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Unholy Bonds
Unholy Bonds
Unholy Bonds
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Unholy Bonds

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Dusty Rivers is a self-professed introvert attending college in Arizona. When she is invited to a frat party, things quickly go from bad to worse when she is groped by a drunk party-goer. After she escapes into the night and becomes lost, she encounters Liam Cross, a tall stranger who offers to escort her back to the party. Turns out, he is a twenty-five-year-old substitute professor with a seemingly odd mission of saving her from one disastrous event after another.

After he asks her out on a date, Dusty is led down an uncertain path as a chain of events unfolds that lead her to question who she is and why she was born. Soon after mysterious urges take her to places she should never be, shapeshifters claim her as their own. As a bloody war evolves, Dusty must learn to fight as she is snared into a world of unholy bonds. Seemingly trapped by her own desires in a supernatural standoff, now it is up to Dusty to summon the strength from within to decide what she truly needs.

Unholy Bonds is the story of a college student’s journey after she becomes unwittingly immersed in revolving triangles of romance with dark creatures of the night.
Release dateApr 26, 2022
Unholy Bonds

T.S. Watkins

T. S. Watkins is a single mother who has been writing short stories and narratives for several years. Unholy Bonds is her debut novel.

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    Unholy Bonds - T.S. Watkins

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022907557

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    A BRISK DRAFT OF AIR WAFTED THROUGH THE DORMITORY ROOM AND I SHIVERED. Silently cursing the unpredictable fall weather in Phoenix. It had been going from warm to chilly, I swear, you’d think a desert like this couldn’t get cold at all! Why mom had chosen to send me to college here I still didn’t understand. Arizona was pretty I had to admit but it was probably the most boring place on earth. Tugging my blanket higher around my shoulders I turned my attention back to the small PC in my lap. Please don’t crash on me buddy! I thought feverishly as I quickly typed out the paragraphs. Just one more paragraph, I promise! A small glitch crossed the screen and I grimaced as the screen went black, Fuck! I glared at the computer, seriously? Once again it had crashed. Most likely deleting my entire report. I pinched the bridge of my nose irritably before snapping it shut and tossing it on the sofa beside me.

    You need a new one, don’t you? my roommate Melissa looked down at me, giggling at the glare I shot at her, Hey come on, Kurtis invited me to a party tonight. I told him we would be there too.

    I don’t go to Theta Ki parties Missy, I grumbled, Those idiots get way too drunk and there’s no way I’m drinking anything, we have finals coming up, I frowned thinking, Besides, what if the cops get called again?

    Dusty, I swear, you’re going to wind up collecting dust in a house full of cats if you don’t stop holing yourself up in this dungeon, she rolled her eyes holding out a shopping bag, Besides, I’ve already decided that you’re going. So put these on, okay?

    Kind of presumptuous of you don’t you think? I raised an eyebrow, Just making decisions for me like that? I glanced into the bag at the black halter top and scuffed denim mini skirt and tossed it on her bed. Definitely not wearing that anyway.

    Dusty! she whined and flopped down beside me on the sofa. Jesus, you’re such an introvert! For me, just this one last time, let’s go. turning her big doe eyes on me she pouted. We’re best friends, and it’s been forever since we’ve been out to do anything together! Please, please, please?

    I rolled my eyes, Fine jeez, but I am not wearing that! she immediately got a mischievous gleam in her eye.

    Wuss, she smirked, I think they would make you look hot.

    Who said I wanted to be hot at a party with a bunch of drunk morons? I snapped glaring at the offensive bag as she shoved it in my lap again.

    Dusty, I know you, you’ve been taking self-defense classes for the last six years, she grimaced, Honestly, I would personally hate to be the idiot who tries something on you that you don’t want.

    I don’t want to go Missy. I sighed looking down at the bag, Hell, why not? Maybe she was right. I needed someone. But that doesn’t mean I need an idiot frat boy drooling all over me in a drunken stupor!

    Put ‘em on their asses girl, she chucked my chin and jumped up excitedly. I have to go get ready. They said it was going to be around eight so not much time! she disappeared into the bathroom.

    I sighed and stood up, turning to my dresser to find something more sensible to wear. Don’t even think about it! Melissa stuck her head out of the bathroom door glaring at me accusingly, already guessing what I was about to do. You’re wearing the outfit I bought, your clothes are too boring.

    I don’t want to be interesting, I scowled, I’m telling you; this is a bad idea. I dumped the outfit on my bed, inspecting it distastefully. Yeah, there’s no way in hell!

    Don’t make me put a bicycle lock on your dresser! she threatened, You’re not wearing the Stepford housewife clothes tonight end of discussion!

    Growling under my breath I quickly changed into the slinky outfit. Melissa never backed down. She was like a dog with a bone. She just kept gnawing until something gave. I took a look in the mirror and frowned at the pale green-eyed girl gazing back at me. I don’t know who Melissa thinks she’s fooling. I highly doubt anyone will even pay any attention to me anyway. Turning around swiftly I went to find my brush and attempted to tame the tousled brown mane of hair hanging low down my back. After a few minutes, I hissed in frustration and pulled it back with a hair tie.

    Ooh, slacker chic hair, Melissa came out of the bathroom looking me over approvingly, I like it! She looked downright sexy in a skirt even shorter than mine and a low-cut tank top that barely held her in.

    Melissa, are you out of your mind? I hissed. Please tell me that’s not what you’re wearing tonight, it’s freezing!

    She winked at me, Don’t you worry about me. I know exactly what I’m doing, she grabbed her knee-high boots and slid them on. Then tossed me a pair of strappy sandals, Come on, let’s go! she grabbed my arm after I slid the shoes on and drug me out the door quickly.

    We picked our way across the block to a deep thumping noise, damn it sounds like this one is going to be a wild one. I thought wearily as Melissa excitedly pulled me across the front lawn. We were almost immediately engulfed in a crowd of partiers. The music was deafening when we finally got to the front door, Melissa was swept up within minutes by Kurtis. I glared at her back as she practically climbed up his chest. Ugh, my eyes need a chemical wash! Shouldering my way through the pulsing crowd of revelers I found the back door and ducked out. I guess I should go find a nook. This place is just going to get wilder. Glancing around quickly I started walking towards the tree line along the back fence. I felt guilty for ducking out on Melissa. But who am I kidding? She probably won’t even notice I’m missing honestly, I thought brutally to myself. I almost got to the trees when someone grabbed my arm.

    Where do you think you’re going gorgeous? a tall shirtless goon was weaving over me drunkenly. How ‘bout you come spend some time with me? he grabbed me roughly, sliding his hands up my back under my shirt.

    Mortified, I brought my knee up sharply between his legs and he fell to his knees groaning. You bitch! he lurched out with his free hand and grabbed my ankle bringing me down as I tried to back away.

    I gasped as the impact with the ground knocked the breath out of me. Get off of me! I snarled as he tried to climb over me. Wrenching my arm free, I jammed the base of my hand into his jaw as hard as I could and he rolled off of me stunned.

    Scrambling to my feet I darted into the trees, running until I felt safe. Finally coming to a stop, I leaned over gasping for air, my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have come! After a few minutes of trying to catch my breath, I straightened up and glanced around. I guess I’ll just have to find my way back to the dorm now. There’s no way in hell I’m going back to that stupid party. I snapped out loud to myself.

    And here I thought I was going to have to interfere. a male voice startled me and I immediately fell into a defensive stance. You take care of yourself pretty well for such a small girl.

    I bristled indignantly, facing the unfamiliar man that stepped out of the trees in front of me. Watch who you’re calling little, I growled as he hit my sore spot. Who the hell are you? He didn’t look like a student.

    He was easily six feet tall. Wearing dark denim jeans and a black jacket pulled over a white t-shirt. I couldn’t make out what it said in the dim light coming from the moon. Fielding’s had a dress code and this definitely wasn’t it. He smiled languidly, flashing a perfect white smile.

    Who me? I’m nobody important. his sharp amber eyes were unnerving. I backed away a step glaring at him.

    Why are you on campus property? I demanded sharply and he laughed. You’re not a student.

    No good reason I suppose, he said, giving my fighting stance an amused look as he ran his hand through his unkempt black hair. Feisty one, aren’t you? he narrowed his gaze and I stiffened.

    I’ll call campus security, I threatened, backing away as he stepped closer. I’m serious! there was something off about him, my scalp prickled. Why does he feel so dangerous?

    Calm down, he said, straightening the small pair of spectacles on his nose and extending a hand. My name is Liam Cross. I eyed his hand critically. Come on, I don’t bite.

    You think I’m stupid enough to let some strange man grab my hand in the woods in the middle of the night? I scoffed and his eyes widened, he looked surprised.

    Well, we aren’t strangers anymore, he said lightly after a moment. Now you know my name. Do you need help finding your way back to the campus? His question caught me off guard.

    I can find it on my own thank you, I said stiffly, this guy is pretty persistent. "Are you going to follow me if I leave?"

    Of course not, he said looking offended. I’m not going to force my company on you, you’re free to go.

    Hesitantly I backed away, feeling with my feet. He made no move to follow me so I turned and dashed down the first trail I found. It seemed like an hour later and I was still stuck on the trail. Damn, I think I’m lost. Maybe that guy could have helped me. I shook my head swiftly, slapping away the thought, No way! Why was he even out in the woods anyway? The thought nagged at my mind. I turned a bend in the path and gasped, Liam was sitting on a rock calmly. I was right back where I started. He looked up an amused glint in his eyes.

    The offer still stands, he teased, laughing as I growled in frustration and spun around heading back down the trail.

    What an arrogant jerk! I looked around at the dark woods nervously. A chill breeze blew softly through the leaves and I shivered. Damn Missy, why did I listen to her? It’s the middle of October! I thought longingly of my usual sweaters and jeans. I wandered a little farther and stepped into the clearing again. This time he looked frustrated when he gazed up at me. I cursed despite myself. What is with these woods!

    Look, just let me at least lead you back to the party, he said, staring hard at the ground. I said I won’t hurt you, what else do you want? You’re more likely to catch pneumonia wandering around out here in the woods dressed like that.

    I flushed and glared at him. I don’t want to go back to the damn party. I want to go back to my dorm! he looked up at my outburst, a teasing smile on his face.

    I don’t know where your dorm is, maybe you should show me. he suddenly looked downright wolfish.

    I faltered, taking a step back. I can find my way there from the party. my face felt red hot, that came out so wrong!’re cute. he stood up and offered his hand. His perfect white smile dazzled me. I flinched at his unexpected praise. Come on, let’s go.

    I believe I can manage myself, I said, quickly sidestepping his arm. Thank you, I’ll just follow if you don’t mind. he raised a brow questioningly but shrugged and started walking.

    "Crap, he’s so tall!" I muttered to myself as I struggled to keep up with him, suddenly regretting how short I was.

    He glanced over his shoulder at me after a while and paused so I could catch up. You need some help? he said as I came to a stop, huffing for air.

    No, I need you to slow down. I gasped between breaths. Not everyone is as tall as you. my feet were starting to hurt.

    He laughed, well not many people are as short as you. He shot back and I glared at him. Jerk! He crouched down watching me trying to catch my breath grinning. He wasn’t even breathing hard.

    You’re not very nice. I groused at him; my palm was itching to slap that smug grin off his face. Calling girls short is rude.

    I don’t think it’s rude, he said, giving me a quizzical look. I think you should consider it a compliment, you’re very beautiful.

    Why would I do that? I straightened, finally! I can breathe! Glaring at him I crossed my arms, people make fun of me for being short.

    He narrowed his eyes, "Well that makes them the jerks then, doesn’t it? I think you’re just fine the way you are. he paused as if checking himself and stood up suddenly. It doesn’t matter, come on, you need to get back to your dorm."

    I started after him confused, Huh? Ouch! The pain in my foot was sharper than before, I stumbled into his back. He glanced back at me and sighed. Please don’t hit me, okay? he said surreptitiously. But before I could say anything he leaned over and swept his arm under my legs, scooping me into his arms.

    I stiffened mortified, Put me down! I can walk! I struggled against his arms and he turned abruptly, sitting me on a rock, Wait what are you…

    He kneeled and yanked off my shoe before I could argue. You were saying? My entire foot was an angry red and raw from the inside of the shoes. Well, nobody said Melissa was an expert on picking out sensible shoes. Why are you wearing these ridiculous things anyway? They don’t suit you.

    I wasn’t planning on hiking tonight! I snapped, yanking my foot away. And I don’t remember telling you to touch me. I snatched the shoe out of his hand and stood up, hobbling down the trail painfully.

    He trailed along behind me for a minute. Tough too, I think I’m in love. he chuckled under his breath. Prickly and beautiful, like a succulent. I blushed.

    Stop flirting with me! I snapped turning on him. You don’t even know who I am. Besides that, it’s just plain creepy!

    He laughed cutting ahead of me and continued leading me up the trail. Soon I could hear the pulsing music ahead. Ok, here you are, back at the party. turning to me, he gave me a disarming smile. It was nice meeting you...uh sorry I forgot I didn’t catch your name he held out his hand for me to shake.

    Well, he did help me. Sighing, I reached out to shake his hand. It’s Dusty, thank you. he grasped my hand. His much larger one engulfed mine. A hum ran up my arm at the contact and he yanked his hand away surprised. What the hell was that?

    He furrowed his brow looking distracted. No problem, I’ll see you around, okay? he turned and disappeared into the woods again.

    Well, that was the weirdest experience of my life. Shaking my head, I turned and trudged through the trees towards the sound of music.

    Oh my god! Where have you been? Melissa descended on me as soon as I ducked out of the tree line. You look horrible!

    I glanced down at myself, there was dirt and small tears in the clothes from my trek. Sorry Missy, I said looking back up at her. I got kind of lost.

    What were you doing in the woods? she cocked her head, obviously she had been drinking. Her eyes were too bright and she had a flush across her pretty cheeks.

    I was just looking for a corner, you know me, I said as she frowned. I don’t do parties; I needed a quiet spot.

    You met a guy, didn’t you? Suddenly her eyes narrowed and she gave me a mischievous look. Come on, spill it dust bunny She quipped out my nickname, grinning at my scowl.

    I thought briefly of telling her about Liam but then dismissed the idea. She’ll freak out, especially if she knew he wasn’t even a student at the university. How much have you been drinking? I said changing the subject.

    She glared at me suspiciously. I only had like two, or maybe three, I’m not sure. a guilty grin crept over her face, You should have one, it really helps calm your nerves and I know you’re stressing about finals.

    No thank you, I believe I’ll keep my brain cells. I sighed heavily as her smile turned into a pout, here we go.

    Why don’t you want to have fun with me anymore? she simpered, crossing her arms across her chest. You’re getting so uptight like you don’t even want to hang out with me anymore. without waiting for a response she strode back across the yard and disappeared into the rabble.

    "Damn it." I hissed under my breath. Why does she always play my guilty cards? Heaving a frustrated sigh, I shoved my way roughly through the drunken crowd towards the front door.

    That’s the girl! I heard a voice and whipped around. The jerk from before was glaring at me. She’s the one who hit me.

    Along with two other guys he grabbed me, dragging me out the front door. Get your hands off me! I snapped, elbowing them sharply.

    They dropped me on the grass unceremoniously. You think you can come to our party and hit our brothers? one snarled, I think you need to learn a thing or two.

    "Your brother deserved it, I growled looking at the bruise on his chin smugly as I pushed to my feet. He needs to keep his hands to himself."

    You little bitch! shirtless lunged at me, knocking me to the ground again and pinning me down. I can touch whoever I want.

    I heard two muffled thuds behind him and suddenly he was lifted off of me and tossed to the side. I believe the words out of her mouth were, keep your damn hands to yourself. a familiar voice made me stiffen, Liam?

    Liam reached down and pulled me to my feet. Brushing me off as he glared at the three guys. I suggest you return to your drinking and leave her alone. he snapped.

    The guys climbed to their feet sizing him up angrily. Who the hell are you? one of them snapped rubbing his jaw where a bruise was blossoming.

    Yeah, mind your damn business dork! the other snapped, a similar bruise spreading across his cheek.

    Shirtless glanced around at his two goons. This is Theta Ki property, and you’re not a brother. This is our business, keep your nose out of it.

    I’m making it mine. Liam said coldly, You think you can just go around assaulting women? his eyes had a dangerous gleam.

    You call that a woman? Shirtless sneered, I bristled. Are you kidding me? Look at her, she could use a good fuck. Then we’ll talk about her being a woman. he opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off abruptly.

    Liam swung sharply, I cringed at the sick crunching noise as his fist made solid contact with brittle bone. Shirtless sat down hard on the ground. My hands flew over my mouth as blood poured down his chest. You watch your disgusting mouth! Liam snarled.

    The other two guys lunged at Liam, throwing punches. I watched in silent awe as he fell into an almost animalistic fighting stance that I had never seen before and threw them off easily with a few well-placed jabs. They collapsed onto the ground near shirtless, clutching their faces moaning.

    You broke my nose! one slurred through the blood, What the hell, you bastard! The other guys looked up at Liam warily. Deciding I wasn’t worth the fight, they quickly gathered up their bloody brother and disappeared back into the revelers.

    Liam turned to me with a smile, he hadn’t even broken a sweat. You okay? His friendly chat confused me. They didn’t hurt you, did they?

    Why are you still here? I finally said, ignoring his question. I’m not some damsel in distress. I didn’t need your help, I had it under control. he raised a brow at me.

    I hung around, I wanted to see you punch someone else. he smirked, My apologies, I’ll leave then. he turned to walk away.

    I bit my lip, well he did help me, maybe I should be nicer. Hey Liam! he turned around at my hesitant voice. Thank you, again. Damn, two times in one night, this guy must think he’s Batman or something. can walk with me I guess. I blushed; I hope this isn’t a bad idea.

    Is that gratitude? he laughed as he strode back to me. I didn’t think you possessed any ice princess.

    Name calling gets you nowhere. I snapped as we walked back across the silent grounds. He walked along beside me with his hands tucked into his jacket pockets. I glanced at his silent profile from the corner of my eye as he kept his steps measured to mine. Staying so close to my side I could feel the heat emanating from him. He sure is a cute jerk.

    You keep staring at me like that I might think you’re interested in me, he said playfully without looking at me. Shit! How did he see me? I glanced away quickly without answering.

    Finally, we made it back to the doorway leading up to the dormitories. Well, I guess we’re here now, I said awkwardly, shuffling my still bare feet. Thank you for walking with me.

    No problem, he said, grinning broadly and staring up at the looming dormitory. Which floor are you on? The sudden query surprised me.

    Why do you care? I said, narrowing my eyes at him. Hey, what were you doing in the woods anyway?

    Because I wanted to know if you were going to need a lift. These places don’t have elevators and I’m sure your feet don’t feel so great right now. he glanced down at my feet pointedly, distracting me from my question.

    Guys aren’t allowed in the dorms, I lied quickly. I’ll make it just fine, I’m only on the third floor. What’s with this guy?

    He grinned wickedly, Are you afraid of me? I backed up instantly, glaring at the ground. I’ve been to this university before and I know for a fact that male students are living in this dorm. Because it was my dorm as well.

    There’s nothing wrong with being cautious! I snapped and turned away to escape into the doorway. A sharp twinge of pain shot up from the sole of my foot and I collapsed on the sidewalk wincing. Ouch! Damn it! I cradled my foot gingerly.

    He crouched down beside me and scooped me up again. Just tell me where to go. I tried to wriggle out of his arms but he jostled me sharply. Stop being stubborn, I’m just trying to help.

    I crossed my arms over my chest grumpily. Third floor, room three forty-seven. I snapped glaring at him. What was that you were saying about people keeping their damn hands to themselves?

    He gave me a razor-sharp smile and I shivered. I’m not trying to hurt you; I’m just helping a friend. God, he’s even more adorable up close!

    Who said we were friends? I growled as he strode purposefully through the door. I don’t even really know who you are.

    Well first off, I’m a substitute professor. I’ll be covering for Mrs. Treymor for the rest of this semester. he said, chuckling as my jaw dropped, Second, I can safely say that we’re acquaintances at least. I’ve saved you twice and now I’m carrying you to your room. he gave me a teasing smile and I immediately looked away blushing.

    Well, that still doesn’t explain why you were in the woods, I muttered, trying to change the subject. Mrs. Treymor is my Wildlife Sciences professor. I was majoring in photography. I loved taking pictures of animals so I took her classes to understand their environments better.

    Oh, so you’re going to be one of my students? he raised a brow, That’s...interesting. We passed the second floor silently.

    I suppose it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Cross, I said trying to break the silence, he looked down at me oddly. I’m sorry I was rude.

    Oh no, you can call me Liam, he smiled down at me. Don’t apologize, I like it when girls have spunk. The swooning types are no fun.

    What? I sputtered, did he just? No, I shook my head firmly as he set me gently on my feet outside my dormitory. This guy is out of my league, and besides, he’s my teacher, he must be older than me too. I frowned at the direction my thoughts had taken.

    You’re upset about something? he looked down at my frowning face speculatively. I can carry you inside too if you want. a small grin curved the corner of his mouth.

    Uh no, I can manage! I said swiftly, blushing to the roots of my hair. Thank you, I stumbled over his name.

    He laughed lightly and tapped me on the forehead, You’re cute when you blush, I was sure I could fry an egg on my skin right now, Well. I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow for class. he said brightly. Have a good night, Dusty. turning he swiftly disappeared down the hallway.

    I turned around and ducked through my door quickly heaving a sigh of relief. Jesus what is wrong with me! I palmed myself in the forehead. Was it just me or was the new professor flirting with me?

    Who was that? Melissa nearly scared me out of my skin. When did she get home? Wait, was that a guy? her eyes narrowed at me.

    Did you walk here by yourself? I said, trying to distract her from her question. When did you leave the party?

    That’s not answering my question. she quipped, ignoring mine completely. I just heard a guy’s voice, spill it dust bunny.

    It was just a friend, I said defensively, glancing around for an escape from her penetrating gaze. He walked me home.

    Her eyes lit up instantly. You did find a guy! she clapped her hands excitedly See? I told you the outfit would work! she chirped gleefully and sat down in my desk chair looking at me expectantly, Tell me about him.

    There’s nothing to tell, I said, wincing as I hobbled across the room and sank onto my bed gratefully. I hurt my feet walking in these stupid shoes so he was making sure I got home. I threw the offending sandals at her feet grumpily.

    Ooh what a gentleman. she hummed, her eyes glinting mischievously. Is he cute? Please tell me you’re going to see him again.

    I sighed, collapsing back onto my pillow. I have no choice; he’s filling for Mrs. Treymor. her jaw dropped.

    A professor? she looked shocked, Wow, I didn’t know you had a thing for older men Dusty. a smirk curved her lips.

    We don’t have a thing! I snapped, rolling away from her to look at the wall. Yeah, in my dreams probably my subconscious said wistfully. That guy is way out of my league. He helped me, that’s all.

    Okay, whatever you say, I heard her get up from the chair and fall onto her bed. Guys don’t just randomly help girls for no reason. I think he has the hots for you. she giggled.

    I threw my extra pillow across the room at her. Go to sleep, you’re drunk. I growled, I don’t date teachers. she sighed and after a few minutes I heard her snoring lightly. "Thank God!" I muttered and swiftly got up to change out of the outfit she had given me.

    Finally changed into my own clothes, I fell back on my mattress frowning. Why did he help me anyway? The thoughts tumbled around my head. He called me cute...Tossing around fitfully I finally fell asleep.



    I GLARED BLEARILY AT MY COFFEE MUG AS MELISSA SKIPPED AROUND THE DORM merrily getting ready for classes. Groaning, I sank my face into my arms and rubbed my brow roughly.

    Wow, you look like shit this morning. Melissa eyed me critically. You sure you didn’t sneak a beer in?

    No Melissa, I didn’t drink, I said irritably, I’d been haunted all night by him. But I wasn’t about to tell her that. She seemed to have forgotten about him for the moment. I couldn’t sleep, how about you? How do you not get hangovers, you drank like a dehydrated fish last night.

    She laughed, An Advil and a good shower. gathering up her bag she turned to me. Are you coming or are you going to be late? Literature starts in about fifteen minutes.

    I glanced at the wall clock and cursed. Shit, I’ll be right behind you. she laughed and disappeared out the door as I got up and dashed around the room collecting my laptop and bookbag.

    I slid into the lecture hall right as the bell sounded. You were almost late Miss Rivers, our Lit teacher Mrs. Rayburn peered over her glasses at me.

    Sorry Ma’am, I slid into my seat quickly and pulled out my book and laptop. As she began her lecture I started working on my report.

    I was right, the entire report had disappeared when the computer crashed. Typing feverishly, I tried to finish the report before the lecture was over. I know she’s going to ask for them today, she always pulls surprise shit like that. Cursing under my breath I hammered out the paragraphs quickly. Well, at least we got to pick our own subjects this time for the report. I don’t have to keep up with any notes. I’d picked endangered animals to write about, mostly focusing on our local black wolves.

    Now if you will please, I need you all to open your class files on your laptops and send me the report I asked for last week. I’m sure you’ve had sufficient time to write it. Shit, she’s letting class go early today. Students with no laptops, I expect the handwritten report before you leave. I rattled out the closing line on the report and hit send as a few students got up to take papers to her desk. Have a good day class. she promptly settled at her desk going to work on her computer.

    You nervous? Melissa said playfully as we ducked out the door to head across to our next class. A minx’s smile was playing around her lips.

    About what? I said guardedly, My report is just fine, I’m pretty sure she’ll pass me. Suddenly it hit me. His class is next! My palms started sweating, I was hoping you were too drunk to remember that. I muttered irritably.

    Me? Forget my little introverted bestie has a thing with a professor? she laughed out loud, Yeah right! I’m excited, I can’t wait to see this mysterious guy that’s got you so worked up.

    I glared at her, Knock it off! I felt myself bristle. "I told you we don’t have a thing. He just helped me! Now drop it!"

    She scuttled ahead of me and ducked through the door first. I almost ran into her on the other side of the door. She was frozen in her tracks gazing at him. I glanced around, wow all of the girls are looking at him. I glanced at him and quickly saw why. He was dressed to the nines in casual low-hung jeans and his jacket from last night opened up to reveal a Beatles t-shirt. A set of reading glasses perched lightly on the bridge of his nose. He doesn’t look like any professor; he looks like a freaking fashion model! I thought in shock of the posters I kept seeing around town. He would give the Beau boys a run for their money.

    The corner of his mouth quirked up into a smile when he caught me staring at him. Blushing I hurried to my seat, eventually, everyone had settled down and he started the class.

    Excuse me! a girl in front of me raised her hand interrupting his lesson. He glanced up at her expectantly. Are you even old enough to be a professor?

    He laughed, Well Miss Yates, I wouldn’t have been hired for the job if I weren’t. he said casually. I promise, I’m fully qualified to teach this class.

    How old are you? another female voice suddenly chirped from behind me.

    His lips twitched. I don’t see how that pertains to our class Miss Tremaine, glancing around at the class as it fell silent again, he nodded. If that’s all. he continued talking, turning to sketch an ecological life chain on the board.

    Holy shit Dusty, Melissa whispered, leaning over while his back was turned. Her face was pale in shock, Professor Cross is so hot! He walked you home? I blushed.

    Stop talking, I hissed at her, she immediately fell silent, looking like a lost deer. The class seemed to drag on forever. I was relieved when he finally drew the lecture to a close. Damn, he’s good. I glanced down at the notes, I’d taken six full pages. Well, at least he knows what he’s doing.

    Closing my notepad, I shoved it back into my bag and stood up, Miss Rivers, his voice was suddenly right beside me and I jumped in alarm.

    Oh, hello Mr. Cross. I stammered, nervously shouldering my bag. I loved the class today; you seem to know your stuff.

    He smiled; I caught the dirty looks from the other female students as they filed out the door. Melissa was standing by the door waiting, her jaw nearly on the floor in shock.

    As I said, I’m quite qualified for the position. he cocked his head giving me a churlish look. I told you to call me Liam. he admonished lightly. Anyway, I was wondering how many more classes you had for the day? I gaped up at him.

    Um… my mind blanked and suddenly I was irritated. Why are you asking me that? I glared at him. I’m a student, you’re a teacher.

    Dusty you’re being prickly again, he murmured, a small smile on his face as he leaned against my desk. I want you to have lunch with me.

    Don’t you have classes to teach? I sputtered; my heart was racing. You don’t even know how old I am, what if I’m a sixteen-year-old that got into college early?

    Stubborn one, aren’t you? he said, grinning at my skittish nerves. I have one more class for the day.

    Do you normally ask your students out on dates? I retorted, glaring at my shoes. Who said I would go? I scowled up into his smiling amber eyes.

    You’re blushing Dusty, he leaned closer, the laughter in his eyes unmistakable. I glanced away at Melissa who had her fists over her mouth in excitement. Can I take that as a yes?

    How old are you anyway? I asked, trying to avoid answering him. I don’t hang around teachers, that’s just weird.

    He paused before he answered, Twenty-five, and technically I’m not your teacher, I’m a substitute. He crossed his arms over his chest. You sure are stubborn, how old are you again? I could hear the laughter in his voice now.

    Twenty-one, I mumbled. Okay so he isn’t that much older than me, but still! I set my jaw mulishly. Who are you calling stubborn? You’re the most persistent creature I’ve ever met in my life.

    And you’re the most enchanting creature I’ve ever met. he grinned as my heart leaped into my mouth. I sputtered and clutched my bag nervously.

    Fine, I’ll go to lunch with you, I stumbled over the words. My lunch is at eleven. I quickly turned around. nearly running in my haste to get outside. When did the air get so thick in here!

    Glad to see your feet are feeling better Dusty. he called after me and I stumbled I’ll see you at lunch, eleven sharp.

    Melissa latched onto me immediately as soon as I ducked past her. Did I hear right? He asked you to lunch! her voice was two octaves higher than normal. Oh my gosh! My dusty bunny has a date! she gushed as I shook her off.

    He’s persistent, I groused as we headed to the Math and Sciences building. He pretty much made me.

    Dusty, he’s gorgeous! she gushed, clinging to my arm again. You’re so lucky! How did you do that?

    I have no idea, I said, shaking her off again. I was super rude to him and I almost hit him when I met him last night.

    Maybe he just likes feisty girls. she retorted, shooting me a mischievous grin. I think you should make the most of this.

    Don’t count on it, I snorted as we stepped into our next class. He gives me the creeps, not to mention how pushy and obnoxious he is.

    Oh, lighten up. she nudged me with her elbow. I would kill to be in your shoes right now. Try to enjoy it okay?

    I sighed and sank into my workstation. This class was almost completely online except for the occasional pop quizzes the teacher handed out to make sure we were doing our work. The time ticked by too quickly. Before I knew it, I was standing outside the small cafe that catered to the university students and staff. Well, I could always chicken out and go eat lunch in my dorm. I was seriously considering it when an arm slipped through mine. I looked up startled into deep amber eyes.

    Trying to chicken out on me? he smiled down at me, reading my thoughts. I’m hurt. he clutched his chest with his free hand feigning a broken heart.

    I straightened my spine, Who’s chickening out? I can’t let him get under my skin! I hope you know you’re not buying for me. I’d rather buy my own if you don’t mind.

    He shot an amused glance down at me, You can’t stop me from paying. He said, Besides, you can’t pay without this. He reached around dangling my wallet in front of my face.

    Give that back! I hissed, suddenly aware of the stares we were drawing. You’re making a scene!

    Let me pay, he said ignoring the onlookers. I asked you to lunch, so it’s only fair that I pay for it.

    Okay fine you can pay! I snapped; he dropped my wallet into my hand innocently. Jesus you’re embarrassing!

    The corner of his lips twitched into a sexy smile and he suddenly leaned over until his face was right in front of mine. I think you’re not used to anyone showing you attention. my throat closed off as a bundle of nerves choked me. I could almost feel the room holding its breath with me.

    Knock it off! I stammered, backing away and sliding into a booth quickly, my heart was racing. Damn it he got under my skin!

    He slid into the booth across from me resting his chin on steepled fingers. "You are a shy one aren’t you." my skin prickled under his scrutiny.

    It doesn’t matter, why are you monopolizing my lunchtime? I said refusing to look at him. I have finals coming up, I should be studying.

    Careful Dusty, your thorns are showing again. he grinned, sitting up and folding his arms across the table in front of him.

    I ignored him glaring at the table, why is he after me? But my thoughts were interrupted when a busty waitress sashayed up to the table.

    Welcome to The Cafe, my name is Aimie. she nearly dropped her notepad when she glanced up and caught sight of him. Can I... take your order? her cheeks flushed.

    I’m not so hungry, he said, glancing up at her briefly before turning his attention back to me. I’ll be fine with a coffee please, how about you Dusty? is fine, I said weakly, clasping my hands together in my lap under the table. I’m not hungry either.

    He cocked his head at me as she bustled away. Do I make you that nervous? he slid around the booth to sit closer to me.

    Why are you being so nice to me? I said ignoring his question. I slid out of his reach and glared at him. I’m not pretty, rich, or slutty so who’s paying you?

    His mouth popped open in shock. Who’s paying me? He repeated my question incredulously. "Really? Dusty, I would pay somebody else to get the chance to be around you. You have a fire that I don’t usually see in women, not to mention you’re actually beautiful." he gave me a devilish lopsided grin, it was my turn to look shocked.

    Anything else I can get for you? Aimie set our cups down with a flourish, startling me out of my reverie.

    This is fine, he said, not looking away from me. Thank you very much. Dismissed, she shot a wistful gaze at him before she ambled away to check on the other customers.

    I shot a quick glance around. Everyone is staring at you, I muttered, tapping my fingers nervously on the warm mug in front of me, I’m pretty sure they’re wondering why you’re hanging around a nobody like me.

    Or they’re wondering how I got so damn lucky, he said, glancing around at the cafe. I want to get to know you. he reached out to get his cup.

    Blushing, I hid behind my mug, There’s nothing to know, I’m a student living on campus. I took a sip of the coffee trying to calm myself. I’m actually really boring.

    What are you majoring in? he asked calmly, running his fingers across the rim of his cup.

    Photography, I mumbled back, trying to focus on the cup.

    Oh? What kind of photographs do you like to take? he sounded amused.

    Wildlife and nature mostly. I relaxed as the conversation started moving toward a more comfortable subject.

    Nature? Explain. he kept grilling me.

    Endangered species and habitats, I said, sipping at the coffee again. I want to be able to capture them before they disappear forever.

    What’s your favorite subject? I glanced up at him, he was focused intently on me. I looked away quickly.

    Well, I love taking pictures of wolves. I heard a sharp intake of breath and glanced up at him again confused. He still looked calm and composed. Our population of black wolves in the reserve have pretty much been wiped out. So, I take pictures of them whenever I see them. I frowned, They’re such beautiful creatures, I wish people would stop shooting them. I mean they wouldn’t be eating livestock if we would stop cutting down the woods to build those stupid housing developments.

    He fell silent watching me sip at the coffee. Are you always a teacher or what? I asked, uncomfortable at the sudden silence. Aimie quietly came over refilling our nearly empty mugs.

    Only when I’m asked to be, he said, his smile coming back in an instant, I guess you could call me an entrepreneur of sorts. I do all sorts of things, teaching, writing, I even do some mixed martial arts fighting.

    I thought about the way he had put the guys down last night, no wonder he’s such a good fighter, Are you qualified to do the jobs? Setting my cup on the table, I sat back in the booth. I was starting to feel more at ease around him, he’s so easy to be around.

    Of course, he copied me, leaning back in the booth and throwing his arm across the back. I’m not exactly poor so I got a few different certifications while I was in college.

    Well, I’m poor. I laughed, I don’t get to go do whatever I want at school. I settled on photography because it’s something I can throw my heart into. I wouldn’t get bored at work because I would be doing something I love.

    He leaned forward, propping his head on his hands again. And if you could go back to college after you graduate what else would you major in?

    Veterinary school, I said immediately, That was my choice at first but I couldn’t afford the scholarship. my face fell but I brightened up quickly. I can still do my photography; it makes me just as happy.

    He glanced away and I followed his gaze, shocked to see that it was already starting to turn to dusk outside. Hmm...time flies when you’re having fun, he mumbled and reached into his back pocket to get his wallet. Folding a slim black credit card inside of the receipt he held it up for Aimie.

    She was there in an instant, eagerly grabbing the receipt, Back in just a second, she said sweetly, dashing away with the card.

    See that wasn’t so bad, was it? he said, closing the distance between us and throwing his arm across the back of the booth behind me. I count this date as a success.

    It wasn’t bad, I agreed automatically. Thank you for the coffee.

    Does that mean we can do this again? he said, tilting his head and giving me an amused smile.

    You mean have coffee again? Sure. I said, glancing over at him. Next time you’re letting me pay though.

    Actually, I was thinking more like a real date, his smile turned into a mischievous grin, I was immediately suspicious. Our lunches are at the same time, not to mention I know where your room is now. Let’s find something to do.

    Like what? I said cautiously, eyeing his eager smile. What is he up to?

    Well, I’d honestly like to get to know you better, My jaw dropped and he laughed at my shocked expression. Go see a movie, maybe meet your family, an actual date. I felt like he wasn’t telling me everything.

    What else were you wanting to do? I said, still eyeing him cautiously as Aimie returned with his card.

    We’ll see how it goes; I might even let you meet my crazy ass family. he gave me a troubled look. If you don’t want to then I’m sure we can find something else to do.

    We got up together to walk out into the chilly evening air. Why are you so interested in me anyway? I asked curiously as he wrapped a casual arm around me, blocking me from the chill. You just met me yesterday.

    He smiled down at me, I don’t know, I just feel like you’re special. he frowned as I shivered despite his warm arm. Shrugging out of his jacket he wrapped it around my shoulders. Not to mention I do enjoy a good chase. his small smile was disarming.

    Won’t you get cold? I asked immediately and tried to give it back. Look I’ll be fine, here, I was the crazy one who didn’t wear a jacket.

    He stopped and took the jacket from my hands, wrapping it snugly around my shoulders again. I’m perfectly fine, I don’t get cold easily. my arms were trapped by my sides as he held the front of the jacket and tugged me forward until I was pressed against him. See?

    My heart frantically ricocheted around inside my ribs as he held me against him. He was right, a soothing warmth radiated from him. He grinned as a flush crept up my neck and my breath hitched.

    Too close, I stuttered and tried to pull away but he held me firmly in place, not letting me move. Reaching up he stroked my cheek softly. What are you doing?

    You’re not going anywhere just yet, he said quietly, a thoughtful look on his face. I want to try something. I shook my head quickly, too close! The same hum as before arched across my skin as he stroked my cheek again. you’re welcome to push me away. When I didn’t move, he slowly leaned down and seized my lips in a gentle kiss. My knees turned to jelly and I wavered leaning against him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me tighter against him.

    My heart was thudding loudly in my ears when he finally pulled away. He looked at my shocked expression with an amused grin, Are you alright? He held me against him as my breathing slowed.

    I believe I’ll survive. I stammered, trying to remember to breathe through my nose. What just happened?! My subconscious screamed at me frantically.

    Good, he perked up and pulled me along as we started toward my dorm again. I walked beside him in dazed silence.

    He frowned when we finally got to my door. You’re awfully quiet, are you sure you’re alright? he looked like he was holding back a laugh.

    I stiffened, I said I’m fine. I growled, God he’s so full of himself!

    Oh, so that didn’t bother you? his amber eyes gleamed with mischief. I shook my head glaring up at him stubbornly. So, if I do this it doesn’t bother you? he leaned closer until his face was a hair’s breadth away from mine again. My heart immediately seized in my chest. I took a shaky breath and shook my head firmly. How about this? he leaned over farther and skimmed his nose down my neck. I stopped breathing completely as he pressed a soft kiss in the hollow of my throat.

    Ahhhh! My mind immediately started cursing vehemently. You sure have a mighty high opinion of yourself, I stammered when he leaned back against the wall with a wicked grin, pulling me against him.

    You’re adorable when you’re being stubborn. he said quietly, You do realize, I can hear your heart from here? he laughed as I blushed crimson.

    The door opened suddenly beside us, Oh my god! It was Melissa, her face turned almost as red as mine when she saw us and she slammed the door quickly. I realized how we must look and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

    I pushed away quickly, clasping my hands in front of me. I’ll think about another date, I mumbled, Uh...goodnight, Liam.

    He arched one of his perfect eyebrows at me. You’ll think about it? an infectious grin spread across his face. That’s great! I’ll see you tomorrow after class then?

    Uh, sure, I said, wondering at the eager look on his face. You want coffee again? he laughed at my confused look.

    Well, I figured we could try something else, he pushed off the wall. Let’s go see that movie.

    A movie? I said blankly, oh no, dark room! I scrambled to collect my thoughts. Which movie? I said cautiously.

    Well, they’re taking requests, it will be a nostalgia night. he said looking at my panicked expression, with a bemused chuckle You got any favorites? I’m sure I could get them to play it for you.

    I thought fruitlessly coming up with nothing. You pick. I said and gave him a stern look, No romances, I hate them.

    Something scary or action then? his eyes lit up devilishly. What is he thinking of? I shrugged trying to be nonchalant about it.

    Surprise me, I said, a yawn slipping out. I covered my mouth blushing. Oops, sorry I’ve had a long day.

    No need to apologize, he gathered me in a tight hug and kissed me on the forehead. Goodnight, Dusty. letting me go he disappeared down the hallway again.

    I covered my mouth with my hand as I stood there in silence for a minute. Jesus that man could charm a snake out of its skin! I sighed and opened the door to go into the dorm. Melissa was nearly bouncing on the edge of her bed, her eyes bright with curiosity.

    I immediately held up my hand before she even started. He’s not my boyfriend, yes we kissed, and he wants to go out tomorrow too.

    Wow, kissing on a first date? she said, giving me a small teasing grin. Doesn’t sound like you at all, you usually boot them out the door after the first ten minutes! her smile turned devilish. I think you like this one.

    I don’t know that yet! I snapped, blushing. He kissed me, not the other way around. It’s not like he gave me much of a choice in the matter.

    Then why are you still wearing his jacket? she said quietly, and I glanced down realizing that his jacket was still wrapped around my shoulders.

    He made me wear it, I quickly took it off and hung it on the closet door. Maybe he just forgot it, I’ll give it back to him tomorrow.

    Oh, you’re probably going to catch it tomorrow, she suddenly looked worried. Those girls are going to give you hell, you snagged their new obsession. I heard them talking about him at lunch, he’s only been here one day and he’s already got a gaggle of fangirls.

    Hey, he came after me! I said defensively, as I started getting ready for bed. It wasn’t like I was after him or anything.

    She smiled mysteriously as she rolled under her covers. Try telling them that. A few minutes later I heard her soft snore, telling me that she was asleep.

    Sighing I climbed under the covers and pulled the pillow over my face. Jesus, why does it always have to be so cold in here? I shivered and sat up. Hmm, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to wear his jacket to sleep, would it? It might help keep me warm. I quickly climbed out of bed and snagged it off the door handle. Wrapping myself in it I snuggled under the covers again. Wow, this thing really is warm, and it smells amazing. The warm scent that clung to it reminded me of my hikes in the reserve, it smells like velvet mesquite. I buried my nose into it and sighed, falling asleep almost immediately.



    I KEPT MY EYES FIRMLY ON MY BOOK AS I LISTENED TO THE GIRLS WHISPERING BEHIND me. My face was still burning, Liam had hung his jacket on the back of my chair instead of taking it back. insisting I keep it in case I got cold again. So, of course, the other girls were shooting silent daggers at my back.

    What makes her so special anyway?

    God, what does he even see in that weirdo?

    I heard they went to lunch together yesterday, Diana said she saw them kissing!

    What! I wish he would kiss me!

    I heard she’s sleeping with him; I mean what guy would pass up free sex? Maybe he just puts a bag over her head. someone stifled a giggle.

    Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, I slammed my book shut and got up walking stiffly from the room. Several sniggers followed me out the door, I snapped it smartly shut behind me and strode out to the lawn in front of the building sitting down with an angry huff. So, what if he doesn’t pay any attention to them! Serves them right, they’re a bunch of stuck-up snobs! Suddenly his jacket settled over my shoulders again and he sat beside me giving me a concerned look.

    Your class isn’t over yet, I said dryly glaring at my shoes, You should get back to your fan club before they start thinking we’re a thing.

    He glanced back at the faces peering out of the glass door, they disappeared quickly, Dusty are they bothering you? he said quietly ignoring my biting remark, I can make it stop, just say the word.

    I don’t need you fighting my battles for me, I snapped, That’ll just make it worse, just drop it. Go finish the class.

    Not until you join the class, he said smiling gently, Where’s the prickly little Dusty I met? I bet if you show them the same kind of attitude you showed me that night, they’ll leave you alone.

    Now you just sound like my dad, I growled, Besides, I don’t want to scare them off. I mumbled, I want to be a part of them.

    You really want to be like those petty glamor dolls? he said and gripped my chin making me look at him, I like you just the way you are, you stand out. It’s unique and refreshing, honestly, I’m happy you’re not like them. Suddenly he pulled me to my feet, Come on, we can go to the movies now. Let me dismiss class.

    But I still have math! I said going pale, I can’t miss, Finals are next week! he smiled at my sudden panic.

    Oh I’m sure I can help you out, I am a professor here after all. he pulled me back into the storm of whispers in the classroom, refusing to let me go, Class dismissed, I want a detailed analysis of the effects of wildfire on the ecosystem on my desk as soon as you come in tomorrow, he said keeping my hand gripped tightly in his as he addressed the entire room. The class gaped, too stunned to even gather their books.

    Without waiting for their reaction, he calmly pulled me back outside, Are you serious? I said stiffly as he pulled me down the sidewalk, "Hang on a

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