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Child of Mayhem
Child of Mayhem
Child of Mayhem
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Child of Mayhem

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Flem Rigore is a twisted yet intelligent child who dreams of taking over the world. Follow his misadventures as he wages war with anyone who stands in his way.

Release dateApr 19, 2022
Child of Mayhem

Paul Stevenson

When he was an adult, Paul Stevenson discovered he was dyslexic. He had been fortunate in finding his own way of overcoming this challenge and is now passionate about making reading accessible with high interest topics.

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    Book preview

    Child of Mayhem - Paul Stevenson

    Child of Mayhem

    By Paul Stevenson

    Copyright © 2019

    Chapter 1

    Flem was walking down the halls of his school mumbling to himself, as he always did. Suddenly he heard a racket around the corner and some whining followed by heated shouting. He turned the corner to find a rather large eighth grader holding some poor kid up against the wall. Flem quietly snuck closer for a better look.

    Listen, you little shit! If you nark me out to anybody, I will kill you. whispered the aggressor in a sinister tone.

    The kid didn't respond at all; he was too busy crying, but he seemed to have nodded his head. Flem now recognized this kid. It was that strange boy, Chaim, from his class. Flem had only a moment to think about his next move. He had no feelings of obligation for this kid, but he didn't much like the older kids in his school who acted like thugs. His hate decided for him.

    He got behind the bully and charged him at full speed. He lifted a leg and with all his might he kicked him right behind the knee. The kid screamed and let go of Chaim as his leg buckled underneath him. Flem had fallen to the ground as a result of the kick, but he quickly got up. He looked to Chaim and yelled, Run you fool. The bully, on his knees now, turned to see his attacker whilst trying to get back up. Flem didn't waste any time by quickly poking him in the eye and turning tail to run.

    Now he was oblivious to world as he was making his escape. When he turned his head to look behind him, he was stopped dead in his tracks. He felt the impact of two large hands on his shoulders it which had held him in place. It was Mr. Lowell.

    What in God's name is going on here? he yelled. Before Flem could answer, Mr. Lowell dragged him to the principal's office as he had been many times before.

    Flem sat alone in the principal's office waiting with expectancy. He knew that he was getting in trouble no matter what his excuse was. They never cared about his side of the story; they only knew that he was a problem child who had managed to get into trouble again.

    The principal sauntered into the room with Mr. Lowell and took a seat at her desk across from Flem. Mr. Lowell leaned against the wall off to the side of the principal (this was all pretty routine for the three of them). The principal looked at Flem with a phlegmatic expression and spoke, So John here tells me you assaulted another student. Is that true?

    Why yes, it is, madam, Flem responded with an ironic politeness. Flem learned to enjoy getting his superiors all riled up while he stayed cool.

    Well why did you do it? the principal asked quite annoyed by his impudence.

    Well, you see there, madam, I was just strolling down the halls when I came across an altercation between Chaim and what appeared to be an eighth grader of large stature. Now I could see that my dear friend Chaim was clearly outmatched by this large aggressor, who was holding him up against the wall and pummeling him. So, I intervened in order to even the odds and to give poor Chaim a chance to escape without any further damage.

    The principal sat there listening with complete disinterest. She was not surprised by the eloquence of the speech, for Flem always talked in this way. She placed her palm on her face for a brief moment as if she had a headache. She looked up at Flem and said, Listen you can't attack students because you think you are justified to do so. You could have come and got a teacher.

    Perhaps justice is needed though and in order for justice to be effective, it must be immediate. What was a teacher going to do anyway? responded Flem. "Take him in here so you can… talk to him?"

    We are in charge of punishing students, not you. Mr. Lowell could have handled the situation.

    I see. I'm sure you believe that you do a remarkable job at discipline, but I'm also sure my way is far superior. With my way, justice is swift and far more certain. That brute will think twice before he tries to pick on someone else, and I will continue to provide retribution for tyrants like him. Flem said with a twinkle in his eye as he stared off into the distance in a heroic pose. Flem didn't really mean anything he just said. He didn't even care about Chaim.

    That's it, I have had enough of this! the principal said, throwing up her hands Flem you are suspended for a week! She turned to Mr. Lowell. John, take him out of my office!

    Mr. Lowell proceeded to walk towards Flem to guide him out of the office as he had done before countless times. Flem got up out of his chair, graciously thanked the principal for the vacation and walked out the door, followed by Mr. Lowell.

    Chapter 2

    Flem walked home from his private school as he always did. He always loved walking through the countryside, and he knew of a path through the woods that lead to his house. He came out of the woods into his backyard and entered through the door with stealth. He didn't want his father to find out he was home yet. Not that his father would care too much that he was home early because Flem could just work out a lie to explain and he would have accepted it without any further questions (he didn't take much interest in Flem's life at all). Flem didn't feel like confronting his father today; he just wanted to go to his room to read and enter the day's events into his journal.

    Flem crept up the stairs and into his room. His house was large, and his father's office was on the other side, so he didn't hear him. Once Flem was in his room, he entered the large walk-in closet which he had turned into his own office and sat down at his desk. He took out his journal and pen from the drawer and began to write:

    Good work today self. I earned my vacation by defeating that one brute… what's his name? No matter- I can't believe the principal keeps suspending me. Doesn't that ignorant bureaucrat realize that I actually enjoy the time away from that wretched institution? On an unrelated matter, I must figure out what I am going to do this Halloween. Last time I egged some houses but this year I need to do something far craftier than that, something a little more cunning. This vacation of mine will give me time to brainstorm.

    Until next time, Lord Flem

    Flem put away his journal and gets up from his desk. His bookshelf is in his office, and he feels the need to read about his favorite heroes for inspiration- His heroes, of course, are all conquerors in history such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Napoléon. He also read a couple of books about the rise and fall of Hitler and had written a lengthy treatise about where Hitler went wrong. He submitted to his history teacher as a class project. The teacher read it, then cowered whenever Flem walked by him in the hall.

    Flem pulls a book from the shelf and returns to his desk for a couple hours of reading. He finishes his reading by looking up from his book and slipping into a daydream. He imagines being supreme emperor of his own country and taking over the world. One day the history books will tell stories of my own triumphs, Flem thinks. Flem is sharply interrupted by the sound of his own door being swung open. What do you think you're doing?

    Flem swings around in his chair startled by the intrusion. It was Trent, his half-brother, staring at him with an arrogant look on his face. I'm reading. Not that it's any of your business.

    Well, how come you're not at school? Playing hooky I see, well just wait until dad hears about this.

    I'm not playing hooky Trent I was given permission to leave. responded Flem quite annoyed.

    Oh, you were now? Yeah, likely excuse, but I'm still telling dad.

    Our father doesn't need to know and if you do tell him I will in turn tell him about your weed that you have stashed in your vent. Really stupid by the way; don't you know that that fowl substance gives out an odor? As Flem said this, he saw Trent's face become red. Flem quickly got out of his chair getting ready for Trent to attack. Trent saw the fear in his eyes and smiled as he calmly walked over to Flem.

    I already finished that off yesterday with some buddies of mine. There's nothing there now. He said as he came closer to Flem causing him to back up against his desk. Trent grabbed him by the shirt and said, "If you ever

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