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Only If
Only If
Only If
Ebook71 pages14 minutes

Only If

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About this ebook

Only If" tells the horrific tale of Billy, who has gone crazy from sitting in a jail cell for years and blamed for the murder of his wife...Throughout the years, he relives that specific night, when he lost his beloved wife, Clara. Stuck in a jail cell, locked away from everyone who had loved him and a memory that continues to haunt him each waking day.To most, he looks and sounds to be a crazy lunatic murderer, but deep down, Billy is just a scarred man with graphic disturbing memories that carry him to the edge of his sanity.Written in a poetic epic style, "Only If" will surely entice the reader to join Billy down memory lane and experience the tragedy that brought him to this very moment in life.

Release dateMay 17, 2022
Only If

Ariana R Cherry

Ariana R Cherry is a poet, publisher & artist. Some of her favorite authors & inspirations include Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, Shel Silverstein, Nicholas Sparks & Robert Frost. Bob Ross and her grandmother June Brandon-Cherry were her inspirations for art. Ariana has published several collections of poetry and runs her own publishing company, Full Moon Ink. Her poetry can also be heard on her podcast, Spoken Word Poetry Podcast which is listed on Spotify, Apple iTunes and several other platforms. Not only does she read her poetry on her podcast, but Ariana has read poems at local conventions, her church and in nursing homes. Aside from poetry, Ariana enjoys creating art - not just for herself, but for others. Her art has sold online ( and locally. She even has entered the county fair in her area and has won both first place and grand champion from time to time. When Ariana is not writing or creating art, she works as an administrative assistant at a Methodist Church and is a local newspaper reporter.

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    Book preview

    Only If - Ariana R Cherry

    He's Gone Mad

    The disturbing thoughts that are

    born in a madman's mind.

    The hatred that has soaked his soul blind.

    Fuming, furious, ranting whispers that sing

    through moist lips and a drunken spirit.

    The poor man has gone mad.

    Mad, I say.

    No longer innocent.

    For he has gone astray

    to the darkened pits of Hell.

    Nobody can save him...

    For the devil has kidnapped his soul...

    Will he ever see a glorious light?

    Does his heart feel that it is worth the fight?

    Mad, they say.

    He has gone mad.

    ..What is his story?

    ....or will they judge by evil darkness

    that creeps from his sunken eyes?

    He drowns in a never-ending pit of darkness...

    Mad, they say.

    He's mad.



    Can his troubled soul ever be saved?

    Or will he forever

    mutter the thoughts as a madman

    from his lonely grave?

    CANTO 1

    Once upon a time, there was an

    honest gentleman in love...

    But then, tragically, the air of an

    evil dark lord

    took his lovely maiden away,

    Forever, pushing him in the

    dark abyss of madness...

    Canto  1

    THE WIND HOWLED AT his throat as

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