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Love and Other Treasures
Love and Other Treasures
Love and Other Treasures
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Love and Other Treasures

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When James Harris walks into Treasures Unique he has a plan. Wynn Sawyer, standing behind the counter, looks up when the bell rings on the door. For a second or two when their eyes met, a fourth of July sparkler was lit. Through many obstacles being thrown in their path, Wynn and James' relationship stays strong until the decision to move from the small town of Oliver, Texas to the hill country and Lake Boone. There they must adjust to a different lifestyle and career changes. James becomes manager of The Dock Bar and Grill and Wynn gives her retail experience to Traders Mart, the local grocery store. Do they fit in and become a part of the community or do they realize they made a mistake when they moved from Oliver? Is the sparkle still there as it was when James walked into Wynn's shop or has it fizzled out leaving a single trail of smoke taken away by the wind?
Release dateMay 14, 2022
Love and Other Treasures

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    Love and Other Treasures - Kay Elaine Taylor


    Copyright 2022

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN: 978-1-66783-668-3 (eBook)



























    Wynn Sawyer has her mother to thank for her interest in antiques and collectibles. Mary Sawyer had a wide collection of artifacts from the past. Some people can’t grasp the fascination, and then there are those like Wynn and her best friend, Nancy Williams. They co-own a shop, Treasures

    Unique, in the small town of Oliver, Texas. It is small enough to get to know a group of residents that you call your friends but large enough that your secrets aren’t known all over town. The town square is just that, a square with a beautiful ornate courthouse in the middle surrounded by shops offering all kinds of wares, cafes, and eateries, a hardware store, a real estate office and a beauty salon, just to name a few. And then there is Dusty’s, the bar that serves food. It’s a nice place for the locals to hang out. So, you could say Oliver has just about everything to keep you busy and entertained.

    It’s Tuesday morning just before the shop opens at nine. Wynn pulls into her parking spot in the alley just behind the shop. Of course, Nancy is already there, and just once Wynn wishes she could beat her to work. Wynn smiles knowing that it will probably never happen. She couldn’t ask for a better friend or workmate. The two met in high school and became best friends right away. They’ve been through a lot together, boyfriend troubles, sleepovers, hangovers, and getting reprimanded for shoplifting. Wynn shopped, Nancy lifted. She trusts Nancy with her life. They’ve matured in the last thirteen years, at least Wynn likes to think so. She puts her purse and tote bag down and makes a quick stop at the restroom. Looking in the mirror, she smooths down her shoulder length light brown hair and realizes it’s time for more highlights. She tucks into her jeans the blue Treasures Unique t-shirt and heads to the front. As usual, Nancy has everything ready for nine o’clock.

    Good morning to you. said Wynn.

    Good morning, Nancy said as she turned the door sign to OPEN and unlocked the door.

    How was your date with Gordon? asked Wynn.

    It was good. He wants me to move in with him. I told him I would think about it. No, Wynn don’t even say it. I know it didn’t turn out well before with Allen, but Gordon is different, really. He’s a good guy, and I think I actually love him.

    OK, I won’t say a word, well maybe just one. ‘Think.’ I’m sorry, Nancy, maybe a few more words. It’s only because I care about you, and I don’t want to see you get hurt again. Wynn gives her friend a tight hug.

    I know. I appreciate your concern. It’s gonna be fine.

    Hey, by the way, the yellow shirt looks good with your hair. Nancy had the most gorgeous auburn natural curls that just touched the top of her shoulders. Wynn would kill for just a smidgen of the natural curl.

    Mrs. Walker is coming in this morning to check out the Hummels we got in. I know she is going to love them. When I talked to her, she was thrilled that we had a few new ones. said Wynn.

    At that moment, the doorbell jingled and Mrs. Walker entered. The small statured lady in her fifties was all smiles. She was dressed in black slacks and a white silk blouse, making her look as Wynn called it, daytime elegant. Mrs. Walker, how are you? Wynn greets her, and both she and Nancy meet her half way across the room.

    Good morning, ladies. I am fine and filled with joy to see what you have. I wanted to get here early.

    Let’s go take a look. The girls escorted her to the glass curio cabinet that housed the Hummels. Mrs. Walker stood and gazed at the small children at play. She seemed to be in some sort of trance.

    The drawings of children engaged in all kinds of venturesome acts, by Sister Marie I. Hummel, were made into porcelain figurines in Germany starting in 1935. Each one a sought-after collectible with a price range from hundreds of dollars up into the thousands. Wynn is counting on Mrs. Walker to find one or two for her collection. The shop definitely needs the sale. Mrs. Walker scans each shelf with a positive nod. Wynn and Nancy look at each other and smile.

    Would you like to take a closer look? Nancy asks.

    Yes, please. She takes a step back to give Nancy room to unlock the door.

    Which one would you like to see?

    This one, right here. Nancy carefully hands the figurine to her.

    The look on Mrs. Walker’s face is that of a child on Christmas morning. She holds the piece with a steady hand and peruses it carefully. She hands it back to Nancy. I’ll take it.

    The trio head back to the front desk. Another satisfied customer. After wrapping, bagging, and receiving payment, they watch Mrs. Walker leave a happy patron.

    That’s a good way to start the day. Wynn let out a satisfied sigh.

    Yep, we could use a few more sales like that. You know, Wynn, we need to go on a picking trip. Our furniture section is getting kinda skimpy.

    I know, we need to figure out the best time to close the shop. We both have to go, and it’s usually a two-day trip. And with spring almost over, we need to go before summer, which you know is our busiest time, Wynn stated the obvious.

    I’m ready to go anytime. That itch we get to go picking gets mighty powerful. They both laughed.

    ‘Jingle, Jingle’, the sound they love to hear. Wynn looks up, and the sight before her momentarily renders her speechless. A nice-looking guy with short dark hair, a well-groomed beard, and the bluest eyes she has ever seen, Paul Walker eyes, stands by the door. His tight-fitting Texas Longhorn t-shirt shows off his toned chest and upper arms. The snug jeans are nice also. He nods his head toward Wynn, and she tells him to ask if he needs any help. She feels like she has seen him before but can’t quite place where it was. How could she ever forget such perfection? With looks like that, he is probably a jerk, then again, he could be a nice guy. He meanders around, looking at just about everything. Wynn could tell he was looking for a gift. Nancy walks slowly back to the desk and catches a glimpse of Mr. Hunk.

    Yummy, she whispers to Wynn.

    Down girl, remember that guy named Gordon?

    Gordon, who? It doesn’t hurt to look. Dammit, I’ve got to pee. Nancy reluctantly leaves the desk.

    The phone rings, and Wynn answers. Treasures Unique. We are open Tuesday through Saturday from nine till six. Yes, we do. Thank you for calling. As she hangs up the phone, she notices Mr. Nice Guy coming from their small book section. Nancy is back from her pee break.

    Find everything okay? Wynn asks.

    Yes, thank you. Do you do gift wrapping?

    We sure do. A book on gardening, your wife a gardener? Wynn hears herself but can’t believe what she hears.

    No, he says, a little taken back.

    I said, wife, because you asked if we did gift wrapping so I thought it may be for your wife. How can she get out of this? Nancy is still standing next to her, not moving or saying anything. She slightly nudges Nancy, but she still doesn’t move. If Wynn could run out the back door and keep running, she would.

    I’m not married, he says after what seemed like forever.

    OK, then, Nancy, would you gift wrap this please.

    Sure, a special occasion? her voice squeaked.

    It’s for my buddy’s wife; it’s her birthday.

    As Nancy wrapped the book, there was a dense silence in the room. The guy breaks it with, Are you Wynn Sawyer?

    Yes, I am,

    I guess you don’t remember me. The fender bender you had a few months back on Logan street? I’m the paramedic that checked out your arm.

    I knew I had seen you before but couldn’t place where it was. Yes, I remember. I’m sorry, I was a little shaken that day. I don’t remember your name.

    It’s James Harris.

    Hello, James, glad to see you again. Wynn extended her hand, and he took it. His was warm, and a slight tingle prickled the hairs on the back of her neck. They let go, and she shyly smiled.

    He pays for his purchase, and Nancy hands him his bag. Thanks for coming in, have a nice day.

    Same to ya’ll, James said as he left the shop.

    Yep, yep. I know exactly why he came here. Nancy had it all figured out. Buying a gift was just an excuse. He could have bought that book at Baker’s Books or even online. He came in just to see you again, but what I don’t understand is why did he take so long?

    Yeah, why did he take so long? And why do I feel like a teenager right now?

    I hate to say this, Wynn, but the last time you had a serious relationship, you WERE a teenager.

    Don’t remind me, and you are right.

    Two weeks, two very long weeks had gone by since Wynn had seen James at the shop. Several hectic and lucrative days had been welcomed by the girls. Nancy had decided to move in with Gordon, and that was taking up all of her spare time. Wynn helped out when she could. She liked Gordon; he seemed to be an okay guy. She couldn’t get Nancy’s ex-Allen out of her mind and what he had done to her. He had cheated on Nancy, and after the breakup, it had taken a while for her to get over the hurt. Meeting Gordon had been the best medicine. She was happy, and that’s all Wynn wanted for her friend.

    At closing on Saturday, Wynn was finishing up the daily ledger and Nancy was straightening up the shelves. The phone rang, and Wynn looked at the clock, five fifty-five, ok, one more for the day.

    Treasures Unique, she tried to sound professional, but she was tired.

    Hi, Wynn, this is James.

    James, you almost missed us. We’re closing up. Wynn felt good to hear his voice, and she suddenly didn’t feel so tired.

    I won’t keep you. I was hoping that we could go out for a drink Sunday evening.

    Sunday? Wynn didn’t want to sound too anxious. Nancy slid into the chair next to her.

    Wynn put her hand over the mouthpiece, James. Nancy gave a thumbs up.

    Sunday sounds fine. What time?

    Around seven?

    Seven is fine.

    I was thinking Dusty’s.

    I like Dusty’s. How about I meet you there? Wynn hoped he wouldn’t mind. She didn’t like people coming to her sad little apartment. It was plain and cold, not very inviting. She hoped that one day she could fix up her mom’s vacant house, making it livable again.

    Yeah, that’s fine. Then I’ll see you tomorrow night.

    Ok, bye. She hung up the phone and gave Nancy a high five. They both laughed and gathered up their things. Wynn thought of the next evening, it was a long way off.

    Six o’clock Sunday came too fast. One hour. Why was she so nervous? It was only a date; she had had many dates. When was the last one? She had to stop and think about it. It’s pretty sad and ridiculous if you can’t remember your last date. Oh, yeah. she said out loud, smiling to herself. His name was Steve. A friend from Austin had introduced them. He had been her one date wonder. He was nice, but he talked too much. He talked about environmental control, personal hygiene, and carried a packet of hand wipes in his jacket pocket. At the end of their date Wynn had a throbbing headache, and she felt like her head was going to explode. Wouldn’t it be something to see, her head exploding all over Mr. Clean? She chuckled to herself as she stood in front of the open closet door. She picked out her floral short sleeved swing dress with a scoop collar. She laid it out on the bed and pulled a light sweater off the hanger. Just in case, she thought, spring nights in Central Texas can be a little cool. Black flats would complete the ensemble. After showering, she gave her nails a quick scan, all okay from the manicure she had given herself earlier in the day. She got dressed and applied minimal makeup. Wynn had been blessed with a radiant, flawless complexion. All she had ever worn was a little mascara and lip gloss. She ran a brush through her hair and ran her fingers through the half bang to get it out of her eyes. Not only did she need highlights, but she decided to get it cut shorter, but that was for another time. Slipping on her flats, she looked at her watch, six forty. She put on gold hoop earrings and stood in front of the full-length mirror. It will have to do. Dusty’s was only a few minutes from her apartment; it was six fifty. She grabbed her sweater, picked up her clutch purse, took her keys off the hook by the door, and was on her way.


    Sunday evening traffic wasn’t bad at all. Wynn arrived at Dusty’s right at seven. There were only four cars parked in front. One of them was a good-looking gray truck that looked fairly new. Wynn assumed it belonged to James. He looked like a truck kind of guy. If it was him, he had arrived early. She smiled, thinking, Early bird gets the worm.

    Entering the bar Wynn eyed the small crowd. It shouldn’t be hard to spot James. Her eyes went to the bar, locking on Dusty; he nodded, and she nodded back. Then she caught sight of James sitting in a booth in the front corner. He saw her and stood up, and she walked over to sit down.

    You made it, he said with excitement.

    Hi, yes, no traffic.

    You look nice. James had the same feeling as he did when he was in the shop. There was something about Wynn that called to his innermost feelings. She was beautiful, and he wanted to get to know her better.

    You look nice, too. She sat down and placed her purse and sweater next to her on the seat. He had on a blue button-down shirt with the top button undone exposing a spray of dark chest hair, dark jeans, and black boots. Nancy was right, yummy. She noticed also that he already had a beer.

    Thank you. What would you like to drink?

    I’ll have a beer too.

    James motioned to the waitress and asked Wynn. Do you want any appetizers?

    Only if you do. Wynn knew Dusty didn’t serve a full menu on Sunday. She was glad she had eaten a late lunch, besides this was supposed to be just drinks.

    The waitress arrived, What can I get y’all?

    Two Buds, James said. Is that ok?

    Fine. I don’t think I’ve been here on Sunday evening. Nancy and I come here for lunch sometimes.

    Before James could speak, the waitress returned with the beer. Here ya go. Anything else?

    No, thank you, answered James.

    Wynn thought she would start things off by asking him about his job. How long have you been a paramedic?

    About seven years. I worked in Houston for four years, and three years here in Oliver.

    Houston, what a drastic change. Wynn took a sip of beer.

    Yeah, that’s what I was looking for. I had enough of the big city. I wanted to get back to my country roots. I’m originally from Weston. It’s about fifteen miles west of Austin, in the hill country. Most people have never heard of it.

    No, I haven’t. I’m the same. I love small towns. Wynn took another sip of beer. Do you have any family close by?

    Well, yes and no. My parents are both gone. I have a brother that I haven’t seen in, gosh, a long time. He’s been in prison and got out about six months ago. Yeah, Russell has had it rough all his life. Nothing ever went right for him and what is sad is that he could have been better.

    Wynn noticed the wadded up napkin in his hand and that his knuckles were turning white.

    I’m sorry, Wynn, you don’t want to hear all this.

    It’s ok. I want you to know that you can tell me anything.

    James exhaled slowly and continued, "Thank you. He just didn’t have the desire, the drive to change. He put our parents through hell, especially my mother. After dad died, Russell moved in with her. I told her it was a mistake. She said Russell was her baby boy and she was going to help him. He didn’t change. Drugs, theft, gambling, all of it drained her bank account. I think that’s what killed her, stress and worry. The doctor said

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