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Falling for And Babysitting a Grown Ass Billionaire: Short and Sweet Series, #45
Falling for And Babysitting a Grown Ass Billionaire: Short and Sweet Series, #45
Falling for And Babysitting a Grown Ass Billionaire: Short and Sweet Series, #45
Ebook51 pages28 minutes

Falling for And Babysitting a Grown Ass Billionaire: Short and Sweet Series, #45

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And then the girl, who I now found out was called Alicia, kissed up a storm with her boyfriend.

Tom got really mad and I said,

"I don't know why you let that get to..."

But I didn't finish.

Because he kissed me. Full on my lips. I jerked slightly from shock but he didn't pull away. I could see from the corner of his eye he was watching to see if she was looking. That made it even worse. I felt kind of used in that moment.

But then he started kissing me. And I realized he wasn't looking at her anymore. He wasn't looking at anyone. His eyes were closed and he was kissing me, passionately.

And I was kissing him back


REAGAN has been struggling to get a job and desperate she decides with her friend's urging to apply for a babysitting job.


TOM, a bit of a spoiled rich kid, is addicted to the party life. His parents work on his nerves as they try to get him to grow up and become responsible. But Tom doesn't want to grow up. And the last thing he wants is to fall in love for real.


When Reagan show up for the interview with her prospective babysitting clients to discuss the babysitting job she finds out that the kid she's supposed to babysit is, well, not actually a kid. Instead she's to babysit a grown man who's rich parents can't stop him from embarrassing them and himself with his incessant partying habits.


Of course it's ridiculous and she wants to refuse the job. But they offer to help her get her dream job. And not wanting to give up the opportunity she says yes. And it'll be easy, right? Well, there's one problem.


The spoiled grown man, who happens to be quite attractive too, doesn't want a babysitter.

Release dateMay 23, 2022
Falling for And Babysitting a Grown Ass Billionaire: Short and Sweet Series, #45

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Falling for And Babysitting a Grown Ass Billionaire - Luna Moon


    Why don’t you work as a babysitter? Jess asked.

    You think I could do that? I asked surprised.

    Sure you can! I’m doing it on the side and it’s working for me.

    But I don’t know the first thing about kids.

    I can show you what you’re supposed to do, she said. It really isn’t that hard. You just have to be organized and have a routine.

    But what do I do if they start crying?

    You find out what’s wrong and then you help them?

    And what if it’s a baby? I said.

    Then you go through all the things it could be. I promise you can do this.

    I don’t know, I said. Maybe it’s a bad idea.

    It’s not, she raid rolling over on her sFinnach. You’ll be great with kids. They’ll love you. And plus the pay is good.

    "I just want to work for Bookish Girl Magazine so bad!" I wailed.

    Yeah, it’s been your dream ever since high school.

    We used to spend so much time flipping through their magazines.

    I know, right? She said and laughed. There were a lot of cool secrets for getting a boy to like you.

    I frowned.

    None of them worked, I said and laughed.

    She laughed too.

    Speaking of, she said while flipping through the channels. Have you decided on the date yet?

    I don’t think I’ll go, I said.

    But why? She said looking at me. He’s so cute and he really likes you. Was the first date that bad?

    The first date was okay, I said. But there’s just something missing.

    Like what? Are you not attracted to him?

    He’s hot, I said. But I need more. There’s no... Connection.

    Reagan! She said. This is the hundredth guy you give up just because of that so called connection.

    Because it’s important! I said and a few chips out of the bag. I need that to really fall in love with the guy.

    Well, if you’re not gonna date him then I’m gonna ask him out.

    I laughed.

    Go right ahead, I said. I’d rather you date him than me.

    I’m just kidding, Reagan, she said and took some chips too. I’d never actually do that.

    Why? I said. You can ask him out. It’s fine.

    You really don’t like him that much?

    "I didn’t say

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