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The Making of a Doctor Part 2: The Sequel
The Making of a Doctor Part 2: The Sequel
The Making of a Doctor Part 2: The Sequel
Ebook659 pages8 hours

The Making of a Doctor Part 2: The Sequel

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Query results listed in tables for results of queries that list all consultations in the second week of:

(a) November 1999 to November 2015
(b) December 1998 to December 2015

Query results listed in tables for results of queries that list all consultations in the third week of:

(a) January 1997 to January 2015
(b) February 1997 to February 2015
(c) March 1997 to March 2015
(d) April 1997 to April 2015
(e) May 1997 to May 1999
Release dateMay 11, 2022
The Making of a Doctor Part 2: The Sequel

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    The Making of a Doctor Part 2 - Dr. Julius Adebiyi Akanni ?odip?

    Copyright © 2022 Dr. Julius Adebiyi Akanni Ṣodipọ.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8569-2 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8564-7 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/06/2022






    Results of queries that list all consultations in the second week of November 1999 to November 2015

    Results of queries that list all consultations in the second week of December 1998 to December 2015

    Results of queries that list all consultations in the third week of January 1997 to January 2015

    Results of queries that list all consultations in the third week of February 1997 to February 2015

    Results of queries that list all consultations in the third week of March 1997 to March 2015

    Results of queries that list all consultations in the third week of April 1997 to April 2015

    Results of queries that list all consultations in the third week of May 1997 to May 1999


    I dedicate this book to my four sons:

    Julius Adedeji Arẹmu (with his immense football knowledge and fan of Chelsea);

    John Adeṣọla (fan of Arsenal);

    Isaac Adetokunbọ (fan of Manchester United) and

    Johnson Adeyinka Adeolu (fan of Manchester United).

    Their mother Gloria Adanma Abẹkẹ Nee Okoroafor (who is a fan of the football teams that her sons and her husband support).

    To the memory of my:

    father’s father Papa (Chief) Isaac Ademoye Ọmọlaja Ṣodipọ;

    father’s mother Madam Bilewunmi-ọmọ Ṣodipọ (alias Iya Ita-ọlọti);

    mother’s mother Nee Alice Aina Ero-Phillips (alias Iya Alakara);

    mother Madam (Chief) Harriet Olufunkẹ Ibidunni Ṣodipọ (alias Mama ‘Biyi);

    father Dr (Chief) John Adewunmi Akanbi Ṣodipọ.


    I will like to thank my wife, Gloria Adanma Abẹkẹ (Nee Okoroafor), for showing cursory interests during the production of the whole project.


    Any proceeds from the sale(s) or distribution of this book (the whole project) should be used in setting up a Fund, which should be invested in a safe investment. This fund should be called Dr Julius Adebiyi Akanni Ṣodipọ’s Fund. This should be added to fund set up from income earned from the sale (royalty) of the earlier edition of The Making of the Doctor by the same author.

    All the proceeds being generated from the sale of the book (or project) as well as all the proceeds from his estate should be deposited as Capital into the fund. The managers of the Estate Fund should not get more than 10% of the income generated by the Fund each year. The proceeds in the Fund should be invested in a relatively safe investment and what is generated should be called the Fund Income.

    So, should any of the remaining of my estate, after deduction of any debts and taxes should be added to the Dr Julius Adebiyi Akanni Ṣodipọ’s Fund. The monies in the fund should be distributed from time to time occasionally but regularly to my biological grandchildren, biological great grandchildren, biological great great grandchildren, and biological generations yet to be born with no conditions attached other than being my proven biological descendant. For example, for those who are eligible i.e., my biological descendants, 30 percent of the yearly income should be distributed equally yearly rather than 5 percent monthly. Those who are managing the Fund and its distribution should receive 5 to 10 percent of the yearly income, as appropriate to use in maintaining the fund and as their fees.

    The remaining 90% (or 95%) of the yearly income generated by the Estate Fund, reiterated here, should be equally divided between the biological posterity of Dr Julius Adebiyi Akanni Ṣodipọ for generations to come including those yet unborn for as long as possible as far as the Estate exists.

    The division of the Estate Fund’s income should be as follows:

    Each member of his (my) biological posterity should get their own share from the age of 30 years old until the age of 55 years old, or they are no longer alive if this should happen earlier. As reiterated earlier their own share should be given to them yearly or more frequently if the managers feel it is in the best interest of the recipient to do so.

    An independent legal firm (team) mutually agreeable to most of the stakeholders must be employed. The legal firm is to ensure the smooth running by the Fund Managers, to ensure that the managers keep to the protocol set out above or not to significantly deviate from it. The legal team should receive not more than 5% of the yearly income of the fund as their renumeration.


    This book is the sequel to the Making of a doctor. It goes from Volume A to Volume S. Quite a lot of the work done in this book was done before embarking on the work in the famous previous volumes. So the work was done on the raw data. The reader may encounter some mistakes in this book which are few and subtle, and Ṣẹgun apologises for this. A challenge for the reader is to locate these mistakes and correct them. The contents of this book are query results to Ṣẹgun’s consultation database over the years from January 1997 to December 2015. The databases for October, November and December 2002 are shown. The data for the remaining of 2002 are unfortunately missing. Out of hours finished in June 1998 after which the local GP co-operative and later the government took over the care of the patients out of hours. The reader can access the database from results shown below or better still access them in the previous edition of the famous Ṣẹgun’s books (volumes), The Making of a Doctor, by the same author. Any other period not accounted for is when Segun was away from the Surgery on holidays. Ṣẹgun had to arrange for locum doctors to cover the period. Even though the locum doctors (GPs) were responsible for the care of the patients, Ṣẹgun was ultimately responsible for their care during his absence. Legally the patients were under Ṣẹgun’s care.

    Some of the data result are broken down in tables whilst majority are not. These are hundreds of query results. This could be done individually but it will take forever. To overcome this problem Ṣẹgun used the opportunity of computer programming which Ṣẹgun formulated, using Visual Basic for Application (VBA) for Access. The VBA for Access codings used are included in volume S. One of the examples below: Result of a query to list all those referred in January 1997 (AllPatientsReferredInJan1997). The part in the brackets is a phrase allowed as a table or query heading in terms of number of characters and what characters are allowed in Microsoft Access. The part outside, the bracket, is a more understandable form of the enclosed phrase or statement in the bracket. To get the tabular results of query results not shown, the reader will need to have access to the databases as described above. All the results are produced using the VBA for Access codings referred to above, as enclosed in volume.

    Towards the end of volume S is a football clubs/teams and internet acronyms tree view project, using codings in VBA for Excel. When the program is run, the reader will be able to view fun details of football clubs or national football teams of many countries and internet acronyms (and what they mean). Please note that the list is not exhaustive but includes what Ṣẹgun remembered or what he was able to gather from his research.


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