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Catching Feelings For His High School Bully: Short and Sweet Series, #40
Catching Feelings For His High School Bully: Short and Sweet Series, #40
Catching Feelings For His High School Bully: Short and Sweet Series, #40
Ebook53 pages29 minutes

Catching Feelings For His High School Bully: Short and Sweet Series, #40

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"If you want to have a popular boyfriend, who better than the most popular guy on this campus. Someone that would make anyone jealous."

"Wait, who's that?" He asked confused. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Me, you idiot!" 

"Oh!" He said. "Wait, you? You'd play my fake boyfriend?"

"I mean, yeah sure, it can't hurt."

"But people are gonna think you're dating me," he said. 

"Yeah, you're right. My reputation is gonna go down the drain. Okay on second thoughts..."

"No!" He said. "You can't take it back. You already said you were gonna do it."

I grinned. 

"You want this that bad, huh?" 

"As long as you keep your mouth shut most of the time and don't work on my nerves, then yes."

"Well, as long as you don't give me the come hither eyes, you've got yourself a deal."

"See, that's what I'm talking about," he said crossing his arms. "That's the working on my nerves part."

"You can't have everything," I said and shrugged. "It's part of the package."

KEITH finally feels like his life is going right. He has a boyfriend who's crazy about him too, he's in college away from his high school bullies… well except one bully who he'd rather forget. 


HARRIS has always been popular. Even now in college he still knows how to attract people to him. But when his scholarship is in trouble because of his bad grades he needs a tutor. Problem is it's someone he has a history with. 


When Keith's boyfriend breaks up with him for his ex, he doesn't think life can get any worse. Well, he was wrong when Harris, his high school bully ends up being his new roommate. 


But when Harris gets tired of Keith's mopey mood over his ex, he offers him a deal. He'll help him get him back in exchange for tutoring lessons. But in order to make him jealous they need to act as a couple. But it's completely harmless, right? There's no way they'll catch feelings for each other. 


Or is there?

Release dateMay 14, 2022
Catching Feelings For His High School Bully: Short and Sweet Series, #40

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Catching Feelings For His High School Bully - Luna Moon


    You’re breaking up with me?

    I felt like throwing up. How could this be happening?

    I’m sorry, Keith, my boyfriend, Milo, since freshman year of high school said.

    He didn’t look as sorry as I wanted him to. In fact he looked absolutely calm. As if he just told me how beautiful the weather looked outside.

    I wanted to murder him for it. Did he honestly care that little about me or my feelings?

    But why? I asked feeling close to tears.

    I didn’t tell you this but Spencer and I have been talking for a couple of days.

    Of course.

    It had to be Spencer.

    Spencer was Milo’s ex that he had dated in sophomore year when we broke up for a month. I missed him so much that month and wanted so desperately to be with him again.

    While he went out and got himself a boyfriend as if I didn’t exist.

    Why didn’t you tell me? I said.

    I was scared to. It’s just... my feelings for Spencer aren’t gone yet.

    So you’re leaving me for him? I said insulted.

    He shook his head.

    It’s not just that. It hasn’t felt right with us in a long time now.

    You know that isn’t true! I said. Things have been great between us.

    Maybe for you, he said. But I’ve been unhappy for a long time. You just didn’t notice.

    So what now? I said. We’re just never gonna talk to each other again?

    I guess we can still be friends. But I can’t do that right now. I need space.

    I nodded.

    So you’re just pushing me away.

    I’m not trying to. In future we can be friends, but now...

    Please, Milo, I said and this time I did have tears in my eyes. Don’t do this. I love you.

    I’m sorry, Keith, he said. I just don’t feel the same anymore.

    And with that he walked out of my dorm room and closed the door.

    Not just of my room.

    But of all the years we’d spent together.

    He’d been my everything. He was the reason I felt happy every day. And honestly things had been great between us. But I guess he’d lied to me all that time. How long hadn’t he thought about Spencer?

    And the fact that he talked behind my back with him made it hurt even more. That was cheating, right? I should be mad

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