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One Night Together (Hidden Hearts #3)
One Night Together (Hidden Hearts #3)
One Night Together (Hidden Hearts #3)
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One Night Together (Hidden Hearts #3)

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One night was all she wanted.
One night was all he could give.
Until they found forever...

Cassie Papdakis is serious and reserved, the kind of woman more suited to the academic world than the romantic social scene on Santorini where she’s come to reset her life.

Leo Sutton is a playboy, the kind of man rumored to work his way through women, one at a time, before throwing them away and moving on.

When they meet by chance, they agree to one unforgettable night together. No names, no strings attached. But one night isn’t enough and revealing their true identities creates a set of problems neither could have imagined.

They both come from families wrapped up in the high-stakes world of international construction. Families that share one thing – a fierce rivalry. And neither would be pleased to know that Cassie and Leo have found a connection more fundamental than anything or anyone that might come between them.

But when Cassie learns Leo might be interested in a property she owns, one that could also save her father’s company, she begins to wonder if everything between them is built on lies.

Can Cassie overcome her past and see Leo clearly, or will his reputation and the hostility between their families destroy any chance of happiness they might find?

Can one night become forever?

Note: One Night Together is a standalone contemporary romance based on secondary characters from the Indigo Series. It is not necessary to read the Indigo Series first.

PublisherKate McBrien
Release dateJul 21, 2022
One Night Together (Hidden Hearts #3)

Kate McBrien

Kate McBrien writes sexy and witty contemporary romance.She has an MA in art history and has taught art history at a local college. For many years, Kate has worked as a dental hygienist, courageously offering encouragement to her non-flossing patients.She has always enjoyed writing but became more serious after being encouraged by a friend to participate in National Novel Writing Month. She began writing historical fiction but soon realized that the romance was taking over the history.Kate is a San Francisco Bay Area native who lives near the beach with her husband and Lola, their spoiled Labrador Retriever. When not writing, she enjoys cooking, music, movies, reading, and fangirling over Jamie Dornan.

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    One Night Together (Hidden Hearts #3) - Kate McBrien


    For my husband, Doug.

    Against all odds—and better judgment—we met in a bar and fell in love.

    Who says love at first sight isn’t real?



    She said ‘Yes!’

    Cassie glanced up from her phone.

    A bald, bearded man kissed a woman with short, red hair wearing a white sundress and an ecstatic smile. They were adorable together.

    Applause and cheers spread around the terrace bar. On cue, a waitress appeared with a bottle of champagne.

    Cassie raised her wine glass in a silent toast. They were the second couple to get engaged this evening. Last night, four couples got engaged. For the past two evenings, she’d sat alone at the same table surrounded by happy couples and rowdy singles.

    The setting sun filled the sky with dazzling shades of orange, red, and streaks of purple. A small jazz combo provided the soundtrack to another spectacular Santorini sunset. She hoped to share a beautiful moment like this with a man who loved her one day. He would be an honorable man who had unconditional love for her and lived his life with passion. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt if he was gorgeous and sexy. She chuckled and sipped her wine. It would probably be easier to find a unicorn than find the perfect man.

    Her phone buzzed with a text.

    Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. –Rumi

    Her mother had been sending her motivational quotes for months, and this was the best one so far. If only she could dare to do it.

    Her phone buzzed again.

    Listen to your heart more and your head less.

    Cassie typed out her reply.

    Why do you keep telling me this?

    The dots moved across the screen with another text from her mom.

    It’s because I love you. Take a chance and see what happens.

    Her mom’s advice was right. Taking a chance might be the only way to reset her life.

    I will. Thanks, Mom.

    Her mother always encouraged Cassie to listen to her intuition. If she had, maybe she would have avoided the epic mistake of her ex-boyfriend, Owen Bell.

    The globe lights strung across the hotel’s terrace bar blinked on. The music shifted from mellow jazz to the thumping rhythm of dance club music. Soon, crowds of single women and men would arrive. This piece of paradise would be packed with gyrating couples, boisterous laughter, and shouts for more cocktails.

    The Kronos Hotel and especially this bar weren’t places she’d typically hang out. Cassie had been nearby on Crete, working as an assistant for a retired history professor. The quiet of the professor’s home provided the perfect environment for research. It was also the opposite of the Kronos. Her father had asked her to stay at the hotel for a few days. He built and renovated luxury hotels and condos worldwide and wanted to know if Santorini’s newest five-star hotel lived up to all the media hype.

    Cassie took a final sip of wine, picked up her phone, and opened the email she vowed to never look at again. She read as far as Dear Dr. Papadakis, then shoved the phone into her purse. What was the point? She didn’t win the fellowship and she had to move on. Hopefully, the professor would keep her as an assistant for a little longer. It would give her time to plan for her next step. If not, her parents would want Cassie to move back to New York. She was almost thirty years old with a PhD but didn’t have much else to show for all her work. She couldn’t go back home and be dependent on her parents.

    Screams from the dance floor made her head throb in pain. Her room overlooked the bar, but even the soundproof windows couldn’t block the constant noise. She had to get out of here. She’d seen enough to report back to her father. She’d pack, check out, and go to the Triton Hotel for the rest of her stay. Comparing the quiet beauty of the Triton’s terrace to this mosh pit made her choice simple.

    She paid the bar bill, grabbed her purse, and headed inside, picking up her pace. She couldn’t get out of here fast enough.



    Okay, I’m finished snooping around. Ben settled back in the teak armchair and took a sip of his gin and tonic.

    What did you see? Leo asked his business partner, hoping he would confirm his findings. He’d known Benedict Kamau since they were students at Cambridge. Ben was the youngest son of a wealthy Kenyan entrepreneur, but he had no interest in joining his three older brothers in working for the family food processing company. Ben was a genius at finance and Leo’s best friend.

    I saw multiple cracks in the drywall, leaking around the sinks and the toilets in the public bathrooms, and gaps in the woodwork, Ben said, counting on his fingers. What did you find? 

    Lots of nail heads popping through the drywall and cracks in the concrete. Leo pointed to the tiled terrace. Look at that. There’s a whole network of cracks in this tile. Who knows what problems are in the guestrooms?

    Ben leaned forward, saying in a low voice, This makes sense from what I’ve seen in Malcolm’s financial report you sent me. He’s cutting corners and is likely skimming off the top.

    Do you think we’ll have enough proof by the board meeting?

    Between what we’ve seen here and what clients and crew members have told you, we should have more than enough proof for the board. Ben took a sip of his drink.

    I wish we didn’t have to wait for the meeting to expose Malcolm. Everything was riding on the board meeting when a new chairman and CEO would be named. If successful, Leo would claim control of Sutton Properties and restore its prestige. Failure meant Malcolm would use every tool he had to ruin him.

    It’ll happen. Keep your eyes on the prize, Leo. Ben finished his drink, setting the glass down with a thud. We should get going. The conference call with the New York bankers is in an hour.

    Leo cast a critical eye around the terrace bar. It was no surprise that the Kronos Hotel would attract wealthy people from all over the world. The bar and every restaurant on the property were packed to capacity, and there hadn’t been a single occupancy since it opened a month ago. His father’s reputation as a builder guaranteed the Kronos would succeed, but Malcolm’s finished product was a substandard version of his father’s original elegant design.

    Why don’t you go ahead and get the car? I’ll meet you out front in a minute. I want to take one last look around.

    Ben’s eyes grew wide, and he clutched his chest in mock shock. And leave you alone in plain sight?

    Leo had warned Ben they needed to keep a low profile. He didn’t want to risk any guests or hotel staff recognizing Malcolm Sutton’s half brother poking his nose around a Sutton property.

    I look like an employee. Leo gestured to his dark slacks and white dress shirt. I haven’t had a haircut or shaved in three months, and we’re practically hiding in this darkened corner.

    Don’t they have barbers in Rio?

    Smartass. Leo grinned, sipping his scotch. The people in the Santo Pedro favela accept me for who I am. He’d made lifelong friends with the entire community. Working to renovate it had been a labor of love.

    "The world’s most famous, reclusive, and eligible bach-e-lor isn’t allowed to look scruffy." Ben emphasized the three syllables with his posh British accent.

    I’ll accept the reclusive part, but I’m not eligible. Not now, not ever.

    Ben tossed a credit card down.

    Leo held up a hand. Cash only.

    Sorry, I forgot. Ben got to his feet and ran a hand through his tight curls. No paper trail.

    I’ll take care of the bill.

    Two women strutted by. Both moved with the practiced sway of their hips that announced their presence and preparation for the evening competition between the rich, young, and beautiful. He couldn’t wait to leave, but he didn’t want to go before taking a final glimpse of the woman who had caught his attention earlier.

    Don’t take too long. Sooner or later, someone will recognize you.

    I’ll be fine.

    Okay. See you in a few. Ben left the bar.

    He tilted his head to see around the people filling the terrace. Was she still here? No, he couldn’t see her anywhere. He let out a sigh. It was for the best, because he didn’t need a woman to complicate his life right now. Leo couldn’t forget watching her earlier. He’d noticed her after looking around the hotel and waiting for Ben on the terrace. It was less crowded then, and no one obstructed his view.

    She’d sat alone, absorbed in reading something on her phone, oblivious of her surroundings. Her brunette hair was styled in a low knot on her neck. She wore a long skirt, a loose peasant blouse, and dark-framed glasses. Those glasses were made for a nerd, but she looked more like a sexy librarian. When she tipped her head back to take a sip of wine, her neck formed a graceful arc. Her olive skin glowed from the light of the setting sun. It was as if everyone on the terrace disappeared, leaving just the two of them. He’d imagined her hair loose around her shoulders in the wind. He would bury his hands in her hair and kiss her until she yielded to him. He would discover all the secrets she kept hidden behind those glasses.

    He dragged a hand over his beard, recalling the image. Even though he’d remained in the same seat at the same table in this crowded bar, the image had been so vivid. He’d never reacted to a woman like this before.

    He glanced over the bar again. The women all looked the same. They wore short dresses, high heels, and way too much makeup. He thought of his woman. His woman? When did she become his? She was different from all the others. There’d been an exotic air about her that contradicted those damn glasses and the clothes that covered almost every inch of her body. If the women here were like brightly colored wildflowers, this woman was an orchid. A single, elegant orchid who stood apart from every other woman.

    And now she was gone.

    Taking a final sip of his drink, he tossed some euros on the table and left the terrace bar, shutting the woman out of his mind.



    Thank you, Cassie said to the doorman as she left the hotel. She noted only one valet on duty. Wearing dark slacks and a white shirt, he leaned on a podium, staring at his phone.

    Hi. Can you help me? she asked.

    The valet glanced up from his phone, doing a double take.

    Did he know her? He didn’t look familiar to her.

    She walked closer, saying, The front desk said you could order a cab for me.

    The valet remained silent. Maybe he didn’t speak English. Cassie repeated her request in Greek.

    I’m sorry, I don’t speak Greek. He was American. And yes, I can get you a cab. His lips curved into a slow smile. Give me a second. He tapped a few keys on his phone.

    Cassie put her bag down and studied the valet. He wasn’t the typical young, clean-cut valet with his longish, messy hair and beard. He was probably in his early thirties.

    Hey, he said into the phone, not taking his eyes off her. I need a ride for a Kronos guest.

    Finally. This was more like it.

    Listen to me, he said in a low voice. I have a guest who needs a ride. He slipped his phone into his pocket and gave her a smile. Your car will be here any second. His gaze raked over her body.

    She should be offended by this sort of scrutiny, but this felt different. Every nerve ending in her body came alive with the glimmer of interest in his eyes.

    Screeching tires took her attention away from him. A sleek red Ferrari arrived and stopped in front of the hotel.

    Your cab is here. He gestured to the flashy sports car.

    What? She laughed. This isn’t a cab. She had no idea what was going on, but there was no way this guy was a valet. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to get in that car.

    It is. He opened the passenger door with a flourish.

    What’s this all about? the driver asked.

    Just as she suspected. This must be some kind of scam, and she didn’t want any part of it.

    A cab pulled up, and a couple stepped out. Perfect timing. She picked up her bag and headed to the Toyota. Are you free? she asked the driver.

    Yeah, he answered.

    She climbed inside and took a deep breath, relieved to be away from all that nonsense. Take me to the Triton Hotel, please. She put on her seatbelt.

    Someone tapped on the window. It was the valet.

    With an irritated huff, Cassie rolled down the window. A pair of extraordinary amber eyes focused on her with intense concentration. He looked like a lion with his wild mane of hair, ready to claim and devour her in ways she’d only imagined.

    Is there a problem? she asked, hoping she appeared in control.

    No problem. His powerful gaze relaxed as he studied her. I forgot to tell you something.

    What’s that? she asked, wondering what he wanted to say to her.

    His eyes lingered on her lips. I just wanted to wish you a nice evening, Ms.—

    Was he flirting with her? She withdrew into herself, intimidated by his direct attention. It’s doctor, she said in a harsher tone than intended.

    His eyebrows rose in surprise. Of course, it is. A huge smile spread across his face.

    She’d expected him to apologize, not to be amused. As the car left the curb, she closed the window and tried to put him out of her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop seeing those mesmerizing eyes. No man had ever looked at her with that much intensity. Undeniable arousal stirred deep inside her that had been dormant for a long time.

    Leaning against the headrest, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the car wound around the streets, the twists and turns making her sleepy. All too soon, the car came to a stop.

    We’re here. The Triton Hotel.

    Thanks. She paid the driver, took her bag, and stepped out of the car.

    Cassie gazed up at the small, three-story hotel. This is where she was meant to be, not at the Kronos monstrosity. She walked toward the hotel’s familiar bougainvillea-covered entrance and relaxed. The Triton Hotel was like a second home to her, and she looked forward to the tranquility. But with each step, she couldn’t deny the stirring of interest she felt looking into the valet’s eyes.



    Listen, Stan. Leo ran a hand over his beard, looking at the man on the other end of the video call. You’ve known me for years. Costa Development is the right company for this project. With financial backing, I’m positive we’ll win the contract. Stanley Wellman was on the board of Sutton Properties. He had also been his father’s banker for decades. Impeccably dressed and not a gray hair out of place, Stan was always calm and optimistic.

    I don’t know why you’re even interested in making a bid, Stan said. You’ve been gone for months. No one knew where you were. Malcolm offered you the vice president role. Your father would have wanted that for you. Malcolm is ready to be named the next chairman and CEO of Sutton Properties. It’s a done deal.

    It’s not a done deal, Leo protested. The board still has to give their approval. As the acting CEO, Malcolm called the shots for now, but Leo intended to stake his claim and win control of the company. There would be no compromise. He’d been using his own money to finance his charitable community developments. He’d had some success, but he’d have to give up those special projects unless he found outside financial support to expand their business. Worst case scenario would be working for someone else, especially Malcolm. He would never let that happen.

    You’ve been busy working on those community projects, Stan said with a shake of his head. That’s light years away from hotel development.

    It’s still construction, Ben interjected. Leo is a builder and an architect who can handle all types of projects. I have the financial expertise. Together, we can do this job.

    I believe you, Ben. Stan took a deep breath and gave Leo a tight smile. I like you, Leo. I always have. Give me one minute. Stan shut off his mic and leaned in to confer with a few of the other bankers.

    Leo scrutinized each of the banker’s body language. Stan’s gestures were animated while the other two sat with their arms folded on the desk, but they both smiled and glanced at the camera. It was impossible to know what they were thinking.

    He turned to see Ben giving him a hopeful nod.

    Leo responded with a thumbs-up. It wasn’t over until the bank refused, so why not be optimistic?

    Stan faced the camera and switched his mic back on. We’re going to need more time. Let’s schedule a meeting in another week when we can see some preliminary plans. In the meantime, it would be helpful to get the support of Stavros Angelos, the owner of the Triton Hotel. If you can do that, I think the bank would reconsider.

    Okay. Thanks. He still had some time. Ben and I are staying at the Triton, and we have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Angelos tomorrow. He ignored Ben’s surprised expression. No meeting was scheduled, but he’d work on getting one.

    Excellent. Stan gave him a satisfied smile, saying goodbye to the other bankers who ended their call. I guess that’s it for now, guys.

    One last question, Leo said. What’s the status with my grant proposal? Stan had offered to guide him through the process.

    It’s moving along. Your work with those community projects is a perfect fit for the Walker Foundation. They’re interested in improving global communities. The fact you’re committed to that kind of work caught their attention. However— Stan fidgeted and cleared his throat.

    However, what? He had a suspicion what the problem was going to be.

    The Walker Foundation is a conservative group, and they’re concerned about your notoriety on social media. Not overly concerned, mind you, but enough to make them hesitate.

    Leo rubbed his temples. No matter what I do, I’m never going to get away from that shit.

    I said they weren’t overly concerned, but there will always be people who choose to see what they want to see. You and Ben have done good work. Be proud of that.

    He couldn’t control what people believed about him. His life was an open book and he’d made mistakes, but he took pride in what he’d accomplished.

    Stan gave a nod. Bye, guys. We’ll talk next week.

    The screen went dark.

    Well, it wasn’t a total disaster. You need to keep a low profile with the press. Ben exhaled a huge breath. We also have to find a way to schmooze with the owner to choose you, the brilliantly talented younger son of James Sutton. I’ll send Stavros an email right now requesting a meeting. Ben opened his laptop and got to work.

    Leo went to the small bar and surveyed the collection of liquor and wine available. He poured some Macallan into a crystal tumbler. He took a sip, relishing the burn on his tongue and his throat.

    I’m beat. Ben yawned and stretched. I’m going to get some sleep.

    See you tomorrow.

    Wait a minute. Ben spun around. You never told me why you wanted me to give that brunette a ride.

    Just trying to be polite. It wasn’t a complete lie, but he regretted not getting her name.

    Ben took a closer look at him. Nothing else happened between you two?

    I don’t know her name, I didn’t get her number, and she didn’t recognize me, so no harm done.

    Good. Landing this contract is too important to get distracted.

    I agree. He walked to the sliding door. Good night, Ben.

    Get some rest, Ben said, leaving Leo’s room for his own.

    Leo stepped onto the balcony and noticed the low concrete wall with a small gate leading to the adjacent room. It wasn’t very private. He made a mental note to include a more secure barrier between the rooms. He took another sip of his drink, and his gaze drifted to the terrace restaurant below. It was empty except for a woman sitting alone at a table in the corner. His pulse ticked up. It was her. The stunning woman from the Kronos sat with a brandy snifter, reading a book. The full moon and a candle on the table provided the only light.

    She’d said she was a doctor. She was probably too sophisticated to have any interest in a reformed playboy. What if he just had a brief conversation with her? Surely, there was no harm in that.



    Cassie put her book aside and placed some euros inside the leather folio. She ran her finger across the ornate gold calligraphy of the word Eros on the front of the folio.

    By the time she was in her teens, she’d read all the Greek myths, but no story had captured her imagination like the story of Eros and Psyche. The idea of the Greek god of desire falling in love with a mortal woman appealed to her more than any other story.

    Footsteps approached from behind. It must be Theo. He said he’d check in on her before he closed the bar for the night.

    Are you ready to— Cassie said over her shoulder but stopped speaking. It wasn’t Theo. It was the valet. Oh. He was even better looking than she remembered. His rolled-up shirt sleeves revealed strong and tanned arms.

    This is a surprise, he said, approaching her. The cut facets in the crystal tumbler in his hand caught the moonlight. He moved with the confident gait of a man who was used to getting whatever he wanted.

    It’s you, she whispered, her skin tingling in anticipation.

    "I didn’t expect to see you again, doctor," he said in a lighthearted voice.

    Do you work here too? she asked. Because I don’t need a cab.

    He responded to her sarcastic comment with a deep and relaxed laugh.

    No, I don’t work here. I’m a guest. I don’t work at the Kronos Hotel either.

    His smile was captivating, but Cassie wasn’t going to fall for it so easily. Then why did you pretend you did?

    You needed to get somewhere, and I thought I’d help. He covered his heart with a hand. I apologize.

    He was a stranger, but she believed him. Apology accepted.

    Let me make it up to you. I’ll buy you a drink.

    She sipped her brandy. I think the bar is closed. The bartender might still be here if you want a drink, but I see you brought your own.

    He placed his hand on the chair opposite hers. May I join you? he asked politely. Unless you’re waiting for someone. Because if you are, or don’t want anyone bothering you, I’ll leave you alone. 

    Under any other circumstance, Cassie would never talk to a stranger, especially someone who looked like he could charm the panties off any woman he wanted. She couldn’t deny her curiosity, but she needed to keep her distance until she knew more about him.

    No, I’m not waiting for anyone.

    With an easygoing grin, he took a seat at the table. I’m here on business, he said. And full disclosure, the Ferrari doesn’t belong to me. Renting it was my business partner’s bad idea.

    Cassie smiled at him. He had a mischievous sense of humor.

    How about you? he asked in a friendly voice. Why are you staying here?

    I’m visiting. My family has been coming to the Triton Hotel for years. This information wasn’t too personal, but she would need to find out who he was before she offered anything more. What’s your name?

    He fidgeted in his seat, visibly uncomfortable. His eyes took a quick look at the table and up to hers. With a tilt of his head, he said, Call me Eros.

    Eros? Cassie glanced at the word Eros on the cover of the restaurant folio. That’s where he got his idea for an alias. "All right, Mister Eros. She suppressed a laugh at his boldness and prepared to stand. It’s late."

    You haven’t told me your name yet.

    Eros, or whoever he really was, wanted to play some kind of name game. This is pointless.

    I know you don’t want to be addressed as Ms. because you said doctor. Shall I just call you doctor? If you don’t give me a name, I’ll make one up for you.

    What name would that be? She crossed her arms.

    It’s easy. The corner of his mouth lifted. If my name is Eros, you must be Psyche.

    Cassie took a closer look at him. He didn’t strike her as someone who would know much about Greek mythology. He looked like a wealthy playboy who was used to spending loads of cash on cars and women, but right now, on this empty terrace, those mesmerizing amber eyes regarded her with unmistakable interest.

    He inclined his head to her paperback on the table and turned to her. You’re reading a book about Greek mythology. Without taking his eyes from hers, he said, Eros had a thing for Psyche, the most beautiful woman in the world.

    As a consummate social introvert, Cassie never mastered the art of flirting with men. She didn’t know how to respond to his comment or seductive gaze. But at this moment, she wanted to be Psyche, his Psyche.

    I’m sorry, Cassie said, flustered. She got to her feet, grabbing her purse. I should go.

    It was a pleasure to meet you, Psyche. I hope I see you again. The man stood and reached for her hand.

    I don’t think so, Cassie mumbled. Good night. She left as fast as she could.

    Back in her room, Cassie took a shower and wrapped a plush white hotel robe around her. Instead of adjusting the air conditioning, she opened the sliding door for some fresh air. She stepped onto the balcony that overlooked the moonlit sea. Movement below caught her eye. It was Eros. God, just saying that name was silly, but it was perfect for him. He sat at the table, thumbing through the paperback she’d left behind.

    There was no way she would go back to get her book. But what if she did? What if he focused those eyes on her as if she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen? One yank would be all it would take to shrug off the robe, get dressed, and go back to him. She could do it. Then what would she do? What would he do? She gripped the robe’s sash. Time to decide.

    He put the book down and rose to his feet. Cassie moved back into the shadows so he wouldn’t see her. He was leaving. She’d missed her chance.

    He took a couple of steps away and stopped. She sucked in a breath. Was he coming back? Did she still have time to go down there?

    He returned to the table, picked up the book, and left the terrace. He would probably drop it off at the front desk. Or, what if he kept it because he wanted to find her? She smiled, pressing her fingers to her lips. That would be romantic.

    A mocking inner voice reminded her those kinds of things don’t happen in real life. She blew out a long breath—a breath she’d been holding for what seemed like forever. Things had to change, but they weren’t going to change unless she took the action to make it happen. 

    She stepped closer to the edge of the balcony and peered over. No one was there. The full moon and star-filled sky shone down and surrounded her with light.

    She pushed away from the window and slid into bed. Starting tomorrow, she would take more chances. For tonight, she would let her dreams indulge in what it would be like if she had a second chance to see him again.




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