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Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him
Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him
Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him
Ebook47 pages50 minutes

Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him

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How would one know their role & life purpose unless one receives clear & practical instructions of what God wants & expects of him or her? Here comes the need for Prophethood. Thus, God has sent thousands of Messengers & Prophets to mankind to convey His Message & communicate to us. Every nation on Earth received a Prophet. They all preached the same general Message that there is only one deity worthy of worship. He is the One & Only God, without a partner, son, daughter, or equal. God sent Messengers & Prophets to guide humanity from worshipping created beings & to worship their Creator, the Creator of all things. The Prophets came to teach their people about who their Creator is, how to build a relationship with Him, & how to love Him. The Prophets taught their people that life is only a test, where the successful will enter Paradise eternally, & the unsuccessful will enter the ultimate punishment in the afterlife.

Out of the Infinite Mercy & Love of God, God continued to send Messengers with Books from God to guide humanity-- starting with Prophet Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, Prophet Jesus, & Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them all. Many of the Prophets are found in Jewish & Christian traditions. All the previous Messengers & Books other than the Holy Quran & Prophet Muhammad were sent down only to a specific group of people & were only meant to be followed for a particular period. For example, Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, was one of God's mightiest Messengers, who were sent down with the same general Message of all the previous Prophets but was only sent to the Children of Israel—the nation that lived before us, as their final Prophet because they were disobeying the commandments of God & veering away from the laws sent down by the previous Messenger, Moses, PBHM.

Whenever God would send Messengers with Revelation, after they passed, people would distort & change the Revelations of God. What was pure Revelation from God-- would be polluted with myths, words of men, superstitions, irrational philosophical ideologies, & idol worship. The religion of God was lost in a plethora of religions. Such as how Prophet Jesus PBHM, was sent to reform the previous Message sent before him by the previous Messenger, Moses, PBHM. Prophet Mohammad came to reform Prophet Jesus’ Message since it was distorted by his followers & did not survive in its original form. When humanity was in the depth of the dark ages, God the Almighty sent his last & final Messenger to mankind, Prophet Muhamad, peace be upon him, & his final Revelation, the Quran, to redeem humanity.

❤️ Prophet Muhammad—A summarized story of God’s Last & Final Prophet ❤️ aims to introduce Prophet Muhammad PBUH, derived from early Islamic Sources, helping you better understand who Prophet Muhammad was & instill a love for him. Studying the story & life of Prophet Muhammad is the best way to develop that love for our Prophet. Studying the life of Prophet Muhammad is an obligation given to us by our Creator & helps us better understand God’s final Book, the Holy Quran, & its context. Sources from the Quran, Hadith, & Seerah (Sirah) Books from Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Hisham, & Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar-- Ar Raheeq Al Maktoum by Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri). This Islamic Book on Prophet Mohammad includes Prophet Muhammad biography, Sunnah, manners, life, quotes, last sermon, quotes, prayer book, saying, & more!

Check out ★ The Sincere Seeker’s Online Islamic Book Store ★ which contains Muslim Books for Children, Adults, new converts to Islam, Islamic books for women, dua books, Hadith in English, Seerah of Prophet Muhammad books (story of Prophet Mohammad), Quran (Koran) Books, Books on how to pray, Children Islamic books, Ramadan books for kids, Eid gifts, & more!

Release dateMay 8, 2022
Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him

The Sincere Seeker

The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose.The Sincere Seeker is designed for those who want to find their life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator Allah (God), and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter.The Sincere Seeker provides a collection of Islamic books, animated videos, and blog articles about Allah, the Holy Quran, God's religion of Islam, and Prophet Muhammad PBUB, designed to educate and inspire.With the Islamic children's section, The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection can help you instill in your child a proper Islamic upbringing and knowledge of Allah & Islamic concepts.Every page of the kid's collection introduces an Islamic concept with delightful and colorful illustrations to help your child understand and appreciate each component of Islam.The simple and abiding concept behind The Sincere Seeker is to please God the Almighty and provide an educational resource that is both fun and educational.Why not visit and see what The Sincere Seeker can offer you and your children?You can follow, contact, connect with and buy books from The Sincere Seeker at:Amazon Store: www.TheSincereSeeker.comYouTube: to convert to Islam on a 5-minute call?: questions or to say Salam!:

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    Book preview

    Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him - The Sincere Seeker

    Prophet Muhammad

    Peace Be Upon Him

    A Summarized Story of God’s Last & Final Prophet from Birth to Death

    The Sincere Seeker

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to God Sending Messengers and Prophets to Us & Why We Should Study About Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him

    The Land of Makkah Filled with Idols and Idol Worship

    Angel Gabriel Splits Open Prophet Muhammad’s Chest & Washes His Heart

    Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage to His Wife, Khadijah, Peace be Upon Her

    Rebuilding of the Kaaba After the Flood

    Angel Gabriel Comes Down to Prophet Muhammad to Reveal the First Verses of the Holy Quran

    Prophet Muhammad Spreads & Preaches Islam Privately, then Publicly

    The Idol-Worshippers of Mecca Persecute and Harass the Believers

    The Idol-Worshippers of Mecca Prostrate to Allah

    The Year of the Sorrow

    Prophet Muhammad’s Night Journey and Ascension

    The Muslims Migrate to the City of Medina

    The Battle of Badr—Supported with Angels

    The Battle Uhud-- Muslims Archers Leave their Post

    The Betrayal of the Jewish Tribes of Medina

    The Battle of the Trench

    The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

    The Conquest of Makkah

    The Farewell Hajj

    Prophet Muhammad Returns to Medina & Passes Away

    Introduction to God Sending Messengers and Prophets to Us & Why We Should Study About Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him

    How would one know their role and life purpose unless one receives clear and practical instructions of what God wants and expects of him or her? Here comes the need for Prophethood. Thus, God has sent thousands of Messengers and Prophets to mankind to convey His Message and communicate to us. Every nation on Earth received a Prophet. They all preached the same general Message that there is only one deity worthy of worship. He is the One and Only God, without a partner, son, daughter, or equal. God sent Messengers and Prophets to guide humanity from worshipping created beings and to worship their Creator, the Creator of all things. The Prophets came to teach their people about who their Creator is, how to build a relationship with Him, and how to love Him. The Prophets taught their people that life is only a test, where the successful will enter Paradise eternally, and the unsuccessful will enter the ultimate punishment in the afterlife.

    Out of the Infinite Mercy and Love of God, God continued to send Messengers with Books from God to guide humanity-- starting with Prophet Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, Prophet Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them all. Many of the Prophets are found in Jewish and Christian traditions. All the previous Messengers and Books other than the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad were sent down only to a specific group of people and were only meant to be followed for a particular period. For example, Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, was one of God's mightiest Messengers, who was sent down with the same general essage of all the previous Prophets but was only sent to the Children of

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