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Two Best Friends, a Snowy Cabin, and a Winter Love Story: Short and Sweet Series, #39
Two Best Friends, a Snowy Cabin, and a Winter Love Story: Short and Sweet Series, #39
Two Best Friends, a Snowy Cabin, and a Winter Love Story: Short and Sweet Series, #39
Ebook49 pages25 minutes

Two Best Friends, a Snowy Cabin, and a Winter Love Story: Short and Sweet Series, #39

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"Hey, Daph?" He said.

I turned around.


"I'm glad you're here."

I stared at him surprised then smiled.

"Me too."


DAPHNE is excited about going to college finally with her group of friends and finally not being the only Goth girl at school.


HAYDEN, one of Daphne's best friends, isn't as excited about starting college though. Not feeling ready but not showing anyone how he truly feels he struggles to cope with the sudden changes happening in his life.


Two friends, Daphne and Hayden leave early morning on a trip to one of their friend's dad's winter wonderland cabin where they'd meet up with their other friends. Both friends can't stop thinking about their strange feelings towards each other that have plagued them recently. But when a storm starts and the roads are closed and their friends won't be coming out for the weekend anymore, they're stuck there. Luckily they have enough supplies but now both of them are forced in close proximity. To make matters worse feelings between the two start growing and all the feelings they've felt inside start to come to the surface.


But just as the storm stops another one starts brewing threatening to tear them apart.

Release dateMay 12, 2022
Two Best Friends, a Snowy Cabin, and a Winter Love Story: Short and Sweet Series, #39

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Two Best Friends, a Snowy Cabin, and a Winter Love Story - Luna Moon


    I was starting freshman year at college and just like my friends I was super excited to finally go study with all of them and become the grown up I always wanted to be. I’d dreamed about college since I was ten years old and watched movies about college life.

    It always seemed so amazing and like such a fun time. I was excited to study something I actually loved. To live and walk around campus every day. To make new friends and sit in the cafeteria together, cramming for a test. I know it sounds geeky but that was the stuff I was excited for.

    My friends were so excited to go to parties and meet guys there. But I never had a good history with parties like that. I wasn’t planning on meeting any guys at all.

    I was a little bit of an outcast known as the Goth kid in school. Even though I have a very cheerful personality. But my social anxiety made me only show it in front of my friends.

    I did really well in school though so the teachers mostly left me alone. I was never bullied because people thought I was tough for how I looked.

    I mostly just dressed that way because I always thought it looked cool and not because I was actually Goth really.

    I dated a Goth guy in high school but he ended up cheating on me on prom night with the popular high school girl and I dumped him.

    That was honestly one of the worst days of my life.

    But enough about that. He didn’t matter anymore. In fact nothing of school mattered anymore.

    I was going to college and starting a new chapter in my life full of exciting things.

    My friends and I all decided to go to the same college pretty much that first time we considered where we wanted to

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