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I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year
I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year
I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year
Ebook140 pages54 minutes

I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year

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Tim Wiess went on a diet last year and lost 140 pounds in a single year. He changed his lifestyle in eating. This book guides you through the changes he made in eating better and healthier. He wants to help as many people as he can to lose weight. He takes you through the 4 key stages of his diet and even helps you maintain your weight loss afte

PublisherTim Weiss
Release dateMay 13, 2022
I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year

Tim Weiss

Tim Weiss is a devoted single dad of 2 girls. He is a very loving and caring man who loves children and all animals. He is a very strong-minded person and also he is very determined. It was his determination that helped him lose 140 pounds in a single year. He is an avid sportsperson. He goes to watch his favorite team play football often.

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    I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year - Tim Weiss

    I Lost 140 Pounds In A Year

    Copyright © 2022 by Tim Weiss

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    978-1-957895-39-0 (Paperback)

    978-1-957895-38-3 (eBook)

    978-1-957895-40-6 (Hardcover)



    Chapter One.... Starting Out

    Chapter Two.... Stage One

    Chapter Three.... Stage Two

    Chapter Four.... Stage Three

    Chapter Five.... Stage Four

    Chapter Six.... Maintaining


    I’ve been very overweight for many years. There was nothing medically wrong with me and no doctor told me that I had to lose weight. I just woke up one morning and decided I needed to lose weight and change my eating habits. I set myself a target… to lose all my excess weight in one year. I wasn’t sure if I could do that, but I needed a target to go for.

    If I failed to lose all my excess weight, I would certainly be well on my way to achieving this by the end of the year.

    I was like most people, I ate out a lot, got takeaways (takeouts), had readymade meals and prepackaged foods. This type of food is laced with calories, chemicals and preservatives that you don’t need or want. So I decided to change. I started preparing my own meals. I also learnt how to make homemade sauces from natural ingredients. These homemade sauces added so much taste to my meals, and everything in these sauces were from natural ingredients.

    When you read this book you’re not reading about a complicated diet; it’s a lifestyle change. The way you have been eating has made you overweight, so you need to look at the food you’re eating and change your habits. Get into a healthier way of thinking. You will benefit greatly from this.

    On December 12th I made up my mind to change, to lose all my excess weight. I knew at first this would be hard, but I was determined. I weighed myself and I was 24 Stone 5 pounds that’s 341 pounds.

    Some of you will say you can’t cook. Some meals are as easy as putting on your shoes.

    Some will say they don’t have time to cook their own meals. Well those people need to ask themselves another question, just how much do they really want to lose weight?

    If you want this weight loss journey to be successful, you’re going to have to really want to change and really want to lose weight. Be prepared to make lifestyle changes that will benefit you forever.

    I hope you enjoy reading this book.


    So you want to lose weight? Don’t we all. This book is not a diet book. It’s not complicated in any way. There is no magic formula. It is a simple way we eat our food and how we can all lose weight by changing our eating habits.

    Get into a routine of making and preparing your own meals using natural ingredients. That’s all you need to do to lose weight.

    I would like to point out that in my recipes I’ll have the English version and American version next to each other. For example, salad cream (miracle whip).


    Any meat and poultry; just cut off any excess fat from the meat. You can do this before or after cooking. If you choose to have minced meat (ground beef), make sure it’s 5% fat.

    •Any fish.

    •Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables.

    •Fruit that is fresh or frozen.

    •Beans, peas and pulses.

    •Tinned tuna or salmon.

    •Potatoes are great to have in your meals and are perfectly okay. Homemade chips (French fries) are great.

    •Tinned baked beans and tinned tomatoes are great and very good.

    •Plain couscous, rice, and pasta are great to have with your meat and vegetables.

    •Eggs are fantastic, full of protein and very versatile.

    •Soy sauce, Worcester sauce, oyster sauce, marmite, mustard, fat free dressings, Canderel (Splenda), tomato puree.

    •Any herbs and spices.

    •Any stock like beef, vegetable or chicken.

    •Vinegar, salt and pepper.

    •Drinks: water (plain, tap, mineral or spring), tea, coffee, low calorie fizzy drinks. No added sugar cordials, Bovril (beef drink).

    •Try to avoid bread completely if you can. But if you do use bread use wholemeal (wholegrain).

    •Tomato ketchup, mayonnaise and salad cream (miracle whip) are okay in small doses.

    •Milk: try and use skimmed milk if you can. Orange milk is okay to use, but not in great quantities.

    •Fat free yogurts (unflavored yogurt)


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