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The Rich Billionaire, the Actress, and the Fake Celebrity Wedding: Short and Sweet Series, #43
The Rich Billionaire, the Actress, and the Fake Celebrity Wedding: Short and Sweet Series, #43
The Rich Billionaire, the Actress, and the Fake Celebrity Wedding: Short and Sweet Series, #43
Ebook64 pages38 minutes

The Rich Billionaire, the Actress, and the Fake Celebrity Wedding: Short and Sweet Series, #43

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"Wait what!" I said. "Are you not looking for a fairy for a kid's birthday party?"

"No," he said shaking his head.

I started panicking.

"I need to get out of here."

"Wait, wait, wait," he said. "Don't panic."

I met his gaze.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Leo Moore," he said.
"Wait, you're not the Leo Moore, are you?"

He sighed.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Oh, crap," I said. "I'm so sorry! I don't know how this happened."

I turned to look out the front window.

"Can you please let me out of this car?" I said.

"Wait, just tell me quickly. Are you looking for an acting gig?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Well, I'm offering you one."

"You need an actress?" I said frowning.

"It's a long story, but yes."

"What is the gig?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm sort of in need of someone to play my wife."


LEO has worked hard his whole life to build up his billion dollar tech company. But bored and alone he started partying a lot and his company's shares have been dwindling.


AMELIA can't get a break as an actress. She's tired of working as a waitress and getting small roles like playing a fairy at a kid's party.


When Amelia's best friend manages to snap up a role for her to play a fairy at a kid's party Amelia isn't excited. When she goes to meet the man who's to interview her she finds an attractive man who wants her to sign a confidentiality contract for some reason.


But not questioning it too much and desperate for the job she goes along with it. But when Amelia is suddenly dressed in an expensive evening gown and whisked away to the man's penthouse she gets more and more confused about what's going on.


Until she and the man, Leo, realize that there's been a little mix up. But too late Leo asks her to play his fake wife in order to save his company and suddenly Amelia's life turns from an ordinary boring life to a glamorous celebrity life. And the more Amelia and Leo spend time together the less she starts to hate him.


But is a life with a man with status and fame really what she wants?

Release dateMay 20, 2022
The Rich Billionaire, the Actress, and the Fake Celebrity Wedding: Short and Sweet Series, #43

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    The Rich Billionaire, the Actress, and the Fake Celebrity Wedding - Luna Moon


    I started my billion dollar tech company, Azelia Tech in my parents’ garage. It took a lot of hard work but I finally fulfilled the dream I always had.

    I looked up to other tech giants in the industry. I wanted to be like them. Have what they had. And finally I did.

    I worked long hours for so many years building up the business becoming the most successful billionaire in the city. Always chasing the next invention, the next business deal.

    No matter what or where I wanted to do it. And it had worked. I expanded my company in so many different fields in technology.

    I knew people in very high places from successful giants in the tech industry and other industries to rich motivational life coaches and instructors. My name was there among the people I looked up to.

    It was my dream life. It should be wonderful.  Everything I could ever want.

    But it wasn’t always wonderful. Sooner or later the appeal of money goes away and chasing the next big thing doesn’t make you excited anymore.

    To be honest, I was bored.

    I wanted excitement again. And I found it in partying with rich socialites and supermodels.

    And tons and tons of alcohol.

    And even though I still worked hard I also partied hard after a day’s work. There have been many times where I’d been so black out drunk that I had no idea how I managed to get back to my penthouse when I finally woke up the next day on my couch still in my clothes from the night before.

    I told myself I was a functioning alcoholic. That if anyone could balance partying with business it would be me.

    But it was starting to damage my reputation. People saw me as a party animal, a drunkard, a cheat. Soon my stocks started plummeting because of this reputation I had built up.

    My associates, my business partner were all furious at me because of it. But I never stopped going to those parties.

    This morning still nursing a hangover after one of those, my business partner called.

    You really screwed up last night, Leo.

    What do you mean? I said. What happened?

    Don’t tell me you can’t even remember what you did? He said angry.

    Sorry, I said. I had a little too much to drink.

    You were caught kissing a supermodel that’s in a committed relationship with a famous actor, he said. And now there’s a story going around that you’ve been having an affair with her!

    Shit! I said and rubbed my eyes.

    Everyone is making you out as a bad guy, he said. Please tell me it’s not true.

    No! I said. Of course not! I swear I’m not having an affair with that woman. I can’t even remember her.

    Look, Leo, this is starting to get out of hand, he said and sighed. Stop partying and get sober for a change.

    With that he hung up.

    I looked at the phone and groaned.

    I was in a mess again. My partying had gotten me in more trouble. I needed to fix this and fast.

    But how could I salvage my reputation

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