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The Wedding Planner, Her Billionaire Client and the Accidental Pregnancy: Short and Sweet Series, #41
The Wedding Planner, Her Billionaire Client and the Accidental Pregnancy: Short and Sweet Series, #41
The Wedding Planner, Her Billionaire Client and the Accidental Pregnancy: Short and Sweet Series, #41
Ebook60 pages33 minutes

The Wedding Planner, Her Billionaire Client and the Accidental Pregnancy: Short and Sweet Series, #41

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Bored I poured myself another glass of champagne, when I suddenly heard a male voice say,


"You might want to take it a little easy on the champagne. That's your third glass."


I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a handsome guy with a very sexy smile and a mischievous look in his eyes.


"I think I'll have to take my chances," I said and lifted the glass at him.


"Well," he said and lifted his glass. "Then you won't be the only one since this is my fourth."


I giggled.

"And here you had me thinking I was the one with the problem."


"Oh you are," he said still with that charming smile. "But you're not the only one."


JANELLE has loved weddings ever since she was a kid. But as time moved on and her relationships failed her dream of a perfect wedding faded. And as a wedding planner the irony wasn't lost on her.


COOPER had sworn after a few horrible relationship and his parents' ugly divorce never to get married and settle down. And it would've stayed that way if he hadn't met Janelle.


When Janelle and Cooper meet at one of her client's weddings, they hit it off immediately and the night ends with them going back to her place for some no strings attached fun. But six months later a pregnant Janelle who hadn't seen Cooper since that night has an appointment with a couple to plan their wedding. But it turns out the couple is Cooper and his fiancée Mackenzie. Janelle convinces herself that she can go along with planning his wedding but as time moves on and they spend more and more time together feelings start to grow between them even stronger. But Cooper is getting married.


And he could never find out about the baby.

Release dateMay 16, 2022
The Wedding Planner, Her Billionaire Client and the Accidental Pregnancy: Short and Sweet Series, #41

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Wedding Planner, Her Billionaire Client and the Accidental Pregnancy - Luna Moon


    Ever since I was a kid I loved weddings.

    They were magical. Seeing the happy bride, the groom shedding a tear, the beautiful cake, the cute little flower girls, all the beautiful flowers and the perfectly decorated tables, the fairy lights and the couple’s first dance.

    All of those things were amazing to me.

    Strangely enough I hadn’t gone to many weddings growing up. I mostly saw them online and on television. That was where I formed my fairytale vision of weddings.

    I was close once to having my own.

    But that’s a long story.

    The point was weddings were something I dreamed about a lot since I was a kid. And that’s why I started by business as a wedding planner.

    I’ve arranged the weddings of many famous people and politicians’ children. I’ve heard every love story you could possibly imagine.

    Each experience was amazing. The ones I loved the most were the couples that were normal, just like me. But they were completely in love and I loved seeing that.

    But over the years working in my business and I guess with my own relationships the glimmer of weddings started to fade.

    Where once I was so excited about every wedding, it now was just a job to me. I didn’t even attend the weddings anymore. I couldn’t stand being there.

    I didn’t know if it was because I saw the happy couple or because I knew I’d probably never have that dream wedding for myself.

    I had an assistant that worked with me now that my business was getting really big. I didn’t want to hire more people just yet but in future I definitely will have to.

    I also offered other services like making cakes and arranging flowers for wedding on the side. But I only had a selected few clients for that.

    I was busy arranging a bouquet of flowers when Ingrid came to the front from the back of the store.

    Wow, she said. Those look beautiful, Janelle.

    Thank you, I said looking over my shoulder at her. I think they’re gonna love this one.

    Everyone always loves your bouquets, she said then laughed. You’re a woman of many talents.

    And you always know what to say, I said and laughed too.

    I can’t believe they actually invited us to the wedding, she said.

    Who? I said. Oh, you’re talking about tonight?

    Yeah, the Spencers. We already know it’s going to be a fancy wedding.

    That it definitely is, I said. I’m sure you’re gonna have a lot of fun.

    Aren’t you too? She asked.

    Well, I like planning the wedding not really attending.

    But you used to love it, she said. You told me about that all the time.

    Yeah, I said. "But over

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