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The Abundant Woman: Discover the Abundance Already in You
The Abundant Woman: Discover the Abundance Already in You
The Abundant Woman: Discover the Abundance Already in You
Ebook111 pages1 hour

The Abundant Woman: Discover the Abundance Already in You

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Have you ever been frustrated with not enough peace, joy, meaning, or fulfillment? Do you feel there is more to life than what you are experiencing? An overflow in every area of your life is achievable—in fact, it is already given to you. Jesus came with one mission—that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

In The Abundant Woman, author Dr. Ena Tychus takes a unique approach to showing how women can uncover this truth starting with the mind. She defines abundance as having a superfluous supply of something, whatever your something is, so much so that this something can overflow into another life or community and make impact.

Offering a unique perspective on abundance, each chapter brings you closer to the fulfilled promise of living abundantly every day.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 12, 2022
The Abundant Woman: Discover the Abundance Already in You

Dr. Ena Tychus

Ena Tychus, MD, is a writer, primary care physician, and physician-leader, voted one of the best doctors by Washingtonian magazine. A wife and mother of three, Tychus also serves as the leader of the women and children’s ministry at Abundant Life Chapel in Largo, Maryland, where her husband, Tayo, is the lead pastor. She is passionate about empowering women to live life abundantly.

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    The Abundant Woman - Dr. Ena Tychus

    Copyright © 2022 Dr. Ena Tychus.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5867-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5868-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5869-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022903366

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/7/2022




    Chapter 1 The Abundant Foundation

    Chapter 2 The Abundant Perspective

    Chapter 3 The Abundant Treasure Within

    Chapter 4 The Abundant Soil

    Chapter 5 The Abundant Wisdom

    Chapter 6 The Abundant Discernment

    Chapter 7 The Abundant Character

    Chapter 8 The Abundant Impact

    Chapter 9 The Abundant Prosperity

    Chapter 10 The Abundant Praise and Prayer

    Chapter 11 The Abundant Legacy

    Chapter 12 The Abundant Kingdom




    My special thanks go to the following:

    First, to God who gave me the inspiration and grace to write this book – my first. I am thankful for His guidance and encouragement every step of the way. Thank you Jesus!

    To my husband, who is my best friend and biggest cheerleader. Thank you for making our marriage a haven, a fertile ground and a place I can thrive. I love you immeasurably.

    To my children, Ore, Dara and AJ, who give me overflowing joy. It is such an honor being your mom. You are my reason. I love you more than words can convey.

    To my parents, Harris and Deborah Igiehon, the unending, unconditional effervescent love you have given me from the day I was born till now has made me who I am today. This book is part of your legacy. Thank you for the many blessings you have given me. To my parents-in-love, Owen and Bridget Tychus, your love, encouragement and support mean the world to me and I am eternally grateful for you in my life.

    To my life coach, Randy Miller, thank you for believing in me, sharing your insights and for cheering me on during this process and going over and above to ensure this book was a success.

    To Bona Busari, thank you for the many early morning hours you spent with me over several weeks line-editing this book. Thank you for the laughter and bolstering support. I will never forget your kindness and your sacrifice.

    To Esosa Igiehon and Toky Lofinmakin who helped to edit this book in the initial phase, thank you for your love, time and encouragement. To Osaruyi Igiehon, thank you for your counsel and support.

    To my Abundant Life Chapel family, I am so grateful for the prayers, love and support I continually receive from you.


    Why not? That’s the question that catapulted me into a state of abundance. After several brushes with failure in medical school, a chain reaction of self-doubt, self-loathing, and low self-esteem started and lasted for years. I grew up being told I could be anything if I worked hard. I followed that advice, and it worked for me—I was always at the top of my class. I won prizes. I made my parents proud. Little did I know that this sense of academic success had become a major part of my identity. When this was challenged, I would brush it off and try harder. I only failed harder. To make things worse, I was the head of the Christian fellowship at my school. People looked up to me. Was I giving God a bad name?

    The bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Ena, ready to take on new challenges and opportunities, receded into this unsure, doubtful person, and I stopped pursuing new and greater things for a long time. Failure in one area of my life seeped into other aspects of my life. To my family, I still appeared bold, confident, and happy, but inside, I was the opposite. One day, I was asked if I truly believed all that God said about me in the Bible. I knew the real answer was no, but that day, I realized that what I believed was my choice. I could either accept my past as my persistent reality or choose to believe that I could have the abundant life that Jesus promised.

    From that day, my response to new opportunities and ideas changed from Not me to Why not me? I no longer gave excuses as to why it shouldn’t be me up for the promotion or pursuing the dream. There was no lid over my capacity. Everything became possible. I could prosper in every area of my life and impact those around me because becoming an abundant woman was not a fantasy, and it wasn’t dependent on my past but my revelation of who God is and that He would unfailingly deliver on what He promised!

    a·bun·dance /əˈbəndəns/¹

    • the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something; plentifulness.

    • plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity.

    • Overflowing fullness

    We desire abundance because it means we have crossed from the dreadful not enough and the run-of-the-mill just enough into much more than enough.

    Let’s talk about the word enough. It is a parameter defined entirely by the user of the word. If you look at a plate of food, a salary offer, or some form of retribution for wrongdoing, you get to determine if it is enough or not according to your assessment of your hunger, your worth, or the transgression, respectively. In other words, what is not enough for you may be just enough for someone else, and what you consider more than enough is somebody’s not enough.

    Many times, we only associate abundant lives with money. If that was all there was to it, there would be no sad millionaires. However, we know that to be far from the truth. An abundant life is also subjective in its interpretation. To a woman who struggles with depression, abundance may mean having bright days, full of laughter and joy. To a woman who has struggled to conceive, abundance may mean having a child. For anyone frustrated about barely making ends meet financially, abundance may mean paying bills on time.

    I define abundance as having a superfluous supply of something, whatever your something is, so much so that this something can overflow into another life or community and make impact.

    In John 10:10, Jesus said, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. Throughout this book, this will mean that Jesus came that we may have life and so much of it that it spills over and pours into people in not enough situations and makes an impact. There are many facets to abundance, which we will explore in each chapter.

    To become an abundant woman is possible and within your grasp now. My hope is that this book will open your

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