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Who is Doing This?
Who is Doing This?
Who is Doing This?
Ebook64 pages40 minutes

Who is Doing This?

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What would you do if you suddenly found yourself trapped at a gathering with no way out and everyone at the party was dead? Locked doors and bulletproof windows. A basement with passageways but no exits. Food is running low. You found a gun. Two bullets. Who is missing could be the killer, or perhaps... just perhaps you've gone insane and you killed them all.

Release dateMay 19, 2022
Who is Doing This?

Vicki Lee Zell

Hello Reader, and welcome to my page. I don't know about you, but I love a good mystery. A well told story should take us on a journey packed with excitement page after page and not weigh us down. I like books that dive into the storyline. I want to know what's coming, what's next, not every color of every character's whatever. I try leaving as much as I can to the reader's imagination. Like when you talk to someone on the telephone who you've never met. Their voice alone gets you wondering all about the person. Their hair color, eye color, facial expressions, the way walk. If everytime you talked to someone over the phone and they described themselves to you, you'd never get to the good stuff. That's kind of how my stories go. I am telling you a story to keep you in the dark until the very end, and then surprising you with a WTF kind of attitude. I want to shock you, hold you close, wrap your imagaination to get you to have an imagination. 

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    Book preview

    Who is Doing This? - Vicki Lee Zell

    Who is doing this?

    A Deadly Conversation

    W ho is doing this?

    I don’t know, but we have to find a way out of here. We’re the only ones left, and it’s going to be dark soon.

    We never should have separated.

    You know as well as I, you cannot make someone do something they don’t want to do.

    We should have insisted. We should’ve locked everyone in the ballroom.

    There’s no sense dwelling on that now. They’re all dead. We just have to survive, until...

    Until? Until what? There’s only one of us left?

    Amanda Sawyer?


    Where is she?

    Dead, I presume.

    I never saw her body, did you?

    Weren’t you supposed to check her room?

    When did you see her last?


    You’re sure.

    Yes. Thursday at dinner, she was sitting with Darian, Josephine, Albert, and Glenda.

    Why was she at their table?

    I don’t know. When I went to congratulate Jo on her new book, Amanda was sitting next to Jo. I thought it was odd because I would have sworn her nameplate was on the Bright table.

    That was my table. The seat across from me was empty and Mildred was about to tell me who sat there when Harold Killingsworth interrupted.

    Are you saying we are the only ones left? That if you’re not... and I’m not... that leaves Ms. Sawyer?

    What do you know about Ms. Sawyer?

    Not much. I was introduced to her onboard the train.

    Who introduced you?

    Ethel Swordsmen.

    Ethel knew Ms. Sawyer?

    Ethel told me...

    Ethel told you what?

    I can’t seem to remember.

    Well think. What did Ethel say?

    She said...

    Said what? What did Ethel say?

    It will come back. I just can’t push myself to remember.

    Well, now we know who we are dealing with.

    What do you mean, dealing with?

    Isn’t it obvious?

    You can’t be serious. Why on earth would Ms. Sawyer want to kill the lot of us?

    That’s the question now, isn’t it?

    If what you say is true, Ms. Sawyer’s killed twelve of our dearest friends.

    Well, let’s not overstate. They weren’t really our friends. Acquaintances, yes.

    But we’ve been to their homes, to all the gatherings. I don’t recall having seen Ms. Sawyer at any of them.

    When I first saw Ms. Sawyer, I was sure I had seen her before. I shrugged it off thinking I was overthinking.

    I felt the very same.

    Have you remembered what Ethel told you? Was it something to do with this place?

    I’m trying, I am.

    It’s going to be dark soon. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. After that gruesome display of Donald Archer’s dead body, I lost my appetite.

    It was dreadful, all that... that blood.

    Dear God, listen to us. It’s though we’ve grown accustomed to this madness.

    Whoever do you think thought of this secluded resort? Surely, they had their reasons for installing electronic doors and bulletproof windows. How will we ever get out of here?

    Where there’s a will, there’s a... way.

    This is not the time for cheap cliches’.

    Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

    I remember now.

    Remember what?

    What Ethel told me about Ms. Sawyer.

    Well, what was it?

    Ethel said Ms. Sawyer inherited this place after her parents died.

    "What does that have to do with our invites? I never even knew the Sawyers before

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