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Switching Positions
Switching Positions
Switching Positions
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Switching Positions

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About this ebook

As a member of the dominant sex on Pandora II, Dalera is expected to marry a nice local boy and settle down. Instead, she finds herself falling for Radek Tyler, an off-world man who knows how to take charge. An interplanetary diplomat, Radek tries to adapt to Pandoran culture, but he's far from submissive.  He takes over in the bedroom and brings Dalera's erotic fantasies to life, and he forces her to confront her preconceptions about how men and women should act. Can they have a future together? Or are they just from two different worlds?

(Previously published by Loose Id. This work has been revised and re-edited.)

PublisherAllie Ritch
Release dateFeb 23, 2016
Switching Positions

Allie Ritch

Allie Ritch is a multi-published author of sizzling sci-fi and paranormal romance. She has an active imagination and enjoys entertaining others through storytelling. Allie lives in her own little world in the Southeastern United States, where she spends time appreciating the ocean and sunshine. Follow Allie at or on Twitter

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    Book preview

    Switching Positions - Allie Ritch

    Chapter One

    Dalera tipped back her chair and crossed her feet on top of her desk as she studied the reports she’d downloaded. Although she could have displayed the files on the flat screen on her desk, she preferred the comfort and mobility of her sleek handheld computer tablet. As part of the upper management for the Intergalactic Trading Company here on Pandora II, she was responsible for making sure all the imports got to their destinations safely and all the exports shipped out on time. It was almost the end of the workday, so she just had to finish up.

    She narrowed her eyes as she scrolled through the fuel and repair costs for one of their larger cargo ships. Although she had warned the captain not to use inferior fuel, the idiot hadn’t listened. The wear and tear on the main engines negated any savings and inflicted more long-term problems. In fact, they were losing a good nine point—

    There was a knock on her office door, and her secretary poked his head in. Ms. Adorea?

    At five feet eleven, Leon wasn’t a particularly small man, but he looked like an adolescent. His curly brown hair and hazel eyes gave him an open, wholesome expression that was sorely at odds with his choice of garb. While he made sure to dress within the bounds of professional decency, he still showed off as much chest and biceps as possible. Dalera had once run into him after work at one of the local bars, and he’d been wearing a tight black outfit—leather pants, open vest, and a bit of mascara to set off his long lashes. She wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but ever since then, she’d had the distinct impression he was flirting with her.

    Yes, Leon? she said.

    He smiled and batted those eyelashes now. There’s a Mr. Tyler to see you. He doesn’t have an appointment, but he says it will only take a minute.

    Dalera licked her lips as she yanked her feet off the desk. Radek Tyler was one of the off-world men who had toured the trading company several months back. He was some kind of foreign diplomat—she had trouble keeping track of their titles. She’d gone out to lunch with him and his associates and had gotten to talk to him for a while. In their brief time together, they’d made some serious eye contact.

    Clearing her throat, she tried to get her racing heart under control. Please show him in.

    Leon disappeared for a moment before opening the door for her visitor. Although she tried to brace herself for the impact Radek had on her, he still took her breath away as he entered the room. At well over six feet tall, he had a body that was a symphony of sculpted muscle. Unlike most of the guys she knew, he wore his fine brunet hair short, and he had the deepest brown eyes she’d ever seen. The man was built for sex and made more than her mouth water.

    Mr. Tyler. Her voice didn’t sound like her own, but at least it came out steady. She came around her desk to greet him.

    The sight of him made her hot beneath her business suit, especially after some of the naughty fantasies she’d had about him. Just the other night, she’d dreamed of stripping him naked and riding him on her desk. She quickly yanked her gaze up when she realized it was drifting downward.

    It’s so nice to see you again, she said, shaking his hand.

    You too, Ms. Adorea. Even his voice was strong and deep. I’m sorry to drop by without an appointment, but I wanted to catch you.

    Dalera could feel herself grinning like a lovesick teenager. What can I do for you? You haven’t been having any problems with my company, I hope.

    Even she hated the way she said my company, but that was how she’d been trained. She didn’t own any part of the company, but the president wanted everyone to feel like one big corporate family. Yeah right.

    No, not at all, he assured her. I was actually hoping you could help me. I’m currently overseeing a contract with...

    Her gaze drifted over him again, and she couldn’t help but fantasize. What did Radek look like under those conservative pants? She was pretty sure he didn’t have a penile implant. Men who did usually wore something tighter. Judging by what she could see of his bulge, though, he was a good-sized man. Although she’d never been one to want anything above average—all she needed was a handful—she was still curious.

    Off-worlders were such sensual creatures, and they acted as dominantly as the women here on Pandora II. What would it be like to be with one of them and have them make all the advances? What would sex with one of them be like? In general, off-world men were taller and broader than the local males. She’d love to see what they could do with those bodies in a bedroom.

    Dalera could picture herself unzipping Radek’s fly slowly, slipping her fingers inside the warm opening to tease him until he grew hard. Then she’d open his shirt and let his pants fall to the floor. He’d be ready for her, already straining, but she’d take her time with him and kiss him thoroughly. She knew his lips would feel warm and soft, and he’d embrace her passionately as she took him in her arms. Then he’d throw her over her desk and do things no other man had ever dared. He’d—

    Dalera, are you listening? Radek asked.

    Yes, of course. She scrambled to remember what he’d just said. I’d be happy to look at those figures for you. One of the currency conversions probably got inputted incorrectly.

    He seemed satisfied with that answer, but she wanted to kick herself. It had been nearly three months since she’d broken up with Airion—okay, since he’d cleaned out her bank account and left her because she wouldn’t commit—and she hadn’t gotten any action since then. By Goddess, didn’t she deserve a little fun? Her attraction to Radek was undeniable, and now she was finally free to act on it. She just had to get up the courage.

    Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. Here on Pandora II, women were expected to take the lead, including in romantic situations. If she wanted to hook up with him, it was up to her to make a move. Despite all she had going for her—great job, nice house, good looks—she still feared rejection as much as the next gal, and Radek was an even greater unknown. Although she was pretty successful with the opposite sex, she had never tried to pick up an off-worlder before.

    Thanks, he told her, already transferring the file to her unit. I know I’m creating extra work, but I promise I’ll make it up to you.

    No problem. Why don’t you swing by Friday? That will give me enough time to look this over.

    Will do, he said. I appreciate the help. He let himself out

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