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The Forest Within
The Forest Within
The Forest Within
Ebook279 pages4 hours

The Forest Within

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Mandy is a shy and socially awkward young professional with a predestined future. Unbeknownst to her, she possesses the soul of a 600-year-old sorceress. Mandy's true identity is revealed when a longstanding enemy named Aizen reemerges to exact revenge. With the help of her spiritual guardian and her friends, Mandy sets out to defeat her nemesis

Release dateMay 13, 2022
The Forest Within

Tiffany Rollett

Tiffany Rollett has always been interested in artistic pursuits. She loves to write, dance and sing. She has been writing as a hobby for as long as she can remember, journaling, recreating favorite stories, and always letting her imagination run wild. The Forest Within is her first book.

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    The Forest Within - Tiffany Rollett



    athan battles the night as he fights for sleep. Ever since he turned twenty-one, he's been plagued by nightmares, and sleep came rarely. He tosses and turns while clenching his eyes shut. He's scared if he opens them, they’ll never shut again, no matter how much they burn. Slowly, but surely, he begins to drift, seeming to float in space. He opens his eyes to darkness and scans his surroundings. Squinting his eyes, Nathan can’t seem to find anything in the never-ending black. His heart starts to beat faster and his breathing becomes more labored. Is the darkness going to swallow me? He thinks to himself. Suddenly, a small light begins to gleam in the distance. Nathan focuses on the light until a warmth he hasn’t felt in a long time finds him and washes over him in complete comfort. He brings his fingertips to his cheek to wipe away the unfamiliar tears. Nathan watches as the light begins to grow, taking over the darkness. Despite the light growing around him, Nathan's eyes are fixed on one point in the center, where a person begins to form.

    His eyes narrow as he sees a beautiful young woman. Her long red hair flows gracefully around her like she's floating in water. Delicate freckles dance across her cheeks and nose to frame her crystal green eyes. Nathan stares in awe, and as her eyes meet his, she smiles, reaching for him. Nathan reaches for her in return, but as his fingers graze hers, he's forced to pull back. White hot burning takes over the light as he looks at the woman in terror. A great blue flame engulfs her and the once gentle smile she had is melted away as she screams in agony. She begins to flail violently as her fingers grip and tear at her burning flesh. All Nathan can do is watch in fear as the warm light is washed over by icy fear. He wants to shout, but nothing escapes his dry throat, so he shuts his eyes to keep from watching anymore. Silence surrounds him and as he slowly opens his eyes again, a ceiling fan spins slowly over head. Nathan sits up in his bed and wipes the sweat from his brow.

    Just another nightmare, he sighs to himself. Although he can’t shake the feeling that this nightmare was different from the rest. He shakes his head and lays back down. His head sinks into the pillow as he turns his head to the clock. Just after 3:00 a.m., he says as he swings his arm over his eyes.

    Nathan! a voice booms in his head, forcing him to sit up and search the room again. He sees nothing, but doesn’t drop his guard. He can still feel something. Nathan, the voice says again, only this time it's barely a whisper. Nathan peers at the empty room.

    What do you want with me?! he calls out.

    It's you Nathan, the voice whispers in his ear, making Nathan jump out of bed. I’ve been waiting for you. Nathan stares questioningly into the darkness as a shadow begins to take shape.

    Chapter 1


    andy looks down at the paper in her hand. The address her dad scribbled on the torn paper matches the giant numbers on the tower in front of her. Even shading her eyes from the bright sun keeps her from seeing the top of the building, which is buried by the clouds. When she told her parents about wanting to move to the city, she expected them to try and keep her home, but her father practically pushed her out the door with this address in her hand. Mandy stands frozen in front of the intimidating building as she remembers the conversation she had with her parents.

    Leave? Why would you leave? her mother asks with slight panic in her voice. Mandy tried to tell her parents that the house she grew up in always had a welcoming comfort, but she knew there was more out there for her, and the older she got, the more she felt like her life was missing something. All her friends had left for college. Even her best friend Chris had left to study abroad somewhere.

    I want to find that same meaning in my life that they all did, and I don’t think I can find it here. Mandy's chest tightens as she remembers her words to her parents.

    She remembers the heavy sigh her father let out before giving his opinion. I’ll allow it. On one condition, his voice echoes in Mandy's head. Her mother's face was riddled with concern as her father reluctantly gave her this address and told her to specifically ask for a man named Evan DeBoi, whoever that is.

    How am I supposed to find one person in this building? Mandy asks out loud to herself. With a deep breath, Mandy takes her first steps toward the revolving door to enter the building. Keeping her hand in her jacket pocket, she reaches for the door to push it, but when she does, her zipper gets stuck in the door, bringing everything to a halt. Now stuck between the glass, Mandy struggles to break free. People in the lobby begin to stare as Mandy shouts Don’t worry! I’m fine! though her face and shaky voice say otherwise. Mandy pulls on the jacket again and again, but it won’t budge. Every time she lifts her face, more and more people are waiting by the door. The woman behind the front desk rolls her eyes as she places a handful of files neatly into a drawer. The two men at the desk with her watch Mandy as she struggles with the door. Finally, Mandy breaks free and flies through the door into the lobby and stumbles to the ground. The line of people by the door stare at her for a moment before continuing on. Mandy waves at them and apologizes under her breath as she straightens her black framed glasses to hide the embarrassment on her face. One of the men by the desk begins to laugh, only to be interrupted by a smack on his chest. He lets out a loud Oof! and looks up. Hey Zander! What’d you do that for?

    Zander looks over at him. Show some respect Kevin. She's clearly embarrassed.

    Kevin rubs the back of his neck looking a little ashamed. Yeah, yeah. You’re right. It was pretty funny though, he says with a snicker. Zander raises his hand again, making Kevin flinch.

    A loud sigh comes from the woman at the desk behind them. Don’t you have some work to do? she says with slight distaste.

    Kevin throws his hands down at his sides and slumps his shoulders. Awe come on! Now I really feel like a jerk!

    Zander sends a glare in his direction. You are, he says, but his face softens to a small smile when he sees regret written on Kevin's face. Come on, he says as he motions Kevin to follow.

    Zander and Kevin approach Mandy, who's muttering to herself on the floor. The two men exchange looks and Kevin silently shrugs. Zander steps forward. Miss?

    Mandy freezes in place before slowly raising her gaze to the men before her. She moves her long red hair behind her ears and nervously touches her glasses. Zander is slightly bent over reaching his hand out to her. The blue in his hair almost matches the blue in his eyes, and the small smile he has is so gentle, Mandy allows herself to relax a little. Kevin stands up straight and tall, his hands never leaving his pockets, a gleaming smile across his face.

    Miss? Zander says again.

    Mandy's gaze snaps back to him. Oh, thanks, she says as she takes his hand.

    Zander lifts her off the ground. Are you alright?

    Mandy dusts off her hands and pants, Yeah, I’m good.

    Kevin takes a step forward, almost placing himself between Mandy and Zander. You should be more careful. I’d hate to see what happens when you use the elevator!

    Mandy looks down and quietly chuckles to herself. Yeah.

    Zander feels the awkward tension between the two and steps forward to level his shoulders with Kevin. Don’t listen to him. You sure you’re alright?

    The steady tone of Zander's voice is matched by the concern in his eyes and the sincerity Mandy senses helps her crack a small smile. Yes, really. Just first day jitters, I guess. Thank you. Mandy scans the lobby, but everything seems to have gone back to normal and she sighs in relief.

    First day, huh? Kevin asks as he offers a hand. May I escort you around, my lady? he finishes with a slight bow, making the orange tips in his brown spiked hair shine brighter in the invading sunlight. Kevin's eyes flutter back to Mandy's. I’m Kevin by the way, he gives a quick nod toward Zander, and that's Zander.

    Mandy smiles slightly. Um, I’m Amanda, but you can call me Mandy. She does her best to politely ignore Kevin's offer. Maybe one of you can help me? I’m looking for someone named Evan DeBoi?

    Zander's eyes grow wide at her question and Kevin stands upright, putting his hands back in his pockets. Why are you looking for him? Kevin asks. His voice is suddenly serious and Mandy makes her confusion known.

    Is that bad?

    Zander points toward the ceiling. He's the owner of Phoenix Inc. but not many people have seen him.

    Mandy's eyes blink toward the ceiling, before she quietly chuckles. You can’t be serious. But when she notices the look on their faces she stops smiling. Wait, you are serious? She stops to think why her father would send her here to talk to this elusive person, but nothing comes to mind. Mandy puts her hands on her hips. Well, then how am I supposed to find him? she asks with slight frustration.

    Zander looks over his shoulder toward the front desk. She has to give you a pass to get to the top floor. Come on. Zander starts to walk toward the woman at the front desk while Mandy and Kevin follow.

    Hey Ally, Kevin shouts as the three of them walk over.

    The woman looks up with a crinkled brow. I told you never to call me that! She sees Mandy walking next to Kevin and straightens with a welcoming smile. Welcome to Phoenix Inc. My name is Allison, how can I help you?

    Mandy walks over to the tall desk and places her hands on it. Um, my name is Amanda Elkins and I’m here to see Mr. Evan DeBoi? Mandy's anxious tone is paired with the tapping of her fingers on the desk. Allison does her best to ignore the tapping and she looks from Mandy to Zander to Kevin. Did you put her up to this? she asks Kevin with her hands on her hips.

    Kevin raises his hands in surrender. Hey, hey! Don’t look at me! I’m just as curious as you are!

    Allison looks back at Mandy and smiles. Please wait here a moment. Before leaving her desk she shoots a look at Zander and Kevin. Seriously though, don’t you two have work to do? Then she slips away through a door behind her.

    Zander and Kevin both look at Mandy. She's right, Zander says.

    Kevin grabs Mandy's hand and shakes it. It was a blast meeting you. Hope to see you again! That same gleaming smile is pasted to his face as the men walk away. Mandy smiles and shakes her head as she watches them leave in the elevator. She turns to lean on the desk in front of her, but the door swings open, making Mandy jerk upright. To her surprise, Allison isn’t the one who steps through. A tall slender man with tousled black hair steps through and makes eye contact with Mandy. His golden eyes make Mandy tense and his gaze never leaves hers as he silently approaches her. Mandy grips the strap of her bag. Um, are you Mr. DeBoi? she asks in a shaky voice.

    A small Hmm, escapes his nose. You must be looking for my brother, his lips barely move as the blandness in his tone escapes his teeth. He turns to walk away, but stops to silently nod for Mandy to follow. Mandy walks the halls behind the strange man in silence. His intimidating presence takes over the space and Mandy opens her mouth to fill the void with something else, but she's cut off.

    I’m Benimaru, but you can call me Beni, he says as he keeps his eyes forward.

    Mandy clears her throat. I’m Mandy. It's nice to meet you. Beni simply nods at her comment and stops in front of an elevator. Mandy looks past Beni at the closed doors. There's no buttons, she says.

    Beni turns to her and points up. This elevator will take you straight to my brother's office. The elevator doors open and Beni steps aside.

    Mandy steps in the small elevator and turns to him. See ya around, Beni says, and as the doors close, Mandy can almost make out a small smirk on his face.

    The elevator is silent and all Mandy can hear is the sound of her own breathing. Why am I so nervous? He's just a person, isn’t he? she says to herself. She watches the numbers at the top of the elevator rise and the anxiety in her chest hardens. She tries to imagine what type of person would own a company like this and remain so elusive, but there's also a small part of her that trusts in her father's decision for her to meet with this Mr. DeBoi. As the elevator comes to a stop, she straightens her shirt and bag before stepping off.

    Perfect! I can’t wait to see it this weekend! Mandy hears a voice boom from around the corner. She slowly peeks around to see a room that looks more like a museum than an office. The sun shines brightly into the room through huge panes of crystal clear glass windows. Giant statues of animals from all over the world tower over her, paintings of all shapes and sizes cover the walls, and little knickknacks dot every empty space on the shelves. Mandy scans the room with her mouth agape, but her eyes are held when they gaze upon a pair of katana swords placed front and center in the room on a rack. The red hilts have black ribbon tied around them for better grip, and the sheath is bright red and so shiny Mandy can see her own face in the reflection. Her eyes are mesmerized by the perfection of the swords as she moves her fingers gently over the black ribbon.

    You have good taste, a voice says, making her hand retract. When Mandy looks up, dark brown eyes with red flecks stare back at her.

    Oh, I’m so sorry! Mandy says as she steps back from the swords. She walks toward the large wooden desk where papers are thrown haphazardly all over the place and three computer screens line the middle. The man sitting in the tall leather chair moves the brown hair away from his eyes with his hand as he puts his phone down. Well then, who might you be? he finally asks her.

    Mandy swallows hard. My name is Amanda Elkins? M-My dad sent me here to see Mr. Evan DeBoi?

    The man pinches his chin with his index finger and thumb. Elkins? Why does that name sound familiar? he muses. He shakes his head as he stands. Well, you found me! he says as he walks around the desk toward Mandy. He stops in front of her and eyes her up and down. So, Amanda, why would your dad ask you to come here?

    Mandy shuffles her feet under his intense eyes. Oh, um, you can call me Mandy and to be quite honest, I’m not sure what I’m doing here. I just wanted to move to the city and my dad gave me this address and told me to see you.

    Evan listens to her endless rambling and places his index finger on her lips to silence her. So you’ve left the nest so to speak, and you were told to come here, to what? To work for me? Evan asks and Mandy slightly nods under his finger. Why? Evan asks, removing his finger from Mandy's lips.

    Mandy thinks for a moment, averting her gaze from Evan, I just wanted—no, that's not right. I needed to see what else was out there. Mandy straightens her posture and looks Evan in the eyes.

    Hmm… he says as he ponders for a moment. Well, I’m sure we can figure something out, Evan says with a smile.

    Chapter 2


    t's been a month since Mandy started working for Mr. DeBoi. He insists she call him Evan because in his words, It helps separate me from my brother. It's odd for Mandy to associate with someone of such high standing, let alone converse with one so casually. She's been assigned as Evan's personal assistant and somehow she was given the task of babysitting Beni, who prefers sleep over work. The two men are so different that sometimes Mandy forgets that they’re brothers. Evan has a loud, more prominent presence. A presence where the whole room notices him when he walks through it, even if they don’t know who he is. He also takes his role as head of the company seriously; sometimes too seriously. Mandy stops to think of a time where he wasn’t working, or even went home, but he's always in his office or going to a meeting.

    Mandy's thoughts shift from Evan to Beni and annoyance floods her. The way he saunters around the building like he has nothing better to do and more times than Mandy can count she finds him sleeping on a couch or nodding off in the lobby. He speaks with almost no emotion, making him the hardest person Mandy's ever had to read. Beni seems all too happy to let Evan take care of everything and Mandy wonders why Evan allows it. She shakes her head and chuckles to herself as she remembers the few times she's seen the boys together. The way Evan treats Beni is the only reminder Mandy has that they’re family. Evan will often scold Beni like a strict father, but then turns around and dotes on Beni, sometimes in the same day. No wonder Beni acts the way he does. Mandy thinks to herself. She sighs, reminding herself that it's not her place to judge and she makes her way into the lobby. She quickly scans the room and slumps her shoulders. Figures. Late again, she mumbles. She looks over at Allison's desk to find her braiding her long pastel pink hair over her shoulder while reading something on her computer. Her purple highlights entangle beautifully through the braid and her deep green eyes shine against it. Mandy can’t help but feel a little jealous of her perfect features, but she smiles with a friendly face and walks to Allison anyway.

    Morning Allison, Mandy says with a wave.

    Allison looks up from her computer. Oh, morning Mandy. Waiting for Beni again? she asks. Mandy replies with a simple head nod and eye roll, making Allison giggle slightly. I don’t know how you do it. I’ve only talked to Beni a couple times and each time, I never really felt like he was listening to me. Allison notices Mandy's faraway look so she leans in closer. So, what's it like working for Evan? Allison's eyes flare with curious excitement and Mandy tries her best to mimic the same emotion, but not very well. Oh man, is it really that bad? Allison asks.

    Mandy puts her hands up. No, no! It's great working here. Mr. DeB—I mean, Evan, is so nice. Allison takes a sip of coffee as Mandy continues, He's even letting me stay in one of his vacant apartments until I find my own place.

    Allison swallows hard to keep from spitting coffee everywhere. He what? Where is it? Can I come see it? Allison's practically dancing as she asks.

    Mandy raises an eyebrow. Is this so we can hang out? Or so you can creep around my boss's apartment?

    Allison stops dancing and shifts her weight in her chair. Fine, you caught me, Allison says, making Mandy smile.

    We’re still on for lunch today right? Mandy asks.

    Allison nods her head. Of course, she says as her gaze shifts to the door. Oh, looks like your other boyfriend finally arrived, Allison says.

    Mandy's face tenses at the teasing in Allison's voice. Shut up, Ally, Mandy says, knowing all too well how much Allison hates that name.

    Allison shoots a look of daggers at Mandy, before spinning her chair back to face her computer. Mandy turns to find Beni sauntering into the building with his eyes half open. He strolls past her. Morning, he says, but he doesn’t stop.

    With a sigh, Mandy trails behind him. You know, you’re late everyday. Don’t you have anything important to do? The tone in Mandy's voice is harsher than she means. Beni stops and Mandy almost walks right into him, but she stops just short of his back. He turns, but doesn’t move. Mandy's so close to his chest, she can see the pressed print on his gold suit buttons. She takes a step back, gasping in her throat.

    Beni looks down at her. You talk to my brother that way too?

    Mandy's heart jumps to her chest. Why couldn’t she keep her big mouth shut? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean— but she's cut off by a small snicker.

    She looks up to see Beni's side smile. He could probably use a little attitude like that in his life.

    Mandy's curiosity piques. What do you mean? she asks as she shuffles her fingers back and forth in her palms.

    Beni sighs, looking toward the ceiling. He's so far up on that high horse of his. I guess it would be nice to see someone capable of bringing him back down in the dirt with the rest of us, he says.

    Mandy's brain stops as she sees a hint of disappointment on Beni's face. Beni waits for Mandy to respond and shifts his head to the side, looking confused at her for a second, before he shrugs his shoulders and moves on. Mandy shakes her head back to existence and quickens her pace to catch up to him.

    Beni and Mandy step off the elevator to Evan's

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