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The Sexy Bartender, the Deal, and Falling For My Personal Cupid: Short and Sweet Series, #44
The Sexy Bartender, the Deal, and Falling For My Personal Cupid: Short and Sweet Series, #44
The Sexy Bartender, the Deal, and Falling For My Personal Cupid: Short and Sweet Series, #44
Ebook67 pages39 minutes

The Sexy Bartender, the Deal, and Falling For My Personal Cupid: Short and Sweet Series, #44

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"Now, are you gonna accept my offer, or what?"

"What offer?" I asked.

"I find you the type of guy you should actually be going for and you realize your ideals about love are all wrong."

"Or you find me a guy that's an asshole and I realize I was right about you being one too."

"Hey, whatever works for you," he said. "But do you really want to sit in a bar alone while your friend is dancing with her boyfriend for the rest of your life?"

I sighed.

Then he held out his hand.


I stared at it and then back at him.

Shaking his hand I said,



RACHEL doesn't have the best luck with dating. She's constantly meeting guys that seem in love with her at first but then end up running away and ghosting her.


JUSTIN on the other hand is not looking for a relationship at all. Happy with the single life free from responsibilities and commitment he dabbles in one night stands instead.


But when Rachel walks into the bar where Justin is bartending he can't help but feel sorry for the girl after hearing her dating problems. And even he is surprised when he offers to help her find the right type of guy. And it starts working just as planned and guys start lining up for Rachel. But the more time Justin spends with Rachel the more he doesn't want her to succeed in finding someone. Without really thinking it through he decides to sabotage her dates.


But what will happen when Rachel finds out what he's been doing?

Release dateMay 20, 2022
The Sexy Bartender, the Deal, and Falling For My Personal Cupid: Short and Sweet Series, #44

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Sexy Bartender, the Deal, and Falling For My Personal Cupid - Luna Moon


    My love life was a mess.

    I was being ignored by a guy that I started seeing. I thought things were going great between us but I was wrong.

    I was trying to get in contact with him and left countless messages. Only to realize that I had been blocked.

    I called my friend, Jennifer, to tell her about my predicament.

    You need to give up on that guy, Rachel, she said. You can get a better guy that would actually like you for you instead of wasting your time.

    But I don’t want anyone else, I said. There was a real connection between us.

    Well, if there was such a connection why isn’t he answering your calls? She said.

    I didn’t say anything.

    I’m sorry, Rach, she said. I’m not trying to be rude. But I’m worried about you. You keep falling for jerks. You need to find a man that knows what he wants. Not some boy who plays around with women.

    But I wasn’t interested in anything Jen was saying. I was miserable and my stubborn nature didn’t allow me to give up on this guy.

    I groaned.

    I’m never gonna find someone!

    You will, I promise, she said. Hey, let’s go out for drinks tonight.

    I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood for people.

    It’ll cheer you up.

    Maybe another night.

    Think of it this way. You might just meet the right guy there.

    And that was enough to get me to get ready and go to the club with my friend.

    Even though I knew she had just said that to get me to go. But it was enough for me to get me hopeful again.

    I was going to meet the right guy, no matter what.



    It was one of those ugly words I didn’t want to use. I liked my freedom. And I wanted it to stay that way.

    I just had sex with a girl I met on Tinder when after sex she wanted to cuddle.

    I didn’t want to be a jerk so I gave in even though it was the last thing on earth I wanted to do. I never understood why girls wanted to do that with a one night stand.

    And then she started talking about when we’d meet up again.

    So I made it perfectly clear to her.

    Look, Stephanie, I said and rolled on my side to look at her.

    It’s Scarlett! She said offended.

    Sorry, sorry! I said quickly. Scarlett, there is no next time. This is a one night stand.

    I know, she said. I just thought...

    I lay down on my back.

    I’m not interested in a relationship now, I said.

    Okay, she said. What about a friends with benefits then?

    I shook my head.

    No, too complicated.

    After a pause she asked,

    Don’t you ever get lonely?

    No, I said. I don’t dabble in relationships.

    Not wanting to continue the conversation I rolled over and pretended to be asleep. Though I felt her still staring at me.

    Two hours later I kicked her out because I needed to get ready for my night shift at the bar.

    She looked upset but I didn’t have time to explain to her again that nothing could

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