well received by readers and is a good stepping stone into the character driven worlds he creates. His first game, Skullforge: The Hunt, will be released in 2015.

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    Blood City Chronicles - James Garvin

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    Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear


    James Garvin


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    James Garvin on Smashwords

    Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear

    Copyright © 2022 by James Garvin & OMC

    All rights reserved.

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    Blood City Chronicles:  To Live in Fear

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    Blood City Chronicles: To Live in Fear

    Vol. 2

    Table of Contents

    1. Greetings

    2.  Following

    3.  Enlightenment

    4.  Rescue

    5. Confrontation

    6.  Conflict

    XX.  Epilogue

    1. Greetings

    Phil Drogan: Welcome to the Phil Drogan show on KTWN 88.5 in Kansas City.  Today our special guest is the up-and-coming band, The Chocolate Crackers.  Many will know their smash hit The Black Petal, and the recently released Wild Cocoa Plants featuring the hit song Time to Play.  The band includes lead vocalist, Shine MacNamara.

    Shine MacNamara: Hello.

    Phil Drogan:  Drummer, Sheri Takei.

    Sheri Takei:  Thanks for having us, Phil.

    Phil D.:  To the left of Sheri is Lars Beat Williams, lead guitarist.

    Beat Williams:  Yo.

    Phil D.:  (Laughs)  Next is keyboardist, Carl Smith.

    Carl Smith:  Nice to meet you, Phil.

    Phil D.:  Last, but not least, bass guitarist Nick Johnson.

    Nick Johnson:  Hey, guys.

    Phil D.:  Thanks for joining us.  I know you guys don't usually give interviews, so I'm extremely honored to have you on the show.

    Shine M.:  No problem.

    Phil D.:  So how did you guys end up getting together?

    Carl S.:  You want to take this one, Shine?

    Shine M.:  (chuckles)  I think the blame can be placed on the shoulders of Carl.  He was a friend of Beat and they used to go drinking in Austin with my brother.  Carl has this knack for coming up with ideas while drunk.

    Carl S.:  Hey, I do my best thinking while drunk.  It's the dwarven way.

    All:  (Laughing)

    Shine M.:  My brother called me one day and asked if I wanted to talk to a couple of guys in town who were thinking of starting a band.  At the time, I was in a band called Soul Fingers and we were struggling for gigs and just about to break up to find greener pastures.  We hooked up over the usenet and found out that we had a lot in common musically.  That summer, after the semester ended, I drove down to Texas and we started to fill things out.  The rest is history.

    Phil D.:  Who writes the music?

    Carl S.:  We all do...for the most part.  I think everyone has a particular sound and that helps us keep things fresh.  Heh, though, if the song is sad, you can bet Sheri wrote it.

    Sheri T.:  That's not always true.

    Phil D.:  I understand that you wrote The Black Petal, Sheri?

    Sheri T.:  I did, but Beat helped.

    Phil D.:  What was your inspiration for that song?  It's such a depressing piece that really speaks to your soul in a way.

    Sheri T.:  Not much to say, really.  I woke up one day, stubbed my toe, and thought that'd make a good song.

    Beat W.:  (Laughing)  You gonna keep telling people that story?

    Nick J.:  It's her way of being evasive.  In case you haven't noticed, she's the joker of the group.

    Phil D.:  I can tell.  So you guys are all from Texas?

    Carl S.:  Beat and I are from Austin.  We've known each other since high school.

    Shine M.:  I'm from Chicago.

    Nick J.:  So am I.  Shine and I were in Soul Fingers together and he convinced me to make the trip to Austin with him to see what Carl was all about.  I almost didn't go.

    Shine M.:  I had to bribe him with dreams of real home-cooked Texas BBQ.  My brother makes one hell of a brisket.

    Beat W.:  Isn't that the truth.

    Phil D.:  What about you, Sheri?

    Sheri T.:  Originally from Japan, but my family moved to Dallas when I was 47.  Spent the last 150 years living in Texas, so it's as much my home as Japan at this point.

    Nick J.:  I still can't wrap my head about how old you are, T.  How do you keep your skin looking so great after all those years?

    Shine M.:  Of course, she uses Nutra Glow.  For healthy-looking skin that is to die for.

    All:  (Laughs)

    Sheri T.:  You see what I have to deal with on a daily basis?

    Carl S.:  (Grins)  You know we love you, sweetheart.

    Phil D.:  Seems like you all get along pretty well.

    Beat W.:  You should see us during writing sessions and practice.

    Carl S.:  Yeah.  Because Sheri can't stop cracking jokes...

    Phil D.:  We have to take a commercial break, but we'll be back with more Chocolate Crackers after a word from our sponsors.

    * * * * *

    The name is Michael Earl Steele.  I'm a killer.  Well, I used to be.  Why did I start off like that?  I thought it would have more punch.  Okay, I'm not much of a joker.  Not much of a storyteller, either as far as that goes.  I guess in the world I live in there isn't much room to be funny.  Not that people don't try, but if shooting someone in cold blood, then spitting out some snappy comment is supposed to be funny, perhaps I do have a thing for comedy.

    Let me start this again.  My name is Michael Earl Steele and I'm a detective.  The place, Chicago.  Not sure what you know about the city, but it's a place where death seems to come at you from all directions.  In the year 2145, we've come to accept this as the way things work.  It's a place that doesn't feel a bit of remorse for kicking you in the balls, then spitting on you while you're down.

    Perhaps I'm a bit bitter, but I'm trying to change that.  How can someone be positive in all this darkness?  I'm trying to find out.

    On this particular day I was going about my normal activities which included a cup of coffee, a bagel, and my datapad for reading the day's news.  There wasn't anything particularly interesting outside of the dismantling of John Turley's organization after he was killed by Eternal Darkness about three weeks ago.  Turley was probably one the of most powerful men in Chicago and a downright bastard if there ever was one.  The general rule when dealing with him was to keep your mouth closed and your eyes shut.  If he even suspected you were into something or in any way negatively involved with his businesses, you could consider your life his.  No one really liked him, but with that kind of power, he commanded a certain level of respect.  He made sure you understood that point.

    It was no secret that those in the business wanted him gone.  Problem was that in order to set him up for a fall, someone would have to take that fall with him.  No one hated him enough to throw away their own security.  There were a few unsuccessful attempts on his life, but a man like him had spies and moles everywhere.  A few men and women found out the hard way, and I don't believe, to this day, all of the pieces of their bodies have been found.

    Turley had his fingers in just about everything you could imagine.  Drugs, prostitution, extortion, demon summoning, assassinations, slaves, and even body snatching to sell to the vampire lords in South America.  Even with all that power, he still wasn't the most powerful man in Chicago.  That title belonged to a woman named Sonya Haywood.  This simple fact burned Turley with such fury that he'd shoot anyone who even mentioned her name in his presence.  He wanted to be the King of Chicago like Al Capone, only with a more glorious death.

    What his situation was didn't matter to me.  I wasn't sad in the least to see him go.  Left to die in an alley by the one man who could really do something about his tyranny.  The police couldn't touch him.  The government couldn't touch him.  He didn't count on Darkness having the means to rattle his cage and it cost him his life.  I guess he didn't accomplish all of his goals.  Can't say I'm sorry about that, either.

    Who is Eternal Darkness?  That's a good question.  I don't have many theories on who he is or where he comes from.  The Underworld has been trying to figure this out for years.  The bounty on ED's head was so large that whoever had the honor to take him down would be set for two or three lifetimes even after inflation.  However, just finding him was hard, and killing him was even harder.  I won't lie, there are very few things that scare me in this world.  It's the nature of the business.  Things happen, people die, and someone will try to rub you out...eventually.  But Darkness is someone you don't even consider crossing paths with.  Many have tried and just as many have died.  They gave their lives to kill someone who is virtually unkillable.  I won't bore you with the details about the legend that is Eternal Darkness.  All I can say is that he's someone or something you don't want to mess with.  Anyone who has tried has found themselves dead or wishing they were dead.  The Chicago City Police has made quite a few statements about how they will bring him to justice.  I say let them keep talking.  If Darkness figured they could do anything about him, he would have taken them out a long time ago.  That's just how he works.

    There's a certain science to killing.  Whether it's contract killing or a pre-meditated murder.  Knowing when to strike and how to strike takes precision, talent, and a certain amount of luck.  Many people strive to understand it, but they fail.  In my opinion, there are very few masters of the craft in existence.  I don't know where I fall on that scale, but you can't survive as long as I have in the game without having a certain level of understanding about the craft.  I think Darkness is really a true master.  Some would say his level of skill transcends what mortals are capable of.  I wouldn't doubt it.

    Let's take the scene from a few weeks ago where Darkness assaults this bar on the north side.  There were 12 heavily armed mercs.  Not only were they well-armed, but they were wired as well.  Maybe someone could handle two or three of them alone, but not 12.  There was one survivor and I wouldn't be surprised if Darkness allowed him to live.  That's just how good he is.  Does it seem like I have a certain level of respect for him?  Perhaps.  I don't indulge in the business of death anymore, but I know a master when I see it.  For that reason, he scares me.  I'm not afraid to admit that.  When Darkness comes calling, it's best to run.

    I'm rambling.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, I was reading the news and generally enjoying my morning when my partner walked in.  As usual, he was well dressed, hair cut short and brushed, and wearing a pair of reflective shades.  He sat down on the corner of my desk and gave me the largest grin he could without looking goofy.

    What's the haps? he asked.

    What do you want? I asked in a low tone.

    Ow.  Feeling a little grumpy this morning, eh?

    I leaned back in my chair.  Not at all, but you walk into my office, sit on my desk, and give me that 'I want something' grin.  I figured you actually wanted something.

    He laughed.  One of these days I'm gonna give you the grin and not want something.

    I'll be waiting for that.

    I'm sure you will.  He paused to collect his thoughts.  I'm on a case, and I need some information from the CCP.

    I grunted.  You can do that yourself.

    I know, but what I need is sensitive.  Perhaps you can ask Detective Harmon to assist.


    Derek feigned surprise.  That's cold, my friend.  You wouldn't do your own partner, and best friend, this one little favor?  I thought we were tight?

    I gave him a cold stare.  What the hell are you talking about?  You have better connections than I do.  If you need the information, ask her yourself.

    This was all just a ploy for me to have a chat with the good detective, because Derek believes that there is something special

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