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The Priestess Transmissions
The Priestess Transmissions
The Priestess Transmissions
Ebook216 pages3 hours

The Priestess Transmissions

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About this ebook

Certain aptitudes are emerging among women across the globe at this time. These unusual propensities come directly from the priestess archetype template. They involve an understanding of deep mysteries that span the unseen elements, energetic and spiritual laws, conscious time travel, various dimensional realities and planes of existence. They c

Release dateMay 22, 2022
The Priestess Transmissions

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    The Priestess Transmissions - Amy Belair


    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The ideas shared in this book are not intended to replace a reader’s relationship with their counsellor, physician, or other mental health professionals.

    Copyright © 2022 by:

    Amy Belair & Amron Bevels

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Transmission transcriptions by: Mary Grace Theory

    Cover and interior design by: Daniel Huenergardt

    ISBN 978-1-7356582-6-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-7356582-7-8 (ebook)

    ISBN 978-1-7356582-8-5 (audiobook)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022900431

    Published by

    Awaken Village Press,

    Sioux Falls, South Dakota, U.S.A.


    To all the Priestesses Past, Present, and Future.

    You hold us up. We cannot be extinguished.


    A Note From the Publisher




    Introductory Transmission

    Transmission One:

    Resurrection of the Priestess

    Transmission Two:

    Beholden to No One

    Transmission Three:

    The Uncorrupted Blueprint

    Transmission Four:

    An Elemental Force

    Transmission Five:

    Psychic Activation & Manifestation

    Transmission Six:

    Akashic Heart Temple

    Transmission Seven:

    Divine Circuitry & DNA Coherence

    Transmission Eight:

    Archetypal Frequencies of the Priestess


    About the Authors

    A Note From the Publisher

    As a publisher (and avid reader), I’ve read many many books. Specifically in the realms of metaphysics and self-actualization, I am quite seasoned. I can confidently say The Priestess Transmissions is unique material. This is not just a book; this is an activation, a guided meditation, an energetic infusion, a transformative experience.

    From the very first moment I spoke with Amron and Amy, I knew my soul was being called forward to show up in bigger and bolder ways—personally and professionally. Attracting women of this caliber, resonance, frequency, and ability was a beautiful indication of my own expansion and upleveling. I could feel this in my body each and every time we spoke. In addition to these powerhouse women co-creating this text, the text itself called me to step up—as a reader and as a publisher.

    I have remembered more of who I am by collaborating with these amazing women: From having my mind and soul blown open as they retrieved my Akashic records to receiving eerily accurate intuitive knowings through voice memos. From my point of view, the content delivered through The Priestess Transmissions is the delicious cherry on top.

    Attracting these transmissions into my life is an indication of where I am on my soul’s journey. And I believe this is true for anyone who receives them.

    Amanda Johnson

    Awaken Village Press


    by Christina Luna

    Connecting to the Priestess Archetype was extremely disorienting and disruptive to normal life for me. I had no idea what was happening. At first, it felt exhilarating! It was like a lid was blown off of my entire life and I understood everything. I felt thoughts as if they were lived memories, I saw light emanating from plants and trees, I heard whole volumes of wisdom in a single sensation. I knew I was connected and loved in a way that I had no context for.

    Then, I tried to talk about it. The words would try to describe what I was seeing, feeling, and sensing, but the people I spoke to always gave me this look, the look of concern, skepticism, worry, amusement. I received feedback in the form of, Are you okay? Maybe we should take you to talk to someone. Are you on drugs?

    The doubt crept in. What if this isn’t real? What if something broke inside my head and I am not okay? Why am I the only one who can sense this stuff?

    I kept it quiet for a long time. Best not to worry anyone. Best to just commune with this new connection on my own. I lived a double life: one where I tried to be normal for everyone else, and one where I was uncovering the secrets of the entire universe with invisible guides in my head.

    Eventually, my life cracked and I had to commit to a side of me. I chose the crazy side. I divorced my old life and found my way through the shuffle. I had teachers and guides but, for the most part, felt isolated from others and alone in my way of being in the world.

    That is, until I met Amy and Amron and received the Priestess Transmissions. I received these codes after 12 years of cultivating inner confidence in my truth, believing that it is okay if nobody else sees the beauty of this world the way that I do, that maybe it is just for me. I received the gift of hearing my world and reality delivered in the most congruent, resonant, validating, and beautifully eloquent voice from another one like me. One who sees, remembers, and understands.

    Through these transmissions, I found the others. There are so many of us here, alive, activated, prepared, downloaded, positioned, primed, grounded, and connected. We are seeing each other now. This transmission is part of the initiation past the threshold of the solo journey.

    The transmission you now hold in your hands crossed a living bridge to reach you. By receiving these codes, your connection to the field of consciousness these have been translated from will strengthen your own living bridge.

    The path that has been forged by each of us in our own unique ways is connected through a mycelium-like fabric, and as we all tune in to our own Priestess way, we light the living library and fabric of connection with the brilliance of our being.

    We are one and we are many. I am honored to be shoulder to shoulder with you.

    Christina Luna,

    Cosmic Priestess, Astrologer, Human


    Welcome, Priestess.

    We are so excited to be embarking on this journey with you through the transmission of these sacred codes. This whole experience—receiving the summoning to deliver these codes, allowing them to pass through us, and preparing them for you—has been an initiation for the two of us, just as we know it will be for you. These codes deliver answers to questions deep within many of us. They help us reassemble aspects of the soul identity.

    Where did these codes come from? How did they come to be? It all began with an entirely unexpected telepathic message to Amy from a group of Ascended Beings at the end of December 2020.

    Amy’s Story

    It was December 20. I was busy at home with my daughter, feeling very much like a normal person. I was folding laundry and had forgotten all about the Great Conjunction Portal and the auspicious associations of this date. For those new to this terminology, the Great Conjunction Portal of 2020 was an astrological event wherein Jupiter and Saturn came closer to one another than they have in nearly 400 years (397 years, to be precise). The auspicious meanings associated with this particular event hover around the concepts of new beginnings, rebirth, and shedding the old. More specifically, this particular conjunction event brings with it many potential meanings: The particular location in the sky signifies a completely new beginning on a mass, global level. The timing of this in the context of Earth history signifies new beginnings in society—the departure from old social structures—specifically in regard to societies’ approach to freedom, equality, and what it means to care for the common good. In addition, because this particular conjunction occurred exactly on the winter solstice, it carries even greater associations of rebirth, of shedding old paradigms, and of renewal.

    At one moment, it occurred to me that this was indeed the longest night of the year, initiating the time when the duration of daylight hours starts to increase. I immediately felt called to acknowledge the solstice. Because there was no way that I could take solitude from my two-year-old daughter, I decided to simply play an audio meditation as I worked around the house. It was the best I could muster in honor of this special event. I began to listen, with the plan to do so as I finished the laundry, washed the dishes, and prepared the meal for the evening. I had chosen a quantum leaping meditation, one in which I had met my priestess self many times before. On this day, at the moment when my priestess self rose into my subtle awareness, I decided to go to my bedroom to lie down and give myself five minutes—just five minutes—to journey through this meditation.

    And this is when She, a group of Ascended Ones, came through and spoke to me.

    I remember the message exactly:

    The time for sleep, the time for dormancy, the time for hiding is over. The time for activation is now. There are many priestesses who are ready to awaken. You are needed, now more than ever. You have trained for this for many lifetimes, and you are going to help wake up your sacred sisters.

    Initially, my ego was at once exalted and elated. Yes, I did know, in that moment, that this message was absolute truth. Then suddenly, my human mind began to fight it, and it did so quickly. My ego shot it down.

    The extinguishing messages were loud and clear: I am not special. I am just a human. I change diapers and I do laundry. I do not feel like a priestess most of the time. I don’t even know what it means to be a priestess. Should I really be the one to deliver this message?

    The process of overriding these mental blocks and stepping forward despite them was the start of my own initiation into this material.

    In the weeks that followed, I chose to step forward and receive these instructions. I chose to carry them out fully. I carved out the time. I announced the coming of this material—material yet unknown to me—on my social platform. I created a formal event to broadcast the upcoming transmissions. (Professionally, I was in the perfect position for this task: I am a former midwife, serving now as a spiritual development mentor, supporting the psychic activation of individuals with a propensity for becoming spiritual guides and mentors. Thus, I had a network of people ready for material such as this.) I gathered a small group of women and devoted a segment of time to receive and transmit these codes over several weeks. The women would serve as an audience, an accountability source, and a grounding rod of sorts as I connected with the frequency of these Ascended Ones, which I refer to as the Priestess Frequency, and pulled in this material from the ethers. And thus, the Transmissions were birthed.

    Amron as Creation Partner

    Amron was a woman in the opening circle of the Priestess Portal. As she received the live-channeled messages, she recognized this work and the magnitude of it immediately. There was something very familiar to her about this material as it was pouring out of me. I could feel the messages igniting her. She reported to me many times that this felt like a very important body of work that needed to be encapsulated and widely spread. Amron felt a vision that I could feel too, but which I did not have the bandwidth to pursue alone. As the weeks unfolded, the material became more familiar to me as well. I asked Amron to step forward to become a part of this composition. The collaboration with Amron reminded me of something, but I could not place it.

    As of the time of this publication, Amron and I have not yet met in person. Our partnership—and true, true friendship—are virtual only. Yet visits into the Akasha have revealed that Amron is the woman who walked beside me as my sister, approximately five hundred years ago, as we joined forces to deliver an equally powerful body of material to the people of our community. We are told that this was very dangerous work at the time and that our important project did not reach completion. In this past life experience, the sister in Amron’s role experienced a sudden, accidental death that put an immediate halt to the work. This left the sister in Amy’s role devastated. Despite the time distance of

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