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Religious Reason
Religious Reason
Religious Reason
Ebook145 pages2 hours

Religious Reason

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The information in this book can help set you free from the scary, apocalyptic message of the literalist church. We are told by the church that "man is born into sin and that only through the shedding of blood can he be saved." The true message is that humans are created in the image of God and that we are born innocent and sinless. Humans do sin but not because of Adam and Eve or a serpent in a garden or an evil being called Satan. Humans have free will and often sin because of ignorance, greed, or lust. Those sins can be overcome through knowledge. Jesus said, "know the truth, and the truth will make you free." Jn. 8:32. This book can be a start in freeing you from the ignorance, superstitions, legends, and deceit of the organized church. Things are not always as they seem, and in Christianity, very little of what has been taught can be backed up with facts or history other than the history contrived by the Roman and Protestant churches. This book is about Nature's God, the true God, not the God created by ancient man. It is about reason and about using the intelligence and common sense that God has given us which the greatest gift the Creator could possibly bestow. This book is for those who are seeking to know God more intimately and who long for the freedom that only truth can bring.

Release dateMay 16, 2022
Religious Reason

J.A. Caldwell

J.A. Caldwell, is a retired minister who served more than forty years in ministry. He studied at the University of South Carolina and Duke Divinity School. While researching the doctrines and beliefs of the church he began realizing that there were serious problems with the claims made by the Christian Church. This book attempts to address some of those claims that he says, "a person would not only have to have faith, but would have to give up all sense of reason and common sense to believe." 

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